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CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete:
Inheritance graph


class  CommandOptions

Public Member Functions

 CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete (CommandInterpreter &interpreter, FormatCategoryItem formatter_kind)
 ~CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete () override=default
void HandleArgumentCompletion (CompletionRequest &request, OptionElementVector &opt_element_vector) override
 The default version handles argument definitions that have only one argument type, and use one of the argument types that have an entry in the CommonCompletions.
- Public Member Functions inherited from lldb_private::CommandObjectParsed
 CommandObjectParsed (CommandInterpreter &interpreter, const char *name, const char *help=nullptr, const char *syntax=nullptr, uint32_t flags=0)
 ~CommandObjectParsed () override=default
void Execute (const char *args_string, CommandReturnObject &result) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from lldb_private::CommandObject
 CommandObject (CommandInterpreter &interpreter, llvm::StringRef name, llvm::StringRef help="", llvm::StringRef syntax="", uint32_t flags=0)
virtual ~CommandObject ()=default
CommandInterpreterGetCommandInterpreter ()
DebuggerGetDebugger ()
virtual llvm::StringRef GetHelp ()
virtual llvm::StringRef GetHelpLong ()
virtual llvm::StringRef GetSyntax ()
llvm::StringRef GetCommandName () const
virtual void SetHelp (llvm::StringRef str)
virtual void SetHelpLong (llvm::StringRef str)
void SetSyntax (llvm::StringRef str)
virtual bool IsRemovable () const
virtual bool IsMultiwordObject ()
bool IsUserCommand ()
void SetIsUserCommand (bool is_user)
virtual CommandObjectMultiwordGetAsMultiwordCommand ()
virtual bool IsAlias ()
virtual bool IsDashDashCommand ()
virtual lldb::CommandObjectSP GetSubcommandSP (llvm::StringRef sub_cmd, StringList *matches=nullptr)
virtual lldb::CommandObjectSP GetSubcommandSPExact (llvm::StringRef sub_cmd)
virtual CommandObjectGetSubcommandObject (llvm::StringRef sub_cmd, StringList *matches=nullptr)
void FormatLongHelpText (Stream &output_strm, llvm::StringRef long_help)
void GenerateHelpText (CommandReturnObject &result)
virtual void GenerateHelpText (Stream &result)
virtual bool LoadSubCommand (llvm::StringRef cmd_name, const lldb::CommandObjectSP &command_obj)
virtual llvm::Error LoadUserSubcommand (llvm::StringRef cmd_name, const lldb::CommandObjectSP &command_obj, bool can_replace)
virtual bool WantsRawCommandString ()=0
virtual bool WantsCompletion ()
virtual OptionsGetOptions ()
void AddSimpleArgumentList (lldb::CommandArgumentType arg_type, ArgumentRepetitionType repetition_type=eArgRepeatPlain)
void AddIDsArgumentData (IDType type)
int GetNumArgumentEntries ()
CommandArgumentEntryGetArgumentEntryAtIndex (int idx)
void GetFormattedCommandArguments (Stream &str, uint32_t opt_set_mask=LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL)
bool ParseOptions (Args &args, CommandReturnObject &result)
void SetCommandName (llvm::StringRef name)
virtual void HandleCompletion (CompletionRequest &request)
 This default version handles calling option argument completions and then calls HandleArgumentCompletion if the cursor is on an argument, not an option.
virtual void HandleArgumentCompletion (CompletionRequest &request, OptionElementVector &opt_element_vector)
 The default version handles argument definitions that have only one argument type, and use one of the argument types that have an entry in the CommonCompletions.
bool HelpTextContainsWord (llvm::StringRef search_word, bool search_short_help=true, bool search_long_help=true, bool search_syntax=true, bool search_options=true)
FlagsGetFlags ()
 The flags accessor.
const FlagsGetFlags () const
 The flags const accessor.
virtual std::optional< std::string > GetRepeatCommand (Args &current_command_args, uint32_t index)
 Get the command that appropriate for a "repeat" of the current command.
bool HasOverrideCallback () const
void SetOverrideCallback (lldb::CommandOverrideCallback callback, void *baton)
void SetOverrideCallback (lldb_private::CommandOverrideCallbackWithResult callback, void *baton)
bool InvokeOverrideCallback (const char **argv, CommandReturnObject &result)
virtual void Execute (const char *args_string, CommandReturnObject &result)=0

Protected Member Functions

OptionsGetOptions () override
virtual bool FormatterSpecificDeletion (ConstString typeCS)
void DoExecute (Args &command, CommandReturnObject &result) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from lldb_private::CommandObjectParsed
virtual void DoExecute (Args &command, CommandReturnObject &result)=0
bool WantsRawCommandString () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from lldb_private::CommandObject
bool ParseOptionsAndNotify (Args &args, CommandReturnObject &result, OptionGroupOptions &group_options, ExecutionContext &exe_ctx)
virtual const char * GetInvalidTargetDescription ()
virtual const char * GetInvalidProcessDescription ()
virtual const char * GetInvalidThreadDescription ()
virtual const char * GetInvalidFrameDescription ()
virtual const char * GetInvalidRegContextDescription ()
TargetGetDummyTarget ()
TargetGetTarget ()
ThreadGetDefaultThread ()
bool CheckRequirements (CommandReturnObject &result)
 Check the command to make sure anything required by this command is available.
void Cleanup ()

Protected Attributes

CommandOptions m_options
FormatCategoryItem m_formatter_kind
- Protected Attributes inherited from lldb_private::CommandObject
ExecutionContext m_exe_ctx
std::unique_lock< std::recursive_mutex > m_api_locker
std::string m_cmd_name
std::string m_cmd_help_short
std::string m_cmd_help_long
std::string m_cmd_syntax
Flags m_flags
std::vector< CommandArgumentEntrym_arguments
lldb::CommandOverrideCallback m_deprecated_command_override_callback
lldb_private::CommandOverrideCallbackWithResult m_command_override_callback
void * m_command_override_baton
bool m_is_user_command = false

Static Protected Attributes

static constexpr const char * g_short_help_template
static constexpr const char * g_long_help_template

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from lldb_private::CommandObject
enum  IDType { eBreakpointArgs = 0 , eWatchpointArgs = 1 }
typedef llvm::StringRef() ArgumentHelpCallbackFunction()
typedef std::vector< CommandArgumentDataCommandArgumentEntry
typedef std::map< std::string, lldb::CommandObjectSPCommandMap
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from lldb_private::CommandObject
static const char * GetArgumentTypeAsCString (const lldb::CommandArgumentType arg_type)
static const char * GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString (const lldb::CommandArgumentType arg_type)
static lldb::CommandArgumentType LookupArgumentName (llvm::StringRef arg_name)
static const ArgumentTableEntryFindArgumentDataByType (lldb::CommandArgumentType arg_type)
static void GetArgumentHelp (Stream &str, lldb::CommandArgumentType arg_type, CommandInterpreter &interpreter)
static const char * GetArgumentName (lldb::CommandArgumentType arg_type)
static bool IsPairType (ArgumentRepetitionType arg_repeat_type)
static std::optional< ArgumentRepetitionTypeArgRepetitionFromString (llvm::StringRef string)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 712 of file CommandObjectType.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete()

CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete::CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete ( CommandInterpreter interpreter,
FormatCategoryItem  formatter_kind 

◆ ~CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete()

CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete::~CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ DoExecute()

void CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete::DoExecute ( Args command,
CommandReturnObject result 

◆ FormatterSpecificDeletion()

virtual bool CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete::FormatterSpecificDeletion ( ConstString  typeCS)

Reimplemented in CommandObjectTypeSummaryDelete.

Definition at line 811 of file CommandObjectType.cpp.

Referenced by DoExecute().

◆ GetOptions()

Options * CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete::GetOptions ( )

Reimplemented from lldb_private::CommandObject.

Definition at line 762 of file CommandObjectType.cpp.

References m_options.

◆ HandleArgumentCompletion()

void CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete::HandleArgumentCompletion ( CompletionRequest request,
OptionElementVector opt_element_vector 

The default version handles argument definitions that have only one argument type, and use one of the argument types that have an entry in the CommonCompletions.

Override this if you have a more complex argument setup. FIXME: we should be able to extend this to more complex argument definitions provided we have completers for all the argument types.

The input array contains a parsed version of the line.

We've constructed the map of options and their arguments as well if that is helpful for the completion.

[in,out]requestThe completion request that needs to be answered.

Reimplemented from lldb_private::CommandObject.

Definition at line 798 of file CommandObjectType.cpp.

References lldb_private::DataVisualization::Categories::ForEach(), lldb_private::CompletionRequest::GetCursorIndex(), and m_formatter_kind.

Member Data Documentation

◆ g_long_help_template

constexpr const char* CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete::g_long_help_template
Initial value:
"Delete an existing %s for a type. Unless you specify a "
"specific category or all categories, only the "
"'default' category is searched. The names must be exactly as "
"shown in the 'type %s list' output"

Definition at line 767 of file CommandObjectType.cpp.

Referenced by CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete().

◆ g_short_help_template

constexpr const char* CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete::g_short_help_template
Initial value:
"Delete an existing %s for a type."

Definition at line 764 of file CommandObjectType.cpp.

Referenced by CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete().

◆ m_formatter_kind

FormatCategoryItem CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete::m_formatter_kind

Definition at line 760 of file CommandObjectType.cpp.

Referenced by DoExecute(), and HandleArgumentCompletion().

◆ m_options

CommandOptions CommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete::m_options

Definition at line 759 of file CommandObjectType.cpp.

Referenced by DoExecute(), and GetOptions().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: