Package lldb :: Class SBExpressionOptions
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Class SBExpressionOptions

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A container for options to use when evaluating expressions.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__repr__(self) source code
__init__(self, *args)
__init__(lldb::SBExpressionOptions self) -> SBExpressionOptions __init__(lldb::SBExpressionOptions self, SBExpressionOptions rhs) -> SBExpressionOptions
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GetCoerceResultToId(SBExpressionOptions self) -> bool
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SetCoerceResultToId(self, coerce=True)
SetCoerceResultToId(SBExpressionOptions self, bool coerce=True) SetCoerceResultToId(SBExpressionOptions self)
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GetUnwindOnError(SBExpressionOptions self) -> bool
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SetUnwindOnError(self, unwind=True)
SetUnwindOnError(SBExpressionOptions self, bool unwind=True) SetUnwindOnError(SBExpressionOptions self)
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GetIgnoreBreakpoints(SBExpressionOptions self) -> bool
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SetIgnoreBreakpoints(self, ignore=True)
SetIgnoreBreakpoints(SBExpressionOptions self, bool ignore=True) SetIgnoreBreakpoints(SBExpressionOptions self)
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GetFetchDynamicValue(SBExpressionOptions self) -> lldb::DynamicValueType
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SetFetchDynamicValue(self, *args)
SetFetchDynamicValue(SBExpressionOptions self, lldb::DynamicValueType dynamic=eDynamicCanRunTarget) SetFetchDynamicValue(SBExpressionOptions self)
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GetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(SBExpressionOptions self) -> uint32_t
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SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(self, timeout=0)
SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(SBExpressionOptions self, uint32_t timeout=0) SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(SBExpressionOptions self)
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GetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds(SBExpressionOptions self) -> uint32_t
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SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds(self, timeout=0)
SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds(SBExpressionOptions self, uint32_t timeout=0) SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds(SBExpressionOptions self)
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GetTryAllThreads(SBExpressionOptions self) -> bool
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SetTryAllThreads(self, run_others=True)
SetTryAllThreads(SBExpressionOptions self, bool run_others=True) SetTryAllThreads(SBExpressionOptions self)
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GetStopOthers(SBExpressionOptions self) -> bool
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SetStopOthers(self, stop_others=True)
SetStopOthers(SBExpressionOptions self, bool stop_others=True) SetStopOthers(SBExpressionOptions self)
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GetTrapExceptions(SBExpressionOptions self) -> bool
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SetTrapExceptions(self, trap_exceptions=True)
SetTrapExceptions(SBExpressionOptions self, bool trap_exceptions=True) SetTrapExceptions(SBExpressionOptions self)
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SetLanguage(self, *args)
SetLanguage(SBExpressionOptions self, lldb::LanguageType language)
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GetGenerateDebugInfo(SBExpressionOptions self) -> bool
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SetGenerateDebugInfo(self, b=True)
SetGenerateDebugInfo(SBExpressionOptions self, bool b=True) SetGenerateDebugInfo(SBExpressionOptions self)
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GetSuppressPersistentResult(SBExpressionOptions self) -> bool
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SetSuppressPersistentResult(self, b=False)
SetSuppressPersistentResult(SBExpressionOptions self, bool b=False) SetSuppressPersistentResult(SBExpressionOptions self)
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GetPrefix(SBExpressionOptions self) -> char const *
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SetPrefix(self, *args)
SetPrefix(SBExpressionOptions self, char const * prefix)
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SetAutoApplyFixIts(self, b=True)
SetAutoApplyFixIts(SBExpressionOptions self, bool b=True) SetAutoApplyFixIts(SBExpressionOptions self)
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GetAutoApplyFixIts(SBExpressionOptions self) -> bool
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GetTopLevel(SBExpressionOptions self) -> bool
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SetTopLevel(self, b=True)
SetTopLevel(SBExpressionOptions self, bool b=True) SetTopLevel(SBExpressionOptions self)
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GetAllowJIT(SBExpressionOptions self) -> bool
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SetAllowJIT(self, *args)
SetAllowJIT(SBExpressionOptions self, bool allow)
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Class Variables [hide private]
  __swig_setmethods__ = {}
  __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value:
  __swig_getmethods__ = {}
  __getattr__ = lambda self, name:
  __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBExpressionOptions
  __del__ = lambda self:
Method Details [hide private]

SetCoerceResultToId(self, coerce=True)

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SetCoerceResultToId(SBExpressionOptions self, bool coerce=True) SetCoerceResultToId(SBExpressionOptions self)

Sets whether to coerce the expression result to ObjC id type after evaluation.

SetUnwindOnError(self, unwind=True)

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SetUnwindOnError(SBExpressionOptions self, bool unwind=True) SetUnwindOnError(SBExpressionOptions self)

Sets whether to unwind the expression stack on error.

SetFetchDynamicValue(self, *args)

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SetFetchDynamicValue(SBExpressionOptions self, lldb::DynamicValueType dynamic=eDynamicCanRunTarget) SetFetchDynamicValue(SBExpressionOptions self)

Sets whether to cast the expression result to its dynamic type.

SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(self, timeout=0)

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SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(SBExpressionOptions self, uint32_t timeout=0) SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(SBExpressionOptions self)

Sets the timeout in microseconds to run the expression for. If try all threads is set to true and the expression doesn't complete within the specified timeout, all threads will be resumed for the same timeout to see if the expresson will finish.

SetTryAllThreads(self, run_others=True)

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SetTryAllThreads(SBExpressionOptions self, bool run_others=True) SetTryAllThreads(SBExpressionOptions self)

Sets whether to run all threads if the expression does not complete on one thread.

SetLanguage(self, *args)

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SetLanguage(SBExpressionOptions self, lldb::LanguageType language)

Sets the language that LLDB should assume the expression is written in

SetGenerateDebugInfo(self, b=True)

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SetGenerateDebugInfo(SBExpressionOptions self, bool b=True) SetGenerateDebugInfo(SBExpressionOptions self)

Sets whether to generate debug information for the expression and also controls if a SBModule is generated.

SetSuppressPersistentResult(self, b=False)

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SetSuppressPersistentResult(SBExpressionOptions self, bool b=False) SetSuppressPersistentResult(SBExpressionOptions self)

Sets whether to produce a persistent result that can be used in future expressions.


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GetPrefix(SBExpressionOptions self) -> char const *

Gets the prefix to use for this expression.

SetPrefix(self, *args)

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SetPrefix(SBExpressionOptions self, char const * prefix)

Sets the prefix to use for this expression. This prefix gets inserted after the 'target.expr-prefix' prefix contents, but before the wrapped expression function body.

SetAutoApplyFixIts(self, b=True)

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SetAutoApplyFixIts(SBExpressionOptions self, bool b=True) SetAutoApplyFixIts(SBExpressionOptions self)

Sets whether to auto-apply fix-it hints to the expression being evaluated.


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GetAutoApplyFixIts(SBExpressionOptions self) -> bool

Gets whether to auto-apply fix-it hints to an expression.


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GetAllowJIT(SBExpressionOptions self) -> bool

Gets whether to JIT an expression if it cannot be interpreted.

SetAllowJIT(self, *args)

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SetAllowJIT(SBExpressionOptions self, bool allow)

Sets whether to JIT an expression if it cannot be interpreted.