LLDB mainline
This is the complete list of members for lldb::SBTarget, including all inherited members.
AddModule(lldb::SBModule &module) | lldb::SBTarget | |
AddModule(const char *path, const char *triple, const char *uuid) | lldb::SBTarget | |
AddModule(const char *path, const char *triple, const char *uuid_cstr, const char *symfile) | lldb::SBTarget | |
AddModule(const SBModuleSpec &module_spec) | lldb::SBTarget | |
AppendImageSearchPath(const char *from, const char *to, lldb::SBError &error) | lldb::SBTarget | |
Attach(SBAttachInfo &attach_info, SBError &error) | lldb::SBTarget | |
AttachToProcessWithID(SBListener &listener, lldb::pid_t pid, lldb::SBError &error) | lldb::SBTarget | |
AttachToProcessWithName(SBListener &listener, const char *name, bool wait_for, lldb::SBError &error) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateByAddress(addr_t address) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateByLocation(const char *file, uint32_t line) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateByLocation(const lldb::SBFileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateByLocation(const lldb::SBFileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line, lldb::addr_t offset) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateByLocation(const lldb::SBFileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line, lldb::addr_t offset, SBFileSpecList &module_list) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateByLocation(const lldb::SBFileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line, uint32_t column, lldb::addr_t offset, SBFileSpecList &module_list) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateByLocation(const lldb::SBFileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line, uint32_t column, lldb::addr_t offset, SBFileSpecList &module_list, bool move_to_nearest_code) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateByName(const char *symbol_name, const char *module_name=nullptr) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateByName(const char *symbol_name, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &comp_unit_list) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateByName(const char *symbol_name, uint32_t name_type_mask, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &comp_unit_list) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateByName(const char *symbol_name, uint32_t name_type_mask, lldb::LanguageType symbol_language, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &comp_unit_list) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateByNames(const char *symbol_name[], uint32_t num_names, uint32_t name_type_mask, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &comp_unit_list) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateByNames(const char *symbol_name[], uint32_t num_names, uint32_t name_type_mask, lldb::LanguageType symbol_language, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &comp_unit_list) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateByNames(const char *symbol_name[], uint32_t num_names, uint32_t name_type_mask, lldb::LanguageType symbol_language, lldb::addr_t offset, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &comp_unit_list) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateByRegex(const char *symbol_name_regex, const char *module_name=nullptr) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateByRegex(const char *symbol_name_regex, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &comp_unit_list) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateByRegex(const char *symbol_name_regex, lldb::LanguageType symbol_language, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &comp_unit_list) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateBySBAddress(SBAddress &address) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex(const char *source_regex, const SBFileSpec &source_file, const char *module_name=nullptr) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex(const char *source_regex, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &source_file) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex(const char *source_regex, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &source_file, const SBStringList &func_names) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateForException(lldb::LanguageType language, bool catch_bp, bool throw_bp) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointCreateFromScript(const char *class_name, SBStructuredData &extra_args, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &file_list, bool request_hardware=false) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointDelete(break_id_t break_id) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointsCreateFromFile(SBFileSpec &source_file, SBBreakpointList &new_bps) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointsCreateFromFile(SBFileSpec &source_file, SBStringList &matching_names, SBBreakpointList &new_bps) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointsWriteToFile(SBFileSpec &dest_file) | lldb::SBTarget | |
BreakpointsWriteToFile(SBFileSpec &dest_file, SBBreakpointList &bkpt_list, bool append=false) | lldb::SBTarget | |
Clear() | lldb::SBTarget | |
ClearModuleLoadAddress(lldb::SBModule module) | lldb::SBTarget | |
ClearSectionLoadAddress(lldb::SBSection section) | lldb::SBTarget | |
ConnectRemote(SBListener &listener, const char *url, const char *plugin_name, SBError &error) | lldb::SBTarget | |
CreateTrace(SBError &error) | lldb::SBTarget | |
CreateValueFromAddress(const char *name, lldb::SBAddress addr, lldb::SBType type) | lldb::SBTarget | |
CreateValueFromData(const char *name, lldb::SBData data, lldb::SBType type) | lldb::SBTarget | |
CreateValueFromExpression(const char *name, const char *expr) | lldb::SBTarget | |
DeleteAllBreakpoints() | lldb::SBTarget | |
DeleteAllWatchpoints() | lldb::SBTarget | |
DeleteBreakpointName(const char *name) | lldb::SBTarget | |
DeleteWatchpoint(lldb::watch_id_t watch_id) | lldb::SBTarget | |
DisableAllBreakpoints() | lldb::SBTarget | |
DisableAllWatchpoints() | lldb::SBTarget | |
eBroadcastBitBreakpointChanged enum value | lldb::SBTarget | |
eBroadcastBitModulesLoaded enum value | lldb::SBTarget | |
eBroadcastBitModulesUnloaded enum value | lldb::SBTarget | |
eBroadcastBitSymbolsChanged enum value | lldb::SBTarget | |
eBroadcastBitSymbolsLoaded enum value | lldb::SBTarget | |
eBroadcastBitWatchpointChanged enum value | lldb::SBTarget | |
EnableAllBreakpoints() | lldb::SBTarget | |
EnableAllWatchpoints() | lldb::SBTarget | |
EvaluateExpression(const char *expr) | lldb::SBTarget | |
EvaluateExpression(const char *expr, const SBExpressionOptions &options) | lldb::SBTarget | |
EventIsTargetEvent(const lldb::SBEvent &event) | lldb::SBTarget | static |
FindBreakpointByID(break_id_t break_id) | lldb::SBTarget | |
FindBreakpointsByName(const char *name, SBBreakpointList &bkpt_list) | lldb::SBTarget | |
FindCompileUnits(const lldb::SBFileSpec &sb_file_spec) | lldb::SBTarget | |
FindFirstGlobalVariable(const char *name) | lldb::SBTarget | |
FindFirstType(const char *type) | lldb::SBTarget | |
FindFunctions(const char *name, uint32_t name_type_mask=lldb::eFunctionNameTypeAny) | lldb::SBTarget | |
FindGlobalFunctions(const char *name, uint32_t max_matches, MatchType matchtype) | lldb::SBTarget | |
FindGlobalVariables(const char *name, uint32_t max_matches) | lldb::SBTarget | |
FindGlobalVariables(const char *name, uint32_t max_matches, MatchType matchtype) | lldb::SBTarget | |
FindModule(const lldb::SBFileSpec &file_spec) | lldb::SBTarget | |
FindSymbols(const char *name, lldb::SymbolType type=eSymbolTypeAny) | lldb::SBTarget | |
FindTypes(const char *type) | lldb::SBTarget | |
FindWatchpointByID(lldb::watch_id_t watch_id) | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetABIName() | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetAddressByteSize() | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetBasicType(lldb::BasicType type) | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetBreakpointAtIndex(uint32_t idx) const | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetBreakpointNames(SBStringList &names) | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetBroadcaster() const | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetBroadcasterClassName() | lldb::SBTarget | static |
GetByteOrder() | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetCodeByteSize() | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetCollectingStats() | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetDataByteSize() | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetDebugger() const | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetDescription(lldb::SBStream &description, lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level) | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetEnvironment() | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetExecutable() | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetInstructions(lldb::SBAddress base_addr, const void *buf, size_t size) | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetInstructions(lldb::addr_t base_addr, const void *buf, size_t size) | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetInstructionsWithFlavor(lldb::SBAddress base_addr, const char *flavor_string, const void *buf, size_t size) | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetInstructionsWithFlavor(lldb::addr_t base_addr, const char *flavor_string, const void *buf, size_t size) | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetLabel() const | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetLaunchInfo() const | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetMaximumNumberOfChildrenToDisplay() const | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetModuleAtIndex(uint32_t idx) | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetModuleAtIndexFromEvent(const uint32_t idx, const lldb::SBEvent &event) | lldb::SBTarget | static |
GetNumBreakpoints() const | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetNumModules() const | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetNumModulesFromEvent(const lldb::SBEvent &event) | lldb::SBTarget | static |
GetNumWatchpoints() const | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetPlatform() | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetProcess() | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetSourceManager() | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetSP() const | lldb::SBTarget | protected |
GetStackRedZoneSize() | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetStatistics() | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetStatistics(SBStatisticsOptions options) | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetTargetFromEvent(const lldb::SBEvent &event) | lldb::SBTarget | static |
GetTrace() | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetTriple() | lldb::SBTarget | |
GetWatchpointAtIndex(uint32_t idx) const | lldb::SBTarget | |
Install() | lldb::SBTarget | |
IsLoaded(const lldb::SBModule &module) const | lldb::SBTarget | |
IsValid() const | lldb::SBTarget | |
Launch(SBListener &listener, char const **argv, char const **envp, const char *stdin_path, const char *stdout_path, const char *stderr_path, const char *working_directory, uint32_t launch_flags, bool stop_at_entry, lldb::SBError &error) | lldb::SBTarget | |
Launch(SBLaunchInfo &launch_info, SBError &error) | lldb::SBTarget | |
LaunchSimple(const char **argv, const char **envp, const char *working_directory) | lldb::SBTarget | |
lldb_private::python::SWIGBridge | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
LoadCore(const char *core_file) | lldb::SBTarget | |
LoadCore(const char *core_file, lldb::SBError &error) | lldb::SBTarget | |
m_opaque_sp | lldb::SBTarget | private |
operator bool() const | lldb::SBTarget | explicit |
operator!=(const lldb::SBTarget &rhs) const | lldb::SBTarget | |
operator=(const lldb::SBTarget &rhs) | lldb::SBTarget | |
operator==(const lldb::SBTarget &rhs) const | lldb::SBTarget | |
ReadInstructions(lldb::SBAddress base_addr, uint32_t count) | lldb::SBTarget | |
ReadInstructions(lldb::SBAddress base_addr, uint32_t count, const char *flavor_string) | lldb::SBTarget | |
ReadInstructions(lldb::SBAddress start_addr, lldb::SBAddress end_addr, const char *flavor_string) | lldb::SBTarget | |
ReadMemory(const SBAddress addr, void *buf, size_t size, lldb::SBError &error) | lldb::SBTarget | |
RemoveModule(lldb::SBModule module) | lldb::SBTarget | |
ResetStatistics() | lldb::SBTarget | |
ResolveFileAddress(lldb::addr_t file_addr) | lldb::SBTarget | |
ResolveLoadAddress(lldb::addr_t vm_addr) | lldb::SBTarget | |
ResolvePastLoadAddress(uint32_t stop_id, lldb::addr_t vm_addr) | lldb::SBTarget | |
ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(const SBAddress &addr, uint32_t resolve_scope) | lldb::SBTarget | |
SBAddress | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBAddressRange | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBBlock | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBBreakpoint | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBBreakpointList | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBBreakpointNameImpl | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBDebugger | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBExecutionContext | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBFrame | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBFunction | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBInstruction | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBModule | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBPlatform | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBProcess | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBSection | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBSourceManager | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBSymbol | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBTarget() | lldb::SBTarget | |
SBTarget(const lldb::SBTarget &rhs) | lldb::SBTarget | |
SBTarget(const lldb::TargetSP &target_sp) | lldb::SBTarget | protected |
SBTypeStaticField | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBValue | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SBVariablesOptions | lldb::SBTarget | friend |
SetCollectingStats(bool v) | lldb::SBTarget | |
SetLabel(const char *label) | lldb::SBTarget | |
SetLaunchInfo(const lldb::SBLaunchInfo &launch_info) | lldb::SBTarget | |
SetModuleLoadAddress(lldb::SBModule module, uint64_t sections_offset) | lldb::SBTarget | |
SetSectionLoadAddress(lldb::SBSection section, lldb::addr_t section_base_addr) | lldb::SBTarget | |
SetSP(const lldb::TargetSP &target_sp) | lldb::SBTarget | protected |
WatchAddress(lldb::addr_t addr, size_t size, bool read, bool modify, SBError &error) | lldb::SBTarget | |
WatchpointCreateByAddress(lldb::addr_t addr, size_t size, lldb::SBWatchpointOptions options, SBError &error) | lldb::SBTarget | |
~SBTarget() | lldb::SBTarget |