LLDB mainline
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1//===-- Type.h --------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
16#include "lldb/Symbol/TypeMap.h"
19#include "lldb/Utility/UserID.h"
20#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
22#include "llvm/ADT/APSInt.h"
23#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
24#include "llvm/ADT/STLForwardCompat.h"
25#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
27#include <optional>
28#include <set>
30namespace lldb_private {
31class SymbolFileCommon;
33/// A SmallBitVector that represents a set of source languages (\p
34/// lldb::LanguageType). Each lldb::LanguageType is represented by
35/// the bit with the position of its enumerator. The largest
36/// LanguageType is < 64, so this is space-efficient and on 64-bit
37/// architectures a LanguageSet can be completely stack-allocated.
39 llvm::SmallBitVector bitvector;
42 /// If the set contains a single language only, return it.
43 std::optional<lldb::LanguageType> GetSingularLanguage();
44 void Insert(lldb::LanguageType language);
45 bool Empty() const;
46 size_t Size() const;
47 bool operator[](unsigned i) const;
50/// CompilerContext allows an array of these items to be passed to perform
51/// detailed lookups in SymbolVendor and SymbolFile functions.
55 bool operator==(const CompilerContext &rhs) const {
56 return kind == rhs.kind && name == rhs.name;
57 }
58 bool operator!=(const CompilerContext &rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
60 void Dump(Stream &s) const;
65llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &os,
66 const CompilerContext &rhs);
68/// Match \p context_chain against \p pattern, which may contain "Any"
69/// kinds. The \p context_chain should *not* contain any "Any" kinds.
70bool contextMatches(llvm::ArrayRef<CompilerContext> context_chain,
71 llvm::ArrayRef<CompilerContext> pattern);
74 e_none = 0u,
75 /// If set, TypeQuery::m_context contains an exact context that must match
76 /// the full context. If not set, TypeQuery::m_context can contain a partial
77 /// type match where the full context isn't fully specified.
78 e_exact_match = (1u << 0),
79 /// If set, TypeQuery::m_context is a clang module compiler context. If not
80 /// set TypeQuery::m_context is normal type lookup context.
81 e_module_search = (1u << 1),
82 /// When true, the find types call should stop the query as soon as a single
83 /// matching type is found. When false, the type query should find all
84 /// matching types.
85 e_find_one = (1u << 2),
89/// A class that contains all state required for type lookups.
91/// Using a TypeQuery class for matching types simplifies the internal APIs we
92/// need to implement type lookups in LLDB. Type lookups can fully specify the
93/// exact typename by filling out a complete or partial CompilerContext array.
94/// This technique allows for powerful searches and also allows the SymbolFile
95/// classes to use the m_context array to lookup types by basename, then
96/// eliminate potential matches without having to resolve types into each
97/// TypeSystem. This makes type lookups vastly more efficient and allows the
98/// SymbolFile objects to stop looking up types when the type matching is
99/// complete, like if we are looking for only a single type in our search.
102 TypeQuery() = delete;
104 /// Construct a type match object using a fully- or partially-qualified name.
105 ///
106 /// The specified \a type_name will be chopped up and the m_context will be
107 /// populated by separating the string by looking for "::". We do this because
108 /// symbol files have indexes that contain only the type's basename. This also
109 /// allows symbol files to efficiently not realize types that don't match the
110 /// specified context. Example of \a type_name values that can be specified
111 /// include:
112 /// "foo": Look for any type whose basename matches "foo".
113 /// If \a exact_match is true, then the type can't be contained in any
114 /// declaration context like a namespace, class, or other containing
115 /// scope.
116 /// If \a exact match is false, then we will find all matches including
117 /// ones that are contained in other declaration contexts, including top
118 /// level types.
119 /// "foo::bar": Look for any type whose basename matches "bar" but make sure
120 /// its parent declaration context is any named declaration context
121 /// (namespace, class, struct, etc) whose name matches "foo".
122 /// If \a exact_match is true, then the "foo" declaration context must
123 /// appear at the source file level or inside of a function.
124 /// If \a exact match is false, then the "foo" declaration context can
125 /// be contained in any other declaration contexts.
126 /// "class foo": Only match types that are classes whose basename matches
127 /// "foo".
128 /// "struct foo": Only match types that are structures whose basename
129 /// matches "foo".
130 /// "class foo::bar": Only match types that are classes whose basename
131 /// matches "bar" and that are contained in any named declaration context
132 /// named "foo".
133 ///
134 /// \param[in] type_name
135 /// A fully- or partially-qualified type name. This name will be parsed and
136 /// broken up and the m_context will be populated with the various parts of
137 /// the name. This typename can be prefixed with "struct ", "class ",
138 /// "union", "enum " or "typedef " before the actual type name to limit the
139 /// results of the types that match. The declaration context can be
140 /// specified with the "::" string. For example, "a::b::my_type".
141 ///
142 /// \param[in] options A set of boolean enumeration flags from the
143 /// TypeQueryOptions enumerations. \see TypeQueryOptions.
144 TypeQuery(llvm::StringRef name, TypeQueryOptions options = e_none);
146 /// Construct a type-match object that matches a type basename that exists
147 /// in the specified declaration context.
148 ///
149 /// This allows the m_context to be first populated using a declaration
150 /// context to exactly identify the containing declaration context of a type.
151 /// This can be used when you have a forward declaration to a type and you
152 /// need to search for its complete type.
153 ///
154 /// \param[in] decl_ctx
155 /// A declaration context object that comes from a TypeSystem plug-in. This
156 /// object will be asked to populate the array of CompilerContext objects
157 /// by adding the top most declaration context first into the array and then
158 /// adding any containing declaration contexts.
159 ///
160 /// \param[in] type_basename
161 /// The basename of the type to lookup in the specified declaration context.
162 ///
163 /// \param[in] options A set of boolean enumeration flags from the
164 /// TypeQueryOptions enumerations. \see TypeQueryOptions.
165 TypeQuery(const CompilerDeclContext &decl_ctx, ConstString type_basename,
166 TypeQueryOptions options = e_none);
167 /// Construct a type-match object using a compiler declaration that specifies
168 /// a typename and a declaration context to use when doing exact type lookups.
169 ///
170 /// This allows the m_context to be first populated using a type declaration.
171 /// The type declaration might have a declaration context and each TypeSystem
172 /// plug-in can populate the declaration context needed to perform an exact
173 /// lookup for a type.
174 /// This can be used when you have a forward declaration to a type and you
175 /// need to search for its complete type.
176 ///
177 /// \param[in] decl
178 /// A type declaration context object that comes from a TypeSystem plug-in.
179 /// This object will be asked to full the array of CompilerContext objects
180 /// by adding the top most declaration context first into the array and then
181 /// adding any containing declaration contexts, and ending with the exact
182 /// typename and the kind of type it is (class, struct, union, enum, etc).
183 ///
184 /// \param[in] options A set of boolean enumeration flags from the
185 /// TypeQueryOptions enumerations. \see TypeQueryOptions.
186 TypeQuery(const CompilerDecl &decl, TypeQueryOptions options = e_none);
188 /// Construct a type-match object using a CompilerContext array.
189 ///
190 /// Clients can manually create compiler contexts and use these to find
191 /// matches when searching for types. There are two types of contexts that
192 /// are supported when doing type searchs: type contexts and clang module
193 /// contexts. Type contexts have contexts that specify the type and its
194 /// containing declaration context like namespaces and classes. Clang module
195 /// contexts specify contexts more completely to find exact matches within
196 /// clang module debug information. They will include the modules that the
197 /// type is included in and any functions that the type might be defined in.
198 /// This allows very fine-grained type resolution.
199 ///
200 /// \param[in] context The compiler context to use when doing the search.
201 ///
202 /// \param[in] options A set of boolean enumeration flags from the
203 /// TypeQueryOptions enumerations. \see TypeQueryOptions.
204 TypeQuery(const llvm::ArrayRef<lldb_private::CompilerContext> &context,
205 TypeQueryOptions options = e_none);
207 /// Construct a type-match object that duplicates all matching criterea,
208 /// but not any searched symbol files or the type map for matches. This allows
209 /// the m_context to be modified prior to performing another search.
210 TypeQuery(const TypeQuery &rhs) = default;
211 /// Assign a type-match object that duplicates all matching criterea,
212 /// but not any searched symbol files or the type map for matches. This allows
213 /// the m_context to be modified prior to performing another search.
214 TypeQuery &operator=(const TypeQuery &rhs) = default;
216 /// Check of a CompilerContext array from matching type from a symbol file
217 /// matches the \a m_context.
218 ///
219 /// \param[in] context
220 /// A fully qualified CompilerContext array for a potential match that is
221 /// created by the symbol file prior to trying to actually resolve a type.
222 ///
223 /// \returns
224 /// True if the context matches, false if it doesn't. If e_exact_match
225 /// is set in m_options, then \a context must exactly match \a m_context. If
226 /// e_exact_match is not set, then the bottom m_context.size() objects in
227 /// \a context must match. This allows SymbolFile objects the fill in a
228 /// potential type basename match from the index into \a context, and see if
229 /// it matches prior to having to resolve a lldb_private::Type object for
230 /// the type from the index. This allows type parsing to be as efficient as
231 /// possible and only realize the types that match the query.
232 bool
233 ContextMatches(llvm::ArrayRef<lldb_private::CompilerContext> context) const;
235 /// Get the type basename to use when searching the type indexes in each
236 /// SymbolFile object.
237 ///
238 /// Debug information indexes often contain indexes that track the basename
239 /// of types only, not a fully qualified path. This allows the indexes to be
240 /// smaller and allows for efficient lookups.
241 ///
242 /// \returns
243 /// The type basename to use when doing lookups as a constant string.
244 ConstString GetTypeBasename() const;
246 /// Returns true if any matching languages have been specified in this type
247 /// matching object.
248 bool HasLanguage() const { return m_languages.has_value(); }
250 /// Add a language family to the list of languages that should produce a
251 /// match.
252 void AddLanguage(lldb::LanguageType language);
254 /// Set the list of languages that should produce a match to only the ones
255 /// specified in \ref languages.
256 void SetLanguages(LanguageSet languages);
258 /// Check if the language matches any languages that have been added to this
259 /// match object.
260 ///
261 /// \returns
262 /// True if no language have been specified, or if some language have been
263 /// added using AddLanguage(...) and they match. False otherwise.
264 bool LanguageMatches(lldb::LanguageType language) const;
266 bool GetExactMatch() const { return (m_options & e_exact_match) != 0; }
267 /// The \a m_context can be used in two ways: normal types searching with
268 /// the context containing a stanadard declaration context for a type, or
269 /// with the context being more complete for exact matches in clang modules.
270 /// Set this to true if you wish to search for a type in clang module.
271 bool GetModuleSearch() const { return (m_options & e_module_search) != 0; }
273 /// Returns true if the type query is supposed to find only a single matching
274 /// type. Returns false if the type query should find all matches.
275 bool GetFindOne() const { return (m_options & e_find_one) != 0; }
276 void SetFindOne(bool b) {
277 if (b)
278 m_options |= e_find_one;
279 else
280 m_options &= (e_exact_match | e_find_one);
281 }
283 /// Access the internal compiler context array.
284 ///
285 /// Clients can use this to populate the context manually.
286 std::vector<lldb_private::CompilerContext> &GetContextRef() {
287 return m_context;
288 }
291 /// A full or partial compiler context array where the parent declaration
292 /// contexts appear at the top of the array starting at index zero and the
293 /// last entry contains the type and name of the type we are looking for.
294 std::vector<lldb_private::CompilerContext> m_context;
295 /// An options bitmask that contains enabled options for the type query.
296 /// \see TypeQueryOptions.
297 TypeQueryOptions m_options;
298 /// If this variable has a value, then the language family must match at least
299 /// one of the specified languages. If this variable has no value, then the
300 /// language of the type doesn't need to match any types that are searched.
301 std::optional<LanguageSet> m_languages;
304/// This class tracks the state and results of a \ref TypeQuery.
306/// Any mutable state required for type lookups and the results are tracked in
307/// this object.
310 /// Construct a type results object
311 TypeResults() = default;
313 /// When types that match a TypeQuery are found, this API is used to insert
314 /// the matching types.
315 ///
316 /// \return
317 /// True if the type was added, false if the \a type_sp was already in the
318 /// results.
319 bool InsertUnique(const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
321 /// Check if the type matching has found all of the matches that it needs.
322 bool Done(const TypeQuery &query) const;
324 /// Check if a SymbolFile object has already been searched by this type match
325 /// object.
326 ///
327 /// This function will add \a sym_file to the set of SymbolFile objects if it
328 /// isn't already in the set and return \a false. Returns true if \a sym_file
329 /// was already in the set and doesn't need to be searched.
330 ///
331 /// Any clients that search for types should first check that the symbol file
332 /// has not already been searched. If this function returns true, the type
333 /// search function should early return to avoid duplicating type searchihng
334 /// efforts.
335 ///
336 /// \param[in] sym_file
337 /// A SymbolFile pointer that will be used to track which symbol files have
338 /// already been searched.
339 ///
340 /// \returns
341 /// True if the symbol file has been search already, false otherwise.
344 /// Access the set of searched symbol files.
345 llvm::DenseSet<lldb_private::SymbolFile *> &GetSearchedSymbolFiles() {
347 }
351 const TypeMap &GetTypeMap() const { return m_type_map; }
354 /// Matching types get added to this map as type search continues.
356 /// This set is used to track and make sure we only perform lookups in a
357 /// symbol file one time.
358 llvm::DenseSet<lldb_private::SymbolFile *> m_searched_symbol_files;
361class SymbolFileType : public std::enable_shared_from_this<SymbolFileType>,
362 public UserID {
365 : UserID(uid), m_symbol_file(symbol_file) {}
367 SymbolFileType(SymbolFile &symbol_file, const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
369 ~SymbolFileType() = default;
371 Type *operator->() { return GetType(); }
373 Type *GetType();
381class Type : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Type>, public UserID {
384 /// Invalid encoding.
386 /// This type is the type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
388 /// This type is the type whose UID is m_encoding_uid with the const
389 /// qualifier added.
391 /// This type is the type whose UID is m_encoding_uid with the restrict
392 /// qualifier added.
394 /// This type is the type whose UID is m_encoding_uid with the volatile
395 /// qualifier added.
397 /// This type is alias to a type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
399 /// This type is pointer to a type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
401 /// This type is L value reference to a type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
403 /// This type is R value reference to a type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
405 /// This type is the type whose UID is m_encoding_uid as an atomic type.
407 /// This type is the synthetic type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
409 /// This type is a signed pointer.
411 };
413 enum class ResolveState : unsigned char {
414 Unresolved = 0,
415 Forward = 1,
416 Layout = 2,
417 Full = 3
418 };
420 void Dump(Stream *s, bool show_context,
423 void DumpTypeName(Stream *s);
425 /// Since Type instances only keep a "SymbolFile *" internally, other classes
426 /// like TypeImpl need make sure the module is still around before playing
427 /// with
428 /// Type instances. They can store a weak pointer to the Module;
431 /// GetModule may return module for compile unit's object file.
432 /// GetExeModule returns module for executable object file that contains
433 /// compile unit where type was actually defined.
434 /// GetModule and GetExeModule may return the same value.
437 void GetDescription(Stream *s, lldb::DescriptionLevel level, bool show_name,
438 ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope);
441 const SymbolFile *GetSymbolFile() const { return m_symbol_file; }
447 std::optional<uint64_t> GetByteSize(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope);
449 llvm::Expected<uint32_t> GetNumChildren(bool omit_empty_base_classes);
451 bool IsAggregateType();
453 // Returns if the type is a templated decl. Does not look through typedefs.
454 bool IsTemplateType();
462 ConstString GetName() const { return m_name; }
466 bool ReadFromMemory(ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, lldb::addr_t address,
467 AddressType address_type, DataExtractor &data);
469 bool WriteToMemory(ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, lldb::addr_t address,
470 AddressType address_type, DataExtractor &data);
474 lldb::Encoding GetEncoding(uint64_t &count);
479 m_context = context;
480 }
484 // Get the clang type, and resolve definitions for any
485 // class/struct/union/enum types completely.
488 // Get the clang type, and resolve definitions enough so that the type could
489 // have layout performed. This allows ptrs and refs to
490 // class/struct/union/enum types remain forward declarations.
493 // Get the clang type and leave class/struct/union/enum types as forward
494 // declarations if they haven't already been fully defined.
497 static int Compare(const Type &a, const Type &b);
499 // Represents a parsed type name coming out of GetTypeScopeAndBasename. The
500 // structure holds StringRefs pointing to portions of the original name, and
501 // so must not be used after the name is destroyed.
502 struct ParsedName {
503 lldb::TypeClass type_class = lldb::eTypeClassAny;
505 // Scopes of the type, starting with the outermost. Absolute type references
506 // have a "::" as the first scope.
507 llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef> scope;
509 llvm::StringRef basename;
511 friend bool operator==(const ParsedName &lhs, const ParsedName &rhs) {
512 return lhs.type_class == rhs.type_class && lhs.scope == rhs.scope &&
513 lhs.basename == rhs.basename;
514 }
516 friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &os,
517 const ParsedName &name) {
518 return os << llvm::formatv(
519 "Type::ParsedName({0:x}, [{1}], {2})",
520 llvm::to_underlying(name.type_class),
521 llvm::make_range(name.scope.begin(), name.scope.end()),
522 name.basename);
523 }
524 };
525 // From a fully qualified typename, split the type into the type basename and
526 // the remaining type scope (namespaces/classes).
527 static std::optional<ParsedName>
528 GetTypeScopeAndBasename(llvm::StringRef name);
530 void SetEncodingType(Type *encoding_type) { m_encoding_type = encoding_type; }
532 uint32_t GetEncodingMask();
534 typedef uint32_t Payload;
535 /// Return the language-specific payload.
537 /// Return the language-specific payload.
538 void SetPayload(Payload opaque_payload) { m_payload = opaque_payload; }
543 /// The symbol context in which this type is defined.
548 uint64_t m_byte_size : 63;
553 /// Language-specific flags.
558 bool ResolveCompilerType(ResolveState compiler_type_resolve_state);
560 /// Only allow Symbol File to create types, as they should own them by keeping
561 /// them in their TypeList. \see SymbolFileCommon::MakeType() reference in the
562 /// header documentation here so users will know what function to use if the
563 /// get a compile error.
566 Type(lldb::user_id_t uid, SymbolFile *symbol_file, ConstString name,
567 std::optional<uint64_t> byte_size, SymbolContextScope *context,
568 lldb::user_id_t encoding_uid, EncodingDataType encoding_uid_type,
569 const Declaration &decl, const CompilerType &compiler_qual_type,
570 ResolveState compiler_type_resolve_state, uint32_t opaque_payload = 0);
572 // This makes an invalid type. Used for functions that return a Type when
573 // they get an error.
574 Type();
576 Type(Type &t) = default;
578 Type(Type &&t) = default;
580 Type &operator=(const Type &t) = default;
582 Type &operator=(Type &&t) = default;
585// the two classes here are used by the public API as a backend to the SBType
586// and SBTypeList classes
588class TypeImpl {
590 TypeImpl() = default;
592 ~TypeImpl() = default;
594 TypeImpl(const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
596 TypeImpl(const CompilerType &compiler_type);
598 TypeImpl(const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp, const CompilerType &dynamic);
600 TypeImpl(const CompilerType &compiler_type, const CompilerType &dynamic);
602 void SetType(const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
604 void SetType(const CompilerType &compiler_type);
606 void SetType(const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp, const CompilerType &dynamic);
608 void SetType(const CompilerType &compiler_type, const CompilerType &dynamic);
610 bool operator==(const TypeImpl &rhs) const;
612 bool operator!=(const TypeImpl &rhs) const;
614 bool IsValid() const;
616 explicit operator bool() const;
618 void Clear();
622 ConstString GetName() const;
626 TypeImpl GetPointerType() const;
628 TypeImpl GetPointeeType() const;
640 CompilerType GetCompilerType(bool prefer_dynamic);
645 lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level);
647 CompilerType FindDirectNestedType(llvm::StringRef name);
650 bool CheckModule(lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) const;
651 bool CheckExeModule(lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) const;
652 bool CheckModuleCommon(const lldb::ModuleWP &input_module_wp,
653 lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) const;
663 TypeListImpl() = default;
665 void Append(const lldb::TypeImplSP &type) { m_content.push_back(type); }
668 public:
669 AppendVisitor(TypeListImpl &type_list) : m_type_list(type_list) {}
671 void operator()(const lldb::TypeImplSP &type) { m_type_list.Append(type); }
673 private:
675 };
677 void Append(const lldb_private::TypeList &type_list);
680 lldb::TypeImplSP type_sp;
681 if (idx < GetSize())
682 type_sp = m_content[idx];
683 return type_sp;
684 }
686 size_t GetSize() { return m_content.size(); }
689 std::vector<lldb::TypeImplSP> m_content;
694 TypeMemberImpl() = default;
696 TypeMemberImpl(const lldb::TypeImplSP &type_impl_sp, uint64_t bit_offset,
697 ConstString name, uint32_t bitfield_bit_size = 0,
698 bool is_bitfield = false)
699 : m_type_impl_sp(type_impl_sp), m_bit_offset(bit_offset), m_name(name),
700 m_bitfield_bit_size(bitfield_bit_size), m_is_bitfield(is_bitfield) {}
702 TypeMemberImpl(const lldb::TypeImplSP &type_impl_sp, uint64_t bit_offset)
703 : m_type_impl_sp(type_impl_sp), m_bit_offset(bit_offset),
705 if (m_type_impl_sp)
706 m_name = m_type_impl_sp->GetName();
707 }
711 ConstString GetName() const { return m_name; }
713 uint64_t GetBitOffset() const { return m_bit_offset; }
715 uint32_t GetBitfieldBitSize() const { return m_bitfield_bit_size; }
717 void SetBitfieldBitSize(uint32_t bitfield_bit_size) {
718 m_bitfield_bit_size = bitfield_bit_size;
719 }
721 bool GetIsBitfield() const { return m_is_bitfield; }
723 void SetIsBitfield(bool is_bitfield) { m_is_bitfield = is_bitfield; }
727 uint64_t m_bit_offset = 0;
729 uint32_t m_bitfield_bit_size = 0; // Bit size for bitfield members only
730 bool m_is_bitfield = false;
734/// Sometimes you can find the name of the type corresponding to an object, but
735/// we don't have debug
736/// information for it. If that is the case, you can return one of these
737/// objects, and then if it
738/// has a full type, you can use that, but if not at least you can print the
739/// name for informational
740/// purposes.
745 TypeAndOrName() = default;
746 TypeAndOrName(lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
747 TypeAndOrName(const CompilerType &compiler_type);
748 TypeAndOrName(const char *type_str);
749 TypeAndOrName(ConstString &type_const_string);
751 bool operator==(const TypeAndOrName &other) const;
753 bool operator!=(const TypeAndOrName &other) const;
755 ConstString GetName() const;
759 void SetName(ConstString type_name);
761 void SetName(const char *type_name_cstr);
763 void SetName(llvm::StringRef name);
765 void SetTypeSP(lldb::TypeSP type_sp);
767 void SetCompilerType(CompilerType compiler_type);
769 bool IsEmpty() const;
771 bool HasName() const;
773 bool HasCompilerType() const;
775 bool HasType() const { return HasCompilerType(); }
777 void Clear();
779 explicit operator bool() { return !IsEmpty(); }
791 const std::string &name,
792 const lldb::MemberFunctionKind &kind)
793 : m_type(type), m_decl(decl), m_name(name), m_kind(kind) {}
795 bool IsValid();
797 ConstString GetName() const;
801 CompilerType GetType() const;
805 size_t GetNumArguments() const;
807 CompilerType GetArgumentAtIndex(size_t idx) const;
811 bool GetDescription(Stream &stream);
814 std::string GetPrintableTypeName();
825 TypeEnumMemberImpl() : m_name("<invalid>") {}
827 TypeEnumMemberImpl(const lldb::TypeImplSP &integer_type_sp, ConstString name,
828 const llvm::APSInt &value);
834 bool IsValid() { return m_valid; }
836 ConstString GetName() const { return m_name; }
840 uint64_t GetValueAsUnsigned() const { return m_value.getZExtValue(); }
842 int64_t GetValueAsSigned() const { return m_value.getSExtValue(); }
847 llvm::APSInt m_value;
848 bool m_valid = false;
856 m_content.push_back(type);
857 }
862 lldb::TypeEnumMemberImplSP enum_member;
863 if (idx < GetSize())
864 enum_member = m_content[idx];
865 return enum_member;
866 }
868 size_t GetSize() { return m_content.size(); }
871 std::vector<lldb::TypeEnumMemberImplSP> m_content;
874} // namespace lldb_private
876#endif // LLDB_SYMBOL_TYPE_H
Represents a generic declaration context in a program.
Represents a generic declaration such as a function declaration.
Definition: CompilerDecl.h:28
This is a minimal wrapper of a TypeSystem shared pointer as returned by CompilerType which conventien...
Definition: CompilerType.h:49
Generic representation of a type in a programming language.
Definition: CompilerType.h:36
A uniqued constant string class.
Definition: ConstString.h:40
An data extractor class.
Definition: DataExtractor.h:48
A class that describes the declaration location of a lldb object.
Definition: Declaration.h:24
"lldb/Target/ExecutionContextScope.h" Inherit from this if your object can reconstruct its execution ...
"lldb/Target/ExecutionContext.h" A class that contains an execution context.
A stream class that can stream formatted output to a file.
Definition: Stream.h:28
"lldb/Symbol/SymbolContextScope.h" Inherit from this if your object is part of a symbol context and c...
Containing protected virtual methods for child classes to override.
Definition: SymbolFile.h:496
SymbolFile & m_symbol_file
Definition: Type.h:377
SymbolFileType(SymbolFile &symbol_file, lldb::user_id_t uid)
Definition: Type.h:364
SymbolFile & GetSymbolFile() const
Definition: Type.h:374
lldb::TypeSP m_type_sp
Definition: Type.h:378
Provides public interface for all SymbolFiles.
Definition: SymbolFile.h:50
Sometimes you can find the name of the type corresponding to an object, but we don't have debug infor...
Definition: Type.h:743
void SetName(ConstString type_name)
Definition: Type.cpp:878
TypeAndOrName(const CompilerType &compiler_type)
bool operator!=(const TypeAndOrName &other) const
Definition: Type.cpp:866
bool operator==(const TypeAndOrName &other) const
Definition: Type.cpp:858
CompilerType GetCompilerType() const
Definition: Type.h:757
bool HasName() const
Definition: Type.cpp:913
ConstString GetName() const
Definition: Type.cpp:870
bool HasCompilerType() const
Definition: Type.cpp:915
void SetCompilerType(CompilerType compiler_type)
Definition: Type.cpp:898
ConstString m_type_name
Definition: Type.h:783
void SetTypeSP(lldb::TypeSP type_sp)
Definition: Type.cpp:890
bool HasType() const
Definition: Type.h:775
CompilerType m_compiler_type
Definition: Type.h:782
bool IsEmpty() const
Definition: Type.cpp:904
int64_t GetValueAsSigned() const
Definition: Type.h:842
ConstString GetName() const
Definition: Type.h:836
const lldb::TypeImplSP & GetIntegerType() const
Definition: Type.h:838
TypeEnumMemberImpl(const TypeEnumMemberImpl &rhs)=default
TypeEnumMemberImpl & operator=(const TypeEnumMemberImpl &rhs)
lldb::TypeImplSP m_integer_type_sp
Definition: Type.h:845
uint64_t GetValueAsUnsigned() const
Definition: Type.h:840
lldb::TypeEnumMemberImplSP GetTypeEnumMemberAtIndex(size_t idx)
Definition: Type.h:861
std::vector< lldb::TypeEnumMemberImplSP > m_content
Definition: Type.h:871
void Append(const lldb_private::TypeEnumMemberListImpl &type_list)
void Append(const lldb::TypeEnumMemberImplSP &type)
Definition: Type.h:855
CompilerType GetCompilerType(bool prefer_dynamic)
Definition: Type.cpp:1142
bool operator!=(const TypeImpl &rhs) const
Definition: Type.cpp:1011
bool CheckExeModule(lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) const
Definition: Type.cpp:973
bool GetDescription(lldb_private::Stream &strm, lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level)
Definition: Type.cpp:1166
bool operator==(const TypeImpl &rhs) const
Definition: Type.cpp:1006
bool CheckModuleCommon(const lldb::ModuleWP &input_module_wp, lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) const
Definition: Type.cpp:977
TypeImpl GetCanonicalType() const
Definition: Type.cpp:1130
void SetType(const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp)
Definition: Type.cpp:940
TypeImpl GetUnqualifiedType() const
Definition: Type.cpp:1118
TypeImpl GetPointeeType() const
Definition: Type.cpp:1070
CompilerType m_dynamic_type
Definition: Type.h:658
CompilerType::TypeSystemSPWrapper GetTypeSystem(bool prefer_dynamic)
Definition: Type.cpp:1154
CompilerType m_static_type
Definition: Type.h:657
bool CheckModule(lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) const
Definition: Type.cpp:969
lldb::ModuleSP GetModule() const
Definition: Type.cpp:1031
TypeImpl GetDereferencedType() const
Definition: Type.cpp:1106
bool IsValid() const
Definition: Type.cpp:1015
TypeImpl GetPointerType() const
Definition: Type.cpp:1058
lldb::ModuleWP m_exe_module_wp
Definition: Type.h:656
TypeImpl GetReferenceType() const
Definition: Type.cpp:1082
TypeImpl GetTypedefedType() const
Definition: Type.cpp:1094
lldb::ModuleWP m_module_wp
Definition: Type.h:655
ConstString GetName() const
Definition: Type.cpp:1038
CompilerType FindDirectNestedType(llvm::StringRef name)
Definition: Type.cpp:1182
ConstString GetDisplayTypeName() const
Definition: Type.cpp:1048
void operator()(const lldb::TypeImplSP &type)
Definition: Type.h:671
AppendVisitor(TypeListImpl &type_list)
Definition: Type.h:669
lldb::TypeImplSP GetTypeAtIndex(size_t idx)
Definition: Type.h:679
void Append(const lldb::TypeImplSP &type)
Definition: Type.h:665
std::vector< lldb::TypeImplSP > m_content
Definition: Type.h:689
lldb::TypeSP FirstType() const
Definition: TypeMap.cpp:94
CompilerType GetReturnType() const
Definition: Type.cpp:1229
ConstString GetMangledName() const
Definition: Type.cpp:1195
CompilerType GetType() const
Definition: Type.cpp:1199
ConstString GetName() const
Definition: Type.cpp:1193
TypeMemberFunctionImpl(const CompilerType &type, const CompilerDecl &decl, const std::string &name, const lldb::MemberFunctionKind &kind)
Definition: Type.h:790
CompilerType GetArgumentAtIndex(size_t idx) const
Definition: Type.cpp:1242
bool GetDescription(Stream &stream)
Definition: Type.cpp:1205
lldb::MemberFunctionKind GetKind() const
Definition: Type.cpp:1201
lldb::MemberFunctionKind m_kind
Definition: Type.h:820
bool GetIsBitfield() const
Definition: Type.h:721
uint32_t GetBitfieldBitSize() const
Definition: Type.h:715
void SetIsBitfield(bool is_bitfield)
Definition: Type.h:723
const lldb::TypeImplSP & GetTypeImpl()
Definition: Type.h:709
ConstString GetName() const
Definition: Type.h:711
TypeMemberImpl(const lldb::TypeImplSP &type_impl_sp, uint64_t bit_offset, ConstString name, uint32_t bitfield_bit_size=0, bool is_bitfield=false)
Definition: Type.h:696
uint32_t m_bitfield_bit_size
Definition: Type.h:729
uint64_t GetBitOffset() const
Definition: Type.h:713
TypeMemberImpl(const lldb::TypeImplSP &type_impl_sp, uint64_t bit_offset)
Definition: Type.h:702
lldb::TypeImplSP m_type_impl_sp
Definition: Type.h:726
void SetBitfieldBitSize(uint32_t bitfield_bit_size)
Definition: Type.h:717
A class that contains all state required for type lookups.
Definition: Type.h:100
TypeQuery(const TypeQuery &rhs)=default
Construct a type-match object that duplicates all matching criterea, but not any searched symbol file...
std::vector< lldb_private::CompilerContext > m_context
A full or partial compiler context array where the parent declaration contexts appear at the top of t...
Definition: Type.h:294
bool GetModuleSearch() const
The m_context can be used in two ways: normal types searching with the context containing a stanadard...
Definition: Type.h:271
std::vector< lldb_private::CompilerContext > & GetContextRef()
Access the internal compiler context array.
Definition: Type.h:286
TypeQuery & operator=(const TypeQuery &rhs)=default
Assign a type-match object that duplicates all matching criterea, but not any searched symbol files o...
bool HasLanguage() const
Returns true if any matching languages have been specified in this type matching object.
Definition: Type.h:248
TypeQueryOptions m_options
An options bitmask that contains enabled options for the type query.
Definition: Type.h:297
bool GetExactMatch() const
Definition: Type.h:266
std::optional< LanguageSet > m_languages
If this variable has a value, then the language family must match at least one of the specified langu...
Definition: Type.h:301
void SetFindOne(bool b)
Definition: Type.h:276
bool GetFindOne() const
Returns true if the type query is supposed to find only a single matching type.
Definition: Type.h:275
This class tracks the state and results of a TypeQuery.
Definition: Type.h:308
bool InsertUnique(const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp)
When types that match a TypeQuery are found, this API is used to insert the matching types.
Definition: Type.cpp:182
const TypeMap & GetTypeMap() const
Definition: Type.h:351
TypeMap & GetTypeMap()
Definition: Type.h:350
llvm::DenseSet< lldb_private::SymbolFile * > m_searched_symbol_files
This set is used to track and make sure we only perform lookups in a symbol file one time.
Definition: Type.h:358
Construct a type results object.
lldb::TypeSP GetFirstType() const
Definition: Type.h:349
bool AlreadySearched(lldb_private::SymbolFile *sym_file)
Check if a SymbolFile object has already been searched by this type match object.
Definition: Type.cpp:178
llvm::DenseSet< lldb_private::SymbolFile * > & GetSearchedSymbolFiles()
Access the set of searched symbol files.
Definition: Type.h:345
TypeMap m_type_map
Matching types get added to this map as type search continues.
Definition: Type.h:355
Type * m_encoding_type
Definition: Type.h:545
void SetEncodingType(Type *encoding_type)
Definition: Type.h:530
CompilerType m_compiler_type
Definition: Type.h:551
CompilerType GetForwardCompilerType()
Definition: Type.cpp:766
lldb::Format GetFormat()
Definition: Type.cpp:518
Declaration m_decl
Definition: Type.h:550
Type & operator=(const Type &t)=default
Type * GetEncodingType()
Definition: Type.cpp:444
ConstString GetName()
Definition: Type.cpp:432
const SymbolContextScope * GetSymbolContextScope() const
Definition: Type.h:477
void SetSymbolContextScope(SymbolContextScope *context)
Definition: Type.h:478
const lldb_private::Declaration & GetDeclaration() const
Definition: Type.cpp:568
uint64_t m_byte_size_has_value
Definition: Type.h:549
bool IsTemplateType()
Definition: Type.cpp:504
ResolveState m_compiler_type_resolve_state
Definition: Type.h:552
ConstString m_name
Definition: Type.h:541
static int Compare(const Type &a, const Type &b)
uint32_t GetEncodingMask()
Definition: Type.cpp:747
void GetDescription(Stream *s, lldb::DescriptionLevel level, bool show_name, ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope)
Definition: Type.cpp:296
Type & operator=(Type &&t)=default
const SymbolFile * GetSymbolFile() const
Definition: Type.h:441
llvm::Expected< uint32_t > GetNumChildren(bool omit_empty_base_classes)
Definition: Type.cpp:496
SymbolContextScope * m_context
The symbol context in which this type is defined.
Definition: Type.h:544
bool IsValidType()
Definition: Type.h:456
lldb::user_id_t m_encoding_uid
Definition: Type.h:546
@ eEncodingIsRestrictUID
This type is the type whose UID is m_encoding_uid with the restrict qualifier added.
Definition: Type.h:393
@ eEncodingIsConstUID
This type is the type whose UID is m_encoding_uid with the const qualifier added.
Definition: Type.h:390
@ eEncodingIsVolatileUID
This type is the type whose UID is m_encoding_uid with the volatile qualifier added.
Definition: Type.h:396
@ eEncodingIsAtomicUID
This type is the type whose UID is m_encoding_uid as an atomic type.
Definition: Type.h:406
@ eEncodingIsLLVMPtrAuthUID
This type is a signed pointer.
Definition: Type.h:410
@ eEncodingIsSyntheticUID
This type is the synthetic type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
Definition: Type.h:408
@ eEncodingInvalid
Invalid encoding.
Definition: Type.h:385
@ eEncodingIsTypedefUID
This type is alias to a type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
Definition: Type.h:398
@ eEncodingIsPointerUID
This type is pointer to a type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
Definition: Type.h:400
@ eEncodingIsLValueReferenceUID
This type is L value reference to a type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
Definition: Type.h:402
@ eEncodingIsRValueReferenceUID
This type is R value reference to a type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
Definition: Type.h:404
@ eEncodingIsUID
This type is the type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
Definition: Type.h:387
Payload m_payload
Language-specific flags.
Definition: Type.h:554
SymbolFile * GetSymbolFile()
Definition: Type.h:440
void Dump(Stream *s, bool show_context, lldb::DescriptionLevel level=lldb::eDescriptionLevelFull)
Definition: Type.cpp:364
Payload GetPayload()
Return the language-specific payload.
Definition: Type.h:536
CompilerType GetLayoutCompilerType()
Definition: Type.cpp:761
void SetPayload(Payload opaque_payload)
Return the language-specific payload.
Definition: Type.h:538
lldb::Encoding GetEncoding(uint64_t &count)
Definition: Type.cpp:520
Type(Type &&t)=default
lldb::ModuleSP GetExeModule()
GetModule may return module for compile unit's object file.
Definition: Type.cpp:833
void DumpTypeName(Stream *s)
Definition: Type.cpp:442
static std::optional< ParsedName > GetTypeScopeAndBasename(llvm::StringRef name)
Definition: Type.cpp:776
SymbolContextScope * GetSymbolContextScope()
Definition: Type.h:476
lldb::TypeSP GetTypedefType()
Definition: Type.cpp:508
bool ResolveCompilerType(ResolveState compiler_type_resolve_state)
Definition: Type.cpp:570
SymbolFile * m_symbol_file
Definition: Type.h:542
ConstString GetName() const
Definition: Type.h:462
Type(Type &t)=default
bool IsAggregateType()
Definition: Type.cpp:500
EncodingDataType m_encoding_uid_type
Definition: Type.h:547
uint64_t m_byte_size
Definition: Type.h:548
uint32_t Payload
Definition: Type.h:534
std::optional< uint64_t > GetByteSize(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope)
Definition: Type.cpp:450
bool ReadFromMemory(ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, lldb::addr_t address, AddressType address_type, DataExtractor &data)
Definition: Type.cpp:525
ConstString GetBaseName()
Definition: Type.cpp:438
ConstString GetQualifiedName()
Definition: Type.cpp:771
CompilerType GetFullCompilerType()
Definition: Type.cpp:756
lldb::ModuleSP GetModule()
Since Type instances only keep a "SymbolFile *" internally, other classes like TypeImpl need make sur...
Definition: Type.cpp:827
bool WriteToMemory(ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, lldb::addr_t address, AddressType address_type, DataExtractor &data)
Definition: Type.cpp:563
bool IsTypedef()
Definition: Type.h:458
Definition: lldb-defines.h:88
#define FLAGS_ENUM(Name)
A class that represents a running process on the host machine.
bool contextMatches(llvm::ArrayRef< CompilerContext > context_chain, llvm::ArrayRef< CompilerContext > pattern)
Match context_chain against pattern, which may contain "Any" kinds.
Definition: Type.cpp:46
Stream & operator<<(Stream &s, const Mangled &obj)
Description levels for "void GetDescription(Stream *, DescriptionLevel)" calls.
@ eDescriptionLevelFull
std::weak_ptr< lldb_private::Module > ModuleWP
Definition: lldb-forward.h:371
Display format definitions.
std::shared_ptr< lldb_private::TypeEnumMemberImpl > TypeEnumMemberImplSP
Definition: lldb-forward.h:462
Programming language type.
std::shared_ptr< lldb_private::Type > TypeSP
Definition: lldb-forward.h:456
Register encoding definitions.
Kind of member function.
@ eMemberFunctionKindUnknown
Not sure what the type of this is.
uint64_t user_id_t
Definition: lldb-types.h:82
uint64_t addr_t
Definition: lldb-types.h:80
std::shared_ptr< lldb_private::TypeImpl > TypeImplSP
Definition: lldb-forward.h:459
std::shared_ptr< lldb_private::Module > ModuleSP
Definition: lldb-forward.h:370
CompilerContext allows an array of these items to be passed to perform detailed lookups in SymbolVend...
Definition: Type.h:52
void Dump(Stream &s) const
Definition: Type.cpp:194
CompilerContextKind kind
Definition: Type.h:62
bool operator==(const CompilerContext &rhs) const
Definition: Type.h:55
bool operator!=(const CompilerContext &rhs) const
Definition: Type.h:58
CompilerContext(CompilerContextKind t, ConstString n)
Definition: Type.h:53
A SmallBitVector that represents a set of source languages (lldb::LanguageType).
Definition: Type.h:38
llvm::SmallBitVector bitvector
Definition: Type.h:39
std::optional< lldb::LanguageType > GetSingularLanguage()
If the set contains a single language only, return it.
Definition: TypeSystem.cpp:28
bool operator[](unsigned i) const
Definition: TypeSystem.cpp:37
void Insert(lldb::LanguageType language)
Definition: TypeSystem.cpp:34
friend bool operator==(const ParsedName &lhs, const ParsedName &rhs)
Definition: Type.h:511
llvm::SmallVector< llvm::StringRef > scope
Definition: Type.h:507
lldb::TypeClass type_class
Definition: Type.h:503
llvm::StringRef basename
Definition: Type.h:509
friend llvm::raw_ostream & operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &os, const ParsedName &name)
Definition: Type.h:516
A mix in class that contains a generic user ID.
Definition: UserID.h:31