23 constexpr Enum operator|(Enum a, Enum b) { \
24 return static_cast<Enum>( \
25 static_cast<std::underlying_type<Enum>::type>(a) | \
26 static_cast<std::underlying_type<Enum>::type>(b)); \
28 constexpr Enum operator&(Enum a, Enum b) { \
29 return static_cast<Enum>( \
30 static_cast<std::underlying_type<Enum>::type>(a) & \
31 static_cast<std::underlying_type<Enum>::type>(b)); \
33 constexpr Enum operator~(Enum a) { \
34 return static_cast<Enum>( \
35 ~static_cast<std::underlying_type<Enum>::type>(a)); \
37 inline Enum &operator|=(Enum &a, Enum b) { \
41 inline Enum &operator&=(Enum &a, Enum b) { \
64#define FLAGS_ENUM(Name) enum Name : unsigned
65#define FLAGS_ANONYMOUS_ENUM() enum : unsigned
67#define FLAGS_ENUM(Name) enum Name
68#define FLAGS_ANONYMOUS_ENUM() enum
100 eLaunchFlagNone = 0u,
101 eLaunchFlagExec = (1u << 0),
103 eLaunchFlagDebug = (1u << 1),
105 eLaunchFlagStopAtEntry = (1u
109 eLaunchFlagDisableASLR =
111 eLaunchFlagDisableSTDIO =
113 eLaunchFlagLaunchInTTY =
115 eLaunchFlagLaunchInShell =
117 eLaunchFlagLaunchInSeparateProcessGroup =
121 eLaunchFlagDontSetExitStatus = (1u << 8),
123 eLaunchFlagDetachOnError = (1u << 9),
127 eLaunchFlagShellExpandArguments =
129 eLaunchFlagCloseTTYOnExit = (1u << 11),
130 eLaunchFlagInheritTCCFromParent =
352 eSymbolContextTarget = (1u << 0),
355 eSymbolContextModule = (1u << 1),
358 eSymbolContextCompUnit = (1u << 2),
361 eSymbolContextFunction = (1u << 3),
364 eSymbolContextBlock = (1u << 4),
367 eSymbolContextLineEntry = (1u << 5),
370 eSymbolContextSymbol = (1u << 6),
373 eSymbolContextEverything = ((eSymbolContextSymbol << 1) - 1u),
380 eSymbolContextVariable = (1u << 7),
383 eSymbolContextLastItem = eSymbolContextVariable,
388 ePermissionsReadable = (1u << 1),
389 ePermissionsExecutable = (1u << 2)};
409 eBreakpointEventTypeInvalidType = (1u << 0),
410 eBreakpointEventTypeAdded = (1u << 1),
411 eBreakpointEventTypeRemoved = (1u << 2),
412 eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsAdded = (1u << 3),
415 eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsRemoved = (1u << 4),
416 eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsResolved = (1u << 5),
417 eBreakpointEventTypeEnabled = (1u << 6),
418 eBreakpointEventTypeDisabled = (1u << 7),
419 eBreakpointEventTypeCommandChanged = (1u << 8),
420 eBreakpointEventTypeConditionChanged = (1u << 9),
421 eBreakpointEventTypeIgnoreChanged = (1u << 10),
422 eBreakpointEventTypeThreadChanged = (1u << 11),
423 eBreakpointEventTypeAutoContinueChanged = (1u << 12)};
426 eWatchpointEventTypeInvalidType = (1u << 0),
427 eWatchpointEventTypeAdded = (1u << 1),
428 eWatchpointEventTypeRemoved = (1u << 2),
429 eWatchpointEventTypeEnabled = (1u << 6),
430 eWatchpointEventTypeDisabled = (1u << 7),
431 eWatchpointEventTypeCommandChanged = (1u << 8),
432 eWatchpointEventTypeConditionChanged = (1u << 9),
433 eWatchpointEventTypeIgnoreChanged = (1u << 10),
434 eWatchpointEventTypeThreadChanged = (1u << 11),
435 eWatchpointEventTypeTypeChanged = (1u << 12)};
772 eEmulateInstructionOptionNone = (0u),
773 eEmulateInstructionOptionAutoAdvancePC = (1u << 0),
774 eEmulateInstructionOptionIgnoreConditions = (1u << 1)};
777 eFunctionNameTypeNone = 0u,
778 eFunctionNameTypeAuto =
781 eFunctionNameTypeFull = (1u << 2),
786 eFunctionNameTypeBase = (1u
790 eFunctionNameTypeMethod = (1u << 4),
792 eFunctionNameTypeSelector =
794 eFunctionNameTypeAny =
795 eFunctionNameTypeAuto
860 eTypeClassInvalid = (0u), eTypeClassArray = (1u << 0),
861 eTypeClassBlockPointer = (1u << 1), eTypeClassBuiltin = (1u << 2),
862 eTypeClassClass = (1u << 3), eTypeClassComplexFloat = (1u << 4),
863 eTypeClassComplexInteger = (1u << 5), eTypeClassEnumeration = (1u << 6),
864 eTypeClassFunction = (1u << 7), eTypeClassMemberPointer = (1u << 8),
865 eTypeClassObjCObject = (1u << 9), eTypeClassObjCInterface = (1u << 10),
866 eTypeClassObjCObjectPointer = (1u << 11), eTypeClassPointer = (1u << 12),
867 eTypeClassReference = (1u << 13), eTypeClassStruct = (1u << 14),
868 eTypeClassTypedef = (1u << 15), eTypeClassUnion = (1u << 16),
869 eTypeClassVector = (1u << 17),
871 eTypeClassOther = (1u << 31),
873 eTypeClassAny = (0xffffffffu)};
902 eTypeOptionCascade = (1u << 0),
903 eTypeOptionSkipPointers = (1u << 1),
904 eTypeOptionSkipReferences = (1u << 2),
905 eTypeOptionHideChildren = (1u << 3),
906 eTypeOptionHideValue = (1u << 4),
907 eTypeOptionShowOneLiner = (1u << 5),
908 eTypeOptionHideNames = (1u << 6),
909 eTypeOptionNonCacheable = (1u << 7),
910 eTypeOptionHideEmptyAggregates = (1u << 8),
911 eTypeOptionFrontEndWantsDereference = (1u << 9)};
947 eFilePermissionsUserRead = (1u << 8),
948 eFilePermissionsUserWrite = (1u << 7),
949 eFilePermissionsUserExecute = (1u << 6),
950 eFilePermissionsGroupRead = (1u << 5),
951 eFilePermissionsGroupWrite = (1u << 4),
952 eFilePermissionsGroupExecute = (1u << 3),
953 eFilePermissionsWorldRead = (1u << 2),
954 eFilePermissionsWorldWrite = (1u << 1),
955 eFilePermissionsWorldExecute = (1u << 0),
957 eFilePermissionsUserRW = (eFilePermissionsUserRead |
958 eFilePermissionsUserWrite | 0),
959 eFileFilePermissionsUserRX = (eFilePermissionsUserRead | 0 |
960 eFilePermissionsUserExecute),
961 eFilePermissionsUserRWX = (eFilePermissionsUserRead |
962 eFilePermissionsUserWrite |
963 eFilePermissionsUserExecute),
965 eFilePermissionsGroupRW = (eFilePermissionsGroupRead |
966 eFilePermissionsGroupWrite | 0),
967 eFilePermissionsGroupRX = (eFilePermissionsGroupRead | 0 |
968 eFilePermissionsGroupExecute),
969 eFilePermissionsGroupRWX = (eFilePermissionsGroupRead |
970 eFilePermissionsGroupWrite |
971 eFilePermissionsGroupExecute),
973 eFilePermissionsWorldRW = (eFilePermissionsWorldRead |
974 eFilePermissionsWorldWrite | 0),
975 eFilePermissionsWorldRX = (eFilePermissionsWorldRead | 0 |
976 eFilePermissionsWorldExecute),
977 eFilePermissionsWorldRWX = (eFilePermissionsWorldRead |
978 eFilePermissionsWorldWrite |
979 eFilePermissionsWorldExecute),
981 eFilePermissionsEveryoneR = (eFilePermissionsUserRead |
982 eFilePermissionsGroupRead |
983 eFilePermissionsWorldRead),
984 eFilePermissionsEveryoneW = (eFilePermissionsUserWrite |
985 eFilePermissionsGroupWrite |
986 eFilePermissionsWorldWrite),
987 eFilePermissionsEveryoneX = (eFilePermissionsUserExecute |
988 eFilePermissionsGroupExecute |
989 eFilePermissionsWorldExecute),
991 eFilePermissionsEveryoneRW = (eFilePermissionsEveryoneR |
992 eFilePermissionsEveryoneW | 0),
993 eFilePermissionsEveryoneRX = (eFilePermissionsEveryoneR | 0 |
994 eFilePermissionsEveryoneX),
995 eFilePermissionsEveryoneRWX = (eFilePermissionsEveryoneR |
996 eFilePermissionsEveryoneW |
997 eFilePermissionsEveryoneX),
998 eFilePermissionsFileDefault = eFilePermissionsUserRW,
999 eFilePermissionsDirectoryDefault = eFilePermissionsUserRWX,
1069 eWatchpointKindRead = (1u << 1)};
1124 eTypeHasChildren = (1u << 0), eTypeHasValue = (1u << 1),
1125 eTypeIsArray = (1u << 2), eTypeIsBlock = (1u << 3),
1126 eTypeIsBuiltIn = (1u << 4), eTypeIsClass = (1u << 5),
1127 eTypeIsCPlusPlus = (1u << 6), eTypeIsEnumeration = (1u << 7),
1128 eTypeIsFuncPrototype = (1u << 8), eTypeIsMember = (1u << 9),
1129 eTypeIsObjC = (1u << 10), eTypeIsPointer = (1u << 11),
1130 eTypeIsReference = (1u << 12), eTypeIsStructUnion = (1u << 13),
1131 eTypeIsTemplate = (1u << 14), eTypeIsTypedef = (1u << 15),
1132 eTypeIsVector = (1u << 16), eTypeIsScalar = (1u << 17),
1133 eTypeIsInteger = (1u << 18), eTypeIsFloat = (1u << 19),
1134 eTypeIsComplex = (1u << 20), eTypeIsSigned = (1u << 21),
1135 eTypeInstanceIsPointer = (1u << 22)};
1145 eCommandRequiresTarget = (1u << 0),
1154 eCommandRequiresProcess = (1u << 1),
1162 eCommandRequiresThread = (1u << 2),
1170 eCommandRequiresFrame = (1u << 3),
1180 eCommandRequiresRegContext = (1u << 4),
1186 eCommandTryTargetAPILock = (1u << 5),
1191 eCommandProcessMustBeLaunched = (1u << 6),
1196 eCommandProcessMustBePaused = (1u << 7),
1201 eCommandProcessMustBeTraced = (1u << 8)};
1290 eDiskFileCompletion = (1ul << 1),
1292 eSymbolCompletion = (1ul << 3),
1294 eSettingsNameCompletion = (1ul << 5),
1296 eArchitectureCompletion = (1ul << 7),
1298 eRegisterCompletion = (1ul << 9),
1300 eProcessPluginCompletion = (1ul << 11),
1302 eTypeLanguageCompletion = (1ul << 13),
1304 eModuleUUIDCompletion = (1ul << 15),
1306 eThreadIndexCompletion = (1ul << 17),
1308 eBreakpointNameCompletion = (1ul << 19),
1310 eProcessNameCompletion = (1ul << 21),
1312 eRemoteDiskDirectoryCompletion = (1ul << 23),
1314 eCustomCompletion = (1ul << 25),
1319 eTerminatorCompletion = (1ul << 27)
1356 eBroadcastBitWarning = (1 << 1),
1358 eBroadcastSymbolChange = (1 << 3),
1360 eBroadcastBitExternalProgress = (1 << 5),
@ eInputReaderEndOfFile
reader received an EOF char (probably from a control-d)
@ eInputReaderActivate
reader is newly pushed onto the reader stack
@ eInputReaderInterrupt
reader received an interrupt signal (probably from a control-c)
@ eInputReaderReactivate
reader is on top of the stack again after another reader was popped off
@ eInputReaderDeactivate
another reader was pushed on the stack
@ eInputReaderAsynchronousOutputWritten
an async output event occurred; the reader may want to do something
@ eInputReaderDone
reader was just popped off the stack and is done
@ eInputReaderGotToken
reader got one of its tokens (granularity)
@ eDisassemblyFlavorCompletion
@ eVariablePathCompletion
@ eDiskDirectoryCompletion
@ eTypeCategoryNameCompletion
@ ePlatformPluginCompletion
@ eWatchpointIDCompletion
@ eRemoteDiskFileCompletion
Whether a summary should cap how much data it returns to users or not.
Script interpreter types.
String matching algorithm used by SBTarget.
@ eMatchTypeRegexInsensitive
Expression Evaluation Stages.
@ eExpressionEvaluationComplete
@ eExpressionEvaluationParse
@ eExpressionEvaluationExecution
@ eExpressionEvaluationIRGen
Used for expressing severity in logs and diagnostics.
@ eTraceTypeProcessorTrace
Intel Processor Trace.
Description levels for "void GetDescription(Stream *, DescriptionLevel)" calls.
@ eDescriptionLevelInitial
@ eDescriptionLevelVerbose
Used by the debugger to indicate which events are being broadcasted.
@ eBroadcastBitProgressCategory
@ eBroadcastBitExternalProgressCategory
Basic types enumeration for the public API SBType::GetBasicType().
@ eBasicTypeUnsignedShort
@ eBasicTypeUnsignedInt128
@ eBasicTypeUnsignedWChar
@ eBasicTypeLongDoubleComplex
@ eBasicTypeUnsignedLongLong
@ eBasicTypeDoubleComplex
@ eWatchpointWriteTypeOnModify
Stop on a write to the memory region that changes its value.
@ eWatchpointWriteTypeAlways
Stop on any write access to the memory region, even if the value doesn't change.
@ eWatchpointWriteTypeDisabled
Don't stop when the watched memory region is written to.
Specifies if children need to be re-computed after a call to SyntheticChildrenFrontEnd::Update.
@ eRefetch
Children need to be recomputed dynamically.
@ eReuse
Children did not change and don't need to be recomputed; re-use what we computed the last time we cal...
@ eWatchPointValueKindInvalid
Watchpoint was created watching a variable.
@ eWatchPointValueKindExpression
@ eWatchPointValueKindVariable
Watchpoint was created watching the result of an expression that was evaluated at creation time.
Used in the SBProcess AddressMask/FixAddress methods.
The result from a command interpreter run.
@ eCommandInterpreterResultInferiorCrash
Stopped because the corresponding option was set and the inferior crashed.
@ eCommandInterpreterResultSuccess
Command interpreter finished successfully.
@ eCommandInterpreterResultCommandError
Stopped because the corresponding option was set and a command returned an error.
@ eCommandInterpreterResultQuitRequested
Stopped because quit was requested.
Connection Status Types.
@ eConnectionStatusError
Check GetError() for details.
@ eConnectionStatusInterrupted
Interrupted read.
@ eConnectionStatusTimedOut
Request timed out.
@ eConnectionStatusEndOfFile
End-of-file encountered.
@ eConnectionStatusSuccess
@ eConnectionStatusLostConnection
Lost connection while connected to a valid connection.
@ eConnectionStatusNoConnection
No connection.
Events that might happen during a trace session.
@ eTraceEventSyncPoint
The underlying tracing technology emitted a synchronization event used by trace processors.
@ eTraceEventCPUChanged
Event due to CPU change for a thread.
@ eTraceEventHWClockTick
Event due to a CPU HW clock tick.
@ eTraceEventDisabledHW
Tracing was disable for some time due to a hardware trigger.
@ eTraceEventDisabledSW
Tracing was disabled for some time due to a software trigger.
Display format definitions.
@ eFormatCString
NULL terminated C strings.
@ eFormatCharArray
Print characters with no single quotes, used for character arrays that can contain non printable char...
@ eFormatInstruction
Disassemble an opcode.
@ eFormatVoid
Do not print this.
@ eFormatComplex
Floating point complex type.
@ eFormatHexFloat
ISO C99 hex float string.
@ eFormatOSType
OS character codes encoded into an integer 'PICT' 'text' etc...
@ eFormatAddressInfo
Describe what an address points to (func + offset.
@ eFormatCharPrintable
Only printable characters, '.' if not printable.
@ eFormatComplexInteger
Integer complex type.
This is the return value for frame comparisons.
@ eFrameCompareSameParent
Enum to control the verbosity level of dwim-print execution.
@ eDWIMPrintVerbosityFull
Always print a message indicating how dwim-print is evaluating its expression.
@ eDWIMPrintVerbosityNone
Run dwim-print with no verbosity.
@ eDWIMPrintVerbosityExpression
Print a message when dwim-print uses expression evaluation.
Process and Thread States.
@ eStateUnloaded
Process is object is valid, but not currently loaded.
@ eStateConnected
Process is connected to remote debug services, but not launched or attached to anything yet.
@ eStateDetached
Process has been detached and can't be examined.
@ eStateStopped
Process or thread is stopped and can be examined.
@ eStateSuspended
Process or thread is in a suspended state as far as the debugger is concerned while other processes o...
@ eStateRunning
Process or thread is running and can't be examined.
@ eStateLaunching
Process is in the process of launching.
@ eStateAttaching
Process is currently trying to attach.
@ eStateExited
Process has exited and can't be examined.
@ eStateStepping
Process or thread is in the process of stepping and can not be examined.
@ eStateCrashed
Process or thread has crashed and can be examined.
Programming language type.
@ eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus_20
ISO C++:2020.
@ eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus_14
ISO C++:2014.
@ eLanguageTypeHaskell
@ eLanguageTypeRenderScript
@ eLanguageTypePLI
ANSI PL/I:1976.
@ eLanguageTypeC11
ISO C:2011.
@ eLanguageTypeFortran08
ISO Fortran 2008.
@ eLanguageTypeC99
ISO C:1999.
@ eLanguageTypePascal83
ISO Pascal:1983.
@ eLanguageTypeModula3
Modula 3.
@ eLanguageTypeModula2
ISO Modula-2:1996.
@ eLanguageTypeOCaml
@ eLanguageTypeMipsAssembler
@ eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus_03
ISO C++:2003.
@ eLanguageTypeUnknown
Unknown or invalid language value.
@ eLanguageTypeFortran95
ISO Fortran 95.
@ eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus_17
ISO C++:2017.
@ eLanguageTypeObjC_plus_plus
@ eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus_11
ISO C++:2011.
@ eLanguageTypeSwift
@ eLanguageTypeC89
ISO C:1989.
@ eLanguageTypeAda83
ISO Ada:1983.
@ eLanguageTypeJulia
@ eLanguageTypeFortran77
ISO Fortran 77.
@ eLanguageTypeCobol85
ISO Cobol:1985.
@ eLanguageTypeUPC
Unified Parallel C.
@ eLanguageTypeC
Non-standardized C, such as K&R.
@ eLanguageTypeAda95
ISO Ada:1995.
@ eLanguageTypeCobol74
ISO Cobol:1974.
@ eLanguageTypePython
@ eLanguageTypeOpenCL
@ eLanguageTypeFortran90
ISO Fortran 90.
@ eLanguageTypeObjC
@ eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus
ISO C++:1998.
@ eLanguageTypeDylan
@ eLanguageTypeFortran03
ISO Fortran 2003.
Used with SBHostOS::GetLLDBPath (lldb::PathType) to find files that are related to LLDB on the curren...
@ ePathTypeGlobalLLDBTempSystemDir
The LLDB temp directory for this system, NOT cleaned up on a process exit.
@ ePathTypeHeaderDir
Find LLDB header file directory.
@ ePathTypeLLDBSystemPlugins
System plug-ins directory.
@ ePathTypeLLDBTempSystemDir
The LLDB temp directory for this system that will be cleaned up on exit.
@ ePathTypeClangDir
Find path to Clang builtin headers.
@ ePathTypeLLDBUserPlugins
User plug-ins directory.
@ ePathTypeSupportExecutableDir
Find LLDB support executable directory (debugserver, etc)
@ ePathTypePythonDir
Find Python modules (PYTHONPATH) directory.
@ ePathTypeLLDBShlibDir
The directory where the lldb.so (unix) or LLDB mach-o file in LLDB.framework (MacOSX) exists.
@ eErrorTypeGeneric
Generic errors that can be any value.
@ eErrorTypeWin32
Standard Win32 error codes.
@ eErrorTypeExpression
These are from the ExpressionResults enum.
@ eErrorTypeMachKernel
Mach kernel error codes.
@ eErrorTypePOSIX
POSIX error codes.
Type of match to be performed when looking for a formatter for a data type.
@ eLastFormatterMatchType
@ eFormatterMatchCallback
The results of expression evaluation.
@ eExpressionHitBreakpoint
@ eExpressionStoppedForDebug
@ eExpressionResultUnavailable
@ eExpressionThreadVanished
@ eTemplateArgumentKindTemplate
@ eTemplateArgumentKindTemplateExpansion
@ eTemplateArgumentKindNull
@ eTemplateArgumentKindNullPtr
@ eTemplateArgumentKindDeclaration
@ eTemplateArgumentKindIntegral
@ eTemplateArgumentKindPack
@ eTemplateArgumentKindType
@ eTemplateArgumentKindStructuralValue
@ eTemplateArgumentKindExpression
@ eSymbolTypeVariableType
@ eSymbolTypeObjCMetaClass
@ eSymbolTypeAdditional
When symbols take more than one entry, the extra entries get this type.
@ eSymbolTypeInstrumentation
Register encoding definitions.
@ eEncodingVector
vector registers
@ eEncodingUint
unsigned integer
@ eEncodingSint
signed integer
@ eInstrumentationRuntimeTypeThreadSanitizer
@ eInstrumentationRuntimeTypeMainThreadChecker
@ eInstrumentationRuntimeTypeLibsanitizersAsan
@ eInstrumentationRuntimeTypeAddressSanitizer
@ eNumInstrumentationRuntimeTypes
@ eInstrumentationRuntimeTypeUndefinedBehaviorSanitizer
@ eInstrumentationRuntimeTypeSwiftRuntimeReporting
@ eStopShowColumnAnsiOrCaret
Command Return Status Types.
@ eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingResult
@ eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingNoResult
@ eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult
@ eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult
@ eArgTypeBreakpointIDRange
@ eArgTypePermissionsNumber
@ eArgTypePermissionsString
@ eArgTypeDescriptionVerbosity
@ eArgTypeFunctionOrSymbol
@ eArgTypeSettingVariableName
@ eArgTypeDisassemblyFlavor
@ eArgTypeScriptedCommandSynchronicity
@ eArgTypeWatchpointIDRange
@ eArgTypeRegularExpression
@ eArgTypeUnsignedInteger
@ eArgTypeAddressOrExpression
Byte ordering definitions.
Kind of member function.
@ eMemberFunctionKindInstanceMethod
A function that applies to a specific instance.
@ eMemberFunctionKindConstructor
A function used to create instances.
@ eMemberFunctionKindUnknown
Not sure what the type of this is.
@ eMemberFunctionKindDestructor
A function used to tear down existing instances.
@ eMemberFunctionKindStaticMethod
A function that applies to a type rather than any instance.
Architecture-agnostic categorization of instructions for traversing the control flow of a trace.
@ eInstructionControlFlowKindReturn
The instruction is a near (function) return.
@ eInstructionControlFlowKindFarJump
The instruction is a jump-like far transfer.
@ eInstructionControlFlowKindOther
The instruction is something not listed below, i.e.
@ eInstructionControlFlowKindFarCall
The instruction is a call-like far transfer.
@ eInstructionControlFlowKindFarReturn
The instruction is a return-like far transfer.
@ eInstructionControlFlowKindUnknown
The instruction could not be classified.
@ eInstructionControlFlowKindJump
The instruction is a near unconditional jump.
@ eInstructionControlFlowKindCall
The instruction is a near (function) call.
@ eInstructionControlFlowKindCondJump
The instruction is a near conditional jump.
Enum to indicate the reference point when invoking TraceCursor::Seek().
@ eTraceCursorSeekTypeCurrent
The current position in the trace.
@ eTraceCursorSeekTypeEnd
The end of the trace, i.e the most recent item.
@ eTraceCursorSeekTypeBeginning
The beginning of the trace, i.e the oldest item.
@ eGdbSignalBadInstruction
@ eTraceItemKindInstruction
Thread stop reasons.
@ eStopReasonInstrumentation
@ eStopReasonPlanComplete
@ eStopReasonExec
Program was re-exec'ed.
@ eStopReasonInterrupt
Thread requested interrupt.
@ eStopReasonProcessorTrace
@ eStopReasonThreadExiting
Used in the SBProcess AddressMask/FixAddress methods.
@ eStructuredDataTypeFloat
@ eStructuredDataTypeDictionary
@ eStructuredDataTypeInvalid
@ eStructuredDataTypeInteger
@ eStructuredDataTypeGeneric
@ eStructuredDataTypeArray
@ eStructuredDataTypeSignedInteger
@ eStructuredDataTypeUnsignedInteger
@ eStructuredDataTypeNull
@ eStructuredDataTypeBoolean
@ eStructuredDataTypeString
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugStrOffsets
@ eSectionTypeELFDynamicSymbols
Elf SHT_DYNSYM section.
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugPubNames
@ eSectionTypeDataObjCCFStrings
Objective-C const CFString/NSString objects.
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLocDwo
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugFrame
@ eSectionTypeContainer
The section contains child sections.
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLocLists
DWARF v5 .debug_loclists.
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugTypes
DWARF .debug_types section.
@ eSectionTypeDataSymbolAddress
Address of a symbol in the symbol table.
@ eSectionTypeELFDynamicLinkInfo
Elf SHT_DYNAMIC section.
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugMacInfo
@ eSectionTypeAbsoluteAddress
Dummy section for symbols with absolute address.
@ eSectionTypeCompactUnwind
compact unwind section in Mach-O, __TEXT,__unwind_info
@ eSectionTypeELFRelocationEntries
Elf SHT_REL or SHT_REL section.
@ eSectionTypeDWARFAppleNamespaces
@ eSectionTypeLLDBFormatters
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugNames
DWARF v5 .debug_names.
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugRngLists
DWARF v5 .debug_rnglists.
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugStrOffsetsDwo
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugMacro
@ eSectionTypeDWARFAppleTypes
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugInfo
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugTypesDwo
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugRanges
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugRngListsDwo
@ eSectionTypeLLDBTypeSummaries
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLine
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugPubTypes
@ eSectionTypeDataObjCMessageRefs
Pointer to function pointer + selector.
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugTuIndex
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugStr
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLineStr
DWARF v5 .debug_line_str.
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLoc
@ eSectionTypeDWARFAppleNames
@ eSectionTypeDataCStringPointers
Pointers to C string data.
@ eSectionTypeDWARFAppleObjC
@ eSectionTypeSwiftModules
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugCuIndex
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAranges
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAbbrevDwo
@ eSectionTypeDWARFGNUDebugAltLink
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugStrDwo
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAbbrev
@ eSectionTypeDataPointers
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLocListsDwo
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugInfoDwo
@ eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAddr
@ eSectionTypeDataCString
Inlined C string data.
@ eSectionTypeELFSymbolTable
Elf SHT_SYMTAB section.
@ eSymbolDownloadBackground
@ eSymbolDownloadForeground
@ eValueTypeVTableEntry
function pointer in virtual function table
@ eValueTypeVTable
virtual function table
@ eValueTypeVariableGlobal
globals variable
@ eValueTypeConstResult
constant result variables
@ eValueTypeVariableLocal
function local variables
@ eValueTypeVariableArgument
function argument variables
@ eValueTypeRegister
stack frame register value
@ eValueTypeVariableStatic
static variable
@ eValueTypeRegisterSet
A collection of stack frame register values.
@ eValueTypeVariableThreadLocal
thread local storage variable
Token size/granularities for Input Readers.
@ eInputReaderGranularityInvalid
@ eInputReaderGranularityAll
@ eInputReaderGranularityWord
@ eInputReaderGranularityByte
@ eInputReaderGranularityLine
Queue work item types.
Register numbering types.
@ eRegisterKindGeneric
insn ptr reg, stack ptr reg, etc not specific to any particular target
@ eRegisterKindLLDB
lldb's internal register numbers
@ eRegisterKindDWARF
the register numbers seen DWARF
@ eRegisterKindEHFrame
the register numbers seen in eh_frame
@ eRegisterKindProcessPlugin
num used by the process plugin - e.g.