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1//===-- ConstString.h -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
12#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfo.h"
13#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
14#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
16#include <cstddef>
17#include <string_view>
19namespace lldb_private {
20class Stream;
22namespace llvm {
23class raw_ostream;
26namespace lldb_private {
28/// \class ConstString ConstString.h "lldb/Utility/ConstString.h"
29/// A uniqued constant string class.
31/// Provides an efficient way to store strings as uniqued strings. After the
32/// strings are uniqued, finding strings that are equal to one another is very
33/// fast as just the pointers need to be compared. It also allows for many
34/// common strings from many different sources to be shared to keep the memory
35/// footprint low.
37/// No reference counting is done on strings that are added to the string
38/// pool, once strings are added they are in the string pool for the life of
39/// the program.
42 /// Default constructor
43 ///
44 /// Initializes the string to an empty string.
45 ConstString() = default;
47 explicit ConstString(llvm::StringRef s);
49 /// Construct with C String value
50 ///
51 /// Constructs this object with a C string by looking to see if the
52 /// C string already exists in the global string pool. If it doesn't
53 /// exist, it is added to the string pool.
54 ///
55 /// \param[in] cstr
56 /// A NULL terminated C string to add to the string pool.
57 explicit ConstString(const char *cstr);
59 /// Construct with C String value with max length
60 ///
61 /// Constructs this object with a C string with a length. If \a max_cstr_len
62 /// is greater than the actual length of the string, the string length will
63 /// be truncated. This allows substrings to be created without the need to
64 /// NULL terminate the string as it is passed into this function.
65 ///
66 /// \param[in] cstr
67 /// A pointer to the first character in the C string. The C
68 /// string can be NULL terminated in a buffer that contains
69 /// more characters than the length of the string, or the
70 /// string can be part of another string and a new substring
71 /// can be created.
72 ///
73 /// \param[in] max_cstr_len
74 /// The max length of \a cstr. If the string length of \a cstr
75 /// is less than \a max_cstr_len, then the string will be
76 /// truncated. If the string length of \a cstr is greater than
77 /// \a max_cstr_len, then only max_cstr_len bytes will be used
78 /// from \a cstr.
79 explicit ConstString(const char *cstr, size_t max_cstr_len);
81 /// Convert to bool operator.
82 ///
83 /// This allows code to check a ConstString object to see if it contains a
84 /// valid string using code such as:
85 ///
86 /// \code
87 /// ConstString str(...);
88 /// if (str)
89 /// { ...
90 /// \endcode
91 ///
92 /// \return
93 /// /b True this object contains a valid non-empty C string, \b
94 /// false otherwise.
95 explicit operator bool() const { return !IsEmpty(); }
97 /// Equal to operator
98 ///
99 /// Returns true if this string is equal to the string in \a rhs. This
100 /// operation is very fast as it results in a pointer comparison since all
101 /// strings are in a uniqued in a global string pool.
102 ///
103 /// \param[in] rhs
104 /// Another string object to compare this object to.
105 ///
106 /// \return
107 /// true if this object is equal to \a rhs.
108 /// false if this object is not equal to \a rhs.
109 bool operator==(ConstString rhs) const {
110 // We can do a pointer compare to compare these strings since they must
111 // come from the same pool in order to be equal.
112 return m_string == rhs.m_string;
113 }
115 /// Equal to operator against a non-ConstString value.
116 ///
117 /// Returns true if this string is equal to the string in \a rhs. This
118 /// overload is usually slower than comparing against a ConstString value.
119 /// However, if the rhs string not already a ConstString and it is impractical
120 /// to turn it into a non-temporary variable, then this overload is faster.
121 ///
122 /// \param[in] rhs
123 /// Another string object to compare this object to.
124 ///
125 /// \return
126 /// \b true if this object is equal to \a rhs.
127 /// \b false if this object is not equal to \a rhs.
128 bool operator==(const char *rhs) const {
129 // ConstString differentiates between empty strings and nullptr strings, but
130 // StringRef doesn't. Therefore we have to do this check manually now.
131 if (m_string == nullptr && rhs != nullptr)
132 return false;
133 if (m_string != nullptr && rhs == nullptr)
134 return false;
136 return GetStringRef() == rhs;
137 }
139 /// Not equal to operator
140 ///
141 /// Returns true if this string is not equal to the string in \a rhs. This
142 /// operation is very fast as it results in a pointer comparison since all
143 /// strings are in a uniqued in a global string pool.
144 ///
145 /// \param[in] rhs
146 /// Another string object to compare this object to.
147 ///
148 /// \return
149 /// \b true if this object is not equal to \a rhs.
150 /// \b false if this object is equal to \a rhs.
151 bool operator!=(ConstString rhs) const { return m_string != rhs.m_string; }
153 /// Not equal to operator against a non-ConstString value.
154 ///
155 /// Returns true if this string is not equal to the string in \a rhs. This
156 /// overload is usually slower than comparing against a ConstString value.
157 /// However, if the rhs string not already a ConstString and it is impractical
158 /// to turn it into a non-temporary variable, then this overload is faster.
159 ///
160 /// \param[in] rhs
161 /// Another string object to compare this object to.
162 ///
163 /// \return \b true if this object is not equal to \a rhs, false otherwise.
164 bool operator!=(const char *rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
166 bool operator<(ConstString rhs) const;
168 // Implicitly convert \class ConstString instances to \class StringRef.
169 operator llvm::StringRef() const { return GetStringRef(); }
171 // Explicitly convert \class ConstString instances to \class std::string_view.
172 explicit operator std::string_view() const {
173 return std::string_view(m_string, GetLength());
174 }
176 // Explicitly convert \class ConstString instances to \class std::string.
177 explicit operator std::string() const { return GetString(); }
179 /// Get the string value as a C string.
180 ///
181 /// Get the value of the contained string as a NULL terminated C string
182 /// value.
183 ///
184 /// If \a value_if_empty is nullptr, then nullptr will be returned.
185 ///
186 /// \return Returns \a value_if_empty if the string is empty, otherwise
187 /// the C string value contained in this object.
188 const char *AsCString(const char *value_if_empty = nullptr) const {
189 return (IsEmpty() ? value_if_empty : m_string);
190 }
192 /// Get the string value as a llvm::StringRef
193 ///
194 /// \return
195 /// Returns a new llvm::StringRef object filled in with the
196 /// needed data.
197 llvm::StringRef GetStringRef() const {
198 return llvm::StringRef(m_string, GetLength());
199 }
201 /// Get the string value as a std::string
202 std::string GetString() const {
203 return std::string(AsCString(""), GetLength());
204 }
206 /// Get the string value as a C string.
207 ///
208 /// Get the value of the contained string as a NULL terminated C string
209 /// value. Similar to the ConstString::AsCString() function, yet this
210 /// function will always return nullptr if the string is not valid. So this
211 /// function is a direct accessor to the string pointer value.
212 ///
213 /// \return
214 /// Returns nullptr the string is invalid, otherwise the C string
215 /// value contained in this object.
216 const char *GetCString() const { return m_string; }
218 /// Get the length in bytes of string value.
219 ///
220 /// The string pool stores the length of the string, so we can avoid calling
221 /// strlen() on the pointer value with this function.
222 ///
223 /// \return
224 /// Returns the number of bytes that this string occupies in
225 /// memory, not including the NULL termination byte.
226 size_t GetLength() const;
228 /// Clear this object's state.
229 ///
230 /// Clear any contained string and reset the value to the empty string
231 /// value.
232 void Clear() { m_string = nullptr; }
234 /// Equal to operator
235 ///
236 /// Returns true if this string is equal to the string in \a rhs. If case
237 /// sensitive equality is tested, this operation is very fast as it results
238 /// in a pointer comparison since all strings are in a uniqued in a global
239 /// string pool.
240 ///
241 /// \param[in] lhs
242 /// The Left Hand Side const ConstString object reference.
243 ///
244 /// \param[in] rhs
245 /// The Right Hand Side const ConstString object reference.
246 ///
247 /// \param[in] case_sensitive
248 /// Case sensitivity. If true, case sensitive equality
249 /// will be tested, otherwise character case will be ignored
250 ///
251 /// \return \b true if this object is equal to \a rhs, \b false otherwise.
252 static bool Equals(ConstString lhs, ConstString rhs,
253 const bool case_sensitive = true);
255 /// Compare two string objects.
256 ///
257 /// Compares the C string values contained in \a lhs and \a rhs and returns
258 /// an integer result.
259 ///
260 /// NOTE: only call this function when you want a true string
261 /// comparison. If you want string equality use the, use the == operator as
262 /// it is much more efficient. Also if you want string inequality, use the
263 /// != operator for the same reasons.
264 ///
265 /// \param[in] lhs
266 /// The Left Hand Side const ConstString object reference.
267 ///
268 /// \param[in] rhs
269 /// The Right Hand Side const ConstString object reference.
270 ///
271 /// \param[in] case_sensitive
272 /// Case sensitivity of compare. If true, case sensitive compare
273 /// will be performed, otherwise character case will be ignored
274 ///
275 /// \return -1 if lhs < rhs, 0 if lhs == rhs, 1 if lhs > rhs
276 static int Compare(ConstString lhs, ConstString rhs,
277 const bool case_sensitive = true);
279 /// Dump the object description to a stream.
280 ///
281 /// Dump the string value to the stream \a s. If the contained string is
282 /// empty, print \a value_if_empty to the stream instead. If \a
283 /// value_if_empty is nullptr, then nothing will be dumped to the stream.
284 ///
285 /// \param[in] s
286 /// The stream that will be used to dump the object description.
287 ///
288 /// \param[in] value_if_empty
289 /// The value to dump if the string is empty. If nullptr, nothing
290 /// will be output to the stream.
291 void Dump(Stream *s, const char *value_if_empty = nullptr) const;
293 /// Dump the object debug description to a stream.
294 ///
295 /// \param[in] s
296 /// The stream that will be used to dump the object description.
297 void DumpDebug(Stream *s) const;
299 /// Test for empty string.
300 ///
301 /// \return
302 /// \b true if the contained string is empty.
303 /// \b false if the contained string is not empty.
304 bool IsEmpty() const { return m_string == nullptr || m_string[0] == '\0'; }
306 /// Test for null string.
307 ///
308 /// \return
309 /// \b true if there is no string associated with this instance.
310 /// \b false if there is a string associated with this instance.
311 bool IsNull() const { return m_string == nullptr; }
313 /// Set the C string value.
314 ///
315 /// Set the string value in the object by uniquing the \a cstr string value
316 /// in our global string pool.
317 ///
318 /// If the C string already exists in the global string pool, it finds the
319 /// current entry and returns the existing value. If it doesn't exist, it is
320 /// added to the string pool.
321 ///
322 /// \param[in] cstr
323 /// A NULL terminated C string to add to the string pool.
324 void SetCString(const char *cstr);
326 void SetString(llvm::StringRef s);
328 /// Set the C string value and its mangled counterpart.
329 ///
330 /// Object files and debug symbols often use mangled string to represent the
331 /// linkage name for a symbol, function or global. The string pool can
332 /// efficiently store these values and their counterparts so when we run
333 /// into another instance of a mangled name, we can avoid calling the name
334 /// demangler over and over on the same strings and then trying to unique
335 /// them.
336 ///
337 /// \param[in] demangled
338 /// The demangled string to correlate with the \a mangled name.
339 ///
340 /// \param[in] mangled
341 /// The already uniqued mangled ConstString to correlate the
342 /// soon to be uniqued version of \a demangled.
343 void SetStringWithMangledCounterpart(llvm::StringRef demangled,
344 ConstString mangled);
346 /// Retrieve the mangled or demangled counterpart for a mangled or demangled
347 /// ConstString.
348 ///
349 /// Object files and debug symbols often use mangled string to represent the
350 /// linkage name for a symbol, function or global. The string pool can
351 /// efficiently store these values and their counterparts so when we run
352 /// into another instance of a mangled name, we can avoid calling the name
353 /// demangler over and over on the same strings and then trying to unique
354 /// them.
355 ///
356 /// \param[in] counterpart
357 /// A reference to a ConstString object that might get filled in
358 /// with the demangled/mangled counterpart.
359 ///
360 /// \return
361 /// /b True if \a counterpart was filled in with the counterpart
362 /// /b false otherwise.
363 bool GetMangledCounterpart(ConstString &counterpart) const;
365 /// Set the C string value with length.
366 ///
367 /// Set the string value in the object by uniquing \a cstr_len bytes
368 /// starting at the \a cstr string value in our global string pool. If trim
369 /// is true, then \a cstr_len indicates a maximum length of the CString and
370 /// if the actual length of the string is less, then it will be trimmed.
371 ///
372 /// If the C string already exists in the global string pool, it finds the
373 /// current entry and returns the existing value. If it doesn't exist, it is
374 /// added to the string pool.
375 ///
376 /// \param[in] cstr
377 /// A NULL terminated C string to add to the string pool.
378 ///
379 /// \param[in] cstr_len
380 /// The maximum length of the C string.
381 void SetCStringWithLength(const char *cstr, size_t cstr_len);
383 /// Set the C string value with the minimum length between \a fixed_cstr_len
384 /// and the actual length of the C string. This can be used for data
385 /// structures that have a fixed length to store a C string where the string
386 /// might not be NULL terminated if the string takes the entire buffer.
387 void SetTrimmedCStringWithLength(const char *cstr, size_t fixed_cstr_len);
389 /// Get the memory cost of this object.
390 ///
391 /// Return the size in bytes that this object takes in memory. This returns
392 /// the size in bytes of this object, which does not include any the shared
393 /// string values it may refer to.
394 ///
395 /// \return
396 /// The number of bytes that this object occupies in memory.
397 size_t MemorySize() const { return sizeof(ConstString); }
399 struct MemoryStats {
400 size_t GetBytesTotal() const { return bytes_total; }
401 size_t GetBytesUsed() const { return bytes_used; }
402 size_t GetBytesUnused() const { return bytes_total - bytes_used; }
403 size_t bytes_total = 0;
404 size_t bytes_used = 0;
405 };
410 template <typename T, typename Enable> friend struct ::llvm::DenseMapInfo;
411 /// Only used by DenseMapInfo.
412 static ConstString FromStringPoolPointer(const char *ptr) {
413 ConstString s;
414 s.m_string = ptr;
415 return s;
416 };
418 const char *m_string = nullptr;
421/// Stream the string value \a str to the stream \a s
424} // namespace lldb_private
426namespace llvm {
427template <> struct format_provider<lldb_private::ConstString> {
428 static void format(const lldb_private::ConstString &CS, llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
429 llvm::StringRef Options);
432/// DenseMapInfo implementation.
433/// \{
434template <> struct DenseMapInfo<lldb_private::ConstString> {
437 DenseMapInfo<const char *>::getEmptyKey());
438 }
441 DenseMapInfo<const char *>::getTombstoneKey());
442 }
444 return DenseMapInfo<const char *>::getHashValue(val.m_string);
445 }
448 return LHS == RHS;
449 }
451/// \}
453inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, lldb_private::ConstString s) {
454 os << s.GetStringRef();
455 return os;
457} // namespace llvm
A uniqued constant string class.
Definition: ConstString.h:40
bool GetMangledCounterpart(ConstString &counterpart) const
Retrieve the mangled or demangled counterpart for a mangled or demangled ConstString.
size_t MemorySize() const
Get the memory cost of this object.
Definition: ConstString.h:397
std::string GetString() const
Get the string value as a std::string.
Definition: ConstString.h:202
static MemoryStats GetMemoryStats()
bool IsNull() const
Test for null string.
Definition: ConstString.h:311
void SetCStringWithLength(const char *cstr, size_t cstr_len)
Set the C string value with length.
void SetCString(const char *cstr)
Set the C string value.
static int Compare(ConstString lhs, ConstString rhs, const bool case_sensitive=true)
Compare two string objects.
Default constructor.
const char * AsCString(const char *value_if_empty=nullptr) const
Get the string value as a C string.
Definition: ConstString.h:188
void Dump(Stream *s, const char *value_if_empty=nullptr) const
Dump the object description to a stream.
void DumpDebug(Stream *s) const
Dump the object debug description to a stream.
bool IsEmpty() const
Test for empty string.
Definition: ConstString.h:304
void SetTrimmedCStringWithLength(const char *cstr, size_t fixed_cstr_len)
Set the C string value with the minimum length between fixed_cstr_len and the actual length of the C ...
bool operator==(const char *rhs) const
Equal to operator against a non-ConstString value.
Definition: ConstString.h:128
bool operator==(ConstString rhs) const
Equal to operator.
Definition: ConstString.h:109
size_t GetLength() const
Get the length in bytes of string value.
llvm::StringRef GetStringRef() const
Get the string value as a llvm::StringRef.
Definition: ConstString.h:197
void SetString(llvm::StringRef s)
void Clear()
Clear this object's state.
Definition: ConstString.h:232
bool operator!=(ConstString rhs) const
Not equal to operator.
Definition: ConstString.h:151
bool operator<(ConstString rhs) const
static ConstString FromStringPoolPointer(const char *ptr)
Only used by DenseMapInfo.
Definition: ConstString.h:412
const char * GetCString() const
Get the string value as a C string.
Definition: ConstString.h:216
bool operator!=(const char *rhs) const
Not equal to operator against a non-ConstString value.
Definition: ConstString.h:164
void SetStringWithMangledCounterpart(llvm::StringRef demangled, ConstString mangled)
Set the C string value and its mangled counterpart.
A stream class that can stream formatted output to a file.
Definition: Stream.h:28
A class that represents a running process on the host machine.
Stream & operator<<(Stream &s, const Mangled &obj)
Definition: Debugger.h:54
raw_ostream & operator<<(raw_ostream &os, lldb_private::ConstString s)
Definition: ConstString.h:453
static lldb_private::ConstString getEmptyKey()
Definition: ConstString.h:435
static unsigned getHashValue(lldb_private::ConstString val)
Definition: ConstString.h:443
static lldb_private::ConstString getTombstoneKey()
Definition: ConstString.h:439
static bool isEqual(lldb_private::ConstString LHS, lldb_private::ConstString RHS)
Definition: ConstString.h:446
static void format(const lldb_private::ConstString &CS, llvm::raw_ostream &OS, llvm::StringRef Options)