89Stream &
operator<<(Stream &strm,
const UserID &uid);
Unary predicate function object that can search for a matching user ID.
IDMatches(lldb::user_id_t uid)
Construct with the user ID to look for.
const lldb::user_id_t m_uid
The user ID we are looking for.
bool operator()(const UserID &rhs) const
Unary predicate function object callback.
A class that represents a running process on the host machine.
bool operator!=(const Address &lhs, const Address &rhs)
Stream & operator<<(Stream &s, const Mangled &obj)
bool operator==(const Address &lhs, const Address &rhs)
A mix in class that contains a generic user ID.
UserID(lldb::user_id_t uid=LLDB_INVALID_UID)
Construct with optional user ID.
lldb::user_id_t m_uid
The user ID that uniquely identifies an object.
void Clear()
Clears the object state.
lldb::user_id_t GetID() const
Get accessor for the user ID.
void SetID(lldb::user_id_t uid)
Set accessor for the user ID.