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lldb::SBTarget Class Reference

#include <SBTarget.h>

Public Types

enum  {
  eBroadcastBitBreakpointChanged = (1 << 0) , eBroadcastBitModulesLoaded = (1 << 1) , eBroadcastBitModulesUnloaded = (1 << 2) , eBroadcastBitWatchpointChanged = (1 << 3) ,
  eBroadcastBitSymbolsLoaded = (1 << 4) , eBroadcastBitSymbolsChanged = (1 << 5)

Public Member Functions

 SBTarget ()
 SBTarget (const lldb::SBTarget &rhs)
 ~SBTarget ()
const lldb::SBTargetoperator= (const lldb::SBTarget &rhs)
 operator bool () const
bool IsValid () const
lldb::SBProcess GetProcess ()
void SetCollectingStats (bool v)
 Sets whether we should collect statistics on lldb or not.
bool GetCollectingStats ()
 Returns whether statistics collection are enabled.
lldb::SBStructuredData GetStatistics ()
 Returns a dump of the collected statistics.
lldb::SBStructuredData GetStatistics (SBStatisticsOptions options)
 Returns a dump of the collected statistics.
void ResetStatistics ()
 Reset the statistics collected for this target.
lldb::SBPlatform GetPlatform ()
 Return the platform object associated with the target.
SBEnvironment GetEnvironment ()
 Return the environment variables that would be used to launch a new process.
SBError Install ()
 Install any binaries that need to be installed.
lldb::SBProcess Launch (SBListener &listener, char const **argv, char const **envp, const char *stdin_path, const char *stdout_path, const char *stderr_path, const char *working_directory, uint32_t launch_flags, bool stop_at_entry, lldb::SBError &error)
 Launch a new process.
SBProcess LoadCore (const char *core_file)
SBProcess LoadCore (const char *core_file, lldb::SBError &error)
SBProcess LaunchSimple (const char **argv, const char **envp, const char *working_directory)
 Launch a new process with sensible defaults.
SBProcess Launch (SBLaunchInfo &launch_info, SBError &error)
SBProcess Attach (SBAttachInfo &attach_info, SBError &error)
lldb::SBProcess AttachToProcessWithID (SBListener &listener, lldb::pid_t pid, lldb::SBError &error)
 Attach to process with pid.
lldb::SBProcess AttachToProcessWithName (SBListener &listener, const char *name, bool wait_for, lldb::SBError &error)
 Attach to process with name.
lldb::SBProcess ConnectRemote (SBListener &listener, const char *url, const char *plugin_name, SBError &error)
 Connect to a remote debug server with url.
lldb::SBFileSpec GetExecutable ()
void AppendImageSearchPath (const char *from, const char *to, lldb::SBError &error)
bool AddModule (lldb::SBModule &module)
lldb::SBModule AddModule (const char *path, const char *triple, const char *uuid)
lldb::SBModule AddModule (const char *path, const char *triple, const char *uuid_cstr, const char *symfile)
lldb::SBModule AddModule (const SBModuleSpec &module_spec)
uint32_t GetNumModules () const
lldb::SBModule GetModuleAtIndex (uint32_t idx)
bool RemoveModule (lldb::SBModule module)
lldb::SBDebugger GetDebugger () const
lldb::SBModule FindModule (const lldb::SBFileSpec &file_spec)
lldb::SBSymbolContextList FindCompileUnits (const lldb::SBFileSpec &sb_file_spec)
 Find compile units related to *this target and passed source file.
lldb::ByteOrder GetByteOrder ()
uint32_t GetAddressByteSize ()
const char * GetTriple ()
const char * GetABIName ()
const char * GetLabel () const
SBError SetLabel (const char *label)
uint32_t GetDataByteSize ()
 Architecture data byte width accessor.
uint32_t GetCodeByteSize ()
 Architecture code byte width accessor.
uint32_t GetMaximumNumberOfChildrenToDisplay () const
 Gets the target.max-children-count value It should be used to limit the number of children of large data structures to be displayed.
lldb::SBError SetSectionLoadAddress (lldb::SBSection section, lldb::addr_t section_base_addr)
 Set the base load address for a module section.
lldb::SBError ClearSectionLoadAddress (lldb::SBSection section)
 Clear the base load address for a module section.
LLDB_DEPRECATED_FIXME("Use SetModuleLoadAddress(lldb::SBModule, uint64_t)", "SetModuleLoadAddress(lldb::SBModule, uint64_t)") lldb lldb::SBError SetModuleLoadAddress (lldb::SBModule module, uint64_t sections_offset)
 Slide all file addresses for all module sections so that module appears to loaded at these slide addresses.
lldb::SBError ClearModuleLoadAddress (lldb::SBModule module)
 Clear the section base load addresses for all sections in a module.
lldb::SBSymbolContextList FindFunctions (const char *name, uint32_t name_type_mask=lldb::eFunctionNameTypeAny)
 Find functions by name.
lldb::SBValueList FindGlobalVariables (const char *name, uint32_t max_matches)
 Find global and static variables by name.
lldb::SBValue FindFirstGlobalVariable (const char *name)
 Find the first global (or static) variable by name.
lldb::SBValueList FindGlobalVariables (const char *name, uint32_t max_matches, MatchType matchtype)
 Find global and static variables by pattern.
lldb::SBSymbolContextList FindGlobalFunctions (const char *name, uint32_t max_matches, MatchType matchtype)
 Find global functions by their name with pattern matching.
void Clear ()
lldb::SBAddress ResolveFileAddress (lldb::addr_t file_addr)
 Resolve a current file address into a section offset address.
lldb::SBAddress ResolveLoadAddress (lldb::addr_t vm_addr)
 Resolve a current load address into a section offset address.
lldb::SBAddress ResolvePastLoadAddress (uint32_t stop_id, lldb::addr_t vm_addr)
 Resolve a current load address into a section offset address using the process stop ID to identify a time in the past.
SBSymbolContext ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (const SBAddress &addr, uint32_t resolve_scope)
size_t ReadMemory (const SBAddress addr, void *buf, size_t size, lldb::SBError &error)
 Read target memory.
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByLocation (const char *file, uint32_t line)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByLocation (const lldb::SBFileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByLocation (const lldb::SBFileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line, lldb::addr_t offset)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByLocation (const lldb::SBFileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line, lldb::addr_t offset, SBFileSpecList &module_list)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByLocation (const lldb::SBFileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line, uint32_t column, lldb::addr_t offset, SBFileSpecList &module_list)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByLocation (const lldb::SBFileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line, uint32_t column, lldb::addr_t offset, SBFileSpecList &module_list, bool move_to_nearest_code)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByName (const char *symbol_name, const char *module_name=nullptr)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByName (const char *symbol_name, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &comp_unit_list)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByName (const char *symbol_name, uint32_t name_type_mask, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &comp_unit_list)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByName (const char *symbol_name, uint32_t name_type_mask, lldb::LanguageType symbol_language, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &comp_unit_list)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByNames (const char *symbol_name[], uint32_t num_names, uint32_t name_type_mask, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &comp_unit_list)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByNames (const char *symbol_name[], uint32_t num_names, uint32_t name_type_mask, lldb::LanguageType symbol_language, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &comp_unit_list)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByNames (const char *symbol_name[], uint32_t num_names, uint32_t name_type_mask, lldb::LanguageType symbol_language, lldb::addr_t offset, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &comp_unit_list)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByRegex (const char *symbol_name_regex, const char *module_name=nullptr)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByRegex (const char *symbol_name_regex, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &comp_unit_list)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByRegex (const char *symbol_name_regex, lldb::LanguageType symbol_language, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &comp_unit_list)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex (const char *source_regex, const SBFileSpec &source_file, const char *module_name=nullptr)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex (const char *source_regex, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &source_file)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex (const char *source_regex, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &source_file, const SBStringList &func_names)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateForException (lldb::LanguageType language, bool catch_bp, bool throw_bp)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByAddress (addr_t address)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateBySBAddress (SBAddress &address)
lldb::SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateFromScript (const char *class_name, SBStructuredData &extra_args, const SBFileSpecList &module_list, const SBFileSpecList &file_list, bool request_hardware=false)
 Create a breakpoint using a scripted resolver.
lldb::SBError BreakpointsCreateFromFile (SBFileSpec &source_file, SBBreakpointList &new_bps)
 Read breakpoints from source_file and return the newly created breakpoints in bkpt_list.
lldb::SBError BreakpointsCreateFromFile (SBFileSpec &source_file, SBStringList &matching_names, SBBreakpointList &new_bps)
 Read breakpoints from source_file and return the newly created breakpoints in bkpt_list.
lldb::SBError BreakpointsWriteToFile (SBFileSpec &dest_file)
 Write breakpoints to dest_file.
lldb::SBError BreakpointsWriteToFile (SBFileSpec &dest_file, SBBreakpointList &bkpt_list, bool append=false)
 Write breakpoints listed in bkpt_list to dest_file.
uint32_t GetNumBreakpoints () const
lldb::SBBreakpoint GetBreakpointAtIndex (uint32_t idx) const
bool BreakpointDelete (break_id_t break_id)
lldb::SBBreakpoint FindBreakpointByID (break_id_t break_id)
bool FindBreakpointsByName (const char *name, SBBreakpointList &bkpt_list)
void GetBreakpointNames (SBStringList &names)
void DeleteBreakpointName (const char *name)
bool EnableAllBreakpoints ()
bool DisableAllBreakpoints ()
bool DeleteAllBreakpoints ()
uint32_t GetNumWatchpoints () const
lldb::SBWatchpoint GetWatchpointAtIndex (uint32_t idx) const
bool DeleteWatchpoint (lldb::watch_id_t watch_id)
lldb::SBWatchpoint FindWatchpointByID (lldb::watch_id_t watch_id)
lldb::SBWatchpoint WatchAddress (lldb::addr_t addr, size_t size, bool read, bool modify, SBError &error)
lldb::SBWatchpoint WatchpointCreateByAddress (lldb::addr_t addr, size_t size, lldb::SBWatchpointOptions options, SBError &error)
bool EnableAllWatchpoints ()
bool DisableAllWatchpoints ()
bool DeleteAllWatchpoints ()
lldb::SBBroadcaster GetBroadcaster () const
lldb::SBType FindFirstType (const char *type)
lldb::SBTypeList FindTypes (const char *type)
lldb::SBType GetBasicType (lldb::BasicType type)
lldb::SBValue CreateValueFromAddress (const char *name, lldb::SBAddress addr, lldb::SBType type)
lldb::SBValue CreateValueFromData (const char *name, lldb::SBData data, lldb::SBType type)
lldb::SBValue CreateValueFromExpression (const char *name, const char *expr)
SBSourceManager GetSourceManager ()
lldb::SBInstructionList ReadInstructions (lldb::SBAddress base_addr, uint32_t count)
lldb::SBInstructionList ReadInstructions (lldb::SBAddress base_addr, uint32_t count, const char *flavor_string)
lldb::SBInstructionList ReadInstructions (lldb::SBAddress start_addr, lldb::SBAddress end_addr, const char *flavor_string)
lldb::SBInstructionList GetInstructions (lldb::SBAddress base_addr, const void *buf, size_t size)
lldb::SBInstructionList GetInstructionsWithFlavor (lldb::SBAddress base_addr, const char *flavor_string, const void *buf, size_t size)
lldb::SBInstructionList GetInstructions (lldb::addr_t base_addr, const void *buf, size_t size)
lldb::SBInstructionList GetInstructionsWithFlavor (lldb::addr_t base_addr, const char *flavor_string, const void *buf, size_t size)
lldb::SBSymbolContextList FindSymbols (const char *name, lldb::SymbolType type=eSymbolTypeAny)
bool operator== (const lldb::SBTarget &rhs) const
bool operator!= (const lldb::SBTarget &rhs) const
bool GetDescription (lldb::SBStream &description, lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level)
lldb::SBValue EvaluateExpression (const char *expr)
lldb::SBValue EvaluateExpression (const char *expr, const SBExpressionOptions &options)
lldb::addr_t GetStackRedZoneSize ()
bool IsLoaded (const lldb::SBModule &module) const
lldb::SBLaunchInfo GetLaunchInfo () const
void SetLaunchInfo (const lldb::SBLaunchInfo &launch_info)
lldb::SBTrace GetTrace ()
 Get a SBTrace object the can manage the processor trace information of this target.
lldb::SBTrace CreateTrace (SBError &error)
 Create a Trace object for the current target using the using the default supported tracing technology for this process.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool EventIsTargetEvent (const lldb::SBEvent &event)
static lldb::SBTarget GetTargetFromEvent (const lldb::SBEvent &event)
static uint32_t GetNumModulesFromEvent (const lldb::SBEvent &event)
static lldb::SBModule GetModuleAtIndexFromEvent (const uint32_t idx, const lldb::SBEvent &event)
static const char * GetBroadcasterClassName ()

Protected Member Functions

 SBTarget (const lldb::TargetSP &target_sp)
lldb::TargetSP GetSP () const
void SetSP (const lldb::TargetSP &target_sp)

Private Attributes

lldb::TargetSP m_opaque_sp


class SBAddress
class SBAddressRange
class SBBlock
class SBBreakpoint
class SBBreakpointList
class SBBreakpointNameImpl
class SBDebugger
class SBExecutionContext
class SBFrame
class SBFunction
class SBInstruction
class SBModule
class SBPlatform
class SBProcess
class SBSection
class SBSourceManager
class SBSymbol
class SBTypeStaticField
class SBValue
class SBVariablesOptions
class lldb_private::python::SWIGBridge

Detailed Description

Definition at line 37 of file SBTarget.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 40 of file SBTarget.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SBTarget() [1/3]

SBTarget::SBTarget ( )

Definition at line 98 of file SBTarget.cpp.


◆ SBTarget() [2/3]

SBTarget::SBTarget ( const lldb::SBTarget rhs)

Definition at line 100 of file SBTarget.cpp.


◆ ~SBTarget()

SBTarget::~SBTarget ( )

References lldb::operator==().

◆ SBTarget() [3/3]

SBTarget::SBTarget ( const lldb::TargetSP target_sp)

Definition at line 104 of file SBTarget.cpp.


Member Function Documentation

◆ AddModule() [1/4]

lldb::SBModule SBTarget::AddModule ( const char *  path,
const char *  triple,
const char *  uuid 

Definition at line 1496 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References AddModule(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ AddModule() [2/4]

lldb::SBModule SBTarget::AddModule ( const char *  path,
const char *  triple,
const char *  uuid_cstr,
const char *  symfile 

◆ AddModule() [3/4]

lldb::SBModule SBTarget::AddModule ( const SBModuleSpec module_spec)

◆ AddModule() [4/4]

bool SBTarget::AddModule ( lldb::SBModule module)

Definition at line 1561 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References lldb::SBModule::GetSP(), GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

Referenced by AddModule().

◆ AppendImageSearchPath()

void SBTarget::AppendImageSearchPath ( const char *  from,
const char *  to,
lldb::SBError error 

Definition at line 1479 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References error(), GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ Attach()

lldb::SBProcess SBTarget::Attach ( SBAttachInfo attach_info,
SBError error 

◆ AttachToProcessWithID()

lldb::SBProcess SBTarget::AttachToProcessWithID ( SBListener listener,
lldb::pid_t  pid,
lldb::SBError error 

Attach to process with pid.

[in]listenerAn optional listener that will receive all process events. If listener is valid then listener will listen to all process events. If not valid, then this target's debugger (SBTarget::GetDebugger()) will listen to all process events.
[in]pidThe process ID to attach to.
[out]errorAn error explaining what went wrong if attach fails.
A process object for the attached process.

Definition at line 479 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References AttachToProcess(), error(), lldb_private::ProcessInstanceInfo::GetEffectiveUserID(), lldb::SBListener::GetSP(), GetSP(), lldb::SBListener::IsValid(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, lldb_private::ProcessInfo::SetListener(), lldb_private::ProcessInfo::SetProcessID(), lldb::SBProcess::SetSP(), and lldb_private::ProcessInfo::SetUserID().

◆ AttachToProcessWithName()

lldb::SBProcess SBTarget::AttachToProcessWithName ( SBListener listener,
const char *  name,
bool  wait_for,
lldb::SBError error 

Attach to process with name.

[in]listenerAn optional listener that will receive all process events. If listener is valid then listener will listen to all process events. If not valid, then this target's debugger (SBTarget::GetDebugger()) will listen to all process events.
[in]nameBasename of process to attach to.
[in]wait_forIf true wait for a new instance of 'name' to be launched.
[out]errorAn error explaining what went wrong if attach fails.
A process object for the attached process.

Definition at line 508 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References AttachToProcess(), error(), lldb_private::ProcessInfo::GetExecutableFile(), lldb::SBListener::GetSP(), GetSP(), lldb::SBListener::IsValid(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, lldb_private::FileSpec::SetFile(), lldb_private::ProcessInfo::SetListener(), lldb::SBProcess::SetSP(), and lldb_private::ProcessAttachInfo::SetWaitForLaunch().

◆ BreakpointCreateByAddress()

SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateByAddress ( addr_t  address)

Definition at line 943 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ BreakpointCreateByLocation() [1/6]

SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateByLocation ( const char *  file,
uint32_t  line 

Definition at line 685 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References BreakpointCreateByLocation(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and SBBreakpoint.

Referenced by BreakpointCreateByLocation().

◆ BreakpointCreateByLocation() [2/6]

SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateByLocation ( const lldb::SBFileSpec file_spec,
uint32_t  line 

Definition at line 694 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References BreakpointCreateByLocation(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ BreakpointCreateByLocation() [3/6]

SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateByLocation ( const lldb::SBFileSpec file_spec,
uint32_t  line,
lldb::addr_t  offset 

Definition at line 702 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References BreakpointCreateByLocation(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ BreakpointCreateByLocation() [4/6]

SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateByLocation ( const lldb::SBFileSpec file_spec,
uint32_t  line,
lldb::addr_t  offset,
SBFileSpecList module_list 

Definition at line 711 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References BreakpointCreateByLocation(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ BreakpointCreateByLocation() [5/6]

SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateByLocation ( const lldb::SBFileSpec file_spec,
uint32_t  line,
uint32_t  column,
lldb::addr_t  offset,
SBFileSpecList module_list 

◆ BreakpointCreateByLocation() [6/6]

SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateByLocation ( const lldb::SBFileSpec file_spec,
uint32_t  line,
uint32_t  column,
lldb::addr_t  offset,
SBFileSpecList module_list,
bool  move_to_nearest_code 

◆ BreakpointCreateByName() [1/4]

SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateByName ( const char *  symbol_name,
const char *  module_name = nullptr 

◆ BreakpointCreateByName() [2/4]

lldb::SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateByName ( const char *  symbol_name,
const SBFileSpecList module_list,
const SBFileSpecList comp_unit_list 

◆ BreakpointCreateByName() [3/4]

lldb::SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateByName ( const char *  symbol_name,
uint32_t  name_type_mask,
const SBFileSpecList module_list,
const SBFileSpecList comp_unit_list 

◆ BreakpointCreateByName() [4/4]

lldb::SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateByName ( const char *  symbol_name,
uint32_t  name_type_mask,
lldb::LanguageType  symbol_language,
const SBFileSpecList module_list,
const SBFileSpecList comp_unit_list 

◆ BreakpointCreateByNames() [1/3]

lldb::SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateByNames ( const char *  symbol_name[],
uint32_t  num_names,
uint32_t  name_type_mask,
const SBFileSpecList module_list,
const SBFileSpecList comp_unit_list 

◆ BreakpointCreateByNames() [2/3]

lldb::SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateByNames ( const char *  symbol_name[],
uint32_t  num_names,
uint32_t  name_type_mask,
lldb::LanguageType  symbol_language,
const SBFileSpecList module_list,
const SBFileSpecList comp_unit_list 

◆ BreakpointCreateByNames() [3/3]

lldb::SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateByNames ( const char *  symbol_name[],
uint32_t  num_names,
uint32_t  name_type_mask,
lldb::LanguageType  symbol_language,
lldb::addr_t  offset,
const SBFileSpecList module_list,
const SBFileSpecList comp_unit_list 

◆ BreakpointCreateByRegex() [1/3]

SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateByRegex ( const char *  symbol_name_regex,
const char *  module_name = nullptr 

◆ BreakpointCreateByRegex() [2/3]

lldb::SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateByRegex ( const char *  symbol_name_regex,
const SBFileSpecList module_list,
const SBFileSpecList comp_unit_list 

◆ BreakpointCreateByRegex() [3/3]

lldb::SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateByRegex ( const char *  symbol_name_regex,
lldb::LanguageType  symbol_language,
const SBFileSpecList module_list,
const SBFileSpecList comp_unit_list 

◆ BreakpointCreateBySBAddress()

SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateBySBAddress ( SBAddress address)

◆ BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex() [1/3]

lldb::SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex ( const char *  source_regex,
const SBFileSpec source_file,
const char *  module_name = nullptr 

◆ BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex() [2/3]

lldb::SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex ( const char *  source_regex,
const SBFileSpecList module_list,
const SBFileSpecList source_file 

Definition at line 996 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex() [3/3]

lldb::SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex ( const char *  source_regex,
const SBFileSpecList module_list,
const SBFileSpecList source_file,
const SBStringList func_names 

◆ BreakpointCreateForException()

lldb::SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateForException ( lldb::LanguageType  language,
bool  catch_bp,
bool  throw_bp 

Definition at line 1033 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ BreakpointCreateFromScript()

lldb::SBBreakpoint SBTarget::BreakpointCreateFromScript ( const char *  class_name,
SBStructuredData extra_args,
const SBFileSpecList module_list,
const SBFileSpecList file_list,
bool  request_hardware = false 

Create a breakpoint using a scripted resolver.

[in]class_nameThis is the name of the class that implements a scripted resolver.
[in]extra_argsThis is an SBStructuredData object that will get passed to the constructor of the class in class_name. You can use this to reuse the same class, parametrizing with entries from this dictionary.
module_listIf this is non-empty, this will be used as the module filter in the SearchFilter created for this breakpoint.
file_listIf this is non-empty, this will be used as the comp unit filter in the SearchFilter created for this breakpoint.
An SBBreakpoint that will set locations based on the logic in the resolver's search callback.

Definition at line 1049 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References error(), lldb::SBFileSpecList::get(), GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and lldb::SBStructuredData::m_impl_up.

◆ BreakpointDelete()

bool SBTarget::BreakpointDelete ( break_id_t  break_id)

Definition at line 1099 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ BreakpointsCreateFromFile() [1/2]

lldb::SBError SBTarget::BreakpointsCreateFromFile ( SBFileSpec source_file,
SBBreakpointList new_bps 

Read breakpoints from source_file and return the newly created breakpoints in bkpt_list.

[in]source_fileThe file from which to read the breakpoints.
[out]new_bpsA list of the newly created breakpoints.
An SBError detailing any errors in reading in the breakpoints.

Definition at line 1208 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References BreakpointsCreateFromFile(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

Referenced by BreakpointsCreateFromFile().

◆ BreakpointsCreateFromFile() [2/2]

lldb::SBError SBTarget::BreakpointsCreateFromFile ( SBFileSpec source_file,
SBStringList matching_names,
SBBreakpointList new_bps 

Read breakpoints from source_file and return the newly created breakpoints in bkpt_list.

[in]source_fileThe file from which to read the breakpoints.
[in]matching_namesOnly read in breakpoints whose names match one of the names in this list.
[out]new_bpsA list of the newly created breakpoints.
An SBError detailing any errors in reading in the breakpoints.

Definition at line 1216 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References lldb::SBBreakpointList::AppendByID(), lldb::SBError::Fail(), lldb_private::BreakpointID::GetBreakpointID(), lldb_private::BreakpointIDList::GetBreakpointIDAtIndex(), lldb::SBStringList::GetSize(), lldb_private::BreakpointIDList::GetSize(), GetSP(), lldb::SBStringList::GetStringAtIndex(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, lldb::SBError::ref(), lldb::SBFileSpec::ref(), and lldb::SBError::SetErrorString().

◆ BreakpointsWriteToFile() [1/2]

lldb::SBError SBTarget::BreakpointsWriteToFile ( SBFileSpec dest_file)

Write breakpoints to dest_file.

[in]dest_fileThe file to which to write the breakpoints.
An SBError detailing any errors in writing in the breakpoints.

Definition at line 1250 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References BreakpointsWriteToFile(), GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and lldb::SBError::SetErrorString().

Referenced by BreakpointsWriteToFile().

◆ BreakpointsWriteToFile() [2/2]

lldb::SBError SBTarget::BreakpointsWriteToFile ( SBFileSpec dest_file,
SBBreakpointList bkpt_list,
bool  append = false 

Write breakpoints listed in bkpt_list to dest_file.

[in]dest_fileThe file to which to write the breakpoints.
[in]bkpt_listOnly write breakpoints from this list.
[in]appendIf true, append the breakpoints in bkpt_list to the others serialized in dest_file. If dest_file doesn't exist, then a new file will be created and the breakpoints in bkpt_list written to it.
An SBError detailing any errors in writing in the breakpoints.

Definition at line 1263 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References lldb::SBBreakpointList::CopyToBreakpointIDList(), GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, lldb::SBError::ref(), lldb::SBFileSpec::ref(), and lldb::SBError::SetErrorString().

◆ Clear()

void SBTarget::Clear ( )

Definition at line 1585 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and m_opaque_sp.

Referenced by lldb::SBDebugger::DeleteTarget().

◆ ClearModuleLoadAddress()

SBError SBTarget::ClearModuleLoadAddress ( lldb::SBModule  module)

Clear the section base load addresses for all sections in a module.

[in]moduleThe module to unload.
An error to indicate success, fail, and any reason for failure.

Definition at line 2227 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References lldb_private::ModuleList::Append(), lldb_private::SectionList::GetSectionAtIndex(), lldb_private::ObjectFile::GetSectionList(), lldb_private::SectionList::GetSize(), lldb::SBModule::GetSP(), GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and PATH_MAX.

◆ ClearSectionLoadAddress()

SBError SBTarget::ClearSectionLoadAddress ( lldb::SBSection  section)

Clear the base load address for a module section.

[in]sectionThe section whose base load address will be cleared within this target.
An error to indicate success, fail, and any reason for failure.

Definition at line 2147 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References lldb_private::ModuleList::Append(), lldb::SBSection::GetSP(), GetSP(), lldb::SBSection::IsValid(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ ConnectRemote()

lldb::SBProcess SBTarget::ConnectRemote ( SBListener listener,
const char *  url,
const char *  plugin_name,
SBError error 

Connect to a remote debug server with url.

[in]listenerAn optional listener that will receive all process events. If listener is valid then listener will listen to all process events. If not valid, then this target's debugger (SBTarget::GetDebugger()) will listen to all process events.
[in]urlThe url to connect to, e.g., 'connect://localhost:12345'.
[in]plugin_nameThe plugin name to be used; can be nullptr.
[out]errorAn error explaining what went wrong if the connect fails.
A process object for the connected process.

Definition at line 535 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References error(), GetSP(), lldb::SBListener::IsValid(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, lldb::SBListener::m_opaque_sp, and lldb::SBProcess::SetSP().

◆ CreateTrace()

lldb::SBTrace SBTarget::CreateTrace ( lldb::SBError error)

Create a Trace object for the current target using the using the default supported tracing technology for this process.

[out]errorAn error if a Trace already exists or the trace couldn't be created.

Definition at line 2425 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References error(), GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ CreateValueFromAddress()

SBValue SBTarget::CreateValueFromAddress ( const char *  name,
lldb::SBAddress  addr,
lldb::SBType  type 

◆ CreateValueFromData()

lldb::SBValue SBTarget::CreateValueFromData ( const char *  name,
lldb::SBData  data,
lldb::SBType  type 

◆ CreateValueFromExpression()

lldb::SBValue SBTarget::CreateValueFromExpression ( const char *  name,
const char *  expr 

◆ DeleteAllBreakpoints()

bool SBTarget::DeleteAllBreakpoints ( )

Definition at line 1196 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ DeleteAllWatchpoints()

bool SBTarget::DeleteAllWatchpoints ( )

Definition at line 1465 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ DeleteBreakpointName()

void SBTarget::DeleteBreakpointName ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 1162 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ DeleteWatchpoint()

bool SBTarget::DeleteWatchpoint ( lldb::watch_id_t  watch_id)

Definition at line 1306 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ DisableAllBreakpoints()

bool SBTarget::DisableAllBreakpoints ( )

Definition at line 1184 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ DisableAllWatchpoints()

bool SBTarget::DisableAllWatchpoints ( )

Definition at line 1399 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ EnableAllBreakpoints()

bool SBTarget::EnableAllBreakpoints ( )

Definition at line 1172 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ EnableAllWatchpoints()

bool SBTarget::EnableAllWatchpoints ( )

Definition at line 1385 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ EvaluateExpression() [1/2]

lldb::SBValue SBTarget::EvaluateExpression ( const char *  expr)

◆ EvaluateExpression() [2/2]

lldb::SBValue SBTarget::EvaluateExpression ( const char *  expr,
const SBExpressionOptions options 

◆ EventIsTargetEvent()

bool SBTarget::EventIsTargetEvent ( const lldb::SBEvent event)

◆ FindBreakpointByID()

SBBreakpoint SBTarget::FindBreakpointByID ( break_id_t  break_id)

Definition at line 1112 of file SBTarget.cpp.


◆ FindBreakpointsByName()

bool SBTarget::FindBreakpointsByName ( const char *  name,
SBBreakpointList bkpt_list 

◆ FindCompileUnits()

SBSymbolContextList SBTarget::FindCompileUnits ( const lldb::SBFileSpec sb_file_spec)

Find compile units related to *this target and passed source file.

[in]sb_file_specA lldb::SBFileSpec object that contains source file specification.
A lldb::SBSymbolContextList that gets filled in with all of the symbol contexts for all the matches.

Definition at line 1604 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), lldb::SBFileSpec::IsValid(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ FindFirstGlobalVariable()

lldb::SBValue SBTarget::FindFirstGlobalVariable ( const char *  name)

Find the first global (or static) variable by name.

[in]nameThe name of the global or static variable we are looking for.
An SBValue that gets filled in with the found variable (if any).

Definition at line 1978 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References FindGlobalVariables(), lldb::SBValueList::GetSize(), lldb::SBValueList::GetValueAtIndex(), lldb::SBValueList::IsValid(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and SBValue.

◆ FindFirstType()

lldb::SBType SBTarget::FindFirstType ( const char *  type)

◆ FindFunctions()

lldb::SBSymbolContextList SBTarget::FindFunctions ( const char *  name,
uint32_t  name_type_mask = lldb::eFunctionNameTypeAny 

Find functions by name.

[in]nameThe name of the function we are looking for.
[in]name_type_maskA logical OR of one or more FunctionNameType enum bits that indicate what kind of names should be used when doing the lookup. Bits include fully qualified names, base names, C++ methods, or ObjC selectors. See FunctionNameType for more details.
A lldb::SBSymbolContextList that gets filled in with all of the symbol contexts for all the matches.

Definition at line 1757 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), lldb_private::ModuleFunctionSearchOptions::include_inlines, lldb_private::ModuleFunctionSearchOptions::include_symbols, and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ FindGlobalFunctions()

lldb::SBSymbolContextList SBTarget::FindGlobalFunctions ( const char *  name,
uint32_t  max_matches,
MatchType  matchtype 

Find global functions by their name with pattern matching.

[in]nameThe pattern to search for global or static variables
[in]max_matchesAllow the number of matches to be limited to max_matches.
[in]matchtypeThe match type to use.
A list of matched variables in an SBValueList.

Definition at line 1779 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References lldb::eMatchTypeRegex, lldb::eMatchTypeRegexInsensitive, lldb::eMatchTypeStartsWith, GetSP(), lldb_private::ModuleFunctionSearchOptions::include_inlines, lldb_private::ModuleFunctionSearchOptions::include_symbols, and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ FindGlobalVariables() [1/2]

SBValueList SBTarget::FindGlobalVariables ( const char *  name,
uint32_t  max_matches 

Find global and static variables by name.

[in]nameThe name of the global or static variable we are looking for.
[in]max_matchesAllow the number of matches to be limited to max_matches.
A list of matched variables in an SBValueList.

Definition at line 1902 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References lldb::SBValueList::Append(), lldb_private::ValueObjectVariable::Create(), lldb_private::VariableList::Empty(), GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and SBValue.

Referenced by FindFirstGlobalVariable().

◆ FindGlobalVariables() [2/2]

SBValueList SBTarget::FindGlobalVariables ( const char *  name,
uint32_t  max_matches,
MatchType  matchtype 

Find global and static variables by pattern.

[in]nameThe pattern to search for global or static variables
[in]max_matchesAllow the number of matches to be limited to max_matches.
[in]matchtypeThe match type to use.
A list of matched variables in an SBValueList.

Definition at line 1929 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References lldb::SBValueList::Append(), lldb_private::ValueObjectVariable::Create(), lldb::eMatchTypeNormal, lldb::eMatchTypeRegex, lldb::eMatchTypeRegexInsensitive, lldb::eMatchTypeStartsWith, lldb_private::VariableList::Empty(), GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and SBValue.

◆ FindModule()

SBModule SBTarget::FindModule ( const lldb::SBFileSpec file_spec)

◆ FindSymbols()

lldb::SBSymbolContextList SBTarget::FindSymbols ( const char *  name,
lldb::SymbolType  type = eSymbolTypeAny 

Definition at line 2278 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ FindTypes()

lldb::SBTypeList SBTarget::FindTypes ( const char *  type)

◆ FindWatchpointByID()

SBWatchpoint SBTarget::FindWatchpointByID ( lldb::watch_id_t  watch_id)

◆ GetABIName()

const char * SBTarget::GetABIName ( )

◆ GetAddressByteSize()

uint32_t SBTarget::GetAddressByteSize ( )

Definition at line 1700 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ GetBasicType()

SBType SBTarget::GetBasicType ( lldb::BasicType  type)

Definition at line 1853 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ GetBreakpointAtIndex()

SBBreakpoint SBTarget::GetBreakpointAtIndex ( uint32_t  idx) const

Definition at line 1087 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ GetBreakpointNames()

void SBTarget::GetBreakpointNames ( SBStringList names)

◆ GetBroadcaster()

SBBroadcaster SBTarget::GetBroadcaster ( ) const

Definition at line 1733 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ GetBroadcasterClassName()

const char * SBTarget::GetBroadcasterClassName ( )

◆ GetByteOrder()

lldb::ByteOrder SBTarget::GetByteOrder ( )

Definition at line 1614 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References lldb::eByteOrderInvalid, GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ GetCodeByteSize()

uint32_t SBTarget::GetCodeByteSize ( )

Architecture code byte width accessor.

The size in 8-bit (host) bytes of a minimum addressable unit from the Architecture's code bus

Definition at line 1680 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ GetCollectingStats()

bool SBTarget::GetCollectingStats ( )

Returns whether statistics collection are enabled.

true if statistics are currently being collected, false otherwise.

Definition at line 239 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References lldb_private::DebuggerStats::GetCollectingStats(), GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ GetDataByteSize()

uint32_t SBTarget::GetDataByteSize ( )

Architecture data byte width accessor.

The size in 8-bit (host) bytes of a minimum addressable unit from the Architecture's data bus

Definition at line 1670 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ GetDebugger()

SBDebugger SBTarget::GetDebugger ( ) const

Definition at line 191 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and lldb::SBDebugger::reset().

◆ GetDescription()

bool SBTarget::GetDescription ( lldb::SBStream description,
lldb::DescriptionLevel  description_level 

◆ GetEnvironment()

SBEnvironment SBTarget::GetEnvironment ( )

Return the environment variables that would be used to launch a new process.

An lldb::SBEnvironment object which is a copy of the target's environment.

Definition at line 2404 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ GetExecutable()

SBFileSpec SBTarget::GetExecutable ( )

◆ GetInstructions() [1/2]

lldb::SBInstructionList SBTarget::GetInstructions ( lldb::addr_t  base_addr,
const void *  buf,
size_t  size 

◆ GetInstructions() [2/2]

lldb::SBInstructionList SBTarget::GetInstructions ( lldb::SBAddress  base_addr,
const void *  buf,
size_t  size 

Definition at line 2057 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetInstructionsWithFlavor(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ GetInstructionsWithFlavor() [1/2]

lldb::SBInstructionList SBTarget::GetInstructionsWithFlavor ( lldb::addr_t  base_addr,
const char *  flavor_string,
const void *  buf,
size_t  size 

◆ GetInstructionsWithFlavor() [2/2]

lldb::SBInstructionList SBTarget::GetInstructionsWithFlavor ( lldb::SBAddress  base_addr,
const char *  flavor_string,
const void *  buf,
size_t  size 

◆ GetLabel()

const char * SBTarget::GetLabel ( ) const

◆ GetLaunchInfo()

lldb::SBLaunchInfo SBTarget::GetLaunchInfo ( ) const

Definition at line 2386 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, m_opaque_sp, and lldb::SBLaunchInfo::set_ref().

Referenced by LaunchSimple().

◆ GetMaximumNumberOfChildrenToDisplay()

uint32_t SBTarget::GetMaximumNumberOfChildrenToDisplay ( ) const

Gets the target.max-children-count value It should be used to limit the number of children of large data structures to be displayed.

Definition at line 1690 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ GetModuleAtIndex()

SBModule SBTarget::GetModuleAtIndex ( uint32_t  idx)

Definition at line 1709 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and lldb::SBModule::SetSP().

◆ GetModuleAtIndexFromEvent()

SBModule SBTarget::GetModuleAtIndexFromEvent ( const uint32_t  idx,
const lldb::SBEvent event 

◆ GetNumBreakpoints()

uint32_t SBTarget::GetNumBreakpoints ( ) const

Definition at line 1076 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ GetNumModules()

uint32_t SBTarget::GetNumModules ( ) const

Definition at line 1572 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ GetNumModulesFromEvent()

uint32_t SBTarget::GetNumModulesFromEvent ( const lldb::SBEvent event)

◆ GetNumWatchpoints()

uint32_t SBTarget::GetNumWatchpoints ( ) const

Definition at line 1283 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ GetPlatform()

SBPlatform SBTarget::GetPlatform ( )

Return the platform object associated with the target.

After return, the platform object should be checked for validity.

A platform object.

Definition at line 178 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, lldb::SBPlatform::m_opaque_sp, and SBPlatform.

◆ GetProcess()

SBProcess SBTarget::GetProcess ( )

Definition at line 164 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and lldb::SBProcess::SetSP().

◆ GetSourceManager()

SBSourceManager SBTarget::GetSourceManager ( )

Definition at line 1987 of file SBTarget.cpp.


◆ GetSP()

lldb::TargetSP SBTarget::GetSP ( ) const

Definition at line 593 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References m_opaque_sp.

Referenced by AddModule(), AppendImageSearchPath(), lldb::SBPlatform::Attach(), Attach(), AttachToProcessWithID(), AttachToProcessWithName(), BreakpointCreateByAddress(), BreakpointCreateByLocation(), BreakpointCreateByName(), BreakpointCreateByNames(), BreakpointCreateByRegex(), BreakpointCreateBySBAddress(), BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex(), BreakpointCreateForException(), BreakpointCreateFromScript(), BreakpointDelete(), BreakpointsCreateFromFile(), BreakpointsWriteToFile(), ClearModuleLoadAddress(), ClearSectionLoadAddress(), ConnectRemote(), CreateTrace(), DeleteAllBreakpoints(), DeleteAllWatchpoints(), DeleteBreakpointName(), lldb::SBDebugger::DeleteTarget(), DeleteWatchpoint(), DisableAllBreakpoints(), DisableAllWatchpoints(), EnableAllBreakpoints(), EnableAllWatchpoints(), EvaluateExpression(), FindBreakpointByID(), FindBreakpointsByName(), FindCompileUnits(), FindFirstType(), FindFunctions(), FindGlobalFunctions(), FindGlobalVariables(), lldb::SBModule::FindGlobalVariables(), FindModule(), FindSymbols(), FindTypes(), FindWatchpointByID(), GetABIName(), GetAddressByteSize(), GetBasicType(), GetBreakpointAtIndex(), GetBreakpointNames(), GetBroadcaster(), GetByteOrder(), GetCodeByteSize(), GetCollectingStats(), lldb::SBInstruction::GetComment(), lldb::SBTypeStaticField::GetConstantValue(), lldb::SBInstruction::GetControlFlowKind(), GetDataByteSize(), GetDebugger(), lldb::SBAddressRange::GetDescription(), GetDescription(), lldb::SBDebugger::GetDummyTarget(), GetEnvironment(), GetExecutable(), lldb::SBVariablesOptions::GetIncludeRecognizedArguments(), lldb::SBDebugger::GetIndexOfTarget(), lldb::SBFunction::GetInstructions(), lldb::SBSymbol::GetInstructions(), GetInstructionsWithFlavor(), GetLabel(), GetLaunchInfo(), lldb::SBAddress::GetLoadAddress(), lldb::SBSection::GetLoadAddress(), GetMaximumNumberOfChildrenToDisplay(), lldb::SBInstruction::GetMnemonic(), GetModuleAtIndex(), GetNumBreakpoints(), GetNumModules(), GetNumWatchpoints(), lldb::SBInstruction::GetOperands(), GetPlatform(), GetProcess(), GetStackRedZoneSize(), GetStatistics(), GetTrace(), GetTriple(), lldb::SBBlock::GetVariables(), GetWatchpointAtIndex(), Install(), IsLoaded(), Launch(), LaunchSimple(), LoadCore(), ReadInstructions(), ReadMemory(), RemoveModule(), ResetStatistics(), ResolveFileAddress(), ResolveLoadAddress(), ResolvePastLoadAddress(), ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(), lldb::SBBreakpointNameImpl::SBBreakpointNameImpl(), lldb::SBExecutionContext::SBExecutionContext(), lldb::SBSourceManager::SBSourceManager(), SetCollectingStats(), SetLabel(), SetLaunchInfo(), SetSectionLoadAddress(), lldb::SBDebugger::SetSelectedTarget(), and WatchpointCreateByAddress().

◆ GetStackRedZoneSize()

lldb::addr_t SBTarget::GetStackRedZoneSize ( )

Definition at line 2355 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References lldb_private::ABI::FindPlugin(), GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ GetStatistics() [1/2]

SBStructuredData SBTarget::GetStatistics ( )

Returns a dump of the collected statistics.

A SBStructuredData with the statistics collected.

Definition at line 201 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetStatistics(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

Referenced by GetStatistics().

◆ GetStatistics() [2/2]

SBStructuredData SBTarget::GetStatistics ( SBStatisticsOptions  options)

Returns a dump of the collected statistics.

[in]optionsAn objects object that contains all options for the statistics dumping.
A SBStructuredData with the statistics collected.

Definition at line 207 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, lldb::SBStructuredData::m_impl_up, lldb_private::StructuredData::ParseJSON(), lldb::SBStatisticsOptions::ref(), and lldb_private::DebuggerStats::ReportStatistics().

◆ GetTargetFromEvent()

SBTarget SBTarget::GetTargetFromEvent ( const lldb::SBEvent event)

◆ GetTrace()

lldb::SBTrace SBTarget::GetTrace ( )

Get a SBTrace object the can manage the processor trace information of this target.

The trace object. The returned SBTrace object might not be valid, so it should be checked with a call to "bool SBTrace::IsValid()".

Definition at line 2415 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ GetTriple()

const char * SBTarget::GetTriple ( )

◆ GetWatchpointAtIndex()

SBWatchpoint SBTarget::GetWatchpointAtIndex ( uint32_t  idx) const

Definition at line 1294 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and lldb::SBWatchpoint::SetSP().

◆ Install()

SBError SBTarget::Install ( )

Install any binaries that need to be installed.

This function does nothing when debugging on the host system. When connected to remote platforms, the target's main executable and any modules that have their remote install path set will be installed on the remote platform. If the main executable doesn't have an install location set, it will be installed in the remote platform's working directory.

An error describing anything that went wrong during installation.

Definition at line 302 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and lldb::SBError::ref().

◆ IsLoaded()

bool SBTarget::IsLoaded ( const lldb::SBModule module) const

Definition at line 2372 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References lldb::SBModule::GetSP(), GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ IsValid()

bool SBTarget::IsValid ( ) const

◆ Launch() [1/2]

SBProcess SBTarget::Launch ( SBLaunchInfo launch_info,
SBError error 

◆ Launch() [2/2]

SBProcess SBTarget::Launch ( SBListener listener,
char const **  argv,
char const **  envp,
const char *  stdin_path,
const char *  stdout_path,
const char *  stderr_path,
const char *  working_directory,
uint32_t  launch_flags,
bool  stop_at_entry,
lldb::SBError error 

Launch a new process.

Launch a new process by spawning a new process using the target object's executable module's file as the file to launch. Arguments are given in argv, and the environment variables are in envp. Standard input and output files can be optionally re-directed to stdin_path, stdout_path, and stderr_path.

[in]listenerAn optional listener that will receive all process events. If listener is valid then listener will listen to all process events. If not valid, then this target's debugger (SBTarget::GetDebugger()) will listen to all process events.
[in]argvThe argument array.
[in]envpThe environment array. If this is null, the default environment values (provided through settings set target.env-vars) will be used.
[in]stdin_pathThe path to use when re-directing the STDIN of the new process. If all stdXX_path arguments are nullptr, a pseudo terminal will be used.
[in]stdout_pathThe path to use when re-directing the STDOUT of the new process. If all stdXX_path arguments are nullptr, a pseudo terminal will be used.
[in]stderr_pathThe path to use when re-directing the STDERR of the new process. If all stdXX_path arguments are nullptr, a pseudo terminal will be used.
[in]working_directoryThe working directory to have the child process run in
[in]launch_flagsSome launch options specified by logical OR'ing lldb::LaunchFlags enumeration values together.
[in]stop_at_entryIf false do not stop the inferior at the entry point.
[out]errorAn error object. Contains the reason if there is some failure.
A process object for the newly created process.

Definition at line 314 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References lldb_private::Args::AppendArguments(), error(), lldb::eStateAttaching, lldb::eStateConnected, lldb::eStateInvalid, lldb_private::ProcessInfo::GetArguments(), lldb_private::ProcessInfo::GetEnvironment(), lldb_private::Module::GetPlatformFileSpec(), lldb::SBListener::GetSP(), GetSP(), lldb::SBListener::IsValid(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, lldb_private::ProcessInfo::SetExecutableFile(), lldb_private::ProcessInfo::SetListener(), and lldb::SBProcess::SetSP().

Referenced by LaunchSimple().

◆ LaunchSimple()

SBProcess SBTarget::LaunchSimple ( const char **  argv,
const char **  envp,
const char *  working_directory 

Launch a new process with sensible defaults.

[in]argvThe argument array.
[in]envpThe environment array. If this isn't provided, the default environment values (provided through settings set target.env-vars) will be used.
[in]working_directoryThe working directory to have the child process run in

Default: listener Set to the target's debugger (SBTarget::GetDebugger())

Default: launch_flags Empty launch flags

Default: stdin_path Default: stdout_path Default: stderr_path A pseudo terminal will be used.

A process object for the newly created process.

Definition at line 278 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References error(), GetLaunchInfo(), GetSP(), Launch(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, SBProcess, lldb::SBLaunchInfo::SetArguments(), lldb::SBLaunchInfo::SetEnvironmentEntries(), lldb::SBLaunchInfo::SetExecutableFile(), and lldb::SBLaunchInfo::SetWorkingDirectory().

◆ LoadCore() [1/2]

SBProcess SBTarget::LoadCore ( const char *  core_file)

Definition at line 248 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References error(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and LoadCore().

Referenced by LoadCore().

◆ LoadCore() [2/2]

SBProcess SBTarget::LoadCore ( const char *  core_file,
lldb::SBError error 

◆ operator bool()

SBTarget::operator bool ( ) const

Definition at line 158 of file SBTarget.cpp.


◆ operator!=()

bool SBTarget::operator!= ( const lldb::SBTarget rhs) const

Definition at line 587 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and m_opaque_sp.

◆ operator=()

const SBTarget & SBTarget::operator= ( const lldb::SBTarget rhs)

Definition at line 108 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and m_opaque_sp.

◆ operator==()

bool SBTarget::operator== ( const lldb::SBTarget rhs) const

Definition at line 581 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and m_opaque_sp.

◆ ReadInstructions() [1/3]

lldb::SBInstructionList SBTarget::ReadInstructions ( lldb::SBAddress  base_addr,
uint32_t  count 

Definition at line 1994 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and ReadInstructions().

Referenced by ReadInstructions().

◆ ReadInstructions() [2/3]

lldb::SBInstructionList SBTarget::ReadInstructions ( lldb::SBAddress  base_addr,
uint32_t  count,
const char *  flavor_string 

◆ ReadInstructions() [3/3]

lldb::SBInstructionList SBTarget::ReadInstructions ( lldb::SBAddress  start_addr,
lldb::SBAddress  end_addr,
const char *  flavor_string 

◆ ReadMemory()

size_t SBTarget::ReadMemory ( const SBAddress  addr,
void *  buf,
size_t  size,
lldb::SBError error 

Read target memory.

If a target process is running then memory is read from here. Otherwise the memory is read from the object files. For a target whose bytes are sized as a multiple of host bytes, the data read back will preserve the target's byte order.

[in]addrA target address to read from.
[out]bufThe buffer to read memory into.
[in]sizeThe maximum number of host bytes to read in the buffer passed into this call
[out]errorStatus information is written here if the memory read fails.
The amount of data read in host bytes.

Definition at line 668 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References error(), GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and lldb::SBAddress::ref().

◆ RemoveModule()

bool SBTarget::RemoveModule ( lldb::SBModule  module)

Definition at line 1724 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References lldb::SBModule::GetSP(), GetSP(), and LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA.

◆ ResetStatistics()

void SBTarget::ResetStatistics ( )

Reset the statistics collected for this target.

This includes clearing symbol table and debug info parsing/index time for all modules, breakpoint resolve time and target statistics.

Definition at line 223 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and lldb_private::DebuggerStats::ResetStatistics().

◆ ResolveFileAddress()

lldb::SBAddress SBTarget::ResolveFileAddress ( lldb::addr_t  file_addr)

Resolve a current file address into a section offset address.

[in]file_addrThe file address to resolve.
An SBAddress which will be valid if...

Definition at line 617 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, lldb::SBAddress::ref(), and lldb_private::Address::SetRawAddress().

◆ ResolveLoadAddress()

lldb::SBAddress SBTarget::ResolveLoadAddress ( lldb::addr_t  vm_addr)

Resolve a current load address into a section offset address.

[in]vm_addrA virtual address from the current process state that is to be translated into a section offset address.
An SBAddress which will be valid if vm_addr was successfully resolved into a section offset address, or an invalid SBAddress if vm_addr doesn't resolve to a section in a module.

Definition at line 599 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, lldb::SBAddress::ref(), and lldb_private::Address::SetRawAddress().

Referenced by GetInstructions(), GetInstructionsWithFlavor(), and lldb::SBAddress::SetLoadAddress().

◆ ResolvePastLoadAddress()

lldb::SBAddress SBTarget::ResolvePastLoadAddress ( uint32_t  stop_id,
lldb::addr_t  vm_addr 

Resolve a current load address into a section offset address using the process stop ID to identify a time in the past.

[in]stop_idEach time a process stops, the process stop ID integer gets incremented. These stop IDs are used to identify past times and can be used in history objects as a cheap way to store the time at which the sample was taken. Specifying UINT32_MAX will always resolve the address using the currently loaded sections.
[in]vm_addrA virtual address from the current process state that is to be translated into a section offset address.
An SBAddress which will be valid if vm_addr was successfully resolved into a section offset address, or an invalid SBAddress if vm_addr doesn't resolve to a section in a module.

Definition at line 633 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, lldb::SBAddress::ref(), and lldb_private::Address::SetRawAddress().

◆ ResolveSymbolContextForAddress()

SBSymbolContext SBTarget::ResolveSymbolContextForAddress ( const SBAddress addr,
uint32_t  resolve_scope 

◆ SetCollectingStats()

void SBTarget::SetCollectingStats ( bool  v)

Sets whether we should collect statistics on lldb or not.

[in]vA boolean to control the collection.

Definition at line 230 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and lldb_private::DebuggerStats::SetCollectingStats().

◆ SetLabel()

SBError SBTarget::SetLabel ( const char *  label)

◆ SetLaunchInfo()

void SBTarget::SetLaunchInfo ( const lldb::SBLaunchInfo launch_info)

Definition at line 2396 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References GetSP(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, m_opaque_sp, and lldb::SBLaunchInfo::ref().

◆ SetModuleLoadAddress()

SBError SBTarget::SetModuleLoadAddress ( lldb::SBModule  module,
uint64_t  sections_offset 

Slide all file addresses for all module sections so that module appears to loaded at these slide addresses.

When you need all sections within a module to be loaded at a rigid slide from the addresses found in the module object file, this function will allow you to easily and quickly slide all module sections.

[in]moduleThe module to load.
[in]sections_offsetAn offset that will be applied to all section file addresses (the virtual addresses found in the object file itself).
An error to indicate success, fail, and any reason for failure. Slide all file addresses for all module sections so that module appears to loaded at these slide addresses.

When you need all sections within a module to be loaded at a rigid slide from the addresses found in the module object file, this function will allow you to easily and quickly slide all module sections.

[in]moduleThe module to load.
[in]sections_offsetAn offset that will be applied to all section file addresses (the virtual addresses found in the object file itself).
An error to indicate success, fail, and any reason for failure.

Definition at line 2181 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and SetModuleLoadAddress().

Referenced by SetModuleLoadAddress().

◆ SetSectionLoadAddress()

SBError SBTarget::SetSectionLoadAddress ( lldb::SBSection  section,
lldb::addr_t  section_base_addr 

Set the base load address for a module section.

[in]sectionThe section whose base load address will be set within this target.
[in]section_base_addrThe base address for the section.
An error to indicate success, fail, and any reason for failure.

Definition at line 2110 of file SBTarget.cpp.

References lldb_private::ModuleList::Append(), lldb::SBSection::GetSP(), GetSP(), lldb::SBSection::IsValid(), LLDB_INSTRUMENT_VA, and lldb::SBError::SetErrorString().

◆ SetSP()

void SBTarget::SetSP ( const lldb::TargetSP target_sp)

◆ WatchAddress()

lldb::SBWatchpoint SBTarget::WatchAddress ( lldb::addr_t  addr,
size_t  size,
bool  read,
bool  modify,
SBError error 

◆ WatchpointCreateByAddress()

lldb::SBWatchpoint SBTarget::WatchpointCreateByAddress ( lldb::addr_t  addr,
size_t  size,
lldb::SBWatchpointOptions  options,
SBError error 

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ lldb_private::python::SWIGBridge

friend class lldb_private::python::SWIGBridge

Definition at line 971 of file SBTarget.h.

◆ SBAddress

friend class SBAddress

Definition at line 950 of file SBTarget.h.

◆ SBAddressRange

friend class SBAddressRange

Definition at line 951 of file SBTarget.h.

◆ SBBlock

friend class SBBlock

Definition at line 952 of file SBTarget.h.

◆ SBBreakpoint

friend class SBBreakpoint

Definition at line 953 of file SBTarget.h.

Referenced by BreakpointCreateByLocation().

◆ SBBreakpointList

friend class SBBreakpointList

Definition at line 954 of file SBTarget.h.

◆ SBBreakpointNameImpl

friend class SBBreakpointNameImpl

Definition at line 955 of file SBTarget.h.

◆ SBDebugger

friend class SBDebugger

Definition at line 956 of file SBTarget.h.

◆ SBExecutionContext

friend class SBExecutionContext

Definition at line 957 of file SBTarget.h.

◆ SBFrame

friend class SBFrame

Definition at line 958 of file SBTarget.h.

◆ SBFunction

friend class SBFunction

Definition at line 959 of file SBTarget.h.

◆ SBInstruction

friend class SBInstruction

Definition at line 960 of file SBTarget.h.

◆ SBModule

friend class SBModule

Definition at line 961 of file SBTarget.h.

Referenced by GetModuleAtIndexFromEvent().

◆ SBPlatform

friend class SBPlatform

Definition at line 962 of file SBTarget.h.

Referenced by GetPlatform().

◆ SBProcess

friend class SBProcess

Definition at line 963 of file SBTarget.h.

Referenced by LaunchSimple().

◆ SBSection

friend class SBSection

Definition at line 964 of file SBTarget.h.

◆ SBSourceManager

friend class SBSourceManager

Definition at line 965 of file SBTarget.h.

◆ SBSymbol

friend class SBSymbol

Definition at line 966 of file SBTarget.h.

◆ SBTypeStaticField

friend class SBTypeStaticField

Definition at line 967 of file SBTarget.h.

◆ SBValue

friend class SBValue

Definition at line 968 of file SBTarget.h.

Referenced by EvaluateExpression(), FindFirstGlobalVariable(), and FindGlobalVariables().

◆ SBVariablesOptions

friend class SBVariablesOptions

Definition at line 969 of file SBTarget.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_opaque_sp

lldb::TargetSP lldb::SBTarget::m_opaque_sp

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