47 bool stop_others)
61 bool base_addr_is_offset)
65 std::vector<lldb_private::MemoryRegionInfo> &ranges,
67 save_thread_predicate)
97 std::map<lldb::ModuleWP, lldb::addr_t, std::owner_less<lldb::ModuleWP>>
130 bool base_addr_is_offset)
Interface to the runtime linker.
static bool RendezvousBreakpointHit(void *baton, lldb_private::StoppointCallbackContext *context, lldb::user_id_t break_id, lldb::user_id_t break_loc_id)
Callback routine which updates the current list of loaded modules based on the information supplied b...
std::map< lldb::ModuleWP, lldb::addr_t, std::owner_less< lldb::ModuleWP > > m_loaded_modules
Loaded module list. (link map for each module)
static lldb_private::DynamicLoader * CreateInstance(lldb_private::Process *process, bool force)
bool m_initial_modules_added
Indicates whether the initial set of modules was reported added.
lldb::addr_t m_load_offset
Virtual load address of the inferior process.
DynamicLoaderPOSIXDYLD(const DynamicLoaderPOSIXDYLD &)=delete
lldb::break_id_t m_dyld_bid
Rendezvous breakpoint.
lldb::addr_t GetEntryPoint()
Computes a value for m_entry_point returning the computed address on success and LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS...
std::unique_ptr< AuxVector > m_auxv
Auxiliary vector of the inferior process.
static llvm::StringRef GetPluginDescriptionStatic()
void EvalSpecialModulesStatus()
Evaluate if Aux vectors contain vDSO and LD information in case they do, read and assign the address ...
lldb::addr_t GetThreadLocalData(const lldb::ModuleSP module, const lldb::ThreadSP thread, lldb::addr_t tls_file_addr) override
Retrieves the per-module TLS block for a given thread.
bool SetRendezvousBreakpoint()
If possible sets a breakpoint on a function called by the runtime linker each time a module is loaded...
lldb::ModuleSP LoadInterpreterModule()
void RefreshModules()
Helper method for RendezvousBreakpointHit.
bool AlwaysRelyOnEHUnwindInfo(lldb_private::SymbolContext &sym_ctx) override
Ask if the eh_frame information for the given SymbolContext should be relied on even when it's the fi...
lldb::addr_t m_interpreter_base
Contains AT_BASE, which means a dynamic loader has been mapped to the address space.
void ProbeEntry()
Resolves the entry point for the current inferior process and sets a breakpoint at that address.
lldb_private::Status CanLoadImage() override
Ask if it is ok to try and load or unload an shared library (image).
const DynamicLoaderPOSIXDYLD & operator=(const DynamicLoaderPOSIXDYLD &)=delete
lldb::addr_t m_vdso_base
Contains AT_SYSINFO_EHDR, which means a vDSO has been mapped to the address space.
~DynamicLoaderPOSIXDYLD() override
void UpdateLoadedSections(lldb::ModuleSP module, lldb::addr_t link_map_addr, lldb::addr_t base_addr, bool base_addr_is_offset) override
Updates the load address of every allocatable section in module.
lldb::addr_t ComputeLoadOffset()
Computes a value for m_load_offset returning the computed address on success and LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS...
void UnloadSections(const lldb::ModuleSP module) override
Removes the loaded sections from the target in module.
DYLDRendezvous m_rendezvous
Runtime linker rendezvous structure.
void DidLaunch() override
Called after launching a process.
lldb::ModuleSP LoadModuleAtAddress(const lldb_private::FileSpec &file, lldb::addr_t link_map_addr, lldb::addr_t base_addr, bool base_addr_is_offset) override
Locates or creates a module given by file and updates/loads the resulting module at the virtual base ...
static bool EntryBreakpointHit(void *baton, lldb_private::StoppointCallbackContext *context, lldb::user_id_t break_id, lldb::user_id_t break_loc_id)
Callback routine invoked when we hit the breakpoint on process entry.
void DidAttach() override
Called after attaching a process.
llvm::StringRef GetPluginName() override
lldb::ThreadPlanSP GetStepThroughTrampolinePlan(lldb_private::Thread &thread, bool stop_others) override
Provides a plan to step through the dynamic loader trampoline for the current state of thread.
static llvm::StringRef GetPluginNameStatic()
void ResolveExecutableModule(lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp)
Loads Module from inferior process.
lldb::addr_t m_entry_point
Virtual entry address of the inferior process.
virtual void LoadAllCurrentModules()
Helper for the entry breakpoint callback.
std::weak_ptr< lldb_private::Module > m_interpreter_module
Contains the pointer to the interpret module, if loaded.
bool IsCoreFile() const
Returns true if the process is for a core file.
void CalculateDynamicSaveCoreRanges(lldb_private::Process &process, std::vector< lldb_private::MemoryRegionInfo > &ranges, llvm::function_ref< bool(const lldb_private::Thread &)> save_thread_predicate) override
A plug-in interface definition class for dynamic loaders.
A plug-in interface definition class for debugging a process.
General Outline: When we hit a breakpoint we need to package up whatever information is needed to eva...
Defines a symbol context baton that can be handed other debug core functions.
std::shared_ptr< lldb_private::ThreadPlan > ThreadPlanSP
std::shared_ptr< lldb_private::Thread > ThreadSP
std::shared_ptr< lldb_private::Module > ModuleSP