►NCoreSimulatorSupport | |
CDevice | |
CDeviceRuntime | |
CDeviceSet | |
CDeviceType | |
CModelIdentifier | |
COSVersion | |
CProcess | |
►Nelf | |
CELFDynamic | Represents an entry in an ELF dynamic table |
CELFHeader | Generic representation of an ELF file header |
CELFProgramHeader | Generic representation of an ELF program header |
CELFRel | Represents a relocation entry with an implicit addend |
CELFRela | Represents a relocation entry with an explicit addend |
CELFSectionHeader | Generic representation of an ELF section header |
CELFSymbol | Represents a symbol within an ELF symbol table |
►Nembedded_interpreter | |
CLLDBExit | |
►Nlldb | |
CCallbackData | |
CSBAddress | |
CSBAddressRange | |
CSBAddressRangeList | |
CSBAttachInfo | |
CSBBlock | |
CSBBreakpoint | |
CSBBreakpointCallbackBaton | |
CSBBreakpointList | |
CSBBreakpointLocation | |
CSBBreakpointName | |
CSBBreakpointNameImpl | |
CSBBroadcaster | |
CSBCommand | |
CSBCommandInterpreter | |
CSBCommandInterpreterRunOptions | |
CSBCommandInterpreterRunResult | |
CSBCommandPluginInterface | |
CSBCommandReturnObject | |
CSBCommunication | |
CSBCompileUnit | |
CSBData | |
CSBDebugger | |
CSBDeclaration | |
CSBEnvironment | |
CSBError | |
CSBEvent | |
CSBExecutionContext | |
CSBExpressionOptions | |
CSBFile | |
CSBFileSpec | |
CSBFileSpecList | |
CSBFormat | Class that represents a format string that can be used to generate descriptions of objects like frames and threads |
CSBFrame | |
CSBFunction | |
CSBHostOS | |
CSBInputReader | |
CSBInstruction | |
CSBInstructionList | |
CSBLanguageRuntime | |
CSBLaunchInfo | |
CSBLineEntry | |
CSBListener | |
CSBMemoryRegionInfo | |
CSBMemoryRegionInfoList | |
CSBModule | |
CSBModuleSpec | |
CSBModuleSpecList | |
CSBPlatform | |
CSBPlatformConnectOptions | |
CSBPlatformShellCommand | |
CSBProcess | |
CSBProcessInfo | |
CSBProcessInfoList | |
CSBQueue | |
CSBQueueItem | |
CSBReplayOptions | |
CSBReproducer | Special because it bootstraps the capture and replay of SB API calls |
CSBSaveCoreOptions | |
CSBScriptObject | |
CSBSection | |
CSBSourceManager | |
CSBStatisticsOptions | This class handles the verbosity when dumping statistics |
CSBStream | |
CSBStringList | |
CSBStructuredData | |
CSBSymbol | |
CSBSymbolContext | |
CSBSymbolContextList | |
CSBTarget | |
CSBThread | |
CSBThreadCollection | |
CSBThreadPlan | |
CSBTrace | |
CSBTraceCursor | |
CSBType | |
CSBTypeCategory | |
CSBTypeEnumMember | |
CSBTypeEnumMemberList | |
CSBTypeFilter | |
CSBTypeFormat | |
CSBTypeList | |
CSBTypeMember | |
CSBTypeMemberFunction | |
CSBTypeNameSpecifier | |
CSBTypeStaticField | |
CSBTypeSummary | |
CSBTypeSummaryOptions | |
CSBTypeSynthetic | |
CSBUnixSignals | |
CSBValue | |
CSBValueList | |
CSBVariablesOptions | |
CSBWatchpoint | |
CSBWatchpointOptions | |
►Nlldb_private | A class that represents a running process on the host machine |
►Nbreakpad | |
CFileRecord | |
CFuncRecord | |
CInfoRecord | |
CInlineOriginRecord | |
CInlineRecord | |
CLineRecord | |
CModuleRecord | |
CObjectFileBreakpad | |
CPublicRecord | |
CRecord | |
CStackCFIRecord | |
CStackWinRecord | |
►CSymbolFileBreakpad | |
CBookmark | |
CCompUnitData | |
CLineIterator | |
CUnwindData | |
►Nctf | |
►CCommandObjectThreadTraceExportCTF | |
CCommandOptions | |
CTraceExporterCTF | Trace Exporter Plugin that can produce traces in Chrome Trace Format |
►Nendian | |
CEndianTest | |
►NFormatEntity | |
►CEntry | |
CDefinition | |
►NFormatterBytecode | |
CDataStack | |
►Nformatters | |
►NCallStackArray | |
CDataDescriptor_32 | |
CDataDescriptor_64 | |
►NConstantArray | |
CConstantArray32 | |
CConstantArray64 | |
►NFoundation1100 | |
►CNSDictionaryMSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CDataDescriptor_32 | |
CDataDescriptor_64 | |
CDictionaryItemDescriptor | |
►NFoundation1300 | |
CDataDescriptor_32 | |
CDataDescriptor_64 | |
CIDD32 | |
CIDD64 | |
►NFoundation1428 | |
CDataDescriptor_32 | |
CDataDescriptor_64 | |
►NFoundation1436 | |
CIDD32 | |
CIDD64 | |
►NFoundation1437 | |
CDataDescriptor | |
CDataDescriptor_32 | |
CDataDescriptor_64 | |
CBlockPointerSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CGenericNSArrayISyntheticFrontEnd | |
CGenericNSArrayMSyntheticFrontEnd | |
►CGenericNSDictionaryMSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CDictionaryItemDescriptor | |
►CGenericNSSetMSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CSetItemDescriptor | |
CInferiorSizedWord | |
CLibcxxInitializerListSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CLibCxxMapIteratorSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CLibcxxSharedPtrSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CLibcxxStdAtomicSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CLibcxxStdMapSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CLibcxxStdProxyArraySyntheticFrontEnd | Data formatter for libc++'s std::"proxy_array" |
CLibcxxStdRangesRefViewSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CLibcxxStdSliceArraySyntheticFrontEnd | Data formatter for libc++'s std::slice_array |
CLibcxxStdSpanSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CLibcxxStdUnorderedMapSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CLibcxxStdValarraySyntheticFrontEnd | |
CLibcxxStdVectorSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CLibcxxUniquePtrSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CLibCxxUnorderedMapIteratorSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CLibcxxVectorBoolSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CNSArray0SyntheticFrontEnd | |
CNSArray1SyntheticFrontEnd | |
CNSArray_Additionals | |
CNSArrayMSyntheticFrontEndBase | |
►CNSCFDictionarySyntheticFrontEnd | |
CDictionaryItemDescriptor | |
►CNSCFSetSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CSetItemDescriptor | |
►CNSConstantDictionarySyntheticFrontEnd | |
CDictionaryItemDescriptor | |
CNSDictionary1SyntheticFrontEnd | |
►CNSDictionary_Additionals | |
►CAdditionalFormatterMatching | |
CFull | |
CMatcher | |
CPrefix | |
►CNSDictionaryISyntheticFrontEnd | |
CDataDescriptor_32 | |
CDataDescriptor_64 | |
CDictionaryItemDescriptor | |
CNSSet_Additionals | |
CNSSetCodeRunningSyntheticFrontEnd | |
►CNSSetISyntheticFrontEnd | |
CDataDescriptor_32 | |
CDataDescriptor_64 | |
CSetItemDescriptor | |
CNSString_Additionals | |
CStdlibCoroutineHandleSyntheticFrontEnd | Synthetic children frontend for std::coroutine_handle<promise_type> from libc++, libstdc++ and MSVC STL |
►CStringPrinter | |
CDumpToStreamOptions | |
CReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions | |
CReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions | |
CVectorIteratorSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CVectorTypeSyntheticFrontEnd | |
►Ninstrumentation | |
CInstrumenter | RAII object for instrumenting LLDB API functions |
►Nline_editor | |
CEditlineHistory | |
►Nlua | |
CSWIGBridge | |
►Nminidump | |
CLinuxProcStatus | |
CMinidumpContext_x86_32 | |
►CMinidumpContext_x86_64 | |
CFPR | |
CMinidumpFloatingSaveAreaX86 | |
CMinidumpMemoryDescriptor64 | |
CMinidumpMiscInfo | |
CMinidumpParser | |
CMinidumpXMMSaveArea32AMD64 | |
CProcessMinidump | |
CRange | |
►CRegisterContextMinidump_ARM | |
CContext | |
CQRegValue | |
►CRegisterContextMinidump_ARM64 | |
CContext | |
CTEB64 | |
CThreadMinidump | |
CUint128 | |
►Nnpdb | |
CCompilandIndexItem | Represents a single compile unit |
CCompileUnitIndex | Indexes information about all compile units |
CCVTagRecord | |
CDeclStatus | |
CMemberValLocation | |
CPdbAstBuilder | |
CPdbCompilandId | |
CPdbCompilandSymId | |
CPdbFieldListMemberId | |
CPdbGlobalSymId | |
CPdbIndex | PdbIndex - Lazy access to the important parts of a PDB file |
CPdbSymUid | |
CPdbTypeSymId | |
CSegmentOffset | |
CSegmentOffsetLength | |
CSymbolAndUid | |
►CSymbolFileNativePDB | |
CInlineSite | |
CLineTableEntryComparator | |
►CUdtRecordCompleter | |
CMember | |
CRecord | |
CUdtTagRecord | |
CVariableInfo | |
►Nplatform_android | |
►CAdbClient | |
CSyncService | |
CPlatformAndroid | |
CPlatformAndroidRemoteGDBServer | |
►Nplatform_freebsd | |
CPlatformFreeBSD | |
►Nplatform_gdb_server | |
CPlatformRemoteGDBServer | |
►Nplatform_linux | |
CPlatformLinux | |
►Nplatform_netbsd | |
CPlatformNetBSD | |
►Nplatform_openbsd | |
CPlatformOpenBSD | |
►Nplugin | |
►Ndwarf | |
CAppleDWARFIndex | |
CDebugMapModule | |
CDebugNamesDWARFIndex | |
CDIERef | Identifies a DWARF debug info entry within a given Module |
CDWARFAttribute | |
►CDWARFAttributes | |
CAttributeValue | |
CDWARFCompileUnit | |
►CDWARFContext | |
CSectionData | |
CDWARFDebugAranges | |
CDWARFDebugInfo | |
CDWARFDebugInfoEntry | DWARFDebugInfoEntry objects assume that they are living in one big vector and do pointer arithmetic on their this pointers |
CDWARFDebugMacroEntry | |
CDWARFDebugMacroHeader | |
►CDWARFDeclContext | |
CEntry | |
Cchild_iterator | |
CDWARFFormValue | |
►CDWARFIndex | |
CDIERefCallbackImpl | |
CDWARFTypeUnit | |
►CDWARFUnit | |
CScopedExtractDIEs | |
►CManualDWARFIndex | |
CIndexSet | |
CNameToDIE | |
CSymbolFileDWARF | |
►CSymbolFileDWARFDebugMap | |
CCompileUnitInfo | |
COSOEntry | |
COSOInfo | |
CSymbolFileDWARFDwo | |
CUniqueDWARFASTType | |
CUniqueDWARFASTTypeList | |
CUniqueDWARFASTTypeMap | |
►Npostfix | |
CBinaryOpNode | A node representing a binary expression |
CInitialValueNode | A node representing the canonical frame address |
CIntegerNode | A node representing an integer literal |
CNode | The base class for all nodes in the parsed postfix tree |
CRegisterNode | A node representing the value of a register with the given register number |
CSymbolNode | A node representing a symbolic reference to a named entity |
CUnaryOpNode | A node representing a unary operation |
CVisitor | A template class implementing a visitor pattern, but with a couple of twists: |
►Nprocess_freebsd | |
►CNativeProcessFreeBSD | Manages communication with the inferior (debugee) process |
CManager | |
CNativeRegisterContextFreeBSD | |
CNativeThreadFreeBSD | |
►Nprocess_gdb_remote | |
►CGDBRemoteClientBase | |
CContinueDelegate | |
CContinueLock | |
CLock | |
►CGDBRemoteCommunication | |
CScopedTimeout | |
CGDBRemoteCommunicationClient | |
CGDBRemoteCommunicationHistory | The history keeps a circular buffer of GDB remote packets |
CGDBRemoteCommunicationServer | |
CGDBRemoteCommunicationServerCommon | |
►CGDBRemoteCommunicationServerLLGS | |
CDebuggedProcess | |
CGDBRemoteCommunicationServerPlatform | |
CGDBRemoteDynamicRegisterInfo | |
CGDBRemoteFStatData | |
CGDBRemoteRegisterContext | |
CPidTid | |
►CProcessGDBRemote | |
CModuleCacheInfo | |
CProcessGDBRemoteLog | |
CQOffsets | The offsets used by the target when relocating the executable |
CThreadGDBRemote | |
►Nprocess_linux | |
►Nresource_handle | |
CFileDescriptorDeleter | Custom deleter for a file descriptor |
CMmapDeleter | Custom deleter for the pointer returned by mmap |
CIntelPTCollector | Main class that manages intel-pt process and thread tracing |
CIntelPTMultiCoreTrace | |
CIntelPTPerThreadProcessTrace | Manages a "process trace" instance by tracing each thread individually |
CIntelPTProcessTrace | Interface to be implemented by each 'process trace' strategy (per cpu, per thread, etc) |
CIntelPTSingleBufferTrace | This class wraps a single perf event collecting intel pt data in a single buffer |
CIntelPTThreadTraceCollection | Manages a list of thread traces |
►CNativeProcessLinux | Manages communication with the inferior (debugee) process |
CManager | |
►CNativeRegisterContextLinux | |
CMemoryTaggingDetails | |
CMmapData | |
CSyscallData | |
CNativeThreadLinux | |
CPerfEvent | Thin wrapper of the perf_event_open API |
CSingleStepWorkaround | |
►Nprocess_netbsd | |
►CNativeProcessNetBSD | Manages communication with the inferior (debugee) process |
CManager | |
CNativeRegisterContextNetBSD | |
CNativeThreadNetBSD | |
►Nsve | |
Cuser_sve_header | |
►Ntrace_intel_pt | |
►CCommandObjectProcessTraceStartIntelPT | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectThreadTraceStartIntelPT | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CDecodedThread | Class holding the instructions and function call hierarchy obtained from decoding a trace, as well as a position cursor used when reverse debugging the trace |
CErrorStats | |
CEventsStats | |
CNanosecondsRange | A structure that represents a maximal range of trace items associated to the same non-interpolated timestamps in nanoseconds |
CTSCRange | A structure that represents a maximal range of trace items associated to the same TSC value |
CIntelPTError | Class for representing a libipt decoding error |
CIntelPTThreadContinousExecution | This struct represents a continuous execution of a thread in a cpu, delimited by a context switch in and out, and a list of Intel PT subtraces that belong to this execution |
CJSONCpu | |
CJSONKernel | |
CJSONModule | |
CJSONProcess | |
CJSONThread | |
CJSONTraceBundleDescription | |
CPSBBlock | This struct represents a contiguous section of a trace that starts at a PSB and ends right before the next PSB or the end of the trace |
CScopedTaskTimer | Class used to track the duration of long running tasks related to a single scope for reporting |
CTaskTimer | Class used to track the duration of long running tasks for reporting |
CThreadContinuousExecution | This class indicates the time interval in which a thread was running continuously on a cpu core |
CThreadDecoder | Class that handles the decoding of a thread and caches the result |
CTraceCursorIntelPT | |
►CTraceIntelPT | |
CPluginProperties | Properties to be used with the settings command |
CStorage | We package all the data that can change upon process stops to make sure this contract is very visible |
►CTraceIntelPTBundleLoader | |
CParsedProcess | Helper struct holding the objects created when parsing a process |
CTraceIntelPTBundleSaver | |
CTraceIntelPTMultiCpuDecoder | Class used to decode a multi-cpu Intel PT trace |
►Nwasm | |
CDynamicLoaderWasmDYLD | |
►CObjectFileWasm | Generic Wasm object file reader |
Csection_info | |
CSymbolVendorWasm | |
►CABI | |
CCallArgument | |
CAbortWithPayloadFrameRecognizer | |
CAbortWithPayloadRecognizedStackFrame | |
CAbstractSocket | |
CAdaptedConstIterator | |
CAdaptedIterable | |
►CAddress | A section + offset based address class |
CModulePointerAndOffsetLessThanFunctionObject | |
CAddressableBits | A class which holds the metadata from a remote stub/corefile note about how many bits are used for addressing on this target |
CAddressData | |
CAddressDataArray | |
CAddressRange | A section + offset based address range class |
CAddressRangeListImpl | |
CAddressRanges | |
CAddressResolver | General Outline: The AddressResolver is a Searcher |
CAddressResolverFileLine | "lldb/Core/AddressResolverFileLine.h" This class finds address for source file and line |
►CAlarm | Enables scheduling a callback function after a specified timeout |
CEntry | Alarm entry |
CAllocatedBlock | |
CAllocatedMemoryCache | |
►CAppleGetItemInfoHandler | |
CGetItemInfoReturnInfo | |
►CAppleGetPendingItemsHandler | |
CGetPendingItemsReturnInfo | |
►CAppleGetQueuesHandler | |
CGetQueuesReturnInfo | |
►CAppleGetThreadItemInfoHandler | |
CGetThreadItemInfoReturnInfo | |
CAppleObjCDeclVendor | |
CAppleObjCExternalASTSource | |
CAppleObjCRuntime | |
►CAppleObjCRuntimeV1 | |
CClassDescriptorV1 | |
CHashTableSignature | |
►CAppleObjCRuntimeV2 | |
CClassInfoExtractor | Abstraction to read the Objective-C class info |
CDescriptorMapUpdateResult | |
►CDynamicClassInfoExtractor | We can read the class info from the Objective-C runtime using gdb_objc_realized_classes, objc_copyRealizedClassList or objc_getRealizedClassList_trylock |
CUtilityFunctionHelper | |
CHashTableSignature | |
CNonPointerISACache | |
CSharedCacheClassInfoExtractor | Abstraction to read the Objective-C class info from the shared cache |
CSharedCacheImageHeaders | |
CTaggedPointerVendorExtended | |
CTaggedPointerVendorLegacy | |
CTaggedPointerVendorRuntimeAssisted | |
CTaggedPointerVendorV2 | |
►CAppleObjCTrampolineHandler | |
►CAppleObjCVTables | |
CVTableDescriptor | |
CVTableRegion | |
CDispatchFunction | |
►CAppleObjCTypeEncodingParser | |
CStructElement | |
CApplePropertyList | |
CAppleThreadPlanStepThroughDirectDispatch | |
CAppleThreadPlanStepThroughObjCTrampoline | |
CArchitecture | |
CArchitectureAArch64 | |
CArchitectureArm | |
CArchitectureMips | |
CArchitecturePPC64 | |
CArchSpec | An architecture specification class |
►CArgs | A command line argument class |
CArgEntry | |
►CArm64RegisterFlagsDetector | This class manages the storage and detection of register field information |
CRegisterEntry | |
►CArmUnwindInfo | |
CArmExidxEntry | |
CAssertFrameRecognizer | When a thread stops, it checks depending on the platform if the top frame is an abort stack frame |
CAssertRecognizedStackFrame | Holds the stack frame where the assert is called from |
CASTConsumerForwarder | Wraps an ASTConsumer into an SemaConsumer |
CASTResultSynthesizer | "lldb/Expression/ASTResultSynthesizer.h" Adds a result variable declaration to the ASTs for an expression |
CASTStructExtractor | "lldb/Expression/ASTStructExtractor.h" Extracts and describes the argument structure for a wrapped function |
CAugmentedRangeData | |
CAutoHandle | |
CB | |
CBaton | A class designed to wrap callback batons so they can cleanup any acquired resources |
CBlock | A class that describes a single lexical block |
►CBreakpoint | General Outline: A breakpoint has four main parts, a filter, a resolver, the list of breakpoint locations that have been determined for the filter/resolver pair, and finally a set of options for the breakpoint |
CBreakpointEventData | |
CBreakpointID | |
CBreakpointIDList | |
CBreakpointList | General Outline: Allows adding and removing breakpoints and find by ID and index |
CBreakpointLocation | General Outline: A breakpoint location is defined by the breakpoint that produces it, and the address that resulted in this particular instantiation |
CBreakpointLocationCollection | |
CBreakpointLocationList | "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointLocationList.h" This class is used by Breakpoint to manage a list of breakpoint locations, each breakpoint location in the list has a unique ID, and is unique by Address as well |
►CBreakpointName | |
CPermissions | |
CBreakpointOptionGroup | |
►CBreakpointOptions | "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointOptions.h" Class that manages the options on a breakpoint or breakpoint location |
CCommandBaton | |
CCommandData | |
CBreakpointPrecondition | |
CBreakpointResolver | General Outline: The BreakpointResolver is a Searcher |
CBreakpointResolverAddress | "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverAddress.h" This class sets breakpoints on a given Address |
CBreakpointResolverFileLine | "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverFileLine.h" This class sets breakpoints by file and line |
CBreakpointResolverFileRegex | "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverFileRegex.h" This class sets breakpoints by file and line |
CBreakpointResolverName | "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverName.h" This class sets breakpoints on a given function name, either by exact match or by regular expression |
CBreakpointResolverScripted | "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverScripted.h" This class sets breakpoints on a given Address |
CBreakpointSite | Class that manages the actual breakpoint that will be inserted into the running program |
►CBroadcaster | An event broadcasting class |
CBroadcasterImpl | BroadcasterImpl contains the actual Broadcaster implementation |
CBroadcasterManager | |
CBroadcastEventSpec | Lldb::BroadcastEventSpec |
CBytecodeSummaryFormat | A summary formatter that is defined in LLDB formmater bytecode |
CCacheSignature | A signature for a given file on disk |
CCallbackLogHandler | |
CCallEdge | Represent a call made within a Function |
CCallFrameInfo | |
CCallSiteParameter | Represent the locations of a parameter at a call site, both in the caller and in the callee |
►CCFBasicHash | |
►C__CFBasicHash | |
CBits | |
CRuntimeBase | |
CChecksum | |
►CClangASTImporter | Manages and observes all Clang AST node importing in LLDB |
CASTContextMetadata | |
►CASTImporterDelegate | ASTImporter that intercepts and records the import process of the underlying ASTImporter |
CCxxModuleScope | Scope guard that attaches a CxxModuleHandler to an ASTImporterDelegate and deattaches it at the end of the scope |
CDeclOrigin | |
CLayoutInfo | |
CMapCompleter | |
CNewDeclListener | Listener interface used by the ASTImporterDelegate to inform other code about decls that have been imported the first time |
CClangASTMetadata | |
►CClangASTSource | Provider for named objects defined in the debug info for Clang |
CClangASTSourceProxy | "lldb/Expression/ClangASTSource.h" Proxy for ClangASTSource |
CClangDeclVendor | |
CClangDiagnostic | |
CClangDynamicCheckerFunctions | |
►CClangExpressionDeclMap | "lldb/Expression/ClangExpressionDeclMap.h" Manages named entities that are defined in LLDB's debug information |
CParserVars | The following values should not live beyond parsing |
CStructVars | The following values contain layout information for the materialized struct, but are not specific to a single materialization |
CTargetInfo | |
CClangExpressionHelper | |
►CClangExpressionParser | "lldb/Expression/ClangExpressionParser.h" Encapsulates an instance of Clang that can parse expressions |
CLLDBPreprocessorCallbacks | |
CClangExpressionSourceCode | |
►CClangExpressionVariable | "lldb/Expression/ClangExpressionVariable.h" Encapsulates one variable for the expression parser |
CJITVars | The following values are valid if the variable is used by JIT code |
CParserVars | The following values should not live beyond parsing |
CClangExternalASTSourceCallbacks | |
►CClangFunctionCaller | "lldb/Expression/ClangFunctionCaller.h" Encapsulates a function that can be called |
CClangFunctionCallerHelper | |
CClangHighlighter | |
CClangModulesDeclVendor | |
►CClangPersistentVariables | "lldb/Expression/ClangPersistentVariables.h" Manages persistent values that need to be preserved between expression invocations |
CPersistentDecl | |
CClangREPL | Implements a Clang-based REPL for C languages on top of LLDB's REPL framework |
►CClangUserExpression | "lldb/Expression/ClangUserExpression.h" Encapsulates a single expression for use with Clang |
CClangUserExpressionHelper | |
CResultDelegate | |
CClangUtil | |
►CClangUtilityFunction | "lldb/Expression/ClangUtilityFunction.h" Encapsulates a single expression for use with Clang |
CClangUtilityFunctionHelper | |
►CClassDescriptorV2 | |
Cclass_ro_t | |
Cclass_rw_t | |
Civar_list_t | |
Civar_t | |
CiVarsStorage | |
Cmethod_list_t | |
Cmethod_t | |
Cobjc_class_t | |
Crelative_list_entry_t | |
Crelative_list_list_t | |
CClassDescriptorV2Tagged | |
CCloneable | A class that implements CRTP-based "virtual constructor" idiom |
CCloneableECError | Common base class for all error-code errors |
CCloneableError | Going a bit against the spirit of llvm::Error, lldb_private::Status need to store errors long-term and sometimes copy them |
CClusterManager | |
CCommandAlias | |
CCommandCompletions | |
CCommandHistory | |
CCommandInterpreter | |
CCommandInterpreterRunOptions | |
CCommandInterpreterRunResult | |
►CCommandObject | |
CArgumentHelpCallback | |
CArgumentTableEntry | Entries in the main argument information table |
CCommandArgumentData | Used to build individual command argument lists |
CCommandObjectApropos | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointCommand | |
CCommandObjectDiagnostics | |
►CCommandObjectDisassemble | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectDWIMPrint | Implements dwim-print , a printing command that chooses the most direct, efficient, and resilient means of printing a given expression |
►CCommandObjectExpression | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectGUI | |
►CCommandObjectHelp | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectIterateOverThreads | |
CUniqueStack | |
CCommandObjectLanguage | |
CCommandObjectLog | |
CCommandObjectMemory | |
CCommandObjectMemoryTag | |
CCommandObjectMultipleThreads | Class similar to CommandObjectIterateOverThreads, but which performs an action on multiple threads at once instead of iterating over each thread |
CCommandObjectMultiword | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordBreakpoint | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordCommands | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordFrame | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordProcess | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordScripting | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordSettings | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordSource | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordTarget | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordThread | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordWatchpoint | |
CCommandObjectParsed | |
CCommandObjectPlatform | |
CCommandObjectPlugin | |
CCommandObjectProxy | |
CCommandObjectQuit | |
CCommandObjectRaw | |
►CCommandObjectRegexCommand | |
CEntry | |
CCommandObjectRegister | |
CCommandObjectSession | |
CCommandObjectStats | |
CCommandObjectTrace | |
CCommandObjectTraceProxy | This class works by delegating the logic to the actual trace plug-in that can support the current process |
CCommandObjectType | |
CCommandObjectVersion | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointCommand | |
CCommandOptionsProcessAttach | |
CCommandOptionsProcessLaunch | |
CCommandPluginInterfaceImplementation | |
CCommandReturnObject | |
CCommunication | An abstract communications class |
►CCompactUnwindInfo | |
CFunctionInfo | |
CUnwindHeader | |
CUnwindIndex | |
CCompilerContext | CompilerContext allows an array of these items to be passed to perform detailed lookups in SymbolVendor and SymbolFile functions |
CCompilerDecl | Represents a generic declaration such as a function declaration |
CCompilerDeclContext | Represents a generic declaration context in a program |
►CCompilerType | Generic representation of a type in a programming language |
CIntegralTemplateArgument | |
CTypeSystemSPWrapper | This is a minimal wrapper of a TypeSystem shared pointer as returned by CompilerType which conventien dyn_cast support |
CCompileUnit | A class that describes a compilation unit |
CCompletionRequest | "lldb/Utility/ArgCompletionRequest.h" |
►CCompletionResult | |
CCompletion | A single completion and all associated data |
CConnection | A communication connection class |
CConnectionFileDescriptor | |
CConnectionGenericFile | |
►CConstString | A uniqued constant string class |
CMemoryStats | |
CConstStringStats | |
CConstStringTable | Many cache files require string tables to store data efficiently |
CCoreDefinition | |
CCoreFileMemoryRange | |
CCoreFileMemoryRanges | |
CCoreNote | |
►CCPlusPlusLanguage | |
CMethodName | |
►CCPlusPlusNameParser | |
CBookmark | |
CParsedFunction | |
CParsedName | |
CParsedNameRanges | |
CRange | |
►CCPPLanguageRuntime | |
CLibCppStdFunctionCallableInfo | |
►CCppModuleConfiguration | A Clang configuration when importing C++ modules |
CSetOncePath | Utility class for a path that can only be set once |
CCTFArray | |
CCTFConst | |
►CCTFEnum | |
CValue | |
CCTFForward | |
CCTFFunction | |
CCTFInteger | |
CCTFModifier | |
CCTFPointer | |
►CCTFRecord | |
CField | |
CCTFRestrict | |
CCTFStruct | |
CCTFType | |
CCTFTypedef | |
CCTFUnion | |
CCTFVolatile | |
CCXXFunctionSummaryFormat | |
CCxxModuleHandler | Handles importing decls into an ASTContext with an attached C++ module |
CCXXSyntheticChildren | |
CDataBuffer | A pure virtual protocol class for abstracted read only data buffers |
CDataBufferHeap | A subclass of DataBuffer that stores a data buffer on the heap |
CDataBufferLLVM | |
CDataBufferUnowned | |
CDataEncoder | An binary data encoding class |
CDataExtractor | An data extractor class |
CDataFileCache | This class enables data to be cached into a directory using the llvm caching code |
►CDataVisualization | |
CCategories | |
CNamedSummaryFormats | |
►CDebugger | A class to manage flag bits |
CDestroyCallbackInfo | |
CInterruptionReport | |
CDebuggerStats | |
CDebuggerThread | |
CDebugMacroEntry | |
CDebugMacros | |
CDeclaration | A class that describes the declaration location of a lldb object |
CDeclFromParser | |
CDeclFromUser | |
CDeclVendor | |
CDecodeResult | |
CDefaultHighlighter | A default highlighter that only highlights the user cursor, but doesn't do any other highlighting |
CDiagnostic | |
►CDiagnosticDetail | A compiler-independent representation of an lldb_private::Diagnostic |
CSourceLocation | A source location consisting of a file name and position |
CDiagnosticError | |
CDiagnosticEventData | |
CDiagnosticManager | |
►CDiagnostics | Diagnostics are a collection of files to help investigate bugs and troubleshoot issues |
CCallbackEntry | |
CDirectCallEdge | A direct call site |
►CDisassembler | |
CLimit | |
CSourceLine | |
CSourceLinesToDisplay | |
CDomainSocket | |
►CDumpValueObjectOptions | |
CPointerAsArraySettings | |
CPointerDepth | |
►CDWARFCallFrameInfo | |
CCIE | |
CDWARFDataExtractor | |
CDWARFExpression | "lldb/Expression/DWARFExpression.h" Encapsulates a DWARF location expression and interprets it |
►CDWARFExpressionList | "lldb/Expression/DWARFExpressionList.h" Encapsulates a range map from file address range to a single DWARF location expression |
CDWARFExpressionCompare | |
CDynamicCheckerFunctions | Encapsulates dynamic check functions used by expressions |
CDynamicLoader | A plug-in interface definition class for dynamic loaders |
►CDynamicLoaderDarwin | |
CImageInfo | |
CSegment | |
►CDynamicLoaderDarwinProperties | |
CExperimentalProperties | |
CDynamicLoaderWindowsDYLD | |
►CDynamicRegisterInfo | |
CRegister | |
CEditline | Instances of Editline provide an abstraction over libedit's EditLine facility |
CElapsedTime | A class that measures elapsed time in an exception safe way |
►CEmulateInstruction | "lldb/Core/EmulateInstruction.h" A class that allows emulation of CPU opcodes |
►CContext | |
►CContextInfo | |
CISAAndImmediate | |
CISAAndImmediateSigned | |
CRegisterPlusIndirectOffset | |
CRegisterPlusOffset | |
CRegisterRegisterOperands | |
CRegisterToRegisterPlusIndirectOffset | |
CRegisterToRegisterPlusOffset | |
►CEmulateInstructionARM | |
CAddWithCarryResult | |
CARMOpcode | |
►CEmulateInstructionLoongArch | |
COpcode | |
►CEmulateInstructionPPC64 | |
COpcode | |
CEmulateInstructionRISCV | |
►CEnvironment | |
CEnvp | |
CEvaluateExpressionOptions | |
CEvent | |
CEventData | |
CEventDataBytes | |
CEventDataReceipt | |
CEventDataStructuredData | This class handles one or more StructuredData::Dictionary entries that are raised for structured data events |
CExceptionRecord | |
CExceptionSearchFilter | |
CExecuteScriptOptions | |
CExecutionContext | "lldb/Target/ExecutionContext.h" A class that contains an execution context |
CExecutionContextRef | Execution context objects refer to objects in the execution of the program that is being debugged |
CExecutionContextScope | "lldb/Target/ExecutionContextScope.h" Inherit from this if your object can reconstruct its execution context |
CExecutor | |
CExpression | Encapsulates a single expression for use in lldb |
CExpressionError | An llvm::Error used to communicate diagnostics in Status |
CExpressionParser | "lldb/Expression/ExpressionParser.h" Encapsulates an instance of a compiler that can parse expressions |
CExpressionSourceCode | |
CExpressionTypeSystemHelper | "lldb/Expression/ExpressionTypeSystemHelper.h" A helper object that the Expression can pass to its ExpressionParser to provide generic information that any type of expression will need to supply |
CExpressionVariable | |
CExpressionVariableList | "lldb/Expression/ExpressionVariable.h" A list of variable references |
CExternalASTSourceWrapper | Wraps an ExternalASTSource into an ExternalSemaSource |
►CFieldEnum | |
CEnumerator | |
CFile | An abstract base class for files |
CFileAction | |
CFileCache | |
CFileLineResolver | This class finds address for source file and line |
CFileSpec | A file utility class |
CFileSpecList | A file collection class |
CFileSystem | |
CFlags | A class to manage flags |
►CFormatCache | |
CEntry | |
CFormatManager | |
CFormattersContainer | |
►CFormattersMatchCandidate | |
CFlags | |
CFormattersMatchData | |
CFPR | |
CFreeBSDSignals | FreeBSD specific set of Unix signals |
CFunction | A class that describes a function |
CFunctionCaller | Encapsulates a function that can be called |
CFunctionInfo | A class that contains generic function information |
CFuncUnwinders | |
►CGDBRemotePacket | GDB remote packet as used by the GDB remote communication history |
CBinaryData | |
CGDBRemoteSignals | Initially carries signals defined by the GDB Remote Serial Protocol |
CGNUstepObjCRuntime | |
CHardcodedFormatters | |
CHardwareBreakpoint | |
CHighlighter | Annotates source code with color attributes |
CHighlighterManager | Manages the available highlighters |
►CHighlightStyle | Represents style that the highlighter should apply to the given source code |
CColorStyle | A pair of strings that should be placed around a certain token |
CHistoryThread | A thread object representing a backtrace from a previous point in the process execution |
CHistoryUnwind | |
CHost | A class that provides host computer information |
CHostInfoAIX | |
CHostInfoAndroid | |
►CHostInfoBase | |
CSDKOptions | |
CHostInfoFreeBSD | |
CHostInfoLinux | |
CHostInfoMacOSX | |
CHostInfoNetBSD | |
CHostInfoOpenBSD | |
CHostInfoPosix | |
CHostInfoWindows | |
CHostNativeProcessBase | |
CHostNativeThreadBase | |
CHostProcess | |
CHostProcessPosix | |
CHostProcessWindows | |
CHostThread | |
CHostThreadMacOSX | |
CHostThreadPosix | |
CHostThreadWindows | |
CHTRBlock | Block structure representing a sequence of trace "units" (ie instructions) |
CHTRBlockLayer | HTR layer composed of blocks of the trace |
CHTRBlockMetadata | Metadata associated with an HTR block See lldb/docs/htr.rst for comprehensive HTR documentation |
CHTRInstructionLayer | "Base" layer of HTR representing the dynamic instructions of the trace |
CIDebugDelegate | |
CIFormatChangeListener | |
CIHTRLayer | HTR layer interface See lldb/docs/htr.rst for comprehensive HTR documentation |
CIndirectCallEdge | An indirect call site |
CInlineFunctionInfo | A class that describes information for an inlined function |
CInstrPattern | |
►CInstruction | |
COperand | |
CInstructionList | |
CInstrumentationRuntime | |
CInstrumentationRuntimeASan | |
CInstrumentationRuntimeMainThreadChecker | |
CInstrumentationRuntimeStopInfo | |
CInstrumentationRuntimeTSan | |
CInstrumentationRuntimeUBSan | |
CIntelPTDataKinds | |
CIOHandler | |
CIOHandlerConfirm | |
CIOHandlerCursesGUI | |
CIOHandlerDelegate | A delegate class for use with IOHandler subclasses |
CIOHandlerDelegateMultiline | |
CIOHandlerEditline | |
CIOHandlerStack | |
CIOObject | |
CIRDynamicChecks | "lldb/Expression/IRDynamicChecks.h" Adds dynamic checks to a user-entered expression to reduce its likelihood of crashing |
►CIRExecutionUnit | "lldb/Expression/IRExecutionUnit.h" Contains the IR and, optionally, JIT- compiled code for a module |
CAllocationRecord | Encapsulates a single allocation request made by the JIT |
CJittedEntity | |
CJittedFunction | "lldb/Expression/IRExecutionUnit.h" Encapsulates a single function that has been generated by the JIT |
CJittedGlobalVariable | |
CMemoryManager | |
►CIRMemoryMap | Encapsulates memory that may exist in the process but must also be available in the host process |
CAllocation | |
CItaniumABILanguageRuntime | |
CITSession | |
CJITLoader | A plug-in interface definition class for JIT loaders |
CJITLoaderList | Class used by the Process to hold a list of its JITLoaders |
CJSONSection | |
CJSONSymbol | |
CJSONUINT64 | Helper structure to help parse long numbers that can't be easily represented by a JSON number that is compatible with Javascript (52 bits) or that can also be represented as hex |
►CLanguage | |
CEitherTypeScavenger | |
►CImageListTypeScavenger | |
CResult | |
CMethodNameVariant | |
►CTypeScavenger | |
CResult | |
CUnionTypeScavenger | |
CLanguageCategory | |
CLanguageProperties | |
►CLanguageRuntime | |
CVTableInfo | |
CLanguageSet | A SmallBitVector that represents a set of source languages (lldb::LanguageType ) |
CLineEntry | A line table entry class |
CLineSequence | An abstract base class used during symbol table creation |
►CLineTable | A line table class |
►CEntry | |
CLessThanBinaryPredicate | |
CEntrySearchInfo | |
CLineSequenceImpl | |
CLinuxPerfZeroTscConversion | JLLDBTraceGetState gdb-remote packet |
CLinuxSignals | Linux specific set of Unix signals |
►CListener | |
CBroadcasterInfo | |
►CLLVMUserExpression | "lldb/Expression/LLVMUserExpression.h" Encapsulates a one-time expression for use in lldb |
CIRPasses | |
►CLoadedModuleInfoList | |
CLoadedModuleInfo | |
CLoadScriptOptions | |
CLocalDebugDelegate | |
CLockFileBase | |
CLockFilePosix | |
CLockFileWindows | |
CLockingAdaptedIterable | |
►CLog | |
CCategory | |
CChannel | |
CLogChannelDWARF | |
CLogChannelSystem | |
CLogHandler | |
CLua | |
CMachKernelError | FIXME: Move these declarations closer to where they're used |
►CMainLoopBase | |
CReadHandle | |
►CMainLoopPosix | |
CRunImpl | |
CSignalHandle | |
CSignalInfo | |
►CMainLoopWindows | |
CFdInfo | |
CMangled | A class that handles mangled names |
►CMaterializer | |
CDematerializer | |
CEntity | |
CPersistentVariableDelegate | |
CMCBasedABI | |
CMemoryCache | |
CMemoryHistory | |
CMemoryHistoryASan | |
CMemoryRegionInfo | |
CMemoryRegionInfos | |
CMemoryTagManager | |
CMemoryTagManagerAArch64MTE | |
CMemoryTagMap | MemoryTagMap provides a way to give a sparse read result when reading memory tags for a range |
CMMSReg | |
CMMSRegComp | |
►CModule | A class that describes an executable image and its associated object and symbol files |
CLookupInfo | A class that encapsulates name lookup information |
CModuleCache | A module cache class |
CModuleChild | A mix in class that contains a pointer back to the module that owns the object which inherits from it |
CModuleDependencyCollectorAdaptor | |
CModuleFunctionSearchOptions | Options used by Module::FindFunctions |
►CModuleList | A collection class for Module objects |
CNotifier | |
CModuleListProperties | |
CModuleSpec | |
CModuleSpecList | |
CModuleStats | A class that represents statistics for a since lldb_private::Module |
CMonitoringProcessLauncher | |
CMPX | |
CMPXCsr | |
CMPXReg | |
CNameSearchContext | "lldb/Expression/ClangASTSource.h" Container for all objects relevant to a single name lookup |
CNativeDebugDelegate | |
►CNativeFile | |
CValueGuard | |
►CNativeProcessELF | Abstract class that extends NativeProcessProtocol with ELF specific logic |
CELFLinkMap | |
►CNativeProcessProtocol | |
CManager | |
CNativeDelegate | |
CSoftwareBreakpoint | |
CNativeProcessSoftwareSingleStep | |
►CNativeProcessWindows | |
CManager | |
CNativeRegisterContext | |
►CNativeRegisterContextDBReg | |
CDREG | Debug register info for hardware breakpoints and watchpoints management |
CWatchpointDetails | |
CNativeRegisterContextDBReg_arm64 | |
CNativeRegisterContextDBReg_loongarch | |
CNativeRegisterContextDBReg_x86 | |
CNativeRegisterContextRegisterInfo | |
CNativeRegisterContextWindows | |
CNativeThreadProtocol | |
CNativeThreadWindows | |
CNativeWatchpoint | |
CNativeWatchpointList | |
CNetBSDSignals | NetBSD specific set of Unix signals |
►CObjCLanguage | |
CMethodName | |
►CObjCLanguageRuntime | |
CClassAndSel | |
CClassAndSelStr | |
►CClassDescriptor | |
CiVarDescriptor | |
CConstStringSetHelpers | |
CEncodingToType | |
CObjCExceptionPrecondition | |
CTaggedPointerVendor | |
CObjCPlusPlusLanguage | |
CObjectContainer | A plug-in interface definition class for object containers |
►CObjectContainerMachOFileset | |
CEntry | |
►CObjectFile | A plug-in interface definition class for object file parsers |
CLoadableData | |
CObjectFileJIT | |
CObjectFileJITDelegate | |
►CObjectFileJSON | |
CBody | |
CHeader | |
CObjectFilePDB | |
COpcode | |
COperatingSystem | A plug-in interface definition class for halted OS helpers |
COperatingSystemInterface | |
COption | |
COptionalClangModuleID | A Clang module ID |
COptionArgElement | |
COptionArgParser | |
COptionDefinition | |
COptionEnumValueElement | |
COptionGroup | |
COptionGroupArchitecture | |
COptionGroupBoolean | |
COptionGroupFile | |
COptionGroupFileList | |
COptionGroupFormat | |
COptionGroupMemoryTag | |
►COptionGroupOptions | |
COptionInfo | |
COptionGroupOutputFile | |
COptionGroupPlatform | |
COptionGroupPlatformCaching | |
COptionGroupPlatformRSync | |
COptionGroupPlatformSSH | |
COptionGroupPythonClassWithDict | |
COptionGroupString | |
COptionGroupUInt64 | |
COptionGroupUUID | |
COptionGroupValueObjectDisplay | |
COptionGroupVariable | |
COptionGroupWatchpoint | |
COptionParseError | An llvm::Error that represents an option parsing diagnostic |
COptionParser | |
COptions | A command line option parsing protocol class |
COptionsWithRaw | A pair of an option list with a 'raw' string as a suffix |
COptionValidator | |
COptionValue | |
COptionValueArch | |
COptionValueArgs | |
COptionValueArray | |
COptionValueBoolean | |
COptionValueChar | |
COptionValueDictionary | |
►COptionValueEnumeration | |
CEnumeratorInfo | |
COptionValueFileColonLine | |
COptionValueFileSpec | |
COptionValueFileSpecList | |
COptionValueFormat | |
COptionValueFormatEntity | |
COptionValueLanguage | |
COptionValuePathMappings | |
COptionValueProperties | |
COptionValueRegex | |
COptionValueSInt64 | |
COptionValueString | |
COptionValueUInt64 | |
COptionValueUUID | |
CPathMappingList | |
CPersistentExpressionState | |
CPipeBase | |
CPipePosix | A posix-based implementation of Pipe, a class that abtracts unix style pipes |
CPipeWindows | |
CPlatform | A plug-in interface definition class for debug platform that includes many platform abilities such as: |
CPlatformAppleSimulator | |
►CPlatformDarwin | |
CCrashInfoAnnotations | |
CSDKEnumeratorInfo | |
►CPlatformDarwinDevice | Abstract Darwin platform with a potential device support directory |
CSDKDirectoryInfo | |
CPlatformDarwinKernel | |
CPlatformList | |
CPlatformMacOSX | |
CPlatformProperties | |
CPlatformQemuUser | |
CPlatformRemoteAppleBridge | |
CPlatformRemoteAppleTV | |
CPlatformRemoteAppleWatch | |
CPlatformRemoteAppleXR | |
CPlatformRemoteDarwinDevice | |
CPlatformRemoteiOS | |
CPlatformRemoteMacOSX | |
CPlatformWindows | |
CPluginInterface | |
CPluginManager | |
CPosixPlatformCommandOptionValidator | |
CPostMortemProcess | Base class for all processes that don't represent a live process, such as coredumps or processes traced in the past |
CPredicate | A C++ wrapper class for providing threaded access to a value of type T |
►CProcess | A plug-in interface definition class for debugging a process |
CAttachCompletionHandler | |
CNextEventAction | |
CNotifications | A notification structure that can be used by clients to listen for changes in a process's lifetime |
CPreResumeCallbackAndBaton | |
CProcessEventData | |
CProcessEventHijacker | |
CProcessAttachInfo | |
CProcessDebugger | |
CProcessExperimentalProperties | |
CProcessInfo | |
CProcessInfoList | |
►CProcessInstanceInfo | |
Ctimespec | |
CProcessInstanceInfoMatch | |
CProcessKDPLog | |
CProcessLauncher | |
CProcessLauncherPosixFork | |
CProcessLauncherWindows | |
CProcessLaunchInfo | |
CProcessModID | |
CProcessPOSIXLog | |
CProcessProperties | |
►CProcessRunLock | A class used to prevent the process from starting while other threads are accessing its data, and prevent access to its data while it is running |
CProcessRunLocker | |
►CProcessStructReader | |
CFieldImpl | |
CProcessTrace | Class that represents a defunct process loaded on memory via the "trace
load" command |
►CProcessWindows | |
CWatchpointInfo | |
CProcessWindowsData | |
CProcessWindowsLog | |
►CProgress | A Progress indicator helper class |
CProgressData | Data belonging to this Progress event that is used for bookkeeping by ProgressManager |
CProgressEventData | |
►CProgressManager | A class used to group progress reports by category |
CEntry | Entry used for bookkeeping |
CProperties | |
CProperty | |
CPropertyDefinition | |
CPseudoInstruction | |
CPseudoTerminal | A pseudo terminal helper class |
CQueue | |
CQueueImpl | |
CQueueItem | |
CQueueList | |
CRange | |
CRangeData | |
CRangeDataVector | |
CRangeVector | |
CRd | |
CRealpathPrefixes | |
CRecognizedStackFrame | This class provides extra information about a stack frame that was provided by a specific stack frame recognizer |
CRegInfo | |
CRegInfoBasedABI | |
CRegisterCheckpoint | |
CRegisterContext | |
CRegisterContextDummy | |
CRegisterContextHistory | |
CRegisterContextLinux_x86 | |
CRegisterContextThreadMemory | |
CRegisterContextUnwind | |
CRegisterContextWindows | |
►CRegisterFlags | |
CField | |
CRegisterInfo | Every register is described in detail including its name, alternate name (optional), encoding, size in bytes and the default display format |
CRegisterInfoAndSetInterface | |
CRegisterInfoInterface | RegisterInfo interface to patch RegisterInfo structure for archs |
CRegisterInfos_x86_64_with_base_shared | |
CRegisterSet | Registers are grouped into register sets |
CRegisterTypeBuilder | |
CRegisterTypeBuilderClang | |
►CRegisterValue | |
CRegisterValueBuffer | |
CRegsetDesc | |
CRegularExpression | |
CRemoteAwarePlatform | A base class for platforms which automatically want to be able to forward operations to a remote platform instance (such as PlatformRemoteGDBServer) |
CReportRetriever | |
CResumeAction | |
CResumeActionList | |
CRichManglingContext | Uniform wrapper for access to rich mangling information from different providers |
CRotatingLogHandler | |
CRs | |
CRuntime | |
CRxC | Unified RISC-V C register encoding |
CSaveCoreOptions | |
CSBCommandReturnObjectImpl | |
CSBLaunchInfoImpl | |
CScalar | |
CScratchTypeSystemClang | The TypeSystemClang instance used for the scratch ASTContext in a lldb::Target |
►CScriptedInterface | |
CAbstractMethodRequirement | |
CScriptedInterfaceUsages | |
CScriptedMetadata | |
CScriptedPlatformInterface | |
CScriptedProcess | |
CScriptedProcessInterface | |
CScriptedStackFrameRecognizer | Python implementation for frame recognizers |
CScriptedStopHookInterface | |
►CScriptedSyntheticChildren | |
CFrontEnd | |
CScriptedThread | |
CScriptedThreadInterface | |
CScriptedThreadPlan | |
CScriptedThreadPlanInterface | |
CScriptInterpreter | |
CScriptInterpreterIORedirect | |
CScriptInterpreterLocker | |
►CScriptInterpreterLua | |
CCommandDataLua | |
CScriptInterpreterNone | |
CScriptObject | |
CScriptSummaryFormat | |
CSearcher | General Outline: Provides the callback and search depth for the SearchFilter search |
CSearchFilter | General Outline: Provides the callback and search depth for the SearchFilter search |
CSearchFilterByModule | This is a SearchFilter that restricts the search to a given module |
CSearchFilterByModuleList | |
CSearchFilterByModuleListAndCU | |
CSearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches | "lldb/Core/SearchFilter.h" This is a SearchFilter that searches through all modules |
CSection | |
CSectionList | |
CSectionLoadHistory | |
CSectionLoadList | |
CSemaSourceWithPriorities | A ExternalSemaSource multiplexer that prioritizes its sources |
►CSerialPort | |
COptions | |
CSharedCacheImageInfo | |
CSharedSocket | |
►CSocket | |
CHostAndPort | |
►CSocketAddress | |
Csockaddr_tag | |
CSourceLanguage | A type-erased pair of llvm::dwarf::SourceLanguageName and version |
CSourceLocationSpec | "lldb/Core/SourceLocationSpec.h" A source location specifier class |
►CSourceManager | |
CFile | |
CSourceFileCache | Separates the source manager from the cache of source files |
CSupportFileAndLine | |
CSourceManagerImpl | |
CSourceModule | Information needed to import a source-language module |
CStackFrame | This base class provides an interface to stack frames |
CStackFrameList | |
CStackFrameRecognizer | A base class for frame recognizers |
►CStackFrameRecognizerManager | Class that provides a registry of known stack frame recognizers |
CRegisteredEntry | |
CStackID | |
CStandardTildeExpressionResolver | |
CStatisticsOptions | |
CStatsDuration | |
CStatsSuccessFail | A class to count success/fail statistics |
CStatus | An error handling class |
CStopInfo | |
CStopInfoBreakpoint | |
CStopInfoException | |
CStopInfoExec | |
CStopInfoFork | |
CStopInfoInterrupt | |
CStopInfoMachException | |
CStopInfoProcessorTrace | |
CStopInfoThreadPlan | |
CStopInfoTrace | |
CStopInfoUnixSignal | |
CStopInfoVFork | |
CStopInfoVForkDone | |
►CStopInfoWatchpoint | |
CThreadPlanStepOverWatchpoint | |
CWatchpointSentry | |
CStoppoint | |
CStoppointCallbackContext | General Outline: When we hit a breakpoint we need to package up whatever information is needed to evaluate breakpoint commands and conditions |
CStoppointHitCounter | |
CStoppointSite | |
CStopPointSiteList | |
►CStream | A stream class that can stream formatted output to a file |
CByteDelta | |
CHighlightSettings | Struct to store information for color highlighting in the stream |
CRawOstreamForward | This is a wrapper class that exposes a raw_ostream interface that just forwards to an LLDB stream, allowing to reuse LLVM algorithms that take a raw_ostream within the LLDB code base |
CStreamAsynchronousIO | |
CStreamBuffer | |
CStreamFile | |
CStreamGDBRemote | |
CStreamLogHandler | |
CStreamString | |
CStreamTee | |
CStringLexer | |
CStringList | |
CStringSummaryFormat | |
CStringTableReader | Many cache files require string tables to store data efficiently |
►CStructuredData | A class which can hold structured data |
CArray | |
CBoolean | |
CDictionary | |
CFloat | |
CGeneric | |
CInteger | |
CNull | |
CObject | |
CString | |
CStructuredDataDarwinLog | |
CStructuredDataImpl | |
CStructuredDataPlugin | Plugin that supports process-related structured data sent asynchronously from the debug monitor (e.g |
►CSummaryStatistics | A class that represents statistics about a TypeSummaryProviders invocations |
CSummaryInvocation | Basic RAII class to increment the summary count when the call is complete |
CSummaryStatisticsCache | A class that wraps a std::map of SummaryStatistics objects behind a mutex |
CSupportFile | Wraps a FileSpec and an optional Checksum |
CSupportFileList | A list of support files for a CompileUnit |
CSVR4LibraryInfo | |
CSymbol | |
CSymbolChangeEventData | |
CSymbolContext | Defines a symbol context baton that can be handed other debug core functions |
CSymbolContextList | Defines a list of symbol context objects |
CSymbolContextScope | "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContextScope.h" Inherit from this if your object is part of a symbol context and can reconstruct its symbol context |
CSymbolContextSpecifier | |
►CSymbolFile | Provides public interface for all SymbolFiles |
CArrayInfo | The characteristics of an array type |
CRegisterInfoResolver | |
CSymbolFileCommon | Containing protected virtual methods for child classes to override |
►CSymbolFileCTF | |
Cctf_header_t | |
Cctf_preamble_t | |
Cctf_stype_t | |
Cctf_type_t | |
CSymbolFileJSON | |
CSymbolFileOnDemand | SymbolFileOnDemand wraps an actual SymbolFile by providing on demand symbol parsing/indexing to improve performance |
CSymbolFileType | |
CSymbolLocation | Stores a function module spec, symbol name and possibly an alternate symbol name |
CSymbolLocator | |
CSymbolLocatorDebuginfod | |
CSymbolLocatorDebugSymbols | |
CSymbolLocatorDefault | |
CSymbols | |
CSymbolVendor | |
►CSymtab | |
CFileRangeToIndexMapCompare | |
►CSyntheticChildren | |
CFlags | |
CSyntheticChildrenFrontEnd | |
CSyntheticValueProviderFrontEnd | |
CSystemInitializer | |
CSystemInitializerCommon | Initializes common lldb functionality |
CSystemInitializerFull | Initializes lldb |
CSystemLifetimeManager | |
CSystemLogHandler | Log handler that emits log messages to the operating system log |
CSystemRuntime | A plug-in interface definition class for system runtimes |
CTableValidator | |
CTableValidator< eArgTypeLastArg > | |
CTaggedASTDecl | |
CTaggedASTType | |
►CTarget | |
CArch | |
CDummySignalValues | Add a signal for the target |
CStopHook | |
CStopHookCommandLine | |
CStopHookScripted | |
CTargetEventData | |
CTargetExperimentalProperties | |
CTargetList | |
CTargetProperties | |
CTargetStats | A class that represents statistics for a since lldb_private::Target |
CTargetThreadWindows | |
CTCPSocket | |
CTeeLogHandler | A T-style log handler that multiplexes messages to two log handlers |
►CTerminal | |
CData | |
CTerminalState | A RAII-friendly terminal state saving/restoring class |
►CThread | |
CThreadEventData | |
CThreadStateCheckpoint | |
CThreadCollection | |
CThreadedCommunication | "lldb/Core/ThreadedCommunication.h" Variation of Communication that supports threaded reads |
►CThreadLauncher | |
CHostThreadCreateInfo | |
►CThreadList | |
CExpressionExecutionThreadPusher | |
CThreadPlan | |
CThreadPlanAssemblyTracer | |
CThreadPlanBase | |
CThreadPlanCallFunction | |
CThreadPlanCallFunctionUsingABI | |
CThreadPlanCallOnFunctionExit | This thread plan calls a function object when the current function exits |
CThreadPlanCallUserExpression | |
CThreadPlanNull | |
CThreadPlanRunToAddress | |
►CThreadPlanShouldStopHere | |
CThreadPlanShouldStopHereCallbacks | |
►CThreadPlanSingleThreadTimeout | |
CTimeoutInfo | |
CThreadPlanStack | |
CThreadPlanStackMap | |
CThreadPlanStepInRange | |
CThreadPlanStepInstruction | |
CThreadPlanStepOut | |
CThreadPlanStepOverBreakpoint | |
CThreadPlanStepOverRange | |
CThreadPlanStepRange | |
CThreadPlanStepThrough | |
CThreadPlanStepUntil | |
CThreadPlanTracer | |
CThreadPostMortemTrace | Thread implementation used for representing threads gotten from trace session files, which are similar to threads from core files |
CThreadProperties | |
CThreadSafeDenseMap | |
CThreadSafeDenseSet | |
CThreadSafeValue | |
CThreadSpec | |
CThreadStopInfo | |
CTieredFormatterContainer | |
CTildeExpressionResolver | |
CTimeout | |
CTimeoutResumeAll | |
►CTimer | A timer class that simplifies common timing metrics |
CCategory | |
►CTrace | A plug-in interface definition class for trace information |
CStorage | We package all the data that can change upon process stops to make sure this contract is very visible |
CTraceBinaryData | |
CTraceCpuState | |
CTraceCursor | Class used for iterating over the instructions of a thread's trace, among other kinds of information |
►CTraceDumper | Class used to dump the instructions of a TraceCursor using its current state and granularity |
►CFunctionCall | |
CTracedSegment | |
CUntracedPrefixSegment | |
COutputWriter | Interface used to abstract away the format in which the instruction information will be dumped |
CSymbolInfo | Helper struct that holds symbol, disassembly and address information of an instruction |
CTraceItem | Helper struct that holds all the information we know about a trace item |
CTraceDumperOptions | Class that holds the configuration used by TraceDumper for traversing and dumping instructions |
CTraceExporter | A plug-in interface definition class for trace exporters |
CTraceGetBinaryDataRequest | JLLDBTraceGetBinaryData gdb-remote packet |
CTraceGetStateRequest | } |
CTraceGetStateResponse | |
CTraceHTR | Top-level HTR class See lldb/docs/htr.rst for comprehensive HTR documentation |
CTraceIntelPTGetStateResponse | |
CTraceIntelPTStartRequest | JLLDBTraceStart gdb-remote packet |
CTraceStartRequest | JLLDBTraceStart gdb-remote packet |
CTraceStopRequest | JLLDBTraceStop gdb-remote packet |
CTraceSupportedResponse | JLLDBTraceSupported gdb-remote packet |
CTraceThreadState | |
►CType | |
CParsedName | |
Ctype128 | |
Ctype256 | |
CTypeAndOrName | Sometimes you can find the name of the type corresponding to an object, but we don't have debug information for it |
►CTypeCategoryImpl | |
CForEachCallback | |
►CTypeCategoryMap | |
Cdelete_matching_categories | |
CTypedBaton | |
CTypeEnumMemberImpl | |
CTypeEnumMemberListImpl | |
►CTypeFilterImpl | |
CFrontEnd | |
►CTypeFormatImpl | |
CFlags | |
CTypeFormatImpl_EnumType | |
CTypeFormatImpl_Format | |
CTypeImpl | |
CTypeList | |
►CTypeListImpl | |
CAppendVisitor | |
CTypeMap | |
CTypeMatcher | Class for matching type names |
CTypeMemberFunctionImpl | |
CTypeMemberImpl | |
►CTypeNameSpecifierImpl | |
CTypeOrName | |
CTypePayloadClang | The implementation of lldb::Type's m_payload field for TypeSystemClang |
CTypeQuery | A class that contains all state required for type lookups |
CTypeResults | This class tracks the state and results of a TypeQuery |
►CTypeSummaryImpl | |
CFlags | |
CTypeSummaryOptions | |
CTypeSystem | Interface for representing a type system |
►CTypeSystemClang | A TypeSystem implementation based on Clang |
CTemplateParameterInfos | |
CTypeSystemMap | |
CUDPSocket | |
CUnimplementedError | |
►CUniqueCStringMap | |
CCompare | |
CEntry | |
►CUnixSignals | |
CSignal | |
CSignalCode | |
CUntypedBaton | |
CUnwind | |
CUnwindAssembly | |
►CUnwindLLDB | |
CConcreteRegisterLocation | An UnwindPlan::Row::AbstractRegisterLocation, combined with the register context and memory for a specific stop point, is used to create a ConcreteRegisterLocation |
CCursor | |
►CUnwindPlan | |
►CRow | |
CAbstractRegisterLocation | |
CFAValue | |
CUnwindTable | |
CURI | |
CUserExpression | Encapsulates a one-time expression for use in lldb |
►CUserID | A mix in class that contains a generic user ID |
CIDMatches | Unary predicate function object that can search for a matching user ID |
CUserIDResolver | An abstract interface for things that know how to map numeric user/group IDs into names |
CUtilityFunction | "lldb/Expression/UtilityFunction.h" Encapsulates a bit of source code that provides a function that is callable |
CUtilityFunctionScope | RAII guard that should be acquired when an utility function is called within a given process |
►CUUID | |
CCvRecordPdb70 | |
CValue | |
CValueList | |
►CValueObject | ValueObject: |
CBitflags | |
CChildrenManager | |
CEvaluationPoint | |
CGetValueForExpressionPathOptions | |
CValueObjectCast | A ValueObject that represents a given value represented as a different type |
CValueObjectChild | A child of another ValueObject |
CValueObjectConstResult | A frozen ValueObject copied into host memory |
CValueObjectConstResultCast | |
CValueObjectConstResultChild | |
CValueObjectConstResultImpl | A class wrapping common implementation details for operations in ValueObjectConstResult ( & Child ) that may need to jump from the host memory space into the target's memory space |
CValueObjectDynamicValue | A ValueObject that represents memory at a given address, viewed as some set lldb type |
CValueObjectList | A collection of ValueObject values that |
CValueObjectMemory | A ValueObject that represents memory at a given address, viewed as some set lldb type |
CValueObjectPrinter | |
CValueObjectRecognizerSynthesizedValue | ValueObject subclass that presents the passed ValueObject as a recognized value with the specified ValueType |
CValueObjectRegister | |
CValueObjectRegisterSet | |
CValueObjectSynthetic | A ValueObject that obtains its children from some source other than real information |
CValueObjectUpdater | A value object class that is seeded with the static variable value and it vends the user facing value object |
CValueObjectVariable | A ValueObject that contains a root variable that may or may not have children |
CValueObjectVTable | A class that represents a virtual function table for a C++ class |
CVariable | |
CVariableList | |
CVerboseTrapFrameRecognizer | When a thread stops, it checks the current frame contains a Verbose Trap diagnostic |
CVerboseTrapRecognizedStackFrame | Holds the stack frame that caused the Verbose trap and the inlined stop reason message |
CVMRange | |
CWaitStatus | |
►CWatchpoint | |
CWatchpointEventData | |
CWatchpointVariableBaton | |
CWatchpointVariableContext | Represents the context of a watchpoint variable |
►CWatchpointAlgorithms | |
CRegion | |
CWatchpointList | This class is used by Watchpoint to manage a list of watchpoints, |
►CWatchpointOptions | "lldb/Breakpoint/WatchpointOptions.h" Class that manages the options on a watchpoint |
CCommandBaton | |
CCommandData | |
CWatchpointResource | |
CWin32Error | |
CWritableDataBuffer | |
CWritableDataBufferLLVM | |
►Cx86AssemblyInspectionEngine | |
Clldb_reg_info | One of the two initialize methods that can be called on this object; they must be called before any of the assembly inspection methods are called |
►CXcodeSDK | An abstraction for Xcode-style SDKs that works like ArchSpec |
CInfo | A parsed SDK directory name |
CXMLDocument | |
CXMLNode | |
CXMMReg | |
CYMM | |
CYMMHReg | |
CYMMReg | |
CZipFile | In Android API level 23 and above, bionic dynamic linker is able to load .so file directly from APK or .zip file |
CZipFileResolver | In Android API level 23 and above, bionic dynamic linker is able to load .so file directly from APK or .zip file |
►Nllvm | |
►Npdb | |
CConcreteSymbolEnumerator | |
CDenseMapInfo< lldb_private::ConstString > | DenseMapInfo implementation |
Cformat_provider< lldb::StateType > | |
Cformat_provider< lldb_private::ConstString > | |
Cformat_provider< lldb_private::Environment > | |
Cformat_provider< lldb_private::FileSpec > | Implementation of format_provider<T> for FileSpec |
Cformat_provider< lldb_private::MemoryRegionInfo::OptionalBool > | If Options is empty, prints a textual representation of the value |
Cformat_provider< lldb_private::ObjectFile::Strata > | |
Cformat_provider< lldb_private::ObjectFile::Type > | |
Cformat_provider< lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DIERef > | |
Cformat_provider< lldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteCommunication::PacketResult > | |
Cformat_provider< lldb_private::Status > | |
Cformat_provider< lldb_private::Timeout< Ratio >, void > | |
Cformat_provider< lldb_private::Vote > | |
Cformat_provider< lldb_private::WaitStatus > | |
CSmallVectorImpl | |
►Nsddarwinlog_private | |
CBaseCommand | Provides the darwin-log base command |
CEnableCommand | |
CEnableOptions | |
CExactMatchFilterRule | |
CFilterRule | |
CRegexFilterRule | |
CStatusCommand | Provides the status command |
CStructuredDataDarwinLogProperties | |
►Nx86 | |
CInstructionOpcodeAndModrm | These are the three values deciding instruction control flow kind |
C_FPR | |
C_GPR | |
C_GPR32 | |
C_GPR64 | |
C_VMX | |
CABIAArch64 | |
CABIMacOSX_arm | |
CABIMacOSX_arm64 | |
CABIMacOSX_i386 | |
CABIMips | |
CABIPowerPC | |
CABISysV_arc | |
CABISysV_arm | |
CABISysV_arm64 | |
CABISysV_hexagon | |
CABISysV_i386 | |
CABISysV_loongarch | |
CABISysV_mips | |
CABISysV_mips64 | |
CABISysV_msp430 | |
CABISysV_ppc | |
CABISysV_ppc64 | |
CABISysV_riscv | |
CABISysV_s390x | |
CABISysV_x86_64 | |
CABIWindows_x86_64 | |
CABIX86 | |
CABIX86_64 | |
CABIX86_i386 | |
Call_image_infos_header | |
CArchDefinition | |
CArchDefinitionEntry | |
CArchThreadContexts | |
CAuxVector | |
CBase | |
CBreakpointAccessOptionGroup | |
CBreakpointDummyOptionGroup | |
CBreakpointIDPairMatches | |
CBreakpointNameOptionGroup | |
CBufStruct | |
CCallDescriptor | A sequence of calls that comprise some portion of a backtrace |
CCFCBundle | |
CCFCData | |
CCFCMutableArray | |
CCFCMutableDictionary | |
CCFCMutableSet | |
CCFCReleaser | |
CCFCString | |
CClangDiagnosticManagerAdapter | |
►CCommandObjectBreakpointClear | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectBreakpointCommandAdd | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectBreakpointCommandDelete | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointCommandList | |
►CCommandObjectBreakpointDelete | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointDisable | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointEnable | |
►CCommandObjectBreakpointList | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointModify | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointName | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointNameAdd | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointNameConfigure | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointNameDelete | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointNameList | |
►CCommandObjectBreakpointRead | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectBreakpointSet | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectBreakpointWrite | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectCommandContainer | |
►CCommandObjectCommandsAddRegex | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectCommandsAlias | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectCommandsContainerAdd | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectCommandsContainerDelete | |
CCommandObjectCommandsDelete | |
►CCommandObjectCommandsScriptAdd | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectCommandsScriptClear | |
CCommandObjectCommandsScriptDelete | |
►CCommandObjectCommandsScriptImport | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectCommandsScriptList | |
►CCommandObjectCommandsSource | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectCommandsUnalias | |
►CCommandObjectDiagnosticsDump | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectFormatterInfo | |
►CCommandObjectFrameDiagnose | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectFrameInfo | |
CCommandObjectFrameRecognizer | |
►CCommandObjectFrameRecognizerAdd | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectFrameRecognizerClear | |
CCommandObjectFrameRecognizerDelete | |
CCommandObjectFrameRecognizerDisable | |
CCommandObjectFrameRecognizerEnable | |
CCommandObjectFrameRecognizerInfo | |
CCommandObjectFrameRecognizerList | |
►CCommandObjectFrameSelect | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectFrameVariable | |
CCommandObjectLogDisable | |
►CCommandObjectLogDump | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectLogEnable | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectLogList | |
CCommandObjectLogTimer | |
CCommandObjectLogTimerDisable | |
CCommandObjectLogTimerDump | |
CCommandObjectLogTimerEnable | |
CCommandObjectLogTimerIncrement | |
CCommandObjectLogTimerReset | |
►CCommandObjectMemoryFind | |
COptionGroupFindMemory | |
CCommandObjectMemoryHistory | |
CCommandObjectMemoryRead | |
►CCommandObjectMemoryRegion | |
COptionGroupMemoryRegion | |
CCommandObjectMemoryTagRead | |
►CCommandObjectMemoryTagWrite | |
COptionGroupTagWrite | |
►CCommandObjectMemoryWrite | |
COptionGroupWriteMemory | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordCommandsScript | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordItaniumABI | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordItaniumABI_Demangle | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordObjC | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordObjC_ClassTable | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordObjC_TaggedPointer | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordObjC_TaggedPointer_Info | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordProcessGDBRemote | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordProcessKDP | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordProcessMinidump | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordProcessTrace | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordScriptingExtension | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordTargetStopHooks | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordThreadPlan | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordTrace | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordTraceDump | |
►CCommandObjectObjC_ClassTable_Dump | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectPlatformConnect | |
CCommandObjectPlatformDisconnect | |
CCommandObjectPlatformFClose | |
CCommandObjectPlatformFile | |
CCommandObjectPlatformFileExists | |
CCommandObjectPlatformFOpen | |
►CCommandObjectPlatformFRead | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectPlatformFWrite | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectPlatformGetFile | |
CCommandObjectPlatformGetPermissions | |
CCommandObjectPlatformGetSize | |
CCommandObjectPlatformInstall | |
CCommandObjectPlatformList | |
CCommandObjectPlatformMkDir | |
CCommandObjectPlatformProcess | |
CCommandObjectPlatformProcessAttach | |
CCommandObjectPlatformProcessInfo | |
CCommandObjectPlatformProcessLaunch | |
►CCommandObjectPlatformProcessList | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectPlatformPutFile | |
CCommandObjectPlatformSelect | |
CCommandObjectPlatformSettings | |
►CCommandObjectPlatformShell | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectPlatformStatus | |
CCommandObjectPluginLoad | |
CCommandObjectProcessAttach | |
►CCommandObjectProcessConnect | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectProcessContinue | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectProcessDetach | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectProcessGDBRemotePacket | |
CCommandObjectProcessGDBRemotePacketHistory | |
CCommandObjectProcessGDBRemotePacketMonitor | |
CCommandObjectProcessGDBRemotePacketSend | |
CCommandObjectProcessGDBRemotePacketXferSize | |
CCommandObjectProcessGDBRemoteSpeedTest | |
►CCommandObjectProcessHandle | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectProcessInterrupt | |
CCommandObjectProcessKDPPacket | |
CCommandObjectProcessKDPPacketSend | |
CCommandObjectProcessKill | |
CCommandObjectProcessLaunch | |
CCommandObjectProcessLaunchOrAttach | |
►CCommandObjectProcessLoad | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectProcessMinidumpDump | |
CCommandObjectProcessPlugin | |
►CCommandObjectProcessSaveCore | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectProcessSignal | |
►CCommandObjectProcessStatus | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectProcessTraceStart | |
CCommandObjectProcessTraceStop | |
CCommandObjectProcessUnload | |
CCommandObjectPythonFunction | |
CCommandObjectRegisterInfo | |
►CCommandObjectRegisterRead | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectRegisterWrite | |
►CCommandObjectScriptingExtensionList | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectScriptingObjectParsed | This command implements a lldb parsed scripted command |
►CCommandOptions | |
CEnumValueStorage | |
CCommandObjectScriptingObjectRaw | This class implements a "raw" scripted command |
►CCommandObjectScriptingRun | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectSessionHistory | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectSessionSave | |
CCommandObjectSettingsAppend | |
►CCommandObjectSettingsClear | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectSettingsInsertAfter | |
CCommandObjectSettingsInsertBefore | |
CCommandObjectSettingsList | |
►CCommandObjectSettingsRead | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectSettingsRemove | |
CCommandObjectSettingsReplace | |
►CCommandObjectSettingsSet | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectSettingsShow | |
►CCommandObjectSettingsWrite | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectSourceCache | |
CCommandObjectSourceCacheClear | |
CCommandObjectSourceCacheDump | |
►CCommandObjectSourceInfo | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectSourceList | |
CCommandOptions | |
CSourceInfo | |
CCommandObjectStatsDisable | |
►CCommandObjectStatsDump | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectStatsEnable | |
CCommandObjectTargetCreate | |
CCommandObjectTargetDelete | |
CCommandObjectTargetDump | Multi-word command for 'target dump' |
CCommandObjectTargetDumpSectionLoadList | Dumps the SectionLoadList of the selected Target |
CCommandObjectTargetDumpTypesystem | Dumps the TypeSystem of the selected Target |
CCommandObjectTargetList | |
CCommandObjectTargetModules | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesAdd | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDump | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpClangAST | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpClangPCMInfo | |
►CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpLineTable | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpObjfile | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSections | |
►CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSeparateDebugInfoFiles | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSymfile | |
►CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSymtab | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesImageSearchPaths | |
►CCommandObjectTargetModulesList | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesLoad | |
►CCommandObjectTargetModulesLookup | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesModuleAutoComplete | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsAdd | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsClear | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsInsert | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsList | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsQuery | |
►CCommandObjectTargetModulesShowUnwind | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesSourceFileAutoComplete | |
CCommandObjectTargetSelect | |
CCommandObjectTargetShowLaunchEnvironment | |
►CCommandObjectTargetStopHookAdd | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTargetStopHookDelete | |
CCommandObjectTargetStopHookEnableDisable | |
CCommandObjectTargetStopHookList | |
CCommandObjectTargetSymbols | |
CCommandObjectTargetSymbolsAdd | |
CCommandObjectTargetVariable | |
►CCommandObjectThreadBacktrace | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectThreadContinue | |
CCommandObjectThreadException | |
►CCommandObjectThreadInfo | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectThreadJump | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectThreadList | |
CCommandObjectThreadPlanDiscard | |
►CCommandObjectThreadPlanList | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectThreadPlanPrune | |
►CCommandObjectThreadReturn | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectThreadSelect | |
COptionGroupThreadSelect | |
CCommandObjectThreadSiginfo | |
CCommandObjectThreadStepWithTypeAndScope | |
►CCommandObjectThreadUntil | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectTraceDump | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectTraceDumpFunctionCalls | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectTraceDumpInfo | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectTraceDumpInstructions | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTraceExport | |
►CCommandObjectTraceLoad | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectTraceSave | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectTraceSchema | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTraceStart | |
CCommandObjectTraceStop | |
CCommandObjectTypeCategory | |
►CCommandObjectTypeCategoryDefine | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTypeCategoryDelete | |
►CCommandObjectTypeCategoryDisable | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectTypeCategoryEnable | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTypeCategoryList | |
CCommandObjectTypeFilter | |
►CCommandObjectTypeFilterAdd | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTypeFilterClear | |
CCommandObjectTypeFilterDelete | |
CCommandObjectTypeFilterList | |
CCommandObjectTypeFormat | |
►CCommandObjectTypeFormatAdd | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTypeFormatClear | |
CCommandObjectTypeFormatDelete | |
CCommandObjectTypeFormatList | |
►CCommandObjectTypeFormatterClear | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectTypeFormatterList | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectTypeLookup | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTypeSummary | |
►CCommandObjectTypeSummaryAdd | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTypeSummaryClear | |
CCommandObjectTypeSummaryDelete | |
CCommandObjectTypeSummaryList | |
CCommandObjectTypeSynth | |
►CCommandObjectTypeSynthAdd | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTypeSynthClear | |
CCommandObjectTypeSynthDelete | |
CCommandObjectTypeSynthList | |
►CCommandObjectWatchpointCommandAdd | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointCommandDelete | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointCommandList | |
►CCommandObjectWatchpointDelete | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointDisable | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointEnable | |
►CCommandObjectWatchpointIgnore | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectWatchpointList | |
CCommandOptions | |
►CCommandObjectWatchpointModify | |
CCommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointSet | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointSetExpression | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointSetVariable | |
CCommandObjectWithFrameRecognizerArg | |
CCommonCompletionElement | |
CCommunicationKDP | |
Ccompat_timeval | |
CContextSwitchRecord | Record produced after parsing the raw context switch trace produce by perf_event |
CDBG | |
Cdbreg | |
►CDeclContextOverride | |
CBackup | |
CDecodedCharBuffer | DecodedCharBuffer stores the decoded contents of a single character |
►CDisassemblerLLVMC | |
CMCDisasmInstance | |
CDoubleBits | |
CDummySyntheticFrontEnd | |
CDumpFailRemoveHolder | |
►CDWARFASTParserClang | |
CDelayedAddObjCClassProperty | |
CFieldInfo | |
CMemberAttributes | Parsed form of all attributes that are relevant for parsing type members |
►CDYLDRendezvous | Interface to the runtime linker |
CRendezvous | |
CSOEntry | Structure representing the shared objects currently loaded into the inferior process |
CThreadInfo | |
►CDynamicLoaderDarwinKernel | |
CKextImageInfo | |
COSKextLoadedKextSummaryHeader | |
CDynamicLoaderDarwinKernelProperties | |
►CDynamicLoaderFreeBSDKernel | |
CKModImageInfo | |
CDynamicLoaderHexagonDYLD | |
CDynamicLoaderMacOS | |
►CDynamicLoaderMacOSXDYLD | |
CDYLDAllImageInfos | |
CDynamicLoaderPOSIXDYLD | |
CDynamicLoaderStatic | |
CEHInstruction | |
CEHProgramBuilder | |
CEHProgramRange | |
CELFLinuxPrPsInfo | |
CELFLinuxPrStatus | |
►CELFLinuxSigInfo | |
Calignas | |
CELFNote | |
►CEmulateInstructionARM64 | |
COpcode | |
CProcState | |
►CEmulateInstructionMIPS | |
CMipsOpcode | |
►CEmulateInstructionMIPS64 | |
CMipsOpcode | |
►CEmulationStateARM | |
C_sd_regs | |
CEntityPersistentVariable | |
CEntityRegister | |
CEntityResultVariable | |
CEntitySymbol | |
CEntityValueObject | Represents an Entity constructed from a VariableSP |
CEntityVariable | Represents an Entity constructed from a VariableSP |
CEntityVariableBase | Base class for materialization of Variables and ValueObjects |
CExceptionBreakpointResolver | |
CExpressionCategory | A std::error_code category for eErrorTypeExpression |
CFormatInfo | |
CFormSize | |
CFPR_i386 | |
CFPR_linux_mips | |
CGPR | |
CGPR_linux_mips | |
►CHexagonDYLDRendezvous | Interface to the runtime linker |
CRendezvous | |
CSOEntry | Structure representing the shared objects currently loaded into the inferior process |
CThreadInfo | |
CHostInfo | A class that provides host computer information |
Cimage_entry | |
CInstructionImpl | |
►CInstructionLLVMC | |
CDisassemblerScope | Grants exclusive access to the disassembler and initializes it with the given InstructionLLVMC and an optional ExecutionContext |
CInstrumentationRuntimeASanLibsanitizers | |
CInstrumentationRuntimeInstance | |
CInstrumenter | Finds and instruments individual LLVM IR instructions |
CInterpreterStackFrame | |
CIOHandlerLuaInterpreter | |
CIOHandlerProcessSTDIO | |
►CIRForTarget | Transforms the IR for a function to run in the target |
CFunctionValueCache | |
CIRInterpreter | Attempt to interpret the function's code if it does not require running the target |
CJITLoaderGDB | |
CJSONSimpleTraceBundleDescription | |
Clanguage_name_pair | |
CLanguageRuntimeInstance | |
►CLibCXXFrameRecognizer | A frame recognizer that is installed to hide libc++ implementation details from the backtrace |
CLibCXXHiddenFrame | |
Clldb_copy__dyld_process_cache_info | |
C<LLDBCoreSimulatorSupport> | |
CLoadAddressResolver | |
►CMachSymtabSectionInfo | |
CSectionInfo | |
CMapEntry | |
CMapIterator | |
CMemoryRegionInfoListImpl | |
CMinidumpFileBuilder | Minidump writer for Linux |
CMissingDeclContext | Error class for handling problems when finding a certain DeclContext |
CMSA_linux_mips | |
CMSAReg | |
CMSVCUndecoratedNameParser | |
CMSVCUndecoratedNameSpecifier | |
CNSErrorSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CNSExceptionSyntheticFrontEnd | |
►CNSIndexPathSyntheticFrontEnd | |
►CImpl | |
CInlinedIndexes | |
COutsourcedIndexes | |
C<NSObject> | |
CNullDiagnosticConsumer | |
CObjCClassSyntheticChildrenFrontEnd | |
CObjCExceptionRecognizedStackFrame | |
CObjCExceptionThrowFrameRecognizer | |
CObjcObjectChecker | |
CObjCRuntimeMethodType | |
►CObjectContainerBSDArchive | |
CArchive | |
CObject | |
CObjectContainerInstance | |
►CObjectContainerUniversalMachO | |
►CFatArch | |
CArch | |
CObjectFileCOFF | |
►CObjectFileELF | Generic COFF object file reader |
CELFDynamicWithName | |
CELFSectionHeaderInfo | |
CObjectFileInstance | |
►CObjectFileMachO | |
CLCNoteEntry | |
CMachOCorefileAllImageInfos | |
CMachOCorefileImageEntry | A corefile may include metadata about all of the binaries that were present in the process when the corefile was taken |
CSegmentParsingContext | |
CSymtabCommandLargeOffsets | |
CObjectFileMinidump | |
►CObjectFilePECOFF | |
Ccoff_header | |
Ccoff_opt_header | |
Cdata_directory | |
Cdos_header | |
Csection_header | |
CObjectFilePlaceholder | A minimal ObjectFile implementation providing a dummy object file for the cases when the real module binary is not available |
CObjectFileXCOFF | Generic XCOFF object file reader |
COptionGroupDependents | |
COptionGroupReadMemory | |
COptionPermissions | |
COutputWriterCLI | |
COutputWriterJSON | |
Cpage_object | |
CParsedDWARFTypeAttributes | Parsed form of all attributes that are relevant for type reconstruction |
CPasswdEntry | |
CPDBASTParser | |
CPECallFrameInfo | |
Cperf_event_header | |
CPerfContextSwitchRecord | Record found in the perf_event context switch traces |
CPipe | A windows-based implementation of Pipe, a class that abtracts unix style pipes |
CPlatformAppleTVSimulator | Apple TV Simulator Plugin |
CPlatformAppleWatchSimulator | Apple Watch Simulator Plugin |
CPlatformConnectOptions | |
CPlatformDarwinProperties | |
CPlatformiOSSimulator | IPhone Simulator Plugin |
CPlatformPOSIX | |
CPlatformShellCommand | |
CPlatformXRSimulator | XRSimulator Plugin |
CPluginInfo | |
CPluginInstance | |
CPluginInstances | |
►CPool | |
CPoolEntry | |
CPPCallbacks | |
►CProcessElfCore | |
CNT_FILE_Entry | |
CProcessExperimentalOptionValueProperties | |
CProcessFreeBSDKernel | |
CProcessKDP | |
CProcessMachCore | |
CProcessOptionValueProperties | |
CPSBBlockAnomalyDetector | Class used to identify anomalies in traces, which should often indicate a fatal error in the trace |
CPSBBlockDecoder | Class that decodes a raw buffer for a single PSB block using the low level libipt library |
CPtrauthInstructionInfo | Information about a pointer-authentication related instruction |
CRecurseCopyBaton | |
CRegData | |
CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_arm | |
CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_arm64 | |
CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_loongarch64 | |
CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_mips64 | |
CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_powerpc | |
CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_ppc64le | |
CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_riscv64 | |
CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_s390x | |
CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_x86_64 | |
►CRegisterContextDarwin_arm | |
CDBG | |
CEXC | |
CFPU | |
CGPR | |
CQReg | |
►CRegisterContextDarwin_arm64 | |
CDBG | |
CEXC | |
CFPU | |
CGPR | |
CVReg | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_arm64_Mach | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_arm_Mach | |
►CRegisterContextDarwin_i386 | |
CEXC | |
CFPU | |
CGPR | |
CMMSReg | |
CXMMReg | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_i386_Mach | |
►CRegisterContextDarwin_x86_64 | |
CEXC | |
CFPU | |
CGPR | |
CMMSReg | |
CXMMReg | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_x86_64_Mach | |
CRegisterContextFreeBSD_i386 | |
CRegisterContextFreeBSD_mips64 | |
CRegisterContextFreeBSD_powerpc | |
CRegisterContextFreeBSD_powerpc32 | |
CRegisterContextFreeBSD_powerpc64 | |
CRegisterContextFreeBSD_x86_64 | |
CRegisterContextFreeBSDKernel_arm64 | |
CRegisterContextFreeBSDKernel_i386 | |
CRegisterContextFreeBSDKernel_x86_64 | |
CRegisterContextKDP_arm | |
CRegisterContextKDP_arm64 | |
CRegisterContextKDP_i386 | |
CRegisterContextKDP_x86_64 | |
CRegisterContextLinux_i386 | |
CRegisterContextLinux_s390x | |
CRegisterContextLinux_x86_64 | |
CRegisterContextLinuxCore_x86_64 | |
CRegisterContextMach_arm | |
CRegisterContextMach_i386 | |
CRegisterContextMach_x86_64 | |
CRegisterContextMemory | |
CRegisterContextNetBSD_i386 | |
CRegisterContextNetBSD_x86_64 | |
CRegisterContextOpenBSD_i386 | |
CRegisterContextOpenBSD_x86_64 | |
CRegisterContextPOSIX_arm | |
CRegisterContextPOSIX_arm64 | |
CRegisterContextPOSIX_loongarch64 | |
CRegisterContextPOSIX_mips64 | |
CRegisterContextPOSIX_powerpc | |
CRegisterContextPOSIX_ppc64le | |
CRegisterContextPOSIX_riscv64 | |
►CRegisterContextPOSIX_s390x | |
CRegInfo | |
CRegisterContextPOSIX_x86 | |
CRegisterContextWindows_i386 | |
CRegisterContextWindows_x86_64 | |
►CRegisterInfoPOSIX_arm | |
CDBG | |
CEXC | |
CFPU | |
CGPR | |
CQReg | |
►CRegisterInfoPOSIX_arm64 | |
CDBG | |
CEXC | |
CFPU | |
CGPR | |
CVReg | |
►CRegisterInfoPOSIX_loongarch64 | |
CFPR | |
CGPR | |
CLSX | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_ppc64le | |
►CRegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64 | |
CFPR | |
CGPR | |
CVPR | |
CRegisterNumber | A class to represent register numbers, and able to convert between different register numbering schemes that may be used in a single debug session |
CRegisterTypeBuilderInstance | |
►CRemoteNXMapTable | |
Cconst_iterator | |
CREPLInstance | |
CSBBreakpointListImpl | |
CSBFileSpec | Set the output file path |
CScopedPThreadCancelDisabler | |
CScriptAddOptions | |
CScriptedInterfaceInstance | |
CScriptedRecognizedStackFrame | |
CScriptInterpreterInstance | |
Csegment_vmaddr | |
►CSelectHelper | |
CFDInfo | |
CShellInfo | |
CSimServiceContext | |
CSocketScheme | |
CStringExtractor | |
CStringExtractorGDBRemote | |
CStructuredDataPluginInstance | |
►CSymbolFilePDB | |
CSecContribInfo | |
CSymbolFileSymtab | |
CSymbolLocatorInstance | |
CSymbolSearchInfo | |
CSymbolSortInfo | |
CSymbolVendorELF | |
CSymbolVendorMacOSX | |
CSymbolVendorPECOFF | |
CSynthAddOptions | |
CSystemExit | |
►CSystemRuntimeMacOSX | |
CItemInfo | |
CItemRefAndCodeAddress | |
ClibBacktraceRecording_info | |
CLibdispatchOffsets | |
CLibdispatchTSDIndexes | |
CLibdispatchVoucherOffsets | |
CLibpthreadOffsets | |
CPendingItemsForQueue | |
CTaggedDoubleBits | |
CTargetExperimentalOptionValueProperties | |
CTargetOptionValueProperties | |
CTEB64 | |
CThreadData | |
CThreadElfCore | |
CThreadFreeBSDKernel | |
CThreadKDP | |
CThreadMachCore | |
CThreadMemory | |
CThreadOptionValueProperties | |
CThreadStepScopeOptionGroup | |
CToTimeSpec | |
CTraceExporterInstance | |
CTraceInstance | |
CTrieEntry | |
CTrieEntryWithOffset | |
CTypeAppendVisitor | |
CTypeSystemInstance | |
CUnwindAssembly_x86 | |
CUnwindAssemblyInstEmulation | |
CUnwindCodesIterator | |
CUserArea | |
CValidPointerChecker | |
CValueImpl | |
CValueListImpl | |
CValueLocker | |
CValueObjectVTableChild | |
CVariablesOptionsImpl | |
CWatchpointIDMatches | |
CWatchpointOptionsImpl | |