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lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF Class Reference

#include <SymbolFileCTF.h>

Inheritance diagram for lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF:
Inheritance graph


struct  ctf_header_t
struct  ctf_preamble_t
struct  ctf_stype_t
struct  ctf_type_t

Public Types

enum  TypeKind : uint32_t {
  eUnknown = 0 , eInteger = 1 , eFloat = 2 , ePointer = 3 ,
  eArray = 4 , eFunction = 5 , eStruct = 6 , eUnion = 7 ,
  eEnum = 8 , eForward = 9 , eTypedef = 10 , eVolatile = 11 ,
  eConst = 12 , eRestrict = 13 , eSlice = 14
- Public Types inherited from lldb_private::SymbolFile
enum  Abilities {
  CompileUnits = (1u << 0) , LineTables = (1u << 1) , Functions = (1u << 2) , Blocks = (1u << 3) ,
  GlobalVariables = (1u << 4) , LocalVariables = (1u << 5) , VariableTypes = (1u << 6) , kAllAbilities = ((1u << 7) - 1u)

Public Member Functions

 SymbolFileCTF (lldb::ObjectFileSP objfile_sp)
llvm::StringRef GetPluginName () override
uint32_t CalculateAbilities () override
void InitializeObject () override
 Initialize the SymbolFile object.
lldb::LanguageType ParseLanguage (CompileUnit &comp_unit) override
bool ParseHeader ()
size_t ParseFunctions (CompileUnit &comp_unit) override
size_t ParseObjects (CompileUnit &comp_unit)
bool ParseLineTable (CompileUnit &comp_unit) override
bool ParseDebugMacros (CompileUnit &comp_unit) override
bool ParseSupportFiles (CompileUnit &comp_unit, SupportFileList &support_files) override
size_t ParseTypes (CompileUnit &cu) override
bool ParseImportedModules (const SymbolContext &sc, std::vector< lldb_private::SourceModule > &imported_modules) override
size_t ParseBlocksRecursive (Function &func) override
size_t ParseVariablesForContext (const SymbolContext &sc) override
uint32_t CalculateNumCompileUnits () override
lldb::CompUnitSP ParseCompileUnitAtIndex (uint32_t index) override
TypeResolveTypeUID (lldb::user_id_t type_uid) override
std::optional< ArrayInfoGetDynamicArrayInfoForUID (lldb::user_id_t type_uid, const lldb_private::ExecutionContext *exe_ctx) override
 If type_uid points to an array type, return its characteristics.
bool CompleteType (CompilerType &compiler_type) override
uint32_t ResolveSymbolContext (const lldb_private::Address &so_addr, lldb::SymbolContextItem resolve_scope, lldb_private::SymbolContext &sc) override
void AddSymbols (Symtab &symtab) override
void GetTypes (lldb_private::SymbolContextScope *sc_scope, lldb::TypeClass type_mask, lldb_private::TypeList &type_list) override
void FindTypes (const lldb_private::TypeQuery &match, lldb_private::TypeResults &results) override
 Find types using a type-matching object that contains all search parameters.
void FindTypesByRegex (const lldb_private::RegularExpression &regex, uint32_t max_matches, lldb_private::TypeMap &types)
void FindFunctions (const lldb_private::Module::LookupInfo &lookup_info, const lldb_private::CompilerDeclContext &parent_decl_ctx, bool include_inlines, lldb_private::SymbolContextList &sc_list) override
void FindFunctions (const lldb_private::RegularExpression &regex, bool include_inlines, lldb_private::SymbolContextList &sc_list) override
void FindGlobalVariables (lldb_private::ConstString name, const lldb_private::CompilerDeclContext &parent_decl_ctx, uint32_t max_matches, lldb_private::VariableList &variables) override
void FindGlobalVariables (const lldb_private::RegularExpression &regex, uint32_t max_matches, lldb_private::VariableList &variables) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from lldb_private::SymbolFileCommon
 SymbolFileCommon (lldb::ObjectFileSP objfile_sp)
 ~SymbolFileCommon () override=default
uint32_t GetAbilities () override
 Get a mask of what this symbol file supports for the object file that it was constructed with.
SymtabGetSymtab () override
ObjectFileGetObjectFile () override
const ObjectFileGetObjectFile () const override
ObjectFileGetMainObjectFile () override
void SectionFileAddressesChanged () override
 Notify the SymbolFile that the file addresses in the Sections for this module have been changed.
uint32_t GetNumCompileUnits () override
lldb::CompUnitSP GetCompileUnitAtIndex (uint32_t idx) override
llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSystemSPGetTypeSystemForLanguage (lldb::LanguageType language) override
void Dump (Stream &s) override
uint64_t GetDebugInfoSize (bool load_all_debug_info=false) override
 Metrics gathering functions.
bool GetDebugInfoIndexWasLoadedFromCache () const override
 Accessors for the bool that indicates if the debug info index was loaded from, or saved to the module index cache.
void SetDebugInfoIndexWasLoadedFromCache () override
bool GetDebugInfoIndexWasSavedToCache () const override
void SetDebugInfoIndexWasSavedToCache () override
bool GetDebugInfoHadFrameVariableErrors () const override
 Accessors for the bool that indicates if there was debug info, but errors stopped variables from being able to be displayed correctly.
void SetDebugInfoHadFrameVariableErrors () override
lldb::TypeSP MakeType (lldb::user_id_t uid, ConstString name, std::optional< uint64_t > byte_size, SymbolContextScope *context, lldb::user_id_t encoding_uid, Type::EncodingDataType encoding_uid_type, const Declaration &decl, const CompilerType &compiler_qual_type, Type::ResolveState compiler_type_resolve_state, uint32_t opaque_payload=0) override
 This function is used to create types that belong to a SymbolFile.
lldb::TypeSP CopyType (const lldb::TypeSP &other_type) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from lldb_private::SymbolFile
 SymbolFile ()=default
 ~SymbolFile () override=default
virtual SymbolFileGetBackingSymbolFile ()
 SymbolFileOnDemand class overrides this to return the underlying backing SymbolFile implementation that loads on-demand.
virtual uint32_t GetAbilities ()=0
 Get a mask of what this symbol file supports for the object file that it was constructed with.
virtual uint32_t CalculateAbilities ()=0
virtual std::recursive_mutex & GetModuleMutex () const
 Symbols file subclasses should override this to return the Module that owns the TypeSystem that this symbol file modifies type information in.
virtual void InitializeObject ()
 Initialize the SymbolFile object.
virtual bool GetLoadDebugInfoEnabled ()
 Whether debug info will be loaded or not.
virtual void SetLoadDebugInfoEnabled ()
 Specify debug info should be loaded.
virtual uint32_t GetNumCompileUnits ()=0
virtual lldb::CompUnitSP GetCompileUnitAtIndex (uint32_t idx)=0
virtual SymtabGetSymtab ()=0
virtual lldb::LanguageType ParseLanguage (CompileUnit &comp_unit)=0
virtual XcodeSDK ParseXcodeSDK (CompileUnit &comp_unit)
 Return the Xcode SDK comp_unit was compiled against.
virtual llvm::SmallSet< lldb::LanguageType, 4 > ParseAllLanguages (CompileUnit &comp_unit)
 This function exists because SymbolFileDWARFDebugMap may extra compile units which aren't exposed as "real" compile units.
virtual size_t ParseFunctions (CompileUnit &comp_unit)=0
virtual bool ParseLineTable (CompileUnit &comp_unit)=0
virtual bool ParseDebugMacros (CompileUnit &comp_unit)=0
virtual bool ForEachExternalModule (lldb_private::CompileUnit &comp_unit, llvm::DenseSet< lldb_private::SymbolFile * > &visited_symbol_files, llvm::function_ref< bool(Module &)> lambda)
 Apply a lambda to each external lldb::Module referenced by this comp_unit.
virtual bool ParseSupportFiles (CompileUnit &comp_unit, SupportFileList &support_files)=0
virtual size_t ParseTypes (CompileUnit &comp_unit)=0
virtual bool ParseIsOptimized (CompileUnit &comp_unit)
virtual bool ParseImportedModules (const SymbolContext &sc, std::vector< SourceModule > &imported_modules)=0
virtual size_t ParseBlocksRecursive (Function &func)=0
virtual size_t ParseVariablesForContext (const SymbolContext &sc)=0
virtual TypeResolveTypeUID (lldb::user_id_t type_uid)=0
virtual std::optional< ArrayInfoGetDynamicArrayInfoForUID (lldb::user_id_t type_uid, const lldb_private::ExecutionContext *exe_ctx)=0
 If type_uid points to an array type, return its characteristics.
virtual bool CompleteType (CompilerType &compiler_type)=0
virtual void ParseDeclsForContext (CompilerDeclContext decl_ctx)
virtual CompilerDecl GetDeclForUID (lldb::user_id_t uid)
virtual CompilerDeclContext GetDeclContextForUID (lldb::user_id_t uid)
virtual CompilerDeclContext GetDeclContextContainingUID (lldb::user_id_t uid)
virtual std::vector< CompilerContextGetCompilerContextForUID (lldb::user_id_t uid)
virtual uint32_t ResolveSymbolContext (const Address &so_addr, lldb::SymbolContextItem resolve_scope, SymbolContext &sc)=0
Status GetFrameVariableError (StackFrame &frame)
 Get an error that describes why variables might be missing for a given symbol context.
virtual Status CalculateFrameVariableError (StackFrame &frame)
 Subclasses will override this function to for GetFrameVariableError().
virtual uint32_t ResolveSymbolContext (const SourceLocationSpec &src_location_spec, lldb::SymbolContextItem resolve_scope, SymbolContextList &sc_list)
virtual void DumpClangAST (Stream &s)
virtual void FindGlobalVariables (ConstString name, const CompilerDeclContext &parent_decl_ctx, uint32_t max_matches, VariableList &variables)
virtual void FindGlobalVariables (const RegularExpression &regex, uint32_t max_matches, VariableList &variables)
virtual void FindFunctions (const Module::LookupInfo &lookup_info, const CompilerDeclContext &parent_decl_ctx, bool include_inlines, SymbolContextList &sc_list)
virtual void FindFunctions (const RegularExpression &regex, bool include_inlines, SymbolContextList &sc_list)
virtual void FindTypes (const TypeQuery &query, TypeResults &results)
 Find types using a type-matching object that contains all search parameters.
virtual void GetMangledNamesForFunction (const std::string &scope_qualified_name, std::vector< ConstString > &mangled_names)
virtual void GetTypes (lldb_private::SymbolContextScope *sc_scope, lldb::TypeClass type_mask, lldb_private::TypeList &type_list)=0
virtual void PreloadSymbols ()
virtual llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSystemSPGetTypeSystemForLanguage (lldb::LanguageType language)=0
virtual CompilerDeclContext FindNamespace (ConstString name, const CompilerDeclContext &parent_decl_ctx, bool only_root_namespaces=false)
 Finds a namespace of name name and whose parent context is parent_decl_ctx.
virtual ObjectFileGetObjectFile ()=0
virtual const ObjectFileGetObjectFile () const =0
virtual ObjectFileGetMainObjectFile ()=0
virtual std::vector< std::unique_ptr< CallEdge > > ParseCallEdgesInFunction (UserID func_id)
virtual void AddSymbols (Symtab &symtab)
virtual void SectionFileAddressesChanged ()=0
 Notify the SymbolFile that the file addresses in the Sections for this module have been changed.
virtual lldb::UnwindPlanSP GetUnwindPlan (const Address &address, const RegisterInfoResolver &resolver)
virtual llvm::Expected< lldb::addr_tGetParameterStackSize (Symbol &symbol)
 Return the number of stack bytes taken up by the parameters to this function.
virtual void Dump (Stream &s)=0
virtual uint64_t GetDebugInfoSize (bool load_all_debug_info=false)=0
 Metrics gathering functions.
virtual StatsDuration::Duration GetDebugInfoParseTime ()
 Return the time taken to parse the debug information.
virtual StatsDuration::Duration GetDebugInfoIndexTime ()
 Return the time it took to index the debug information in the object file.
virtual void ResetStatistics ()
 Reset the statistics for the symbol file.
virtual ModuleList GetDebugInfoModules ()
 Get the additional modules that this symbol file uses to parse debug info.
virtual bool GetDebugInfoHadFrameVariableErrors () const =0
 Accessors for the bool that indicates if there was debug info, but errors stopped variables from being able to be displayed correctly.
virtual void SetDebugInfoHadFrameVariableErrors ()=0
virtual bool GetSeparateDebugInfo (StructuredData::Dictionary &d, bool errors_only)
 Return true if separate debug info files are supported and this function succeeded, false otherwise.
virtual lldb::TypeSP MakeType (lldb::user_id_t uid, ConstString name, std::optional< uint64_t > byte_size, SymbolContextScope *context, lldb::user_id_t encoding_uid, Type::EncodingDataType encoding_uid_type, const Declaration &decl, const CompilerType &compiler_qual_type, Type::ResolveState compiler_type_resolve_state, uint32_t opaque_payload=0)=0
virtual lldb::TypeSP CopyType (const lldb::TypeSP &other_type)=0
std::unordered_map< lldb::CompUnitSP, ArgsGetCompileOptions ()
 Returns a map of compilation unit to the compile option arguments associated with that compilation unit.
- Public Member Functions inherited from lldb_private::PluginInterface
 PluginInterface ()=default
virtual ~PluginInterface ()=default
virtual llvm::StringRef GetPluginName ()=0
 PluginInterface (const PluginInterface &)=delete
PluginInterfaceoperator= (const PluginInterface &)=delete

Static Public Member Functions

static void Initialize ()
static void Terminate ()
static llvm::StringRef GetPluginNameStatic ()
static llvm::StringRef GetPluginDescriptionStatic ()
static lldb_private::SymbolFileCreateInstance (lldb::ObjectFileSP objfile_sp)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from lldb_private::SymbolFileCommon
static bool classof (const SymbolFileCommon *obj)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from lldb_private::SymbolFile
static SymbolFileFindPlugin (lldb::ObjectFileSP objfile_sp)
static bool classof (const SymbolFile *obj)

Private Types

enum  Flags : uint32_t { eFlagCompress = (1u << 0) , eFlagNewFuncInfo = (1u << 1) , eFlagIdxSorted = (1u << 2) , eFlagDynStr = (1u << 3) }
enum  IntEncoding : uint32_t { eSigned = 0x1 , eChar = 0x2 , eBool = 0x4 , eVarArgs = 0x8 }

Private Member Functions

llvm::Expected< std::unique_ptr< CTFType > > ParseType (lldb::offset_t &offset, lldb::user_id_t uid)
llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSPCreateType (CTFType *ctf_type)
llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSPCreateInteger (const CTFInteger &ctf_integer)
llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSPCreateModifier (const CTFModifier &ctf_modifier)
llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSPCreateTypedef (const CTFTypedef &ctf_typedef)
llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSPCreateArray (const CTFArray &ctf_array)
llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSPCreateEnum (const CTFEnum &ctf_enum)
llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSPCreateFunction (const CTFFunction &ctf_function)
llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSPCreateRecord (const CTFRecord &ctf_record)
llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSPCreateForward (const CTFForward &ctf_forward)
llvm::StringRef ReadString (lldb::offset_t offset) const
std::vector< uint16_t > GetFieldSizes (lldb::offset_t field_offset, uint32_t fields, uint32_t struct_size)

Private Attributes

DataExtractor m_data
lldb::offset_t m_body_offset = 0
 The start offset of the CTF body into m_data.
lldb::CompUnitSP m_comp_unit_sp
std::optional< ctf_header_tm_header
llvm::DenseMap< lldb::user_id_t, std::unique_ptr< CTFType > > m_ctf_types
 Parsed CTF types.
llvm::DenseMap< lldb::user_id_t, lldb::TypeSPm_types
 Parsed LLDB types.
llvm::DenseMap< lldb::opaque_compiler_type_t, const CTFType * > m_compiler_types
 To complete types, we need a way to map (imcomplete) compiler types back to parsed CTF types.
std::vector< lldb::FunctionSPm_functions
std::vector< lldb::VariableSPm_variables

Static Private Attributes

static char ID
 LLVM RTTI support.
static constexpr uint16_t g_ctf_magic = 0xcff1
static constexpr uint8_t g_ctf_version = 4
static constexpr uint16_t g_ctf_field_threshold = 0x2000
bool isA (const void *ClassID) const override
 LLVM RTTI support.
static bool classof (const SymbolFile *obj)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from lldb_private::SymbolFileCommon
virtual uint32_t CalculateNumCompileUnits ()=0
virtual lldb::CompUnitSP ParseCompileUnitAtIndex (uint32_t idx)=0
virtual TypeListGetTypeList ()
void SetCompileUnitAtIndex (uint32_t idx, const lldb::CompUnitSP &cu_sp)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from lldb_private::SymbolFile
void AssertModuleLock ()
virtual void GetCompileOptions (std::unordered_map< lldb::CompUnitSP, lldb_private::Args > &args)
- Protected Attributes inherited from lldb_private::SymbolFileCommon
lldb::ObjectFileSP m_objfile_sp
std::optional< std::vector< lldb::CompUnitSP > > m_compile_units
TypeList m_type_list
uint32_t m_abilities = 0
bool m_calculated_abilities = false
bool m_index_was_loaded_from_cache = false
bool m_index_was_saved_to_cache = false
bool m_debug_info_had_variable_errors = false
 Set to true if any variable feteching errors have been found when calling GetFrameVariableError().

Detailed Description

Definition at line 22 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Flags

enum lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::Flags : uint32_t

Definition at line 152 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

◆ IntEncoding


Definition at line 159 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

◆ TypeKind


Definition at line 133 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SymbolFileCTF()

SymbolFileCTF::SymbolFileCTF ( lldb::ObjectFileSP  objfile_sp)

Definition at line 52 of file SymbolFileCTF.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddSymbols()

void SymbolFileCTF::AddSymbols ( Symtab symtab)

Reimplemented from lldb_private::SymbolFile.

Definition at line 982 of file SymbolFileCTF.cpp.

◆ CalculateAbilities()

uint32_t SymbolFileCTF::CalculateAbilities ( )

◆ CalculateNumCompileUnits()

uint32_t lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::CalculateNumCompileUnits ( )

Implements lldb_private::SymbolFileCommon.

Definition at line 85 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

◆ classof()

static bool lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::classof ( const SymbolFile obj)

Definition at line 32 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

References ID, and lldb_private::SymbolFile::isA().

◆ CompleteType()

bool SymbolFileCTF::CompleteType ( CompilerType compiler_type)

◆ CreateArray()

llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSP > SymbolFileCTF::CreateArray ( const CTFArray ctf_array)

◆ CreateEnum()

llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSP > SymbolFileCTF::CreateEnum ( const CTFEnum ctf_enum)

◆ CreateForward()

llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSP > SymbolFileCTF::CreateForward ( const CTFForward ctf_forward)

◆ CreateFunction()

llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSP > SymbolFileCTF::CreateFunction ( const CTFFunction ctf_function)

◆ CreateInstance()

SymbolFile * SymbolFileCTF::CreateInstance ( lldb::ObjectFileSP  objfile_sp)

Definition at line 68 of file SymbolFileCTF.cpp.

Referenced by Initialize(), and Terminate().

◆ CreateInteger()

llvm::Expected< TypeSP > SymbolFileCTF::CreateInteger ( const CTFInteger ctf_integer)

◆ CreateModifier()

llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSP > SymbolFileCTF::CreateModifier ( const CTFModifier ctf_modifier)

◆ CreateRecord()

llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSP > SymbolFileCTF::CreateRecord ( const CTFRecord ctf_record)

◆ CreateType()

llvm::Expected< TypeSP > SymbolFileCTF::CreateType ( CTFType ctf_type)

◆ CreateTypedef()

llvm::Expected< lldb::TypeSP > SymbolFileCTF::CreateTypedef ( const CTFTypedef ctf_typedef)

◆ FindFunctions() [1/2]

void SymbolFileCTF::FindFunctions ( const lldb_private::Module::LookupInfo lookup_info,
const lldb_private::CompilerDeclContext parent_decl_ctx,
bool  include_inlines,
lldb_private::SymbolContextList sc_list 

◆ FindFunctions() [2/2]

void SymbolFileCTF::FindFunctions ( const lldb_private::RegularExpression regex,
bool  include_inlines,
lldb_private::SymbolContextList sc_list 

◆ FindGlobalVariables() [1/2]

void SymbolFileCTF::FindGlobalVariables ( const lldb_private::RegularExpression regex,
uint32_t  max_matches,
lldb_private::VariableList variables 

◆ FindGlobalVariables() [2/2]

void SymbolFileCTF::FindGlobalVariables ( lldb_private::ConstString  name,
const lldb_private::CompilerDeclContext parent_decl_ctx,
uint32_t  max_matches,
lldb_private::VariableList variables 

◆ FindTypes()

void SymbolFileCTF::FindTypes ( const lldb_private::TypeQuery query,
lldb_private::TypeResults results 

Find types using a type-matching object that contains all search parameters.

See also
[in]queryA type matching object that contains all of the details of the type search.
[in]resultsAny matching types will be populated into the results object using TypeMap::InsertUnique(...).

Reimplemented from lldb_private::SymbolFile.

Definition at line 1027 of file SymbolFileCTF.cpp.

References lldb_private::TypeResults::AlreadySearched(), lldb_private::TypeResults::Done(), lldb_private::TypeQuery::GetTypeBasename(), lldb_private::SymbolFileCommon::GetTypeList(), lldb_private::TypeResults::InsertUnique(), and lldb_private::Types.

◆ FindTypesByRegex()

void SymbolFileCTF::FindTypesByRegex ( const lldb_private::RegularExpression regex,
uint32_t  max_matches,
lldb_private::TypeMap types 

◆ GetDynamicArrayInfoForUID()

std::optional< ArrayInfo > lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::GetDynamicArrayInfoForUID ( lldb::user_id_t  type_uid,
const lldb_private::ExecutionContext exe_ctx 

If type_uid points to an array type, return its characteristics.

To support variable-length array types, this function takes an optional ExecutionContext. If exe_ctx is non-null, the dynamic characteristics for that context are returned.

Implements lldb_private::SymbolFile.

Definition at line 90 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

◆ GetFieldSizes()

std::vector< uint16_t > lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::GetFieldSizes ( lldb::offset_t  field_offset,
uint32_t  fields,
uint32_t  struct_size 

◆ GetPluginDescriptionStatic()

llvm::StringRef SymbolFileCTF::GetPluginDescriptionStatic ( )

Definition at line 64 of file SymbolFileCTF.cpp.

Referenced by Initialize().

◆ GetPluginName()

llvm::StringRef lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::GetPluginName ( )

Implements lldb_private::PluginInterface.

Definition at line 48 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

References GetPluginNameStatic().

◆ GetPluginNameStatic()

static llvm::StringRef lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::GetPluginNameStatic ( )

Definition at line 41 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

Referenced by GetPluginName(), and Initialize().

◆ GetTypes()

void lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::GetTypes ( lldb_private::SymbolContextScope sc_scope,
lldb::TypeClass  type_mask,
lldb_private::TypeList type_list 

Implements lldb_private::SymbolFile.

Definition at line 104 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

◆ Initialize()

void SymbolFileCTF::Initialize ( )

◆ InitializeObject()

void SymbolFileCTF::InitializeObject ( )

Initialize the SymbolFile object.

The SymbolFile object with the best set of abilities (detected in "uint32_t SymbolFile::GetAbilities()) will have this function called if it is chosen to parse an object file. More complete initialization can happen in this function which will get called prior to any other functions in the SymbolFile protocol.

Reimplemented from lldb_private::SymbolFile.

Definition at line 267 of file SymbolFileCTF.cpp.

References lldb::eLanguageTypeC, lldb_private::eLazyBoolNo, lldb_private::GetLog(), lldb_private::SymbolFileCommon::GetTypeSystemForLanguage(), LLDB_LOG_ERROR, m_ast, m_comp_unit_sp, lldb_private::SymbolFileCommon::m_objfile_sp, ParseTypes(), and lldb_private::Symbols.

◆ isA()

bool lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::isA ( const void *  ClassID) const

LLVM RTTI support.

Reimplemented from lldb_private::SymbolFileCommon.

Definition at line 29 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

References ID, and lldb_private::SymbolFileCommon::isA().

◆ ParseBlocksRecursive()

size_t lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ParseBlocksRecursive ( Function func)

Implements lldb_private::SymbolFile.

Definition at line 81 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

◆ ParseCompileUnitAtIndex()

CompUnitSP SymbolFileCTF::ParseCompileUnitAtIndex ( uint32_t  index)

Implements lldb_private::SymbolFileCommon.

Definition at line 971 of file SymbolFileCTF.cpp.

References m_comp_unit_sp.

◆ ParseDebugMacros()

bool lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ParseDebugMacros ( CompileUnit comp_unit)

Implements lldb_private::SymbolFile.

Definition at line 66 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

◆ ParseFunctions()

size_t SymbolFileCTF::ParseFunctions ( CompileUnit comp_unit)

◆ ParseHeader()

bool SymbolFileCTF::ParseHeader ( )

Definition at line 72 of file SymbolFileCTF.cpp.

References lldb_private::Stream::AsRawOstream(), lldb_private::DataExtractor::BytesLeft(), lldb::eDescriptionLevelBrief, eFlagCompress, lldb::eSectionTypeCTF, lldb_private::SectionList::FindSectionByType(), lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ctf_preamble_t::flags, lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ctf_header_t::funcoff, g_ctf_magic, g_ctf_version, lldb_private::DataExtractor::GetAddressByteSize(), lldb_private::DataExtractor::GetByteOrder(), lldb_private::DataExtractor::GetByteSize(), lldb_private::StreamString::GetData(), lldb_private::DataExtractor::GetDataStart(), lldb_private::GetLog(), lldb_private::ModuleChild::GetModule(), lldb_private::SymbolFileCommon::GetObjectFile(), lldb_private::DataExtractor::GetU16(), lldb_private::DataExtractor::GetU32(), lldb_private::DataExtractor::GetU8(), lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ctf_header_t::lbloff, LLDB_LOG, m_body_offset, m_data, m_header, lldb_private::SymbolFileCommon::m_objfile_sp, lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ctf_preamble_t::magic, lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ctf_header_t::objtoff, lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ctf_header_t::parlabel, lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ctf_header_t::parname, lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ctf_header_t::preamble, lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ctf_header_t::strlen, lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ctf_header_t::stroff, lldb_private::Symbols, lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ctf_header_t::typeoff, lldb_private::DataExtractor::ValidOffset(), lldb_private::DataExtractor::ValidOffsetForDataOfSize(), and lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ctf_preamble_t::version.

Referenced by CalculateAbilities(), ParseFunctions(), ParseObjects(), and ParseTypes().

◆ ParseImportedModules()

bool lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ParseImportedModules ( const SymbolContext sc,
std::vector< lldb_private::SourceModule > &  imported_modules 

Implements lldb_private::SymbolFile.

Definition at line 75 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

◆ ParseLanguage()

lldb::LanguageType lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ParseLanguage ( CompileUnit comp_unit)

Implements lldb_private::SymbolFile.

Definition at line 54 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

References lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown.

◆ ParseLineTable()

bool lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ParseLineTable ( CompileUnit comp_unit)

Implements lldb_private::SymbolFile.

Definition at line 64 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

◆ ParseObjects()

size_t SymbolFileCTF::ParseObjects ( CompileUnit comp_unit)

◆ ParseSupportFiles()

bool lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ParseSupportFiles ( CompileUnit comp_unit,
SupportFileList support_files 

Implements lldb_private::SymbolFile.

Definition at line 68 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

◆ ParseType()

llvm::Expected< std::unique_ptr< CTFType > > SymbolFileCTF::ParseType ( lldb::offset_t offset,
lldb::user_id_t  uid 

◆ ParseTypes()

size_t SymbolFileCTF::ParseTypes ( CompileUnit cu)

◆ ParseVariablesForContext()

size_t SymbolFileCTF::ParseVariablesForContext ( const SymbolContext sc)

Implements lldb_private::SymbolFile.

Definition at line 978 of file SymbolFileCTF.cpp.

References m_comp_unit_sp, and ParseObjects().

◆ ReadString()

llvm::StringRef SymbolFileCTF::ReadString ( lldb::offset_t  offset) const

◆ ResolveSymbolContext()

uint32_t SymbolFileCTF::ResolveSymbolContext ( const lldb_private::Address so_addr,
lldb::SymbolContextItem  resolve_scope,
lldb_private::SymbolContext sc 

◆ ResolveTypeUID()

lldb_private::Type * SymbolFileCTF::ResolveTypeUID ( lldb::user_id_t  type_uid)

◆ Terminate()

void SymbolFileCTF::Terminate ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ g_ctf_field_threshold

constexpr uint16_t lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::g_ctf_field_threshold = 0x2000

Definition at line 260 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

Referenced by ParseType().

◆ g_ctf_magic

constexpr uint16_t lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::g_ctf_magic = 0xcff1

Definition at line 258 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

Referenced by ParseHeader().

◆ g_ctf_version

constexpr uint8_t lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::g_ctf_version = 4

Definition at line 259 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

Referenced by ParseHeader().

◆ ID

char SymbolFileCTF::ID

LLVM RTTI support.

Definition at line 24 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

Referenced by classof(), and isA().

◆ m_ast

TypeSystemClang* lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::m_ast

◆ m_body_offset

lldb::offset_t lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::m_body_offset = 0

The start offset of the CTF body into m_data.

If the body is uncompressed, m_data contains the header and the body and the body starts after the header. If the body is compressed, m_data only contains the body and the offset is zero.

Definition at line 237 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

Referenced by ParseFunctions(), ParseHeader(), ParseObjects(), ParseTypes(), and ReadString().

◆ m_comp_unit_sp

lldb::CompUnitSP lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::m_comp_unit_sp

◆ m_compiler_types

llvm::DenseMap<lldb::opaque_compiler_type_t, const CTFType *> lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::m_compiler_types

To complete types, we need a way to map (imcomplete) compiler types back to parsed CTF types.

Definition at line 253 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

Referenced by CompleteType(), and CreateRecord().

◆ m_ctf_types

llvm::DenseMap<lldb::user_id_t, std::unique_ptr<CTFType> > lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::m_ctf_types

Parsed CTF types.

Definition at line 245 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

Referenced by CompleteType(), ParseTypes(), and ResolveTypeUID().

◆ m_data

DataExtractor lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::m_data

Definition at line 231 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

Referenced by ParseFunctions(), ParseHeader(), ParseObjects(), ParseType(), and ReadString().

◆ m_functions

std::vector<lldb::FunctionSP> lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::m_functions

Definition at line 255 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

Referenced by FindFunctions(), ParseFunctions(), and ResolveSymbolContext().

◆ m_header

std::optional<ctf_header_t> lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::m_header

Definition at line 242 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

Referenced by ParseFunctions(), ParseHeader(), ParseObjects(), ParseTypes(), and ReadString().

◆ m_types

llvm::DenseMap<lldb::user_id_t, lldb::TypeSP> lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::m_types

Parsed LLDB types.

Definition at line 248 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

Referenced by ParseFunctions(), ParseTypes(), and ResolveTypeUID().

◆ m_variables

std::vector<lldb::VariableSP> lldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::m_variables

Definition at line 256 of file SymbolFileCTF.h.

Referenced by FindGlobalVariables(), ParseObjects(), and ResolveSymbolContext().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: