LLDB mainline
Go to the documentation of this file.
1//===-- ThreadPlanTracer.cpp ----------------------------------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include <cstring>
11#include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h"
14#include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
15#include "lldb/Core/Value.h"
18#include "lldb/Target/ABI.h"
19#include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
22#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
23#include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
28#include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
29#include "lldb/Utility/State.h"
31using namespace lldb;
32using namespace lldb_private;
34#pragma mark ThreadPlanTracer
37 : m_process(*thread.GetProcess().get()), m_tid(thread.GetID()),
38 m_enabled(false), m_stream_sp(stream_sp), m_thread(nullptr) {}
41 : m_process(*thread.GetProcess().get()), m_tid(thread.GetID()),
42 m_enabled(false), m_stream_sp(), m_thread(nullptr) {}
45 if (m_stream_sp)
46 return m_stream_sp.get();
47 else {
48 TargetSP target_sp(GetThread().CalculateTarget());
49 if (target_sp)
50 return &(target_sp->GetDebugger().GetOutputStream());
51 }
52 return nullptr;
56 if (m_thread)
57 return *m_thread;
60 m_thread = thread_sp.get();
61 return *m_thread;
65 bool show_frame_index = false;
66 bool show_fullpaths = false;
68 Stream *stream = GetLogStream();
69 if (stream) {
70 GetThread().GetStackFrameAtIndex(0)->Dump(stream, show_frame_index,
71 show_fullpaths);
72 stream->Printf("\n");
73 stream->Flush();
74 }
78 if (m_enabled) {
80 return (stop_info->GetStopReason() == eStopReasonTrace);
81 } else
82 return false;
85#pragma mark ThreadPlanAssemblyTracer
88 lldb::StreamSP &stream_sp)
89 : ThreadPlanTracer(thread, stream_sp), m_disassembler_sp(), m_intptr_type(),
90 m_register_values() {}
93 : ThreadPlanTracer(thread), m_disassembler_sp(), m_intptr_type(),
94 m_register_values() {}
99 m_process.GetTarget().GetArchitecture(), nullptr, nullptr);
100 return m_disassembler_sp.get();
104 if (!m_intptr_type.IsValid()) {
105 if (auto target_sp = m_process.CalculateTarget()) {
106 auto type_system_or_err =
107 target_sp->GetScratchTypeSystemForLanguage(eLanguageTypeC);
108 if (auto err = type_system_or_err.takeError()) {
110 GetLog(LLDBLog::Types), std::move(err),
111 "Unable to get integer pointer type from TypeSystem: {0}");
112 } else {
113 if (auto ts = *type_system_or_err)
114 m_intptr_type = TypeFromUser(ts->GetBuiltinTypeForEncodingAndBitSize(
116 target_sp->GetArchitecture().GetAddressByteSize() * 8));
117 }
118 }
119 }
120 return m_intptr_type;
131 Stream *stream = GetLogStream();
133 if (!stream)
134 return;
136 RegisterContext *reg_ctx = GetThread().GetRegisterContext().get();
138 lldb::addr_t pc = reg_ctx->GetPC();
139 Address pc_addr;
140 bool addr_valid = false;
141 uint8_t buffer[16] = {0}; // Must be big enough for any single instruction
143 pc, pc_addr);
147 stream->PutCString(" ");
149 Disassembler *disassembler = GetDisassembler();
150 if (disassembler) {
151 Status err;
152 m_process.ReadMemory(pc, buffer, sizeof(buffer), err);
154 if (err.Success()) {
155 DataExtractor extractor(buffer, sizeof(buffer), m_process.GetByteOrder(),
158 bool data_from_file = false;
159 if (addr_valid)
160 disassembler->DecodeInstructions(pc_addr, extractor, 0, 1, false,
161 data_from_file);
162 else
163 disassembler->DecodeInstructions(Address(pc), extractor, 0, 1, false,
164 data_from_file);
166 InstructionList &instruction_list = disassembler->GetInstructionList();
167 const uint32_t max_opcode_byte_size =
168 instruction_list.GetMaxOpcocdeByteSize();
170 if (instruction_list.GetSize()) {
171 const bool show_bytes = true;
172 const bool show_address = true;
173 const bool show_control_flow_kind = true;
174 Instruction *instruction =
175 instruction_list.GetInstructionAtIndex(0).get();
176 const FormatEntity::Entry *disassemble_format =
178 instruction->Dump(stream, max_opcode_byte_size, show_address,
179 show_bytes, show_control_flow_kind, nullptr, nullptr,
180 nullptr, disassemble_format, 0);
181 }
182 }
183 }
185 const ABI *abi = m_process.GetABI().get();
186 TypeFromUser intptr_type = GetIntPointerType();
188 if (abi && intptr_type.IsValid()) {
189 ValueList value_list;
190 const int num_args = 1;
192 for (int arg_index = 0; arg_index < num_args; ++arg_index) {
193 Value value;
195 value.SetCompilerType(intptr_type);
196 value_list.PushValue(value);
197 }
199 if (abi->GetArgumentValues(GetThread(), value_list)) {
200 for (int arg_index = 0; arg_index < num_args; ++arg_index) {
201 stream->Printf(
202 "\n\targ[%d]=%llx", arg_index,
203 value_list.GetValueAtIndex(arg_index)->GetScalar().ULongLong());
205 if (arg_index + 1 < num_args)
206 stream->PutCString(", ");
207 }
208 }
209 }
211 if (m_register_values.empty()) {
212 RegisterContext *reg_ctx = GetThread().GetRegisterContext().get();
213 m_register_values.resize(reg_ctx->GetRegisterCount());
214 }
216 RegisterValue reg_value;
217 for (uint32_t reg_num = 0, num_registers = reg_ctx->GetRegisterCount();
218 reg_num < num_registers; ++reg_num) {
219 const RegisterInfo *reg_info = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfoAtIndex(reg_num);
220 if (reg_ctx->ReadRegister(reg_info, reg_value)) {
221 assert(reg_num < m_register_values.size());
222 if (m_register_values[reg_num].GetType() == RegisterValue::eTypeInvalid ||
223 reg_value != m_register_values[reg_num]) {
224 if (reg_value.GetType() != RegisterValue::eTypeInvalid) {
225 stream->PutCString("\n\t");
226 DumpRegisterValue(reg_value, *stream, *reg_info, true, false,
228 }
229 }
230 m_register_values[reg_num] = reg_value;
231 }
232 }
233 stream->EOL();
234 stream->Flush();
#define LLDB_LOG_ERROR(log, error,...)
Definition: Log.h:382
virtual bool GetArgumentValues(Thread &thread, ValueList &values) const =0
A section + offset based address class.
Definition: Address.h:62
@ DumpStyleModuleWithFileAddress
Display as the file address with the module name prepended (if any).
Definition: Address.h:93
@ DumpStyleResolvedDescription
Display the details about what an address resolves to.
Definition: Address.h:104
bool Dump(Stream *s, ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, DumpStyle style, DumpStyle fallback_style=DumpStyleInvalid, uint32_t addr_byte_size=UINT32_MAX, bool all_ranges=false, std::optional< Stream::HighlightSettings > settings=std::nullopt) const
Dump a description of this object to a Stream.
Definition: Address.cpp:408
An data extractor class.
Definition: DataExtractor.h:48
const FormatEntity::Entry * GetDisassemblyFormat() const
Definition: Debugger.cpp:279
virtual size_t DecodeInstructions(const Address &base_addr, const DataExtractor &data, lldb::offset_t data_offset, size_t num_instructions, bool append, bool data_from_file)=0
InstructionList & GetInstructionList()
static lldb::DisassemblerSP FindPlugin(const ArchSpec &arch, const char *flavor, const char *plugin_name)
lldb::InstructionSP GetInstructionAtIndex(size_t idx) const
uint32_t GetMaxOpcocdeByteSize() const
virtual void Dump(Stream *s, uint32_t max_opcode_byte_size, bool show_address, bool show_bytes, bool show_control_flow_kind, const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, const SymbolContext *sym_ctx, const SymbolContext *prev_sym_ctx, const FormatEntity::Entry *disassembly_addr_format, size_t max_address_text_size)
Dump the text representation of this Instruction to a Stream.
ThreadList & GetThreadList()
Definition: Process.h:2215
virtual size_t ReadMemory(lldb::addr_t vm_addr, void *buf, size_t size, Status &error)
Read of memory from a process.
Definition: Process.cpp:1970
lldb::TargetSP CalculateTarget() override
Definition: Process.cpp:4448
lldb::ByteOrder GetByteOrder() const
Definition: Process.cpp:3589
uint32_t GetAddressByteSize() const
Definition: Process.cpp:3593
const lldb::ABISP & GetABI()
Definition: Process.cpp:1528
Target & GetTarget()
Get the target object pointer for this module.
Definition: Process.h:1279
uint64_t GetPC(uint64_t fail_value=LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
virtual const RegisterInfo * GetRegisterInfoAtIndex(size_t reg)=0
virtual size_t GetRegisterCount()=0
virtual bool ReadRegister(const RegisterInfo *reg_info, RegisterValue &reg_value)=0
RegisterValue::Type GetType() const
Definition: RegisterValue.h:91
unsigned long long ULongLong(unsigned long long fail_value=0) const
Definition: Scalar.cpp:335
bool ResolveLoadAddress(lldb::addr_t load_addr, Address &so_addr, bool allow_section_end=false) const
An error handling class.
Definition: Status.h:44
bool Success() const
Test for success condition.
Definition: Status.cpp:278
A stream class that can stream formatted output to a file.
Definition: Stream.h:28
size_t Printf(const char *format,...) __attribute__((format(printf
Output printf formatted output to the stream.
Definition: Stream.cpp:134
size_t PutCString(llvm::StringRef cstr)
Output a C string to the stream.
Definition: Stream.cpp:65
virtual void Flush()=0
Flush the stream.
size_t EOL()
Output and End of Line character to the stream.
Definition: Stream.cpp:155
Defines a symbol context baton that can be handed other debug core functions.
Definition: SymbolContext.h:34
SectionLoadList & GetSectionLoadList()
Definition: Target.h:1138
Debugger & GetDebugger()
Definition: Target.h:1064
const ArchSpec & GetArchitecture() const
Definition: Target.h:1023
lldb::ThreadSP FindThreadByID(lldb::tid_t tid, bool can_update=true)
Definition: ThreadList.cpp:102
ThreadPlanAssemblyTracer(Thread &thread, lldb::StreamSP &stream_sp)
std::vector< RegisterValue > m_register_values
ThreadPlanTracer(Thread &thread, lldb::StreamSP &stream_sp)
virtual lldb::StackFrameSP GetStackFrameAtIndex(uint32_t idx)
Definition: Thread.h:406
virtual lldb::RegisterContextSP GetRegisterContext()=0
lldb::StopInfoSP GetStopInfo()
Definition: Thread.cpp:341
void PushValue(const Value &value)
Definition: Value.cpp:682
Value * GetValueAtIndex(size_t idx)
Definition: Value.cpp:686
const Scalar & GetScalar() const
Definition: Value.h:112
@ Scalar
A raw scalar value.
void SetCompilerType(const CompilerType &compiler_type)
Definition: Value.cpp:268
void SetValueType(ValueType value_type)
Definition: Value.h:89
A class that represents a running process on the host machine.
Log * GetLog(Cat mask)
Retrieve the Log object for the channel associated with the given log enum.
Definition: Log.h:331
TaggedASTType< 1 > TypeFromUser
Definition: TaggedASTType.h:41
void DumpRegisterValue(const RegisterValue &reg_val, Stream &s, const RegisterInfo &reg_info, bool prefix_with_name, bool prefix_with_alt_name, lldb::Format format, uint32_t reg_name_right_align_at=0, ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope=nullptr, bool print_flags=false, lldb::TargetSP target_sp=nullptr)
Definition: SBAddress.h:15
std::shared_ptr< lldb_private::Thread > ThreadSP
Definition: lldb-forward.h:445
@ eLanguageTypeC
Non-standardized C, such as K&R.
std::shared_ptr< lldb_private::Stream > StreamSP
Definition: lldb-forward.h:427
@ eEncodingUint
unsigned integer
std::shared_ptr< lldb_private::StopInfo > StopInfoSP
Definition: lldb-forward.h:426
uint64_t addr_t
Definition: lldb-types.h:80
@ eStopReasonTrace
std::shared_ptr< lldb_private::Target > TargetSP
Definition: lldb-forward.h:443
Every register is described in detail including its name, alternate name (optional),...