Clldb_private::CFBasicHash::__CFBasicHash< T > | |
C_FPR | |
C_GPR | |
C_GPR32 | |
C_GPR64 | |
CEmulationStateARM::_sd_regs | |
C_VMX | |
CABIMips | |
CABIPowerPC | |
Clldb_private::ScriptedInterface::AbstractMethodRequirement | |
Clldb_private::UnwindPlan::Row::AbstractRegisterLocation | |
Clldb_private::AdaptedConstIterator< C, E, A > | |
►Clldb_private::AdaptedIterable< C, E, A > | |
Clldb_private::LockingAdaptedIterable< C, E, A, MutexType > | |
Clldb_private::platform_android::AdbClient | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSDictionary_Additionals::AdditionalFormatterMatching | |
Clldb_private::Address | A section + offset based address class |
Clldb_private::AddressableBits | A class which holds the metadata from a remote stub/corefile note about how many bits are used for addressing on this target |
Clldb_private::AddressData< B, T > | |
Clldb_private::AddressDataArray< B, T, N > | |
Clldb_private::AddressRange | A section + offset based address range class |
Clldb_private::AddressRangeListImpl | |
Clldb_private::EmulateInstructionARM::AddWithCarryResult | |
Clldb_private::Alarm | Enables scheduling a callback function after a specified timeout |
CELFLinuxSigInfo::alignas | |
Call_image_infos_header | |
Clldb_private::AllocatedBlock | |
Clldb_private::AllocatedMemoryCache | |
Clldb_private::IRMemoryMap::Allocation | |
Clldb_private::IRExecutionUnit::AllocationRecord | Encapsulates a single allocation request made by the JIT |
Clldb_private::TypeListImpl::AppendVisitor | |
Clldb_private::AppleGetItemInfoHandler | |
Clldb_private::AppleGetPendingItemsHandler | |
Clldb_private::AppleGetQueuesHandler | |
Clldb_private::AppleGetThreadItemInfoHandler | |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCTrampolineHandler | |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCTrampolineHandler::AppleObjCVTables | |
Clldb_private::ApplePropertyList | |
Clldb_private::Target::Arch | |
CObjectContainerUniversalMachO::FatArch::Arch | |
CArchDefinition | |
CArchDefinitionEntry | |
CObjectContainerBSDArchive::Archive | |
Clldb_private::ArchSpec | An architecture specification class |
CArchThreadContexts | |
Clldb_private::Args::ArgEntry | |
Clldb_private::Args | A command line argument class |
Clldb_private::CommandObject::ArgumentHelpCallback | |
Clldb_private::CommandObject::ArgumentTableEntry | Entries in the main argument information table |
Clldb_private::Arm64RegisterFlagsDetector | This class manages the storage and detection of register field information |
Clldb_private::ArmUnwindInfo::ArmExidxEntry | |
Clldb_private::EmulateInstructionARM::ARMOpcode | |
Clldb_private::ArmUnwindInfo | |
Clldb_private::SymbolFile::ArrayInfo | The characteristics of an array type |
Clldb_private::ClangASTImporter::ASTContextMetadata | |
►Cclang::ASTImporter | |
Clldb_private::ClangASTImporter::ASTImporterDelegate | ASTImporter that intercepts and records the import process of the underlying ASTImporter |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFAttributes::AttributeValue | |
Clldb_private::AutoHandle | |
CAuxVector | |
Clldb_private::B | |
CDeclContextOverride::Backup | |
►CBase | |
Clldb_private::Cloneable< Derived, Base > | A class that implements CRTP-based "virtual constructor" idiom |
►Clldb_private::Baton | A class designed to wrap callback batons so they can cleanup any acquired resources |
►Clldb_private::TypedBaton< CallbackData > | |
Clldb::SBBreakpointCallbackBaton | |
►Clldb_private::TypedBaton< CommandData > | |
Clldb_private::BreakpointOptions::CommandBaton | |
Clldb_private::WatchpointOptions::CommandBaton | |
►Clldb_private::TypedBaton< WatchpointVariableContext > | |
Clldb_private::Watchpoint::WatchpointVariableBaton | |
Clldb_private::TypedBaton< T > | |
Clldb_private::UntypedBaton | |
Clldb_private::GDBRemotePacket::BinaryData | |
Clldb_private::ValueObject::Bitflags | |
Clldb_private::CFBasicHash::__CFBasicHash< T >::Bits | |
Clldb_private::ObjectFileJSON::Body | |
Clldb_private::breakpad::SymbolFileBreakpad::Bookmark | |
Clldb_private::CPlusPlusNameParser::Bookmark | |
Clldb_private::BreakpointID | |
Clldb_private::BreakpointIDList | |
CBreakpointIDPairMatches | |
Clldb_private::BreakpointList | General Outline: Allows adding and removing breakpoints and find by ID and index |
Clldb_private::BreakpointLocationCollection | |
Clldb_private::BreakpointLocationList | "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointLocationList.h" This class is used by Breakpoint to manage a list of breakpoint locations, each breakpoint location in the list has a unique ID, and is unique by Address as well |
Clldb_private::BreakpointName | |
Clldb_private::BreakpointOptions | "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointOptions.h" Class that manages the options on a breakpoint or breakpoint location |
►Clldb_private::BreakpointPrecondition | |
Clldb_private::ObjCLanguageRuntime::ObjCExceptionPrecondition | |
►Clldb_private::Broadcaster | An event broadcasting class |
Clldb_private::CommandInterpreter | |
►Clldb_private::Process | A plug-in interface definition class for debugging a process |
CProcessKDP | |
►Clldb_private::PostMortemProcess | Base class for all processes that don't represent a live process, such as coredumps or processes traced in the past |
CProcessElfCore | |
CProcessFreeBSDKernel | |
CProcessMachCore | |
Clldb_private::ProcessTrace | Class that represents a defunct process loaded on memory via the "trace
load" command |
Clldb_private::minidump::ProcessMinidump | |
Clldb_private::ProcessWindows | |
Clldb_private::ScriptedProcess | |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::ProcessGDBRemote | |
Clldb_private::Target | |
Clldb_private::TargetList | |
►Clldb_private::Thread | |
CThreadElfCore | |
CThreadFreeBSDKernel | |
CThreadKDP | |
CThreadMachCore | |
CThreadMemory | |
Clldb_private::HistoryThread | A thread object representing a backtrace from a previous point in the process execution |
Clldb_private::ScriptedThread | |
Clldb_private::TargetThreadWindows | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPostMortemTrace | Thread implementation used for representing threads gotten from trace session files, which are similar to threads from core files |
Clldb_private::minidump::ThreadMinidump | |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::ThreadGDBRemote | |
Clldb_private::ThreadedCommunication | "lldb/Core/ThreadedCommunication.h" Variation of Communication that supports threaded reads |
►Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteClientBase | |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteCommunicationClient | |
Clldb_private::Broadcaster::BroadcasterImpl | BroadcasterImpl contains the actual Broadcaster implementation |
Clldb_private::Listener::BroadcasterInfo | |
Clldb_private::BroadcastEventSpec | Lldb::BroadcastEventSpec |
CBufStruct | |
Clldb_private::Stream::ByteDelta | |
Clldb_private::CacheSignature | A signature for a given file on disk |
Clldb_private::ABI::CallArgument | |
Clldb::CallbackData | |
Clldb_private::Diagnostics::CallbackEntry | |
CCallDescriptor | A sequence of calls that comprise some portion of a backtrace |
►Clldb_private::CallEdge | Represent a call made within a Function |
Clldb_private::DirectCallEdge | A direct call site |
Clldb_private::IndirectCallEdge | An indirect call site |
►Clldb_private::CallFrameInfo | |
CPECallFrameInfo | |
Clldb_private::CallSiteParameter | Represent the locations of a parameter at a call site, both in the caller and in the callee |
Clldb_private::DataVisualization::Categories | |
Clldb_private::Log::Category | |
Clldb_private::Timer::Category | |
Clldb_private::CFBasicHash | |
CCFCReleaser< T > | |
►CCFCReleaser< CFBundleRef > | |
CCFCBundle | |
►CCFCReleaser< CFDataRef > | |
CCFCData | |
►CCFCReleaser< CFMutableArrayRef > | |
CCFCMutableArray | |
►CCFCReleaser< CFMutableDictionaryRef > | |
CCFCMutableDictionary | |
►CCFCReleaser< CFMutableSetRef > | |
CCFCMutableSet | |
►CCFCReleaser< CFStringRef > | |
CCFCString | |
Clldb_private::Log::Channel | |
Clldb_private::Checksum | |
Clldb_private::ValueObject::ChildrenManager | |
Clldb_private::DWARFCallFrameInfo::CIE | |
Clldb_private::ClangASTImporter | Manages and observes all Clang AST node importing in LLDB |
Clldb_private::ClangASTMetadata | |
Clldb_private::ClangUtil | |
Clldb_private::ClassDescriptorV2::class_ro_t | |
Clldb_private::ClassDescriptorV2::class_rw_t | |
Clldb_private::ObjCLanguageRuntime::ClassAndSel | |
Clldb_private::ObjCLanguageRuntime::ClassAndSelStr | |
►Clldb_private::ObjCLanguageRuntime::ClassDescriptor | |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntimeV1::ClassDescriptorV1 | |
Clldb_private::ClassDescriptorV2 | |
Clldb_private::ClassDescriptorV2Tagged | |
►Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntimeV2::ClassInfoExtractor | Abstraction to read the Objective-C class info |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntimeV2::DynamicClassInfoExtractor | We can read the class info from the Objective-C runtime using gdb_objc_realized_classes, objc_copyRealizedClassList or objc_getRealizedClassList_trylock |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntimeV2::SharedCacheClassInfoExtractor | Abstraction to read the Objective-C class info from the shared cache |
CObjectFilePECOFF::coff_header | |
CObjectFilePECOFF::coff_opt_header | |
Clldb_private::HighlightStyle::ColorStyle | A pair of strings that should be placed around a certain token |
Clldb_private::CommandObject::CommandArgumentData | Used to build individual command argument lists |
Clldb_private::CommandCompletions | |
►Clldb_private::BreakpointOptions::CommandData | |
Clldb_private::ScriptInterpreterLua::CommandDataLua | |
Clldb_private::WatchpointOptions::CommandData | |
Clldb_private::CommandHistory | |
Clldb_private::CommandInterpreterRunOptions | |
Clldb_private::CommandInterpreterRunResult | |
►CCommandObjectParsed | |
►CCommandObjectTypeFormatterList< TypeFilterImpl > | |
CCommandObjectTypeFilterList | |
►CCommandObjectTypeFormatterList< TypeFormatImpl > | |
CCommandObjectTypeFormatList | |
►CCommandObjectTypeFormatterList< TypeSummaryImpl > | |
CCommandObjectTypeSummaryList | |
►CCommandObjectTypeFormatterList< SyntheticChildren > | |
CCommandObjectTypeSynthList | |
Clldb_private::CommandReturnObject | |
CCommonCompletionElement | |
►Clldb_private::Communication | An abstract communications class |
CCommunicationKDP | |
Clldb_private::ThreadedCommunication | "lldb/Core/ThreadedCommunication.h" Variation of Communication that supports threaded reads |
►Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteCommunication | |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteClientBase | |
►Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteCommunicationServer | |
►Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteCommunicationServerCommon | |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteCommunicationServerLLGS | |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteCommunicationServerPlatform | |
Clldb_private::CompactUnwindInfo | |
Clldb_private::UniqueCStringMap< T >::Compare | |
Ccompat_timeval | |
Clldb_private::npdb::CompilandIndexItem | Represents a single compile unit |
Clldb_private::CompilerContext | CompilerContext allows an array of these items to be passed to perform detailed lookups in SymbolVendor and SymbolFile functions |
Clldb_private::CompilerDecl | Represents a generic declaration such as a function declaration |
Clldb_private::CompilerDeclContext | Represents a generic declaration context in a program |
►Clldb_private::CompilerType | Generic representation of a type in a programming language |
Clldb_private::TaggedASTType< 1 > | |
Clldb_private::TaggedASTType< C > | |
Clldb_private::npdb::CompileUnitIndex | Indexes information about all compile units |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::SymbolFileDWARFDebugMap::CompileUnitInfo | |
Clldb_private::CompletionResult::Completion | A single completion and all associated data |
Clldb_private::CompletionRequest | "lldb/Utility/ArgCompletionRequest.h" |
Clldb_private::CompletionResult | |
Clldb_private::breakpad::SymbolFileBreakpad::CompUnitData | |
Clldb_private::UnwindLLDB::ConcreteRegisterLocation | An UnwindPlan::Row::AbstractRegisterLocation, combined with the register context and memory for a specific stop point, is used to create a ConcreteRegisterLocation |
Cllvm::pdb::ConcreteSymbolEnumerator< ChildType > | |
►Clldb_private::Connection | A communication connection class |
Clldb_private::ConnectionFileDescriptor | |
Clldb_private::ConnectionGenericFile | |
CRemoteNXMapTable::const_iterator | |
Clldb_private::formatters::ConstantArray::ConstantArray32 | |
Clldb_private::formatters::ConstantArray::ConstantArray64 | |
Clldb_private::ConstString | A uniqued constant string class |
Clldb_private::ObjCLanguageRuntime::ConstStringSetHelpers | |
Clldb_private::ConstStringStats | |
Clldb_private::ConstStringTable | Many cache files require string tables to store data efficiently |
Clldb_private::EmulateInstruction::Context | |
Clldb_private::minidump::RegisterContextMinidump_ARM64::Context | |
Clldb_private::minidump::RegisterContextMinidump_ARM::Context | |
Clldb_private::EmulateInstruction::Context::ContextInfo | |
CContextSwitchRecord | Record produced after parsing the raw context switch trace produce by perf_event |
►Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteClientBase::ContinueDelegate | |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::ProcessGDBRemote | |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteClientBase::ContinueLock | |
Clldb_private::CoreDefinition | |
Clldb_private::CoreFileMemoryRange | |
Clldb_private::CoreNote | |
Clldb_private::CPlusPlusNameParser | |
Clldb_private::CppModuleConfiguration | A Clang configuration when importing C++ modules |
Clldb_private::PlatformDarwin::CrashInfoAnnotations | |
Clldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ctf_header_t | |
Clldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ctf_preamble_t | |
Clldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ctf_stype_t | |
Clldb_private::SymbolFileCTF::ctf_type_t | |
►Clldb_private::CTFType | |
Clldb_private::CTFArray | |
Clldb_private::CTFEnum | |
Clldb_private::CTFForward | |
Clldb_private::CTFFunction | |
Clldb_private::CTFInteger | |
►Clldb_private::CTFModifier | |
Clldb_private::CTFConst | |
Clldb_private::CTFPointer | |
Clldb_private::CTFRestrict | |
Clldb_private::CTFVolatile | |
►Clldb_private::CTFRecord | |
Clldb_private::CTFStruct | |
Clldb_private::CTFUnion | |
Clldb_private::CTFTypedef | |
Clldb_private::UnwindLLDB::Cursor | |
Clldb_private::UUID::CvRecordPdb70 | |
Clldb_private::npdb::CVTagRecord | |
Clldb_private::CxxModuleHandler | Handles importing decls into an ASTContext with an attached C++ module |
Clldb_private::ClangASTImporter::ASTImporterDelegate::CxxModuleScope | Scope guard that attaches a CxxModuleHandler to an ASTImporterDelegate and deattaches it at the end of the scope |
Clldb_private::Terminal::Data | |
CObjectFilePECOFF::data_directory | |
►Clldb_private::DataBuffer | A pure virtual protocol class for abstracted read only data buffers |
Clldb_private::DataBufferLLVM | |
►Clldb_private::WritableDataBuffer | |
Clldb_private::DataBufferHeap | A subclass of DataBuffer that stores a data buffer on the heap |
Clldb_private::DataBufferUnowned | |
Clldb_private::WritableDataBufferLLVM | |
Clldb_private::formatters::Foundation1437::DataDescriptor< PtrType > | |
Clldb_private::formatters::CallStackArray::DataDescriptor_32 | |
Clldb_private::formatters::Foundation1100::NSDictionaryMSyntheticFrontEnd::DataDescriptor_32 | |
Clldb_private::formatters::Foundation1300::DataDescriptor_32 | |
Clldb_private::formatters::Foundation1428::DataDescriptor_32 | |
Clldb_private::formatters::Foundation1437::DataDescriptor_32 | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSDictionaryISyntheticFrontEnd::DataDescriptor_32 | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSSetISyntheticFrontEnd::DataDescriptor_32 | |
Clldb_private::formatters::CallStackArray::DataDescriptor_64 | |
Clldb_private::formatters::Foundation1100::NSDictionaryMSyntheticFrontEnd::DataDescriptor_64 | |
Clldb_private::formatters::Foundation1300::DataDescriptor_64 | |
Clldb_private::formatters::Foundation1428::DataDescriptor_64 | |
Clldb_private::formatters::Foundation1437::DataDescriptor_64 | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSDictionaryISyntheticFrontEnd::DataDescriptor_64 | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSSetISyntheticFrontEnd::DataDescriptor_64 | |
Clldb_private::DataEncoder | An binary data encoding class |
►Clldb_private::DataExtractor | An data extractor class |
Clldb_private::DWARFDataExtractor | |
Clldb_private::DataFileCache | This class enables data to be cached into a directory using the llvm caching code |
Clldb_private::DataVisualization | |
CDBG | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_arm64::DBG | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_arm::DBG | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_arm64::DBG | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_arm::DBG | |
Cdbreg | |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteCommunicationServerLLGS::DebuggedProcess | |
Clldb_private::DebuggerStats | |
Clldb_private::DebugMacroEntry | |
Clldb_private::DebugMacros | |
Clldb_private::Declaration | A class that describes the declaration location of a lldb object |
CDeclContextOverride | |
Clldb_private::ClangASTImporter::DeclOrigin | |
Clldb_private::npdb::DeclStatus | |
►Clldb_private::DeclVendor | |
►Clldb_private::ClangDeclVendor | |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCDeclVendor | |
Clldb_private::ClangModulesDeclVendor | |
CDecodedCharBuffer | DecodedCharBuffer stores the decoded contents of a single character |
Clldb_private::DecodeResult | |
Clldb_private::FormatEntity::Entry::Definition | |
CDWARFASTParserClang::DelayedAddObjCClassProperty | |
Clldb_private::TypeCategoryMap::delete_matching_categories | |
Clldb_private::Materializer::Dematerializer | |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< lldb_private::ConstString > | DenseMapInfo implementation |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntimeV2::DescriptorMapUpdateResult | |
Clldb_private::Debugger::DestroyCallbackInfo | |
CCoreSimulatorSupport::Device | |
CCoreSimulatorSupport::DeviceRuntime | |
CCoreSimulatorSupport::DeviceSet | |
CCoreSimulatorSupport::DeviceType | |
►Clldb_private::Diagnostic | |
Clldb_private::ClangDiagnostic | |
►Cclang::DiagnosticConsumer | |
CClangDiagnosticManagerAdapter | |
CNullDiagnosticConsumer | |
Clldb_private::DiagnosticDetail | A compiler-independent representation of an lldb_private::Diagnostic |
Clldb_private::DiagnosticManager | |
Clldb_private::Diagnostics | Diagnostics are a collection of files to help investigate bugs and troubleshoot issues |
Clldb_private::formatters::Foundation1100::NSDictionaryMSyntheticFrontEnd::DictionaryItemDescriptor | |
Clldb_private::formatters::GenericNSDictionaryMSyntheticFrontEnd< D32, D64 >::DictionaryItemDescriptor | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSCFDictionarySyntheticFrontEnd::DictionaryItemDescriptor | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSConstantDictionarySyntheticFrontEnd::DictionaryItemDescriptor | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSDictionaryISyntheticFrontEnd::DictionaryItemDescriptor | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DIERef | Identifies a DWARF debug info entry within a given Module |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFIndex::DIERefCallbackImpl | |
CInstructionLLVMC::DisassemblerScope | Grants exclusive access to the disassembler and initializes it with the given InstructionLLVMC and an optional ExecutionContext |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction | |
CObjectFilePECOFF::dos_header | |
CDoubleBits | |
Clldb_private::NativeRegisterContextDBReg::DREG | Debug register info for hardware breakpoints and watchpoints management |
Clldb_private::Target::DummySignalValues | Add a signal for the target |
CDumpFailRemoveHolder | |
►Clldb_private::formatters::StringPrinter::DumpToStreamOptions | |
Clldb_private::formatters::StringPrinter::ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions | |
Clldb_private::formatters::StringPrinter::ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions | |
Clldb_private::DumpValueObjectOptions | |
►Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFASTParser | |
CDWARFASTParserClang | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFAttribute | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFAttributes | |
►Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFBaseDIE | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE | |
Clldb_private::DWARFCallFrameInfo | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFContext | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDebugAranges | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDebugInfo | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDebugInfoEntry | DWARFDebugInfoEntry objects assume that they are living in one big vector and do pointer arithmetic on their this pointers |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDebugMacroEntry | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDebugMacroHeader | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDeclContext | |
Clldb_private::DWARFExpression | "lldb/Expression/DWARFExpression.h" Encapsulates a DWARF location expression and interprets it |
Clldb_private::DWARFExpressionList::DWARFExpressionCompare | |
Clldb_private::DWARFExpressionList | "lldb/Expression/DWARFExpressionList.h" Encapsulates a range map from file address range to a single DWARF location expression |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFFormValue | |
►Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFIndex | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::AppleDWARFIndex | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DebugNamesDWARFIndex | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::ManualDWARFIndex | |
CDynamicLoaderMacOSXDYLD::DYLDAllImageInfos | |
CDYLDRendezvous | Interface to the runtime linker |
►Clldb_private::DynamicCheckerFunctions | Encapsulates dynamic check functions used by expressions |
Clldb_private::ClangDynamicCheckerFunctions | |
►Clldb_private::DynamicRegisterInfo | |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteDynamicRegisterInfo | |
Clldb_private::Editline | Instances of Editline provide an abstraction over libedit's EditLine facility |
Clldb_private::line_editor::EditlineHistory | |
CEHInstruction | |
CEHProgramBuilder | |
CEHProgramRange | |
Clldb_private::ElapsedTime | A class that measures elapsed time in an exception safe way |
Celf::ELFDynamic | Represents an entry in an ELF dynamic table |
CObjectFileELF::ELFDynamicWithName | |
Celf::ELFHeader | Generic representation of an ELF file header |
Clldb_private::NativeProcessELF::ELFLinkMap< T > | |
CELFLinuxPrPsInfo | |
CELFLinuxPrStatus | |
CELFLinuxSigInfo | |
CELFNote | |
Celf::ELFProgramHeader | Generic representation of an ELF program header |
Celf::ELFRel | Represents a relocation entry with an implicit addend |
Celf::ELFRela | Represents a relocation entry with an explicit addend |
►Celf::ELFSectionHeader | Generic representation of an ELF section header |
CObjectFileELF::ELFSectionHeaderInfo | |
Celf::ELFSymbol | Represents a symbol within an ELF symbol table |
CEmulationStateARM | |
►Cstd::enable_shared_from_this | |
Clldb_private::Breakpoint | General Outline: A breakpoint has four main parts, a filter, a resolver, the list of breakpoint locations that have been determined for the filter/resolver pair, and finally a set of options for the breakpoint |
Clldb_private::BreakpointLocation | General Outline: A breakpoint location is defined by the breakpoint that produces it, and the address that resulted in this particular instantiation |
Clldb_private::BreakpointSite | Class that manages the actual breakpoint that will be inserted into the running program |
Clldb_private::BroadcasterManager | |
Clldb_private::ClusterManager< T > | |
►Clldb_private::CommandObject | |
Clldb_private::CommandAlias | |
►Clldb_private::CommandObjectMultiword | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointName | |
CCommandObjectCommandContainer | |
CCommandObjectFrameRecognizer | |
CCommandObjectLogTimer | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordCommandsScript | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordItaniumABI | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordObjC | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordObjC_ClassTable | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordObjC_TaggedPointer | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordProcessGDBRemote | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordProcessKDP | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordProcessMinidump | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordProcessTrace | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordScriptingExtension | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordTargetStopHooks | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordThreadPlan | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordTrace | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordTraceDump | |
CCommandObjectPlatformFile | |
CCommandObjectPlatformProcess | |
CCommandObjectProcessGDBRemotePacket | |
CCommandObjectProcessKDPPacket | |
CCommandObjectSourceCache | |
CCommandObjectTargetDump | Multi-word command for 'target dump' |
CCommandObjectTargetModules | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDump | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesImageSearchPaths | |
CCommandObjectTargetSymbols | |
CCommandObjectTraceExport | |
CCommandObjectTypeCategory | |
CCommandObjectTypeFilter | |
CCommandObjectTypeFormat | |
CCommandObjectTypeSummary | |
CCommandObjectTypeSynth | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointSet | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectBreakpointCommand | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectDiagnostics | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectLanguage | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectLog | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectMemory | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectMemoryTag | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectMultiwordBreakpoint | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectMultiwordCommands | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectMultiwordFrame | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectMultiwordProcess | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectMultiwordScripting | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectMultiwordSettings | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectMultiwordSource | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectMultiwordTarget | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectMultiwordThread | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectMultiwordWatchpoint | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectPlatform | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectPlugin | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectRegister | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectSession | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectStats | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectTrace | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectType | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectWatchpointCommand | |
Csddarwinlog_private::BaseCommand | Provides the darwin-log base command |
►Clldb_private::CommandObjectParsed | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointClear | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointCommandAdd | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointCommandDelete | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointCommandList | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointDelete | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointDisable | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointEnable | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointList | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointModify | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointNameAdd | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointNameConfigure | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointNameDelete | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointNameList | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointRead | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointSet | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointWrite | |
CCommandObjectCommandsAddRegex | |
CCommandObjectCommandsContainerAdd | |
CCommandObjectCommandsContainerDelete | |
CCommandObjectCommandsDelete | |
CCommandObjectCommandsScriptAdd | |
CCommandObjectCommandsScriptClear | |
CCommandObjectCommandsScriptDelete | |
CCommandObjectCommandsScriptImport | |
CCommandObjectCommandsScriptList | |
CCommandObjectCommandsSource | |
CCommandObjectCommandsUnalias | |
CCommandObjectDiagnosticsDump | |
CCommandObjectFrameDiagnose | |
CCommandObjectFrameInfo | |
CCommandObjectFrameRecognizerAdd | |
CCommandObjectFrameRecognizerClear | |
CCommandObjectFrameRecognizerInfo | |
CCommandObjectFrameRecognizerList | |
CCommandObjectFrameSelect | |
CCommandObjectFrameVariable | |
CCommandObjectLogDisable | |
CCommandObjectLogDump | |
CCommandObjectLogEnable | |
CCommandObjectLogList | |
CCommandObjectLogTimerDisable | |
CCommandObjectLogTimerDump | |
CCommandObjectLogTimerEnable | |
CCommandObjectLogTimerIncrement | |
CCommandObjectLogTimerReset | |
CCommandObjectMemoryFind | |
CCommandObjectMemoryHistory | |
CCommandObjectMemoryRead | |
CCommandObjectMemoryRegion | |
CCommandObjectMemoryTagRead | |
CCommandObjectMemoryTagWrite | |
CCommandObjectMemoryWrite | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordItaniumABI_Demangle | |
CCommandObjectMultiwordObjC_TaggedPointer_Info | |
CCommandObjectObjC_ClassTable_Dump | |
CCommandObjectPlatformConnect | |
CCommandObjectPlatformDisconnect | |
CCommandObjectPlatformFClose | |
CCommandObjectPlatformFOpen | |
CCommandObjectPlatformFRead | |
CCommandObjectPlatformFWrite | |
CCommandObjectPlatformFileExists | |
CCommandObjectPlatformGetFile | |
CCommandObjectPlatformGetPermissions | |
CCommandObjectPlatformGetSize | |
CCommandObjectPlatformInstall | |
CCommandObjectPlatformList | |
CCommandObjectPlatformMkDir | |
CCommandObjectPlatformProcessAttach | |
CCommandObjectPlatformProcessInfo | |
CCommandObjectPlatformProcessLaunch | |
CCommandObjectPlatformProcessList | |
CCommandObjectPlatformPutFile | |
CCommandObjectPlatformSelect | |
CCommandObjectPlatformSettings | |
CCommandObjectPlatformStatus | |
CCommandObjectPluginLoad | |
CCommandObjectProcessConnect | |
CCommandObjectProcessContinue | |
CCommandObjectProcessDetach | |
CCommandObjectProcessGDBRemotePacketHistory | |
CCommandObjectProcessGDBRemotePacketSend | |
CCommandObjectProcessGDBRemotePacketXferSize | |
CCommandObjectProcessGDBRemoteSpeedTest | |
CCommandObjectProcessHandle | |
CCommandObjectProcessInterrupt | |
CCommandObjectProcessKDPPacketSend | |
CCommandObjectProcessKill | |
►CCommandObjectProcessLaunchOrAttach | |
CCommandObjectProcessAttach | |
CCommandObjectProcessLaunch | |
CCommandObjectProcessLoad | |
CCommandObjectProcessMinidumpDump | |
CCommandObjectProcessSaveCore | |
CCommandObjectProcessSignal | |
CCommandObjectProcessStatus | |
CCommandObjectProcessTraceStop | |
CCommandObjectProcessUnload | |
CCommandObjectRegisterInfo | |
CCommandObjectRegisterRead | |
CCommandObjectRegisterWrite | |
CCommandObjectScriptingExtensionList | |
CCommandObjectScriptingObjectParsed | This command implements a lldb parsed scripted command |
CCommandObjectSessionHistory | |
CCommandObjectSessionSave | |
CCommandObjectSettingsClear | |
CCommandObjectSettingsList | |
CCommandObjectSettingsRead | |
CCommandObjectSettingsShow | |
CCommandObjectSettingsWrite | |
CCommandObjectSourceCacheClear | |
CCommandObjectSourceCacheDump | |
CCommandObjectSourceInfo | |
CCommandObjectSourceList | |
CCommandObjectStatsDisable | |
CCommandObjectStatsDump | |
CCommandObjectStatsEnable | |
CCommandObjectTargetCreate | |
CCommandObjectTargetDelete | |
CCommandObjectTargetDumpSectionLoadList | Dumps the SectionLoadList of the selected Target |
CCommandObjectTargetDumpTypesystem | Dumps the TypeSystem of the selected Target |
CCommandObjectTargetList | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesAdd | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpClangPCMInfo | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesList | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesLookup | |
►CCommandObjectTargetModulesModuleAutoComplete | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpClangAST | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpObjfile | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSections | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSeparateDebugInfoFiles | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSymfile | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSymtab | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesLoad | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsAdd | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsClear | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsInsert | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsList | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsQuery | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesShowUnwind | |
►CCommandObjectTargetModulesSourceFileAutoComplete | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpLineTable | |
CCommandObjectTargetSelect | |
CCommandObjectTargetShowLaunchEnvironment | |
CCommandObjectTargetStopHookAdd | |
CCommandObjectTargetStopHookDelete | |
CCommandObjectTargetStopHookEnableDisable | |
CCommandObjectTargetStopHookList | |
CCommandObjectTargetSymbolsAdd | |
CCommandObjectTargetVariable | |
CCommandObjectThreadContinue | |
CCommandObjectThreadJump | |
CCommandObjectThreadList | |
CCommandObjectThreadPlanDiscard | |
CCommandObjectThreadPlanPrune | |
CCommandObjectThreadSelect | |
CCommandObjectThreadStepWithTypeAndScope | |
CCommandObjectThreadUntil | |
CCommandObjectTraceDump | |
CCommandObjectTraceDumpFunctionCalls | |
CCommandObjectTraceDumpInstructions | |
CCommandObjectTraceLoad | |
CCommandObjectTraceSave | |
CCommandObjectTraceSchema | |
CCommandObjectTypeCategoryDefine | |
CCommandObjectTypeCategoryDelete | |
CCommandObjectTypeCategoryDisable | |
CCommandObjectTypeCategoryEnable | |
CCommandObjectTypeCategoryList | |
CCommandObjectTypeFilterAdd | |
CCommandObjectTypeFormatAdd | |
►CCommandObjectTypeFormatterClear | |
CCommandObjectTypeFilterClear | |
CCommandObjectTypeFormatClear | |
CCommandObjectTypeSummaryClear | |
CCommandObjectTypeSynthClear | |
►CCommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete | |
CCommandObjectTypeFilterDelete | |
CCommandObjectTypeFormatDelete | |
CCommandObjectTypeSummaryDelete | |
CCommandObjectTypeSynthDelete | |
CCommandObjectTypeFormatterList< FormatterType > | |
CCommandObjectTypeSummaryAdd | |
CCommandObjectTypeSynthAdd | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointCommandAdd | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointCommandDelete | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointCommandList | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointDelete | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointDisable | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointEnable | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointIgnore | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointList | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointModify | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointSetVariable | |
►CCommandObjectWithFrameRecognizerArg | |
CCommandObjectFrameRecognizerDelete | |
CCommandObjectFrameRecognizerDisable | |
CCommandObjectFrameRecognizerEnable | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectApropos | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectDisassemble | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectGUI | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectHelp | |
►Clldb_private::CommandObjectIterateOverThreads | |
CCommandObjectThreadBacktrace | |
CCommandObjectThreadException | |
CCommandObjectThreadInfo | |
CCommandObjectThreadPlanList | |
CCommandObjectThreadSiginfo | |
CCommandObjectTraceDumpInfo | |
►Clldb_private::CommandObjectMultipleThreads | Class similar to CommandObjectIterateOverThreads, but which performs an action on multiple threads at once instead of iterating over each thread |
CCommandObjectTraceStop | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::CommandObjectThreadTraceStartIntelPT | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectQuit | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectVersion | |
Clldb_private::CommandPluginInterfaceImplementation | |
Clldb_private::ctf::CommandObjectThreadTraceExportCTF | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::CommandObjectProcessTraceStartIntelPT | |
Csddarwinlog_private::EnableCommand | |
Csddarwinlog_private::StatusCommand | Provides the status command |
►Clldb_private::CommandObjectProxy | |
CCommandObjectProcessPlugin | |
►Clldb_private::CommandObjectTraceProxy | This class works by delegating the logic to the actual trace plug-in that can support the current process |
CCommandObjectProcessTraceStart | |
CCommandObjectTraceStart | |
►Clldb_private::CommandObjectRaw | |
CCommandObjectCommandsAlias | |
CCommandObjectFormatterInfo< FormatterType > | |
CCommandObjectPlatformShell | |
CCommandObjectProcessGDBRemotePacketMonitor | |
CCommandObjectPythonFunction | |
CCommandObjectScriptingObjectRaw | This class implements a "raw" scripted command |
CCommandObjectScriptingRun | |
CCommandObjectSettingsAppend | |
CCommandObjectSettingsInsertAfter | |
CCommandObjectSettingsInsertBefore | |
CCommandObjectSettingsRemove | |
CCommandObjectSettingsReplace | |
CCommandObjectSettingsSet | |
CCommandObjectThreadReturn | |
CCommandObjectTypeLookup | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointSetExpression | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectDWIMPrint | Implements dwim-print , a printing command that chooses the most direct, efficient, and resilient means of printing a given expression |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectExpression | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectRegexCommand | |
Clldb_private::CompileUnit | A class that describes a compilation unit |
Clldb_private::Debugger | A class to manage flag bits |
Clldb_private::DebuggerThread | |
►Clldb_private::Disassembler | |
CDisassemblerLLVMC | |
Clldb_private::Event | |
Clldb_private::ExpressionVariable | |
Clldb_private::IRExecutionUnit | "lldb/Expression/IRExecutionUnit.h" Contains the IR and, optionally, JIT- compiled code for a module |
►Clldb_private::InstrumentationRuntime | |
CInstrumentationRuntimeASanLibsanitizers | |
Clldb_private::InstrumentationRuntimeASan | |
Clldb_private::InstrumentationRuntimeMainThreadChecker | |
Clldb_private::InstrumentationRuntimeTSan | |
Clldb_private::InstrumentationRuntimeUBSan | |
Clldb_private::Listener | |
►Clldb_private::MemoryHistory | |
Clldb_private::MemoryHistoryASan | |
►Clldb_private::Module | A class that describes an executable image and its associated object and symbol files |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DebugMapModule | |
►Clldb_private::NativeRegisterContext | |
►Clldb_private::NativeRegisterContextRegisterInfo | |
►Clldb_private::NativeRegisterContextDBReg | |
Clldb_private::NativeRegisterContextDBReg_arm64 | |
Clldb_private::NativeRegisterContextDBReg_loongarch | |
Clldb_private::NativeRegisterContextDBReg_x86 | |
Clldb_private::NativeRegisterContextWindows | |
Clldb_private::process_freebsd::NativeRegisterContextFreeBSD | |
Clldb_private::process_linux::NativeRegisterContextLinux | |
Clldb_private::process_netbsd::NativeRegisterContextNetBSD | |
►Clldb_private::ObjectFile | A plug-in interface definition class for object file parsers |
CObjectFileCOFF | |
CObjectFileELF | Generic COFF object file reader |
CObjectFileMachO | |
CObjectFilePECOFF | |
CObjectFilePlaceholder | A minimal ObjectFile implementation providing a dummy object file for the cases when the real module binary is not available |
CObjectFileXCOFF | Generic XCOFF object file reader |
Clldb_private::ObjectFileJIT | |
Clldb_private::ObjectFileJSON | |
Clldb_private::ObjectFilePDB | |
Clldb_private::breakpad::ObjectFileBreakpad | |
Clldb_private::wasm::ObjectFileWasm | Generic Wasm object file reader |
►Clldb_private::OptionValueProperties | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< ProcessExperimentalOptionValueProperties, OptionValueProperties > | |
CProcessExperimentalOptionValueProperties | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< ProcessOptionValueProperties, OptionValueProperties > | |
CProcessOptionValueProperties | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< TargetExperimentalOptionValueProperties, OptionValueProperties > | |
CTargetExperimentalOptionValueProperties | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< TargetOptionValueProperties, OptionValueProperties > | |
CTargetOptionValueProperties | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< ThreadOptionValueProperties, OptionValueProperties > | |
CThreadOptionValueProperties | |
Clldb_private::Process | A plug-in interface definition class for debugging a process |
Clldb_private::Queue | |
Clldb_private::QueueItem | |
►Clldb_private::RecognizedStackFrame | This class provides extra information about a stack frame that was provided by a specific stack frame recognizer |
CLibCXXFrameRecognizer::LibCXXHiddenFrame | |
CObjCExceptionRecognizedStackFrame | |
CScriptedRecognizedStackFrame | |
Clldb_private::AbortWithPayloadRecognizedStackFrame | |
Clldb_private::AssertRecognizedStackFrame | Holds the stack frame where the assert is called from |
Clldb_private::VerboseTrapRecognizedStackFrame | Holds the stack frame that caused the Verbose trap and the inlined stop reason message |
►Clldb_private::RegisterContext | |
►CRegisterContextDarwin_arm | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_arm_Mach | |
CRegisterContextKDP_arm | |
CRegisterContextMach_arm | |
►CRegisterContextDarwin_arm64 | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_arm64_Mach | |
CRegisterContextKDP_arm64 | |
►CRegisterContextDarwin_i386 | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_i386_Mach | |
CRegisterContextKDP_i386 | |
CRegisterContextMach_i386 | |
►CRegisterContextDarwin_x86_64 | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_x86_64_Mach | |
CRegisterContextKDP_x86_64 | |
CRegisterContextMach_x86_64 | |
CRegisterContextMemory | |
►CRegisterContextPOSIX_arm | |
CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_arm | |
►CRegisterContextPOSIX_arm64 | |
CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_arm64 | |
CRegisterContextFreeBSDKernel_arm64 | |
►CRegisterContextPOSIX_loongarch64 | |
CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_loongarch64 | |
►CRegisterContextPOSIX_mips64 | |
CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_mips64 | |
►CRegisterContextPOSIX_powerpc | |
CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_powerpc | |
►CRegisterContextPOSIX_ppc64le | |
CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_ppc64le | |
►CRegisterContextPOSIX_riscv64 | |
CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_riscv64 | |
►CRegisterContextPOSIX_s390x | |
CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_s390x | |
►CRegisterContextPOSIX_x86 | |
►CRegisterContextCorePOSIX_x86_64 | |
CRegisterContextLinuxCore_x86_64 | |
CRegisterContextFreeBSDKernel_i386 | |
CRegisterContextFreeBSDKernel_x86_64 | |
Clldb_private::RegisterContextDummy | |
Clldb_private::RegisterContextHistory | |
Clldb_private::RegisterContextThreadMemory | |
Clldb_private::RegisterContextUnwind | |
Clldb_private::RegisterContextWindows | |
Clldb_private::minidump::RegisterContextMinidump_ARM | |
Clldb_private::minidump::RegisterContextMinidump_ARM64 | |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteRegisterContext | |
Clldb_private::Section | |
Clldb_private::StackFrame | This base class provides an interface to stack frames |
►Clldb_private::StackFrameRecognizer | A base class for frame recognizers |
CLibCXXFrameRecognizer | A frame recognizer that is installed to hide libc++ implementation details from the backtrace |
CObjCExceptionThrowFrameRecognizer | |
Clldb_private::AbortWithPayloadFrameRecognizer | |
Clldb_private::AssertFrameRecognizer | When a thread stops, it checks depending on the platform if the top frame is an abort stack frame |
Clldb_private::ScriptedStackFrameRecognizer | Python implementation for frame recognizers |
Clldb_private::VerboseTrapFrameRecognizer | When a thread stops, it checks the current frame contains a Verbose Trap diagnostic |
►Clldb_private::StopInfo | |
Clldb_private::InstrumentationRuntimeStopInfo | |
Clldb_private::StopInfoBreakpoint | |
Clldb_private::StopInfoException | |
Clldb_private::StopInfoExec | |
Clldb_private::StopInfoFork | |
Clldb_private::StopInfoInterrupt | |
Clldb_private::StopInfoMachException | |
Clldb_private::StopInfoProcessorTrace | |
Clldb_private::StopInfoThreadPlan | |
Clldb_private::StopInfoTrace | |
Clldb_private::StopInfoUnixSignal | |
Clldb_private::StopInfoVFork | |
Clldb_private::StopInfoVForkDone | |
Clldb_private::StopInfoWatchpoint | |
►Clldb_private::StructuredData::Object | |
Clldb_private::StructuredData::Array | |
Clldb_private::StructuredData::Boolean | |
Clldb_private::StructuredData::Dictionary | |
Clldb_private::StructuredData::Float | |
Clldb_private::StructuredData::Generic | |
Clldb_private::StructuredData::Integer< N > | |
Clldb_private::StructuredData::Null | |
Clldb_private::StructuredData::String | |
►Clldb_private::StructuredDataPlugin | Plugin that supports process-related structured data sent asynchronously from the debug monitor (e.g |
Clldb_private::StructuredDataDarwinLog | |
Clldb_private::SymbolFileType | |
Clldb_private::Target | |
Clldb_private::Thread | |
►Clldb_private::ThreadPlan | |
Clldb_private::AppleThreadPlanStepThroughObjCTrampoline | |
Clldb_private::ScriptedThreadPlan | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanBase | |
►Clldb_private::ThreadPlanCallFunction | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanCallFunctionUsingABI | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanCallUserExpression | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanCallOnFunctionExit | This thread plan calls a function object when the current function exits |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanNull | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanRunToAddress | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanSingleThreadTimeout | |
►Clldb_private::ThreadPlanStepInstruction | |
Clldb_private::StopInfoWatchpoint::ThreadPlanStepOverWatchpoint | |
►Clldb_private::ThreadPlanStepOut | |
Clldb_private::AppleThreadPlanStepThroughDirectDispatch | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanStepOverBreakpoint | |
►Clldb_private::ThreadPlanStepRange | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanStepInRange | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanStepOverRange | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanStepThrough | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanStepUntil | |
►Clldb_private::Trace | A plug-in interface definition class for trace information |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::TraceIntelPT | |
Clldb_private::Type | |
►Clldb_private::TypeSystem | Interface for representing a type system |
►Clldb_private::TypeSystemClang | A TypeSystem implementation based on Clang |
Clldb_private::ScratchTypeSystemClang | The TypeSystemClang instance used for the scratch ASTContext in a lldb::Target |
►Clldb_private::UnwindAssembly | |
CUnwindAssemblyInstEmulation | |
CUnwindAssembly_x86 | |
Clldb_private::Variable | |
Clldb_private::Watchpoint | |
Clldb_private::WatchpointResource | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::DecodedThread | Class holding the instructions and function call hierarchy obtained from decoding a trace, as well as a position cursor used when reverse debugging the trace |
►Clldb_private::ObjCLanguageRuntime::EncodingToType | |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCTypeEncodingParser | |
Clldb_private::endian::EndianTest | |
►Clldb_private::Materializer::Entity | |
CEntityPersistentVariable | |
CEntityRegister | |
CEntityResultVariable | |
CEntitySymbol | |
►CEntityVariableBase | Base class for materialization of Variables and ValueObjects |
CEntityValueObject | Represents an Entity constructed from a VariableSP |
CEntityVariable | Represents an Entity constructed from a VariableSP |
Clldb_private::Alarm::Entry | Alarm entry |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectRegexCommand::Entry | |
Clldb_private::FormatCache::Entry | |
Clldb_private::FormatEntity::Entry | |
Clldb_private::LineTable::Entry | |
Clldb_private::ObjectContainerMachOFileset::Entry | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDeclContext::Entry | |
Clldb_private::ProgressManager::Entry | Entry used for bookkeeping |
Clldb_private::UniqueCStringMap< T >::Entry | |
Clldb_private::LineTable::EntrySearchInfo | |
Clldb_private::FieldEnum::Enumerator | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueEnumeration::EnumeratorInfo | |
CCommandObjectScriptingObjectParsed::CommandOptions::EnumValueStorage | |
Clldb_private::Environment::Envp | |
►Cstd::error_category | |
CExpressionCategory | A std::error_code category for eErrorTypeExpression |
►Cllvm::ErrorInfo | |
CMissingDeclContext | Error class for handling problems when finding a certain DeclContext |
Clldb_private::CloneableECError | Common base class for all error-code errors |
Clldb_private::CloneableError | Going a bit against the spirit of llvm::Error, lldb_private::Status need to store errors long-term and sometimes copy them |
Clldb_private::DiagnosticError | |
Clldb_private::ExpressionError | An llvm::Error used to communicate diagnostics in Status |
Clldb_private::MachKernelError | FIXME: Move these declarations closer to where they're used |
Clldb_private::OptionParseError | An llvm::Error that represents an option parsing diagnostic |
Clldb_private::UnimplementedError | |
Clldb_private::Win32Error | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::IntelPTError | Class for representing a libipt decoding error |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::DecodedThread::ErrorStats | |
Clldb_private::EvaluateExpressionOptions | |
Clldb_private::ValueObject::EvaluationPoint | |
►Clldb_private::EventData | |
Clldb_private::Breakpoint::BreakpointEventData | |
Clldb_private::DiagnosticEventData | |
Clldb_private::EventDataBytes | |
Clldb_private::EventDataReceipt | |
Clldb_private::EventDataStructuredData | This class handles one or more StructuredData::Dictionary entries that are raised for structured data events |
Clldb_private::Process::ProcessEventData | |
Clldb_private::ProgressEventData | |
Clldb_private::SymbolChangeEventData | |
Clldb_private::Target::TargetEventData | |
Clldb_private::Thread::ThreadEventData | |
Clldb_private::Watchpoint::WatchpointEventData | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::DecodedThread::EventsStats | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_arm64::EXC | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_arm::EXC | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_i386::EXC | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_x86_64::EXC | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_arm64::EXC | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_arm::EXC | |
Clldb_private::ExceptionRecord | |
Clldb_private::ExecuteScriptOptions | |
Clldb_private::ExecutionContext | "lldb/Target/ExecutionContext.h" A class that contains an execution context |
Clldb_private::ExecutionContextRef | Execution context objects refer to objects in the execution of the program that is being debugged |
►Clldb_private::ExecutionContextScope | "lldb/Target/ExecutionContextScope.h" Inherit from this if your object can reconstruct its execution context |
Clldb_private::Process | A plug-in interface definition class for debugging a process |
Clldb_private::RegisterContext | |
Clldb_private::StackFrame | This base class provides an interface to stack frames |
Clldb_private::Target | |
Clldb_private::Thread | |
Clldb_private::Executor | |
►Clldb_private::Expression | Encapsulates a single expression for use in lldb |
►Clldb_private::FunctionCaller | Encapsulates a function that can be called |
Clldb_private::ClangFunctionCaller | "lldb/Expression/ClangFunctionCaller.h" Encapsulates a function that can be called |
►Clldb_private::UserExpression | Encapsulates a one-time expression for use in lldb |
►Clldb_private::LLVMUserExpression | "lldb/Expression/LLVMUserExpression.h" Encapsulates a one-time expression for use in lldb |
Clldb_private::ClangUserExpression | "lldb/Expression/ClangUserExpression.h" Encapsulates a single expression for use with Clang |
►Clldb_private::UtilityFunction | "lldb/Expression/UtilityFunction.h" Encapsulates a bit of source code that provides a function that is callable |
Clldb_private::ClangUtilityFunction | "lldb/Expression/ClangUtilityFunction.h" Encapsulates a single expression for use with Clang |
Clldb_private::ThreadList::ExpressionExecutionThreadPusher | |
►Clldb_private::ExpressionParser | "lldb/Expression/ExpressionParser.h" Encapsulates an instance of a compiler that can parse expressions |
Clldb_private::ClangExpressionParser | "lldb/Expression/ClangExpressionParser.h" Encapsulates an instance of Clang that can parse expressions |
►Clldb_private::ExpressionSourceCode | |
Clldb_private::ClangExpressionSourceCode | |
►Clldb_private::ExpressionVariableList | "lldb/Expression/ExpressionVariable.h" A list of variable references |
Clldb_private::PersistentExpressionState | |
►Cclang::ExternalASTSource | |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCExternalASTSource | |
►Clldb_private::ClangASTSource | Provider for named objects defined in the debug info for Clang |
Clldb_private::ClangExpressionDeclMap | "lldb/Expression/ClangExpressionDeclMap.h" Manages named entities that are defined in LLDB's debug information |
Clldb_private::ClangASTSource::ClangASTSourceProxy | "lldb/Expression/ClangASTSource.h" Proxy for ClangASTSource |
Clldb_private::ClangExternalASTSourceCallbacks | |
►Cclang::ExternalSemaSource | |
Clldb_private::ExternalASTSourceWrapper | Wraps an ExternalASTSource into an ExternalSemaSource |
Clldb_private::SemaSourceWithPriorities | A ExternalSemaSource multiplexer that prioritizes its sources |
CObjectContainerUniversalMachO::FatArch | |
Clldb_private::UnwindPlan::Row::FAValue | |
Clldb_private::MainLoopWindows::FdInfo | |
CSelectHelper::FDInfo | |
Clldb_private::CTFRecord::Field | |
Clldb_private::RegisterFlags::Field | |
Clldb_private::FieldEnum | |
Clldb_private::ProcessStructReader::FieldImpl | |
CDWARFASTParserClang::FieldInfo | |
Clldb_private::SourceManager::File | |
Clldb_private::FileAction | |
Clldb_private::FileCache | |
Clldb_private::process_linux::resource_handle::FileDescriptorDeleter | Custom deleter for a file descriptor |
Clldb_private::Symtab::FileRangeToIndexMapCompare | |
Clldb_private::FileSpec | A file utility class |
Clldb_private::FileSpecList | A file collection class |
Clldb_private::FileSystem | |
►Csddarwinlog_private::FilterRule | |
Csddarwinlog_private::ExactMatchFilterRule | |
Csddarwinlog_private::RegexFilterRule | |
►Clldb_private::Flags | A class to manage flags |
Clldb_private::Section | |
Clldb_private::FormattersMatchCandidate::Flags | |
Clldb_private::SyntheticChildren::Flags | |
Clldb_private::TypeFormatImpl::Flags | |
Clldb_private::TypeSummaryImpl::Flags | |
Clldb_private::TypeCategoryImpl::ForEachCallback< T > | |
Cllvm::format_provider< lldb::StateType > | |
Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::ConstString > | |
Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::Environment > | |
Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::FileSpec > | Implementation of format_provider<T> for FileSpec |
Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::MemoryRegionInfo::OptionalBool > | If Options is empty, prints a textual representation of the value |
Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::ObjectFile::Strata > | |
Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::ObjectFile::Type > | |
Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DIERef > | |
Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteCommunication::PacketResult > | |
Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::Status > | |
Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::Timeout< Ratio >, void > | |
Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::Vote > | |
Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::WaitStatus > | |
Clldb_private::FormatCache | |
CFormatInfo | |
Clldb_private::FormattersContainer< ValueType > | |
Clldb_private::FormattersContainer< TypeSummaryImpl > | |
Clldb_private::FormattersMatchCandidate | |
Clldb_private::FormattersMatchData | |
CFormSize | |
Clldb_private::FPR | |
Clldb_private::minidump::MinidumpContext_x86_64::FPR | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_loongarch64::FPR | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::FPR | |
CFPR_i386 | |
CFPR_linux_mips | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_arm64::FPU | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_arm::FPU | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_i386::FPU | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_x86_64::FPU | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_arm64::FPU | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_arm::FPU | |
Clldb_private::TraceDumper::FunctionCall | |
Clldb_private::CompactUnwindInfo::FunctionInfo | |
►Clldb_private::FunctionInfo | A class that contains generic function information |
Clldb_private::InlineFunctionInfo | A class that describes information for an inlined function |
CIRForTarget::FunctionValueCache | |
Clldb_private::FuncUnwinders | |
Clldb_private::FXSAVE | |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteCommunicationHistory | The history keeps a circular buffer of GDB remote packets |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteFStatData | |
Clldb_private::GDBRemotePacket | GDB remote packet as used by the GDB remote communication history |
Clldb_private::AppleGetItemInfoHandler::GetItemInfoReturnInfo | |
Clldb_private::AppleGetPendingItemsHandler::GetPendingItemsReturnInfo | |
Clldb_private::AppleGetQueuesHandler::GetQueuesReturnInfo | |
Clldb_private::AppleGetThreadItemInfoHandler::GetThreadItemInfoReturnInfo | |
Clldb_private::ValueObject::GetValueForExpressionPathOptions | |
CGPR | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_arm64::GPR | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_arm::GPR | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_i386::GPR | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_x86_64::GPR | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_arm64::GPR | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_arm::GPR | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_loongarch64::GPR | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::GPR | |
CGPR_linux_mips | |
Clldb_private::HardcodedFormatters | |
Clldb_private::HardwareBreakpoint | |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntimeV1::HashTableSignature | |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntimeV2::HashTableSignature | |
Clldb_private::ObjectFileJSON::Header | |
CHexagonDYLDRendezvous | Interface to the runtime linker |
►Clldb_private::Highlighter | Annotates source code with color attributes |
Clldb_private::ClangHighlighter | |
Clldb_private::DefaultHighlighter | A default highlighter that only highlights the user cursor, but doesn't do any other highlighting |
Clldb_private::HighlighterManager | Manages the available highlighters |
Clldb_private::Stream::HighlightSettings | Struct to store information for color highlighting in the stream |
Clldb_private::HighlightStyle | Represents style that the highlighter should apply to the given source code |
Clldb_private::Host | A class that provides host computer information |
Clldb_private::Socket::HostAndPort | |
CHostInfo | A class that provides host computer information |
►Clldb_private::HostInfoBase | |
►Clldb_private::HostInfoPosix | |
Clldb_private::HostInfoAIX | |
Clldb_private::HostInfoFreeBSD | |
►Clldb_private::HostInfoLinux | |
Clldb_private::HostInfoAndroid | |
Clldb_private::HostInfoMacOSX | |
Clldb_private::HostInfoNetBSD | |
Clldb_private::HostInfoOpenBSD | |
Clldb_private::HostInfoWindows | |
►Clldb_private::HostNativeProcessBase | |
Clldb_private::HostProcessPosix | |
Clldb_private::HostProcessWindows | |
►Clldb_private::HostNativeThreadBase | |
►Clldb_private::HostThreadPosix | |
Clldb_private::HostThreadMacOSX | |
Clldb_private::HostThreadWindows | |
Clldb_private::HostProcess | |
Clldb_private::HostThread | |
Clldb_private::ThreadLauncher::HostThreadCreateInfo | |
Clldb_private::HTRBlock | Block structure representing a sequence of trace "units" (ie instructions) |
Clldb_private::HTRBlockMetadata | Metadata associated with an HTR block See lldb/docs/htr.rst for comprehensive HTR documentation |
Clldb_private::formatters::Foundation1300::IDD32 | |
Clldb_private::formatters::Foundation1436::IDD32 | |
Clldb_private::formatters::Foundation1300::IDD64 | |
Clldb_private::formatters::Foundation1436::IDD64 | |
►Clldb_private::IDebugDelegate | |
Clldb_private::LocalDebugDelegate | |
Clldb_private::NativeDebugDelegate | |
Clldb_private::UserID::IDMatches | Unary predicate function object that can search for a matching user ID |
►Clldb_private::IFormatChangeListener | |
Clldb_private::FormatManager | |
►Clldb_private::IHTRLayer | HTR layer interface See lldb/docs/htr.rst for comprehensive HTR documentation |
Clldb_private::HTRBlockLayer | HTR layer composed of blocks of the trace |
Clldb_private::HTRInstructionLayer | "Base" layer of HTR representing the dynamic instructions of the trace |
Cimage_entry | |
Clldb_private::DynamicLoaderDarwin::ImageInfo | |
CNSIndexPathSyntheticFrontEnd::Impl | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::ManualDWARFIndex::IndexSet | |
Clldb_private::formatters::InferiorSizedWord | |
Clldb_private::XcodeSDK::Info | A parsed SDK directory name |
CNSIndexPathSyntheticFrontEnd::Impl::InlinedIndexes | |
Clldb_private::npdb::SymbolFileNativePDB::InlineSite | |
Clldb_private::InstrPattern | |
►Clldb_private::Instruction | |
CInstructionLLVMC | |
Clldb_private::PseudoInstruction | |
CInstructionImpl | |
Clldb_private::InstructionList | |
Cx86::InstructionOpcodeAndModrm | These are the three values deciding instruction control flow kind |
►CInstrumenter | Finds and instruments individual LLVM IR instructions |
CObjcObjectChecker | |
CValidPointerChecker | |
Clldb_private::instrumentation::Instrumenter | RAII object for instrumenting LLDB API functions |
Clldb_private::CompilerType::IntegralTemplateArgument | |
Clldb_private::process_linux::IntelPTCollector | Main class that manages intel-pt process and thread tracing |
Clldb_private::IntelPTDataKinds | |
►Clldb_private::process_linux::IntelPTProcessTrace | Interface to be implemented by each 'process trace' strategy (per cpu, per thread, etc) |
Clldb_private::process_linux::IntelPTMultiCoreTrace | |
Clldb_private::process_linux::IntelPTPerThreadProcessTrace | Manages a "process trace" instance by tracing each thread individually |
Clldb_private::process_linux::IntelPTSingleBufferTrace | This class wraps a single perf event collecting intel pt data in a single buffer |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::IntelPTThreadContinousExecution | This struct represents a continuous execution of a thread in a cpu, delimited by a context switch in and out, and a list of Intel PT subtraces that belong to this execution |
Clldb_private::process_linux::IntelPTThreadTraceCollection | Manages a list of thread traces |
CInterpreterStackFrame | |
Clldb_private::Debugger::InterruptionReport | |
►Clldb_private::IOHandler | |
CIOHandlerProcessSTDIO | |
Clldb_private::IOHandlerCursesGUI | |
►Clldb_private::IOHandlerEditline | |
CIOHandlerLuaInterpreter | |
Clldb_private::IOHandlerConfirm | |
►Clldb_private::IOHandlerDelegate | A delegate class for use with IOHandler subclasses |
CIOHandlerLuaInterpreter | |
Clldb_private::CommandInterpreter | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectExpression | |
Clldb_private::IOHandlerConfirm | |
►Clldb_private::IOHandlerDelegateMultiline | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointCommandAdd | |
CCommandObjectCommandsAddRegex | |
CCommandObjectCommandsScriptAdd | |
CCommandObjectTargetStopHookAdd | |
CCommandObjectTypeSummaryAdd | |
CCommandObjectTypeSynthAdd | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointCommandAdd | |
Clldb_private::REPL | |
Clldb_private::IOHandlerStack | |
►Clldb_private::IOObject | |
►Clldb_private::File | An abstract base class for files |
►Clldb_private::NativeFile | |
Clldb_private::SerialPort | |
►Clldb_private::Socket | |
►Clldb_private::DomainSocket | |
Clldb_private::AbstractSocket | |
Clldb_private::TCPSocket | |
Clldb_private::UDPSocket | |
CIRForTarget | Transforms the IR for a function to run in the target |
CIRInterpreter | Attempt to interpret the function's code if it does not require running the target |
►Clldb_private::IRMemoryMap | Encapsulates memory that may exist in the process but must also be available in the host process |
Clldb_private::IRExecutionUnit | "lldb/Expression/IRExecutionUnit.h" Contains the IR and, optionally, JIT- compiled code for a module |
Clldb_private::LLVMUserExpression::IRPasses | |
Clldb_private::EmulateInstruction::Context::ContextInfo::ISAAndImmediate | |
Clldb_private::EmulateInstruction::Context::ContextInfo::ISAAndImmediateSigned | |
CSystemRuntimeMacOSX::ItemInfo | |
CSystemRuntimeMacOSX::ItemRefAndCodeAddress | |
►Cllvm::iterator_facade_base | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE::child_iterator | |
Clldb_private::ITSession | |
Clldb_private::ClassDescriptorV2::ivar_list_t | |
Clldb_private::ClassDescriptorV2::ivar_t | |
Clldb_private::ObjCLanguageRuntime::ClassDescriptor::iVarDescriptor | |
Clldb_private::ClassDescriptorV2::iVarsStorage | |
Clldb_private::JITLoaderList | Class used by the Process to hold a list of its JITLoaders |
►Clldb_private::IRExecutionUnit::JittedEntity | |
Clldb_private::IRExecutionUnit::JittedFunction | "lldb/Expression/IRExecutionUnit.h" Encapsulates a single function that has been generated by the JIT |
Clldb_private::IRExecutionUnit::JittedGlobalVariable | |
Clldb_private::ClangExpressionVariable::JITVars | The following values are valid if the variable is used by JIT code |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::JSONCpu | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::JSONKernel | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::JSONModule | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::JSONProcess | |
Clldb_private::JSONSection | |
CJSONSimpleTraceBundleDescription | |
Clldb_private::JSONSymbol | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::JSONThread | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::JSONTraceBundleDescription | |
Clldb_private::JSONUINT64 | Helper structure to help parse long numbers that can't be easily represented by a JSON number that is compatible with Javascript (52 bits) or that can also be represented as hex |
CDynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo | |
CDynamicLoaderFreeBSDKernel::KModImageInfo | |
Clanguage_name_pair | |
Clldb_private::LanguageCategory | |
Clldb_private::LanguageSet | A SmallBitVector that represents a set of source languages (lldb::LanguageType ) |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_loongarch64::LASX | |
Clldb_private::ClangASTImporter::LayoutInfo | |
CObjectFileMachO::LCNoteEntry | |
Clldb_private::LineTable::Entry::LessThanBinaryPredicate | |
CSystemRuntimeMacOSX::libBacktraceRecording_info | |
Clldb_private::CPPLanguageRuntime::LibCppStdFunctionCallableInfo | |
CSystemRuntimeMacOSX::LibdispatchOffsets | |
CSystemRuntimeMacOSX::LibdispatchTSDIndexes | |
CSystemRuntimeMacOSX::LibdispatchVoucherOffsets | |
CSystemRuntimeMacOSX::LibpthreadOffsets | |
Clldb_private::Disassembler::Limit | |
Clldb_private::LineEntry | A line table entry class |
Clldb_private::breakpad::SymbolFileBreakpad::LineIterator | |
►Clldb_private::LineSequence | An abstract base class used during symbol table creation |
Clldb_private::LineTable::LineSequenceImpl | |
Clldb_private::LineTable | A line table class |
Clldb_private::npdb::SymbolFileNativePDB::LineTableEntryComparator | |
Clldb_private::LinuxPerfZeroTscConversion | JLLDBTraceGetState gdb-remote packet |
Clldb_private::minidump::LinuxProcStatus | |
Clldb_copy__dyld_process_cache_info | |
Clldb_private::x86AssemblyInspectionEngine::lldb_reg_info | One of the two initialize methods that can be called on this object; they must be called before any of the assembly inspection methods are called |
Clldb_private::ObjectFile::LoadableData | |
CLoadAddressResolver | |
Clldb_private::LoadedModuleInfoList::LoadedModuleInfo | |
Clldb_private::LoadedModuleInfoList | |
Clldb_private::LoadScriptOptions | |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteClientBase::Lock | |
►Clldb_private::LockFileBase | |
Clldb_private::LockFilePosix | |
Clldb_private::LockFileWindows | |
Clldb_private::Log | |
Clldb_private::LogChannelDWARF | |
Clldb_private::LogChannelSystem | |
►Clldb_private::LogHandler | |
Clldb_private::CallbackLogHandler | |
Clldb_private::RotatingLogHandler | |
Clldb_private::StreamLogHandler | |
Clldb_private::SystemLogHandler | Log handler that emits log messages to the operating system log |
Clldb_private::TeeLogHandler | A T-style log handler that multiplexes messages to two log handlers |
Clldb_private::Module::LookupInfo | A class that encapsulates name lookup information |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_loongarch64::LSX | |
Clldb_private::Lua | |
CObjectFileMachO::MachOCorefileAllImageInfos | |
CObjectFileMachO::MachOCorefileImageEntry | A corefile may include metadata about all of the binaries that were present in the process when the corefile was taken |
CMachSymtabSectionInfo | |
►Clldb_private::MainLoopBase | |
Clldb_private::MainLoopPosix | |
Clldb_private::MainLoopWindows | |
►Clldb_private::NativeProcessProtocol::Manager | |
Clldb_private::NativeProcessWindows::Manager | |
Clldb_private::process_freebsd::NativeProcessFreeBSD::Manager | |
Clldb_private::process_linux::NativeProcessLinux::Manager | |
Clldb_private::process_netbsd::NativeProcessNetBSD::Manager | |
Clldb_private::Mangled | A class that handles mangled names |
►Clldb_private::ClangASTImporter::MapCompleter | |
Clldb_private::ClangASTSource | Provider for named objects defined in the debug info for Clang |
CMapEntry | |
CMapIterator | |
►Clldb_private::formatters::NSDictionary_Additionals::AdditionalFormatterMatching::Matcher | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSDictionary_Additionals::AdditionalFormatterMatching::Full | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSDictionary_Additionals::AdditionalFormatterMatching::Prefix | |
Clldb_private::Materializer | |
CDisassemblerLLVMC::MCDisasmInstance | |
Clldb_private::npdb::UdtRecordCompleter::Member | |
CDWARFASTParserClang::MemberAttributes | Parsed form of all attributes that are relevant for parsing type members |
Clldb_private::npdb::MemberValLocation | |
Clldb_private::MemoryCache | |
Clldb_private::MemoryRegionInfo | |
CMemoryRegionInfoListImpl | |
Clldb_private::ConstString::MemoryStats | |
Clldb_private::process_linux::NativeRegisterContextLinux::MemoryTaggingDetails | |
►Clldb_private::MemoryTagManager | |
Clldb_private::MemoryTagManagerAArch64MTE | |
Clldb_private::MemoryTagMap | MemoryTagMap provides a way to give a sparse read result when reading memory tags for a range |
Clldb_private::ClassDescriptorV2::method_list_t | |
Clldb_private::ClassDescriptorV2::method_t | |
Clldb_private::CPlusPlusLanguage::MethodName | |
Clldb_private::ObjCLanguage::MethodName | |
Clldb_private::Language::MethodNameVariant | |
Clldb_private::minidump::MinidumpContext_x86_32 | |
Clldb_private::minidump::MinidumpContext_x86_64 | |
CMinidumpFileBuilder | Minidump writer for Linux |
Clldb_private::minidump::MinidumpFloatingSaveAreaX86 | |
Clldb_private::minidump::MinidumpMemoryDescriptor64 | |
Clldb_private::minidump::MinidumpMiscInfo | |
Clldb_private::minidump::MinidumpParser | |
Clldb_private::minidump::MinidumpXMMSaveArea32AMD64 | |
CEmulateInstructionMIPS64::MipsOpcode | |
CEmulateInstructionMIPS::MipsOpcode | |
Clldb_private::process_linux::NativeRegisterContextLinux::MmapData | |
Clldb_private::process_linux::resource_handle::MmapDeleter | Custom deleter for the pointer returned by mmap |
Clldb_private::MMSReg | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_i386::MMSReg | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_x86_64::MMSReg | |
Clldb_private::MMSRegComp | |
CCoreSimulatorSupport::ModelIdentifier | |
Clldb_private::ModuleCache | A module cache class |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::ProcessGDBRemote::ModuleCacheInfo | |
►Clldb_private::ModuleChild | A mix in class that contains a pointer back to the module that owns the object which inherits from it |
Clldb_private::CompileUnit | A class that describes a compilation unit |
►Clldb_private::ObjectContainer | A plug-in interface definition class for object containers |
CObjectContainerBSDArchive | |
CObjectContainerUniversalMachO | |
Clldb_private::ObjectContainerMachOFileset | |
Clldb_private::ObjectFile | A plug-in interface definition class for object file parsers |
Clldb_private::Section | |
►Clldb_private::SymbolVendor | |
CSymbolVendorELF | |
CSymbolVendorMacOSX | |
CSymbolVendorPECOFF | |
Clldb_private::wasm::SymbolVendorWasm | |
►Cclang::ModuleDependencyCollector | |
Clldb_private::ModuleDependencyCollectorAdaptor | |
Clldb_private::ModuleFunctionSearchOptions | Options used by Module::FindFunctions |
Clldb_private::ModuleList | A collection class for Module objects |
►Cllvm::ModulePass | |
Clldb_private::IRDynamicChecks | "lldb/Expression/IRDynamicChecks.h" Adds dynamic checks to a user-entered expression to reduce its likelihood of crashing |
Clldb_private::Address::ModulePointerAndOffsetLessThanFunctionObject | |
Clldb_private::ModuleSpec | |
Clldb_private::ModuleSpecList | |
Clldb_private::ModuleStats | A class that represents statistics for a since lldb_private::Module |
Clldb_private::MPX | |
Clldb_private::MPXCsr | |
Clldb_private::MPXReg | |
CMSA_linux_mips | |
CMSAReg | |
CMSVCUndecoratedNameParser | |
CMSVCUndecoratedNameSpecifier | |
Clldb_private::DataVisualization::NamedSummaryFormats | |
Clldb_private::NameSearchContext | "lldb/Expression/ClangASTSource.h" Container for all objects relevant to a single name lookup |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::NameToDIE | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::DecodedThread::NanosecondsRange | A structure that represents a maximal range of trace items associated to the same non-interpolated timestamps in nanoseconds |
►Clldb_private::NativeProcessProtocol::NativeDelegate | |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteCommunicationServerLLGS | |
►Clldb_private::NativeProcessProtocol | |
►Clldb_private::NativeProcessELF | Abstract class that extends NativeProcessProtocol with ELF specific logic |
Clldb_private::process_freebsd::NativeProcessFreeBSD | Manages communication with the inferior (debugee) process |
Clldb_private::process_linux::NativeProcessLinux | Manages communication with the inferior (debugee) process |
Clldb_private::process_netbsd::NativeProcessNetBSD | Manages communication with the inferior (debugee) process |
Clldb_private::NativeProcessWindows | |
►Clldb_private::NativeProcessSoftwareSingleStep | |
Clldb_private::process_freebsd::NativeProcessFreeBSD | Manages communication with the inferior (debugee) process |
Clldb_private::process_linux::NativeProcessLinux | Manages communication with the inferior (debugee) process |
►Clldb_private::NativeThreadProtocol | |
Clldb_private::NativeThreadWindows | |
Clldb_private::process_freebsd::NativeThreadFreeBSD | |
Clldb_private::process_linux::NativeThreadLinux | |
Clldb_private::process_netbsd::NativeThreadNetBSD | |
Clldb_private::NativeWatchpoint | |
Clldb_private::NativeWatchpointList | |
Clldb_private::ClangASTImporter::NewDeclListener | Listener interface used by the ASTImporterDelegate to inform other code about decls that have been imported the first time |
►Clldb_private::Process::NextEventAction | |
Clldb_private::Process::AttachCompletionHandler | |
►Clldb_private::postfix::Node | The base class for all nodes in the parsed postfix tree |
Clldb_private::postfix::BinaryOpNode | A node representing a binary expression |
Clldb_private::postfix::InitialValueNode | A node representing the canonical frame address |
Clldb_private::postfix::IntegerNode | A node representing an integer literal |
Clldb_private::postfix::RegisterNode | A node representing the value of a register with the given register number |
Clldb_private::postfix::SymbolNode | A node representing a symbolic reference to a named entity |
Clldb_private::postfix::UnaryOpNode | A node representing a unary operation |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntimeV2::NonPointerISACache | |
Clldb_private::Process::Notifications | A notification structure that can be used by clients to listen for changes in a process's lifetime |
►Clldb_private::ModuleList::Notifier | |
Clldb_private::Target | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSArray_Additionals | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSDictionary_Additionals | |
►C<NSObject> | |
C<LLDBCoreSimulatorSupport> | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSSet_Additionals | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSString_Additionals | |
CProcessElfCore::NT_FILE_Entry | |
Clldb_private::ClassDescriptorV2::objc_class_t | |
CObjCRuntimeMethodType | |
CObjectContainerBSDArchive::Object | |
►Clldb_private::ObjectFileJITDelegate | |
Clldb_private::IRExecutionUnit | "lldb/Expression/IRExecutionUnit.h" Contains the IR and, optionally, JIT- compiled code for a module |
CEmulateInstructionARM64::Opcode | |
Clldb_private::EmulateInstructionLoongArch::Opcode | |
Clldb_private::EmulateInstructionPPC64::Opcode | |
Clldb_private::Opcode | |
Clldb_private::Instruction::Operand | |
Clldb_private::Option | |
►Cstd::optional | |
Clldb_private::Timeout< std::micro > | |
Clldb_private::Timeout< std::ratio< 1 > > | |
Clldb_private::Timeout< std::nano > | |
Clldb_private::Timeout< Ratio > | |
Clldb_private::OptionalClangModuleID | A Clang module ID |
Clldb_private::OptionArgElement | |
Clldb_private::OptionArgParser | |
Clldb_private::OptionDefinition | |
Clldb_private::OptionEnumValueElement | |
►Clldb_private::OptionGroup | |
CBreakpointAccessOptionGroup | |
CBreakpointDummyOptionGroup | |
CBreakpointNameOptionGroup | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointCommandAdd::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointSet::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectCommandsAlias::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectMemoryFind::OptionGroupFindMemory | |
CCommandObjectMemoryRegion::OptionGroupMemoryRegion | |
CCommandObjectMemoryTagWrite::OptionGroupTagWrite | |
CCommandObjectMemoryWrite::OptionGroupWriteMemory | |
CCommandObjectRegisterRead::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTargetStopHookAdd::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectThreadSelect::OptionGroupThreadSelect | |
CCommandObjectTypeFormatAdd::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTypeLookup::CommandOptions | |
COptionGroupDependents | |
COptionGroupReadMemory | |
COptionPermissions | |
CThreadStepScopeOptionGroup | |
Clldb_private::BreakpointOptionGroup | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectExpression::CommandOptions | |
Clldb_private::CommandOptionsProcessAttach | |
Clldb_private::CommandOptionsProcessLaunch | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupArchitecture | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupBoolean | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupFile | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupFileList | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupFormat | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupMemoryTag | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupOutputFile | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupPlatform | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupPlatformCaching | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupPlatformRSync | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupPlatformSSH | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupPythonClassWithDict | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupString | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupUInt64 | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupUUID | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupValueObjectDisplay | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupVariable | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupWatchpoint | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupOptions::OptionInfo | |
Clldb_private::OptionParser | |
►Clldb_private::Options | A command line option parsing protocol class |
CCommandObjectBreakpointClear::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointCommandDelete::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointDelete::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointList::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointRead::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectBreakpointWrite::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectCommandsAddRegex::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectCommandsContainerAdd::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectCommandsScriptAdd::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectCommandsScriptImport::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectCommandsSource::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectDiagnosticsDump::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectFrameDiagnose::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectFrameRecognizerAdd::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectFrameSelect::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectLogDump::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectLogEnable::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectObjC_ClassTable_Dump::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectPlatformFRead::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectPlatformFWrite::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectPlatformProcessList::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectPlatformShell::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectProcessConnect::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectProcessContinue::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectProcessDetach::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectProcessHandle::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectProcessLoad::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectProcessSaveCore::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectProcessStatus::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectScriptingExtensionList::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectScriptingObjectParsed::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectScriptingRun::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectSessionHistory::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectSettingsClear::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectSettingsRead::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectSettingsSet::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectSettingsWrite::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectSourceInfo::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectSourceList::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectStatsDump::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpLineTable::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSeparateDebugInfoFiles::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSymtab::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesList::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesLookup::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTargetModulesShowUnwind::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectThreadBacktrace::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectThreadInfo::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectThreadJump::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectThreadPlanList::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectThreadReturn::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectThreadUntil::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTraceDump::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTraceDumpFunctionCalls::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTraceDumpInfo::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTraceDumpInstructions::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTraceLoad::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTraceSave::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTraceSchema::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTypeCategoryDefine::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTypeCategoryDisable::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTypeCategoryEnable::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTypeFilterAdd::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTypeFormatterClear::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTypeFormatterDelete::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTypeFormatterList< FormatterType >::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTypeSummaryAdd::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectTypeSynthAdd::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointCommandAdd::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointDelete::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointIgnore::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointList::CommandOptions | |
CCommandObjectWatchpointModify::CommandOptions | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectDisassemble::CommandOptions | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectHelp::CommandOptions | |
Clldb_private::OptionGroupOptions | |
Clldb_private::ctf::CommandObjectThreadTraceExportCTF::CommandOptions | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::CommandObjectProcessTraceStartIntelPT::CommandOptions | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::CommandObjectThreadTraceStartIntelPT::CommandOptions | |
Csddarwinlog_private::EnableOptions | |
Clldb_private::SerialPort::Options | |
Clldb_private::OptionsWithRaw | A pair of an option list with a 'raw' string as a suffix |
►Clldb_private::OptionValidator | |
Clldb_private::PosixPlatformCommandOptionValidator | |
►Clldb_private::OptionValue | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueArch, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueArch | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueArray, OptionValue > | |
►Clldb_private::OptionValueArray | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueArgs, OptionValueArray > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueArgs | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueBoolean, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueBoolean | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueChar, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueChar | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueDictionary, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueDictionary | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueEnumeration, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueEnumeration | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueFileColonLine, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueFileColonLine | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueFileSpec, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueFileSpec | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueFileSpecList, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueFileSpecList | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueFormat, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueFormat | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueFormatEntity, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueFormatEntity | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueLanguage, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueLanguage | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValuePathMappings, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValuePathMappings | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueProperties, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueProperties | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueRegex, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueRegex | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueSInt64, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueSInt64 | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueString, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueString | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueUInt64, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueUInt64 | |
►Clldb_private::Cloneable< OptionValueUUID, OptionValue > | |
Clldb_private::OptionValueUUID | |
CDynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::OSKextLoadedKextSummaryHeader | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::SymbolFileDWARFDebugMap::OSOEntry | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::SymbolFileDWARFDebugMap::OSOInfo | |
CCoreSimulatorSupport::OSVersion | |
►Clldb_private::TraceDumper::OutputWriter | Interface used to abstract away the format in which the instruction information will be dumped |
COutputWriterCLI | |
COutputWriterJSON | |
CNSIndexPathSyntheticFrontEnd::Impl::OutsourcedIndexes | |
Cpage_object | |
CParsedDWARFTypeAttributes | Parsed form of all attributes that are relevant for type reconstruction |
Clldb_private::CPlusPlusNameParser::ParsedFunction | |
Clldb_private::CPlusPlusNameParser::ParsedName | |
Clldb_private::Type::ParsedName | |
Clldb_private::CPlusPlusNameParser::ParsedNameRanges | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::TraceIntelPTBundleLoader::ParsedProcess | Helper struct holding the objects created when parsing a process |
Clldb_private::ClangExpressionDeclMap::ParserVars | The following values should not live beyond parsing |
Clldb_private::ClangExpressionVariable::ParserVars | The following values should not live beyond parsing |
CPasswdEntry | |
Clldb_private::PathMappingList | |
Clldb_private::npdb::PdbAstBuilder | |
CPDBASTParser | |
Clldb_private::npdb::PdbCompilandId | |
Clldb_private::npdb::PdbCompilandSymId | |
Clldb_private::npdb::PdbFieldListMemberId | |
Clldb_private::npdb::PdbGlobalSymId | |
Clldb_private::npdb::PdbIndex | PdbIndex - Lazy access to the important parts of a PDB file |
Clldb_private::npdb::PdbSymUid | |
Clldb_private::npdb::PdbTypeSymId | |
CSystemRuntimeMacOSX::PendingItemsForQueue | |
Cperf_event_header | |
CPerfContextSwitchRecord | Record found in the perf_event context switch traces |
Clldb_private::process_linux::PerfEvent | Thin wrapper of the perf_event_open API |
Clldb_private::BreakpointName::Permissions | |
Clldb_private::ClangPersistentVariables::PersistentDecl | |
►Clldb_private::Materializer::PersistentVariableDelegate | |
Clldb_private::ClangUserExpression::ResultDelegate | |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::PidTid | |
CPipe | A windows-based implementation of Pipe, a class that abtracts unix style pipes |
►Clldb_private::PipeBase | |
Clldb_private::PipePosix | A posix-based implementation of Pipe, a class that abtracts unix style pipes |
Clldb_private::PipeWindows | |
CPlatformAppleTVSimulator | Apple TV Simulator Plugin |
CPlatformAppleWatchSimulator | Apple Watch Simulator Plugin |
CPlatformConnectOptions | |
Clldb_private::PlatformDarwinKernel | |
CPlatformiOSSimulator | IPhone Simulator Plugin |
Clldb_private::PlatformList | |
CPlatformShellCommand | |
CPlatformXRSimulator | XRSimulator Plugin |
CPluginInfo | |
CPluginInstance< Callback > | |
►CPluginInstance< InstrumentationRuntimeCreateInstance > | |
CInstrumentationRuntimeInstance | |
►CPluginInstance< LanguageRuntimeCreateInstance > | |
CLanguageRuntimeInstance | |
►CPluginInstance< ObjectContainerCreateInstance > | |
CObjectContainerInstance | |
►CPluginInstance< ObjectFileCreateInstance > | |
CObjectFileInstance | |
►CPluginInstance< RegisterTypeBuilderCreateInstance > | |
CRegisterTypeBuilderInstance | |
►CPluginInstance< REPLCreateInstance > | |
CREPLInstance | |
►CPluginInstance< ScriptedInterfaceCreateInstance > | |
CScriptedInterfaceInstance | |
►CPluginInstance< ScriptInterpreterCreateInstance > | |
CScriptInterpreterInstance | |
►CPluginInstance< StructuredDataPluginCreateInstance > | |
CStructuredDataPluginInstance | |
►CPluginInstance< SymbolLocatorCreateInstance > | |
CSymbolLocatorInstance | |
►CPluginInstance< TraceCreateInstanceFromBundle > | |
CTraceInstance | |
►CPluginInstance< TraceExporterCreateInstance > | |
CTraceExporterInstance | |
►CPluginInstance< TypeSystemCreateInstance > | |
CTypeSystemInstance | |
CPluginInstances< Instance > | |
►Clldb_private::PluginInterface | |
CObjectFileMinidump | |
►Clldb_private::ABI | |
►Clldb_private::MCBasedABI | |
►CABIAArch64 | |
CABIMacOSX_arm64 | |
CABISysV_arm64 | |
►CABIX86 | |
►CABIX86_64 | |
CABISysV_x86_64 | |
CABIWindows_x86_64 | |
►CABIX86_i386 | |
CABIMacOSX_i386 | |
CABISysV_i386 | |
►Clldb_private::RegInfoBasedABI | |
CABIMacOSX_arm | |
CABISysV_arc | |
CABISysV_arm | |
CABISysV_hexagon | |
CABISysV_loongarch | |
CABISysV_mips | |
CABISysV_mips64 | |
CABISysV_msp430 | |
CABISysV_ppc | |
CABISysV_ppc64 | |
CABISysV_riscv | |
CABISysV_s390x | |
►Clldb_private::Architecture | |
Clldb_private::ArchitectureAArch64 | |
Clldb_private::ArchitectureArm | |
Clldb_private::ArchitectureMips | |
Clldb_private::ArchitecturePPC64 | |
Clldb_private::Disassembler | |
►Clldb_private::DynamicLoader | A plug-in interface definition class for dynamic loaders |
CDynamicLoaderDarwinKernel | |
CDynamicLoaderFreeBSDKernel | |
CDynamicLoaderHexagonDYLD | |
CDynamicLoaderPOSIXDYLD | |
CDynamicLoaderStatic | |
►Clldb_private::DynamicLoaderDarwin | |
CDynamicLoaderMacOS | |
CDynamicLoaderMacOSXDYLD | |
Clldb_private::DynamicLoaderWindowsDYLD | |
Clldb_private::wasm::DynamicLoaderWasmDYLD | |
►Clldb_private::EmulateInstruction | "lldb/Core/EmulateInstruction.h" A class that allows emulation of CPU opcodes |
CEmulateInstructionARM64 | |
CEmulateInstructionMIPS | |
CEmulateInstructionMIPS64 | |
Clldb_private::EmulateInstructionARM | |
Clldb_private::EmulateInstructionLoongArch | |
Clldb_private::EmulateInstructionPPC64 | |
Clldb_private::EmulateInstructionRISCV | |
Clldb_private::InstrumentationRuntime | |
►Clldb_private::JITLoader | A plug-in interface definition class for JIT loaders |
CJITLoaderGDB | |
►Clldb_private::Language | |
Clldb_private::CPlusPlusLanguage | |
Clldb_private::ObjCLanguage | |
Clldb_private::ObjCPlusPlusLanguage | |
►Clldb_private::LanguageRuntime | |
►Clldb_private::CPPLanguageRuntime | |
Clldb_private::ItaniumABILanguageRuntime | |
►Clldb_private::ObjCLanguageRuntime | |
►Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntime | |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntimeV1 | |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntimeV2 | |
Clldb_private::GNUstepObjCRuntime | |
Clldb_private::MemoryHistory | |
Clldb_private::ObjectContainer | A plug-in interface definition class for object containers |
Clldb_private::ObjectFile | A plug-in interface definition class for object file parsers |
Clldb_private::OperatingSystem | A plug-in interface definition class for halted OS helpers |
►Clldb_private::Platform | A plug-in interface definition class for debug platform that includes many platform abilities such as: |
Clldb_private::PlatformQemuUser | |
►Clldb_private::RemoteAwarePlatform | A base class for platforms which automatically want to be able to forward operations to a remote platform instance (such as PlatformRemoteGDBServer) |
►CPlatformPOSIX | |
►Clldb_private::PlatformDarwin | |
Clldb_private::PlatformAppleSimulator | |
►Clldb_private::PlatformDarwinDevice | Abstract Darwin platform with a potential device support directory |
Clldb_private::PlatformMacOSX | |
►Clldb_private::PlatformRemoteDarwinDevice | |
Clldb_private::PlatformRemoteAppleBridge | |
Clldb_private::PlatformRemoteAppleTV | |
Clldb_private::PlatformRemoteAppleWatch | |
Clldb_private::PlatformRemoteAppleXR | |
Clldb_private::PlatformRemoteMacOSX | |
Clldb_private::PlatformRemoteiOS | |
Clldb_private::platform_freebsd::PlatformFreeBSD | |
►Clldb_private::platform_linux::PlatformLinux | |
Clldb_private::platform_android::PlatformAndroid | |
Clldb_private::platform_netbsd::PlatformNetBSD | |
Clldb_private::platform_openbsd::PlatformOpenBSD | |
Clldb_private::PlatformWindows | |
►Clldb_private::platform_gdb_server::PlatformRemoteGDBServer | |
Clldb_private::platform_android::PlatformAndroidRemoteGDBServer | |
Clldb_private::Process | A plug-in interface definition class for debugging a process |
►Clldb_private::RegisterTypeBuilder | |
Clldb_private::RegisterTypeBuilderClang | |
►Clldb_private::ScriptInterpreter | |
Clldb_private::ScriptInterpreterLua | |
Clldb_private::ScriptInterpreterNone | |
Clldb_private::StructuredDataPlugin | Plugin that supports process-related structured data sent asynchronously from the debug monitor (e.g |
►Clldb_private::SymbolFile | Provides public interface for all SymbolFiles |
►Clldb_private::SymbolFileCommon | Containing protected virtual methods for child classes to override |
CSymbolFilePDB | |
CSymbolFileSymtab | |
Clldb_private::SymbolFileCTF | |
Clldb_private::SymbolFileJSON | |
Clldb_private::breakpad::SymbolFileBreakpad | |
Clldb_private::npdb::SymbolFileNativePDB | |
►Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::SymbolFileDWARF | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::SymbolFileDWARFDwo | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::SymbolFileDWARFDebugMap | |
Clldb_private::SymbolFileOnDemand | SymbolFileOnDemand wraps an actual SymbolFile by providing on demand symbol parsing/indexing to improve performance |
►Clldb_private::SymbolLocator | |
Clldb_private::SymbolLocatorDebugSymbols | |
Clldb_private::SymbolLocatorDebuginfod | |
Clldb_private::SymbolLocatorDefault | |
Clldb_private::SymbolVendor | |
►Clldb_private::SystemRuntime | A plug-in interface definition class for system runtimes |
CSystemRuntimeMacOSX | |
Clldb_private::Trace | A plug-in interface definition class for trace information |
►Clldb_private::TraceExporter | A plug-in interface definition class for trace exporters |
Clldb_private::ctf::TraceExporterCTF | Trace Exporter Plugin that can produce traces in Chrome Trace Format |
Clldb_private::TypeSystem | Interface for representing a type system |
Clldb_private::UnwindAssembly | |
Clldb_private::PluginManager | |
Clldb_private::DumpValueObjectOptions::PointerAsArraySettings | |
Clldb_private::DumpValueObjectOptions::PointerDepth | |
CPool | |
CPool::PoolEntry | |
►CPPCallbacks | |
Clldb_private::ClangExpressionParser::LLDBPreprocessorCallbacks | |
Clldb_private::Predicate< T > | A C++ wrapper class for providing threaded access to a value of type T |
Clldb_private::Predicate< bool > | |
Clldb_private::Predicate< ExceptionResult > | |
Clldb_private::Predicate< uint32_t > | |
Clldb_private::Process::PreResumeCallbackAndBaton | |
CCoreSimulatorSupport::Process | |
►Clldb_private::ProcessDebugger | |
Clldb_private::NativeProcessWindows | |
Clldb_private::ProcessWindows | |
Clldb_private::Process::ProcessEventHijacker | |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::ProcessGDBRemoteLog | |
►Clldb_private::ProcessInfo | |
►Clldb_private::ProcessInstanceInfo | |
Clldb_private::ProcessAttachInfo | |
►Clldb_private::ProcessLaunchInfo | |
Clldb_private::SBLaunchInfoImpl | |
Clldb_private::ProcessInfoList | |
Clldb_private::ProcessInstanceInfoMatch | |
Clldb_private::ProcessKDPLog | |
►Clldb_private::ProcessLauncher | |
Clldb_private::MonitoringProcessLauncher | |
Clldb_private::ProcessLauncherPosixFork | |
Clldb_private::ProcessLauncherWindows | |
Clldb_private::ProcessModID | |
Clldb_private::ProcessPOSIXLog | |
Clldb_private::ProcessRunLock | A class used to prevent the process from starting while other threads are accessing its data, and prevent access to its data while it is running |
Clldb_private::ProcessRunLock::ProcessRunLocker | |
Clldb_private::ProcessStructReader | |
Clldb_private::ProcessWindowsData | |
Clldb_private::ProcessWindowsLog | |
CEmulateInstructionARM64::ProcState | |
Clldb_private::Progress | A Progress indicator helper class |
Clldb_private::Progress::ProgressData | Data belonging to this Progress event that is used for bookkeeping by ProgressManager |
Clldb_private::ProgressManager | A class used to group progress reports by category |
►Clldb_private::Properties | |
CDynamicLoaderDarwinKernelProperties | |
CPlatformDarwinProperties | |
Clldb_private::CommandInterpreter | |
Clldb_private::Debugger | A class to manage flag bits |
Clldb_private::DynamicLoaderDarwinProperties | |
Clldb_private::DynamicLoaderDarwinProperties::ExperimentalProperties | |
Clldb_private::LanguageProperties | |
Clldb_private::ModuleListProperties | |
Clldb_private::PlatformProperties | |
Clldb_private::ProcessExperimentalProperties | |
►Clldb_private::ProcessProperties | |
Clldb_private::Process | A plug-in interface definition class for debugging a process |
Clldb_private::TargetExperimentalProperties | |
►Clldb_private::TargetProperties | |
Clldb_private::Target | |
►Clldb_private::ThreadProperties | |
Clldb_private::Thread | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::TraceIntelPT::PluginProperties | Properties to be used with the settings command |
Csddarwinlog_private::StructuredDataDarwinLogProperties | |
Clldb_private::Property | |
Clldb_private::PropertyDefinition | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::PSBBlock | This struct represents a contiguous section of a trace that starts at a PSB and ends right before the next PSB or the end of the trace |
CPSBBlockAnomalyDetector | Class used to identify anomalies in traces, which should often indicate a fatal error in the trace |
CPSBBlockDecoder | Class that decodes a raw buffer for a single PSB block using the low level libipt library |
Clldb_private::PseudoTerminal | A pseudo terminal helper class |
CPtrauthInstructionInfo | Information about a pointer-authentication related instruction |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::QOffsets | The offsets used by the target when relocating the executable |
CRegisterContextDarwin_arm::QReg | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_arm::QReg | |
Clldb_private::minidump::RegisterContextMinidump_ARM::QRegValue | |
Clldb_private::QueueImpl | |
Clldb_private::QueueList | |
Clldb_private::CPlusPlusNameParser::Range | |
Clldb_private::minidump::Range | |
►Clldb_private::Range< B, S > | |
►Clldb_private::RangeData< B, S, T > | |
Clldb_private::AugmentedRangeData< B, S, T > | |
Clldb_private::Range< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t > | |
Clldb_private::Range< lldb::addr_t, uint32_t > | |
Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< B, S, T, N, Compare > | |
Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< dw_addr_t, uint32_t, dw_offset_t > | |
Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, Bookmark > | |
►Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, CoreFileMemoryRange > | |
Clldb_private::CoreFileMemoryRanges | |
Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, DWARFExpression, 0, DWARFExpressionCompare > | |
Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, FileRange > | |
Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t > | |
Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, OSOEntry > | |
Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, uint32_t > | |
Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, uint32_t, 0, FileRangeToIndexMapCompare > | |
Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, uint32_t, dw_offset_t > | |
Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, uint32_t, std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > > | |
Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< uint32_t, uint32_t, int32_t > | |
Clldb_private::RangeVector< B, S, N > | |
Clldb_private::RangeVector< int32_t, uint32_t, 1 > | |
Clldb_private::RangeVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t > | |
Clldb_private::RangeVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, 4 > | |
Clldb_private::RangeVector< lldb::addr_t, size_t > | |
Clldb_private::RangeVector< lldb::addr_t, uint32_t > | |
Clldb_private::RangeVector< uint32_t, uint32_t > | |
►Cllvm::raw_ostream | |
Clldb_private::Stream::RawOstreamForward | This is a wrapper class that exposes a raw_ostream interface that just forwards to an LLDB stream, allowing to reuse LLVM algorithms that take a raw_ostream within the LLDB code base |
Clldb_private::Rd | |
Clldb_private::MainLoopBase::ReadHandle | |
Clldb_private::RealpathPrefixes | |
►Clldb_private::breakpad::Record | |
Clldb_private::breakpad::FileRecord | |
Clldb_private::breakpad::FuncRecord | |
Clldb_private::breakpad::InfoRecord | |
Clldb_private::breakpad::InlineOriginRecord | |
Clldb_private::breakpad::InlineRecord | |
Clldb_private::breakpad::LineRecord | |
Clldb_private::breakpad::ModuleRecord | |
Clldb_private::breakpad::PublicRecord | |
Clldb_private::breakpad::StackCFIRecord | |
Clldb_private::breakpad::StackWinRecord | |
Clldb_private::npdb::UdtRecordCompleter::Record | |
CRecurseCopyBaton | |
CRegData | |
Clldb_private::RegInfo | |
CRegisterContextPOSIX_s390x::RegInfo | |
Clldb_private::WatchpointAlgorithms::Region | |
Clldb_private::DynamicRegisterInfo::Register | |
Clldb_private::StackFrameRecognizerManager::RegisteredEntry | |
Clldb_private::Arm64RegisterFlagsDetector::RegisterEntry | |
Clldb_private::RegisterFlags | |
Clldb_private::RegisterInfo | Every register is described in detail including its name, alternate name (optional), encoding, size in bytes and the default display format |
►Clldb_private::RegisterInfoInterface | RegisterInfo interface to patch RegisterInfo structure for archs |
CRegisterContextFreeBSD_i386 | |
CRegisterContextFreeBSD_mips64 | |
►CRegisterContextFreeBSD_powerpc | |
CRegisterContextFreeBSD_powerpc32 | |
CRegisterContextFreeBSD_powerpc64 | |
CRegisterContextFreeBSD_x86_64 | |
CRegisterContextLinux_s390x | |
CRegisterContextNetBSD_i386 | |
CRegisterContextNetBSD_x86_64 | |
CRegisterContextOpenBSD_i386 | |
CRegisterContextOpenBSD_x86_64 | |
CRegisterContextWindows_i386 | |
CRegisterContextWindows_x86_64 | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_ppc64le | |
►Clldb_private::RegisterContextLinux_x86 | |
CRegisterContextLinux_i386 | |
CRegisterContextLinux_x86_64 | |
►Clldb_private::RegisterInfoAndSetInterface | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_arm | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_arm64 | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_loongarch64 | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64 | |
Clldb_private::SymbolFile::RegisterInfoResolver | |
Clldb_private::RegisterInfos_x86_64_with_base_shared | |
CRegisterNumber | A class to represent register numbers, and able to convert between different register numbering schemes that may be used in a single debug session |
Clldb_private::EmulateInstruction::Context::ContextInfo::RegisterPlusIndirectOffset | |
Clldb_private::EmulateInstruction::Context::ContextInfo::RegisterPlusOffset | |
Clldb_private::EmulateInstruction::Context::ContextInfo::RegisterRegisterOperands | |
Clldb_private::RegisterSet | Registers are grouped into register sets |
Clldb_private::EmulateInstruction::Context::ContextInfo::RegisterToRegisterPlusIndirectOffset | |
Clldb_private::EmulateInstruction::Context::ContextInfo::RegisterToRegisterPlusOffset | |
Clldb_private::RegisterValue | |
Clldb_private::RegisterValue::RegisterValueBuffer | |
Clldb_private::RegsetDesc | |
Clldb_private::RegularExpression | |
Clldb_private::ClassDescriptorV2::relative_list_entry_t | |
Clldb_private::ClassDescriptorV2::relative_list_list_t | |
CRemoteNXMapTable | |
CDYLDRendezvous::Rendezvous | |
CHexagonDYLDRendezvous::Rendezvous | |
Clldb_private::ReportRetriever | |
►Clldb_private::Language::TypeScavenger::Result | |
Clldb_private::Language::ImageListTypeScavenger::Result | |
Clldb_private::ResumeAction | |
Clldb_private::ResumeActionList | |
Clldb_private::RichManglingContext | Uniform wrapper for access to rich mangling information from different providers |
Clldb_private::UnwindPlan::Row | |
Clldb_private::Rs | |
►Cllvm::RTTIExtends | |
Clldb_private::ClangExpressionHelper | |
Clldb_private::ClangExpressionVariable | "lldb/Expression/ClangExpressionVariable.h" Encapsulates one variable for the expression parser |
Clldb_private::ClangFunctionCaller::ClangFunctionCallerHelper | |
Clldb_private::ClangPersistentVariables | "lldb/Expression/ClangPersistentVariables.h" Manages persistent values that need to be preserved between expression invocations |
Clldb_private::ClangREPL | Implements a Clang-based REPL for C languages on top of LLDB's REPL framework |
Clldb_private::ClangUserExpression::ClangUserExpressionHelper | |
Clldb_private::ClangUtilityFunction::ClangUtilityFunctionHelper | |
Clldb_private::ExpressionTypeSystemHelper | "lldb/Expression/ExpressionTypeSystemHelper.h" A helper object that the Expression can pass to its ExpressionParser to provide generic information that any type of expression will need to supply |
Clldb_private::ExpressionVariable | |
Clldb_private::PersistentExpressionState | |
Clldb_private::REPL | |
Clldb_private::MainLoopPosix::RunImpl | |
►Clldb_private::Runtime | |
Clldb_private::LanguageRuntime | |
Clldb_private::SystemRuntime | A plug-in interface definition class for system runtimes |
Clldb_private::CFBasicHash::__CFBasicHash< T >::RuntimeBase | |
Clldb_private::RxC | Unified RISC-V C register encoding |
Clldb_private::SaveCoreOptions | |
Clldb::SBAddress | |
Clldb::SBAddressRange | |
Clldb::SBAddressRangeList | |
Clldb::SBAttachInfo | |
Clldb::SBBlock | |
Clldb::SBBreakpoint | |
Clldb::SBBreakpointList | |
CSBBreakpointListImpl | |
Clldb::SBBreakpointLocation | |
Clldb::SBBreakpointName | |
Clldb::SBBreakpointNameImpl | |
Clldb::SBBroadcaster | |
Clldb::SBCommand | |
Clldb::SBCommandInterpreter | |
Clldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions | |
Clldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunResult | |
Clldb::SBCommandPluginInterface | |
Clldb::SBCommandReturnObject | |
Clldb_private::SBCommandReturnObjectImpl | |
Clldb::SBCommunication | |
Clldb::SBCompileUnit | |
Clldb::SBData | |
Clldb::SBDebugger | |
Clldb::SBDeclaration | |
Clldb::SBEnvironment | |
Clldb::SBError | |
Clldb::SBEvent | |
Clldb::SBExecutionContext | |
Clldb::SBExpressionOptions | |
Clldb::SBFile | |
Clldb::SBFileSpec | |
CSBFileSpec | Set the output file path |
Clldb::SBFileSpecList | |
Clldb::SBFormat | Class that represents a format string that can be used to generate descriptions of objects like frames and threads |
Clldb::SBFrame | |
Clldb::SBFunction | |
Clldb::SBHostOS | |
Clldb::SBInputReader | |
Clldb::SBInstruction | |
Clldb::SBInstructionList | |
Clldb::SBLanguageRuntime | |
Clldb::SBLaunchInfo | |
Clldb::SBLineEntry | |
Clldb::SBListener | |
Clldb::SBMemoryRegionInfo | |
Clldb::SBMemoryRegionInfoList | |
Clldb::SBModule | |
Clldb::SBModuleSpec | |
Clldb::SBModuleSpecList | |
Clldb::SBPlatform | |
Clldb::SBPlatformConnectOptions | |
Clldb::SBPlatformShellCommand | |
Clldb::SBProcess | |
Clldb::SBProcessInfo | |
Clldb::SBProcessInfoList | |
Clldb::SBQueue | |
Clldb::SBQueueItem | |
Clldb::SBReplayOptions | |
Clldb::SBReproducer | Special because it bootstraps the capture and replay of SB API calls |
Clldb::SBSaveCoreOptions | |
Clldb::SBScriptObject | |
Clldb::SBSection | |
Clldb::SBSourceManager | |
Clldb::SBStatisticsOptions | This class handles the verbosity when dumping statistics |
Clldb::SBStream | |
Clldb::SBStringList | |
Clldb::SBStructuredData | |
Clldb::SBSymbol | |
Clldb::SBSymbolContext | |
Clldb::SBSymbolContextList | |
Clldb::SBTarget | |
Clldb::SBThread | |
Clldb::SBThreadCollection | |
Clldb::SBThreadPlan | |
Clldb::SBTrace | |
Clldb::SBTraceCursor | |
Clldb::SBType | |
Clldb::SBTypeCategory | |
Clldb::SBTypeEnumMember | |
Clldb::SBTypeEnumMemberList | |
Clldb::SBTypeFilter | |
Clldb::SBTypeFormat | |
Clldb::SBTypeList | |
Clldb::SBTypeMember | |
Clldb::SBTypeMemberFunction | |
Clldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier | |
Clldb::SBTypeStaticField | |
Clldb::SBTypeSummary | |
Clldb::SBTypeSummaryOptions | |
Clldb::SBTypeSynthetic | |
Clldb::SBUnixSignals | |
Clldb::SBValue | |
Clldb::SBValueList | |
Clldb::SBVariablesOptions | |
Clldb::SBWatchpoint | |
Clldb::SBWatchpointOptions | |
Clldb_private::Scalar | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFUnit::ScopedExtractDIEs | |
CScopedPThreadCancelDisabler | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::ScopedTaskTimer | Class used to track the duration of long running tasks related to a single scope for reporting |
Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteCommunication::ScopedTimeout | |
CScriptAddOptions | |
►Clldb_private::ScriptedInterface | |
Clldb_private::ScriptedPlatformInterface | |
Clldb_private::ScriptedProcessInterface | |
Clldb_private::ScriptedStopHookInterface | |
►Clldb_private::ScriptedThreadInterface | |
Clldb_private::OperatingSystemInterface | |
Clldb_private::ScriptedThreadPlanInterface | |
Clldb_private::ScriptedInterfaceUsages | |
Clldb_private::ScriptedMetadata | |
Clldb_private::ScriptInterpreterIORedirect | |
Clldb_private::ScriptInterpreterLocker | |
Clldb_private::ScriptObject | |
Clldb_private::PlatformDarwinDevice::SDKDirectoryInfo | |
Clldb_private::PlatformDarwin::SDKEnumeratorInfo | |
Clldb_private::HostInfoBase::SDKOptions | |
►Clldb_private::Searcher | General Outline: Provides the callback and search depth for the SearchFilter search |
►Clldb_private::AddressResolver | General Outline: The AddressResolver is a Searcher |
Clldb_private::AddressResolverFileLine | "lldb/Core/AddressResolverFileLine.h" This class finds address for source file and line |
►Clldb_private::BreakpointResolver | General Outline: The BreakpointResolver is a Searcher |
CExceptionBreakpointResolver | |
Clldb_private::BreakpointResolverAddress | "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverAddress.h" This class sets breakpoints on a given Address |
Clldb_private::BreakpointResolverFileLine | "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverFileLine.h" This class sets breakpoints by file and line |
Clldb_private::BreakpointResolverFileRegex | "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverFileRegex.h" This class sets breakpoints by file and line |
Clldb_private::BreakpointResolverName | "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverName.h" This class sets breakpoints on a given function name, either by exact match or by regular expression |
Clldb_private::BreakpointResolverScripted | "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverScripted.h" This class sets breakpoints on a given Address |
Clldb_private::FileLineResolver | This class finds address for source file and line |
►Clldb_private::SearchFilter | General Outline: Provides the callback and search depth for the SearchFilter search |
Clldb_private::ExceptionSearchFilter | |
Clldb_private::SearchFilterByModule | This is a SearchFilter that restricts the search to a given module |
►Clldb_private::SearchFilterByModuleList | |
Clldb_private::SearchFilterByModuleListAndCU | |
Clldb_private::SearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches | "lldb/Core/SearchFilter.h" This is a SearchFilter that searches through all modules |
CSymbolFilePDB::SecContribInfo | |
CObjectFilePECOFF::section_header | |
Clldb_private::wasm::ObjectFileWasm::section_info | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFContext::SectionData | |
CMachSymtabSectionInfo::SectionInfo | |
Clldb_private::SectionList | |
Clldb_private::SectionLoadHistory | |
Clldb_private::SectionLoadList | |
►Cllvm::SectionMemoryManager | |
Clldb_private::IRExecutionUnit::MemoryManager | |
Clldb_private::DynamicLoaderDarwin::Segment | |
Csegment_vmaddr | |
Clldb_private::npdb::SegmentOffset | |
Clldb_private::npdb::SegmentOffsetLength | |
CObjectFileMachO::SegmentParsingContext | |
CSelectHelper | |
►Cclang::SemaConsumer | |
Clldb_private::ASTConsumerForwarder | Wraps an ASTConsumer into an SemaConsumer |
Clldb_private::ASTResultSynthesizer | "lldb/Expression/ASTResultSynthesizer.h" Adds a result variable declaration to the ASTs for an expression |
Clldb_private::ASTStructExtractor | "lldb/Expression/ASTStructExtractor.h" Extracts and describes the argument structure for a wrapped function |
Clldb_private::formatters::GenericNSSetMSyntheticFrontEnd< D32, D64 >::SetItemDescriptor | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSCFSetSyntheticFrontEnd::SetItemDescriptor | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSSetISyntheticFrontEnd::SetItemDescriptor | |
Clldb_private::CppModuleConfiguration::SetOncePath | Utility class for a path that can only be set once |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntimeV2::SharedCacheImageHeaders | |
Clldb_private::SharedCacheImageInfo | |
Clldb_private::SharedSocket | |
CShellInfo | |
Clldb_private::UnixSignals::Signal | |
Clldb_private::UnixSignals::SignalCode | |
Clldb_private::MainLoopPosix::SignalHandle | |
Clldb_private::MainLoopPosix::SignalInfo | |
CSimServiceContext | |
Clldb_private::process_linux::SingleStepWorkaround | |
Cllvm::SmallVectorImpl< T > | |
Cllvm::SmallVectorImpl< clang::NamedDecl * > | |
Clldb_private::SocketAddress::sockaddr_tag | |
Clldb_private::SocketAddress | |
CSocketScheme | |
CDYLDRendezvous::SOEntry | Structure representing the shared objects currently loaded into the inferior process |
CHexagonDYLDRendezvous::SOEntry | Structure representing the shared objects currently loaded into the inferior process |
Clldb_private::NativeProcessProtocol::SoftwareBreakpoint | |
Clldb_private::SourceManager::SourceFileCache | Separates the source manager from the cache of source files |
CCommandObjectSourceList::SourceInfo | |
Clldb_private::SourceLanguage | A type-erased pair of llvm::dwarf::SourceLanguageName and version |
Clldb_private::Disassembler::SourceLine | |
Clldb_private::Disassembler::SourceLinesToDisplay | |
Clldb_private::DiagnosticDetail::SourceLocation | A source location consisting of a file name and position |
Clldb_private::SourceLocationSpec | "lldb/Core/SourceLocationSpec.h" A source location specifier class |
Clldb_private::SourceManager | |
Clldb_private::SourceManagerImpl | |
Clldb_private::SourceModule | Information needed to import a source-language module |
Clldb_private::StackFrameList | |
Clldb_private::StackFrameRecognizerManager | Class that provides a registry of known stack frame recognizers |
Clldb_private::StackID | |
Clldb_private::StatisticsOptions | |
Clldb_private::StatsDuration | |
Clldb_private::StatsSuccessFail | A class to count success/fail statistics |
Clldb_private::Status | An error handling class |
►Clldb_private::Stoppoint | |
Clldb_private::Breakpoint | General Outline: A breakpoint has four main parts, a filter, a resolver, the list of breakpoint locations that have been determined for the filter/resolver pair, and finally a set of options for the breakpoint |
Clldb_private::StoppointCallbackContext | General Outline: When we hit a breakpoint we need to package up whatever information is needed to evaluate breakpoint commands and conditions |
Clldb_private::StoppointHitCounter | |
►Clldb_private::StoppointSite | |
Clldb_private::BreakpointSite | Class that manages the actual breakpoint that will be inserted into the running program |
Clldb_private::Watchpoint | |
Clldb_private::StopPointSiteList< StopPointSite > | |
Clldb_private::StopPointSiteList< lldb_private::BreakpointSite > | |
Clldb_private::StopPointSiteList< lldb_private::WatchpointResource > | |
Clldb_private::Trace::Storage | We package all the data that can change upon process stops to make sure this contract is very visible |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::TraceIntelPT::Storage | We package all the data that can change upon process stops to make sure this contract is very visible |
►Clldb_private::Stream | A stream class that can stream formatted output to a file |
Clldb_private::StreamAsynchronousIO | |
Clldb_private::StreamBuffer< N > | |
Clldb_private::StreamFile | |
►Clldb_private::StreamString | |
Clldb_private::StreamGDBRemote | |
Clldb_private::StreamTee | |
►CStringExtractor | |
CStringExtractorGDBRemote | |
Clldb_private::StringLexer | |
Clldb_private::StringList | |
►Cllvm::StringMap | |
Clldb_private::Environment | |
Clldb_private::formatters::StringPrinter | |
Clldb_private::StringTableReader | Many cache files require string tables to store data efficiently |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCTypeEncodingParser::StructElement | |
Clldb_private::StructuredData | A class which can hold structured data |
Clldb_private::StructuredDataImpl | |
Clldb_private::ClangExpressionDeclMap::StructVars | The following values contain layout information for the materialized struct, but are not specific to a single materialization |
Clldb_private::SummaryStatistics::SummaryInvocation | Basic RAII class to increment the summary count when the call is complete |
Clldb_private::SummaryStatistics | A class that represents statistics about a TypeSummaryProviders invocations |
Clldb_private::SummaryStatisticsCache | A class that wraps a std::map of SummaryStatistics objects behind a mutex |
Clldb_private::SupportFile | Wraps a FileSpec and an optional Checksum |
Clldb_private::SourceManager::SupportFileAndLine | |
Clldb_private::SupportFileList | A list of support files for a CompileUnit |
Clldb_private::SVR4LibraryInfo | |
Clldb_private::lua::SWIGBridge | |
Clldb_private::npdb::SymbolAndUid | |
Clldb_private::SymbolContext | Defines a symbol context baton that can be handed other debug core functions |
Clldb_private::SymbolContextList | Defines a list of symbol context objects |
►Clldb_private::SymbolContextScope | "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContextScope.h" Inherit from this if your object is part of a symbol context and can reconstruct its symbol context |
Clldb_private::Block | A class that describes a single lexical block |
Clldb_private::CompileUnit | A class that describes a compilation unit |
Clldb_private::Function | A class that describes a function |
Clldb_private::Module | A class that describes an executable image and its associated object and symbol files |
Clldb_private::Symbol | |
Clldb_private::SymbolContextSpecifier | |
Clldb_private::TraceDumper::SymbolInfo | Helper struct that holds symbol, disassembly and address information of an instruction |
Clldb_private::SymbolLocation | Stores a function module spec, symbol name and possibly an alternate symbol name |
Clldb_private::Symbols | |
CSymbolSearchInfo | |
CSymbolSortInfo | |
Clldb_private::Symtab | |
CObjectFileMachO::SymtabCommandLargeOffsets | |
Clldb_private::platform_android::AdbClient::SyncService | |
CSynthAddOptions | |
►Clldb_private::SyntheticChildren | |
Clldb_private::CXXSyntheticChildren | |
Clldb_private::ScriptedSyntheticChildren | |
Clldb_private::TypeFilterImpl | |
►Clldb_private::SyntheticChildrenFrontEnd | |
CDummySyntheticFrontEnd | |
CNSErrorSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CNSExceptionSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CNSIndexPathSyntheticFrontEnd | |
CObjCClassSyntheticChildrenFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::ScriptedSyntheticChildren::FrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::SyntheticValueProviderFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::TypeFilterImpl::FrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::BlockPointerSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::Foundation1100::NSDictionaryMSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::GenericNSArrayISyntheticFrontEnd< D32, D64, Inline > | |
Clldb_private::formatters::GenericNSDictionaryMSyntheticFrontEnd< D32, D64 > | |
Clldb_private::formatters::GenericNSSetMSyntheticFrontEnd< D32, D64 > | |
Clldb_private::formatters::LibCxxMapIteratorSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::LibCxxUnorderedMapIteratorSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::LibcxxInitializerListSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::LibcxxSharedPtrSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::LibcxxStdAtomicSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::LibcxxStdMapSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::LibcxxStdProxyArraySyntheticFrontEnd | Data formatter for libc++'s std::"proxy_array" |
Clldb_private::formatters::LibcxxStdRangesRefViewSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::LibcxxStdSliceArraySyntheticFrontEnd | Data formatter for libc++'s std::slice_array |
Clldb_private::formatters::LibcxxStdSpanSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::LibcxxStdUnorderedMapSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::LibcxxStdValarraySyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::LibcxxStdVectorSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::LibcxxUniquePtrSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::LibcxxVectorBoolSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSArray0SyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSArray1SyntheticFrontEnd | |
►Clldb_private::formatters::NSArrayMSyntheticFrontEndBase | |
Clldb_private::formatters::GenericNSArrayMSyntheticFrontEnd< D32, D64 > | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSCFDictionarySyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSCFSetSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSConstantDictionarySyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSDictionary1SyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSDictionaryISyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSSetCodeRunningSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::NSSetISyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::StdlibCoroutineHandleSyntheticFrontEnd | Synthetic children frontend for std::coroutine_handle<promise_type> from libc++, libstdc++ and MSVC STL |
Clldb_private::formatters::VectorIteratorSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::formatters::VectorTypeSyntheticFrontEnd | |
Clldb_private::process_linux::NativeRegisterContextLinux::SyscallData | |
►CSystemExit | |
Cembedded_interpreter.LLDBExit | |
►Clldb_private::SystemInitializer | |
►Clldb_private::SystemInitializerCommon | Initializes common lldb functionality |
Clldb_private::SystemInitializerFull | Initializes lldb |
Clldb_private::SystemLifetimeManager | |
Clldb_private::TableValidator< I > | |
Clldb_private::TableValidator< eArgTypeLastArg > | |
►Clldb_private::TaggedASTDecl< D > | |
Clldb_private::DeclFromParser< D > | |
Clldb_private::DeclFromUser< D > | |
CTaggedDoubleBits | |
►Clldb_private::ObjCLanguageRuntime::TaggedPointerVendor | |
►Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntimeV2::TaggedPointerVendorV2 | |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntimeV2::TaggedPointerVendorLegacy | |
►Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntimeV2::TaggedPointerVendorRuntimeAssisted | |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntimeV2::TaggedPointerVendorExtended | |
Clldb_private::ClangExpressionDeclMap::TargetInfo | |
Clldb_private::TargetStats | A class that represents statistics for a since lldb_private::Target |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::TaskTimer | Class used to track the duration of long running tasks for reporting |
Clldb_private::minidump::TEB64 | |
CTEB64 | |
Clldb_private::TypeSystemClang::TemplateParameterInfos | |
Clldb_private::Terminal | |
Clldb_private::TerminalState | A RAII-friendly terminal state saving/restoring class |
►Clldb_private::ThreadCollection | |
Clldb_private::ThreadList | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::ThreadContinuousExecution | This class indicates the time interval in which a thread was running continuously on a cpu core |
CThreadData | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::ThreadDecoder | Class that handles the decoding of a thread and caches the result |
CDYLDRendezvous::ThreadInfo | |
CHexagonDYLDRendezvous::ThreadInfo | |
Clldb_private::ThreadLauncher | |
►Clldb_private::ThreadPlanShouldStopHere | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanStepInRange | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanStepOut | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanStepOverRange | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanShouldStopHere::ThreadPlanShouldStopHereCallbacks | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanStack | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanStackMap | |
►Clldb_private::ThreadPlanTracer | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanAssemblyTracer | |
Clldb_private::ThreadSafeDenseMap< _KeyType, _ValueType > | |
Clldb_private::ThreadSafeDenseMap< void *, uint64_t > | |
Clldb_private::ThreadSafeDenseSet< _ElementType, _MutexType > | |
Clldb_private::ThreadSafeValue< T > | |
Clldb_private::ThreadSafeValue< lldb::StateType > | |
Clldb_private::ThreadSpec | |
Clldb_private::Thread::ThreadStateCheckpoint | |
Clldb_private::ThreadStopInfo | |
Clldb_private::TieredFormatterContainer< FormatterImpl > | |
Clldb_private::TieredFormatterContainer< SyntheticChildren > | |
Clldb_private::TieredFormatterContainer< TypeFilterImpl > | |
Clldb_private::TieredFormatterContainer< TypeFormatImpl > | |
Clldb_private::TieredFormatterContainer< TypeSummaryImpl > | |
►Clldb_private::TildeExpressionResolver | |
Clldb_private::StandardTildeExpressionResolver | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanSingleThreadTimeout::TimeoutInfo | |
►Clldb_private::TimeoutResumeAll | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlanStepOverRange | |
Clldb_private::Timer | A timer class that simplifies common timing metrics |
Clldb_private::ProcessInstanceInfo::timespec | |
CToTimeSpec | |
Clldb_private::TraceBinaryData | |
Clldb_private::TraceCpuState | |
►Clldb_private::TraceCursor | Class used for iterating over the instructions of a thread's trace, among other kinds of information |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::TraceCursorIntelPT | |
Clldb_private::TraceDumper::FunctionCall::TracedSegment | |
Clldb_private::TraceDumper | Class used to dump the instructions of a TraceCursor using its current state and granularity |
Clldb_private::TraceDumperOptions | Class that holds the configuration used by TraceDumper for traversing and dumping instructions |
Clldb_private::TraceGetBinaryDataRequest | JLLDBTraceGetBinaryData gdb-remote packet |
Clldb_private::TraceGetStateRequest | } |
►Clldb_private::TraceGetStateResponse | |
Clldb_private::TraceIntelPTGetStateResponse | |
Clldb_private::TraceHTR | Top-level HTR class See lldb/docs/htr.rst for comprehensive HTR documentation |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::TraceIntelPTBundleLoader | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::TraceIntelPTBundleSaver | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::TraceIntelPTMultiCpuDecoder | Class used to decode a multi-cpu Intel PT trace |
Clldb_private::TraceDumper::TraceItem | Helper struct that holds all the information we know about a trace item |
►Clldb_private::TraceStartRequest | JLLDBTraceStart gdb-remote packet |
Clldb_private::TraceIntelPTStartRequest | JLLDBTraceStart gdb-remote packet |
Clldb_private::TraceStopRequest | JLLDBTraceStop gdb-remote packet |
Clldb_private::TraceSupportedResponse | JLLDBTraceSupported gdb-remote packet |
Clldb_private::TraceThreadState | |
CTrieEntry | |
CTrieEntryWithOffset | |
Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::DecodedThread::TSCRange | A structure that represents a maximal range of trace items associated to the same TSC value |
Clldb_private::type128 | |
Clldb_private::type256 | |
Clldb_private::TypeAndOrName | Sometimes you can find the name of the type corresponding to an object, but we don't have debug information for it |
CTypeAppendVisitor | |
Clldb_private::TypeCategoryImpl | |
Clldb_private::TypeCategoryMap | |
Clldb_private::TypeEnumMemberImpl | |
Clldb_private::TypeEnumMemberListImpl | |
►Clldb_private::TypeFormatImpl | |
Clldb_private::TypeFormatImpl_EnumType | |
Clldb_private::TypeFormatImpl_Format | |
Clldb_private::TypeImpl | |
Clldb_private::TypeList | |
Clldb_private::TypeListImpl | |
Clldb_private::TypeMap | |
Clldb_private::TypeMatcher | Class for matching type names |
Clldb_private::TypeMemberFunctionImpl | |
Clldb_private::TypeMemberImpl | |
Clldb_private::TypeNameSpecifierImpl | |
Clldb_private::TypeNameSpecifierImpl::TypeOrName | |
Clldb_private::TypePayloadClang | The implementation of lldb::Type's m_payload field for TypeSystemClang |
Clldb_private::TypeQuery | A class that contains all state required for type lookups |
Clldb_private::TypeResults | This class tracks the state and results of a TypeQuery |
►Clldb_private::Language::TypeScavenger | |
Clldb_private::Language::EitherTypeScavenger< ScavengerTypes > | |
Clldb_private::Language::ImageListTypeScavenger | |
Clldb_private::Language::UnionTypeScavenger< ScavengerTypes > | |
►Clldb_private::TypeSummaryImpl | |
Clldb_private::BytecodeSummaryFormat | A summary formatter that is defined in LLDB formmater bytecode |
Clldb_private::CXXFunctionSummaryFormat | |
Clldb_private::ScriptSummaryFormat | |
Clldb_private::StringSummaryFormat | |
Clldb_private::TypeSummaryOptions | |
Clldb_private::TypeSystemMap | |
Clldb_private::CompilerType::TypeSystemSPWrapper | This is a minimal wrapper of a TypeSystem shared pointer as returned by CompilerType which conventien dyn_cast support |
►Cllvm::codeview::TypeVisitorCallbacks | |
Clldb_private::npdb::UdtRecordCompleter | |
Clldb_private::npdb::UdtRecordCompleter::UdtTagRecord | |
Clldb_private::minidump::Uint128 | |
Clldb_private::UniqueCStringMap< T > | |
Clldb_private::UniqueCStringMap< EnumeratorInfo > | |
Clldb_private::UniqueCStringMap< lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DIERef > | |
Clldb_private::UniqueCStringMap< uint32_t > | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::UniqueDWARFASTType | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::UniqueDWARFASTTypeList | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::UniqueDWARFASTTypeMap | |
Clldb_private::CommandObjectIterateOverThreads::UniqueStack | |
►Clldb_private::UnixSignals | |
Clldb_private::FreeBSDSignals | FreeBSD specific set of Unix signals |
Clldb_private::GDBRemoteSignals | Initially carries signals defined by the GDB Remote Serial Protocol |
Clldb_private::LinuxSignals | Linux specific set of Unix signals |
Clldb_private::NetBSDSignals | NetBSD specific set of Unix signals |
Clldb_private::TraceDumper::FunctionCall::UntracedPrefixSegment | |
►Clldb_private::Unwind | |
Clldb_private::HistoryUnwind | |
Clldb_private::UnwindLLDB | |
CUnwindCodesIterator | |
Clldb_private::breakpad::SymbolFileBreakpad::UnwindData | |
Clldb_private::CompactUnwindInfo::UnwindHeader | |
Clldb_private::CompactUnwindInfo::UnwindIndex | |
Clldb_private::UnwindPlan | |
Clldb_private::UnwindTable | |
Clldb_private::URI | |
Clldb_private::sve::user_sve_header | |
CUserArea | |
►Clldb_private::UserID | A mix in class that contains a generic user ID |
Clldb_private::Block | A class that describes a single lexical block |
Clldb_private::CompileUnit | A class that describes a compilation unit |
Clldb_private::Debugger | A class to manage flag bits |
Clldb_private::Function | A class that describes a function |
Clldb_private::RegisterCheckpoint | |
Clldb_private::Section | |
Clldb_private::SymbolFileType | |
►Clldb_private::Target::StopHook | |
Clldb_private::Target::StopHookCommandLine | |
Clldb_private::Target::StopHookScripted | |
Clldb_private::Thread | |
Clldb_private::ThreadPlan | |
Clldb_private::Type | |
Clldb_private::Variable | |
►Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFUnit | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFCompileUnit | |
Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFTypeUnit | |
►Clldb_private::UserIDResolver | An abstract interface for things that know how to map numeric user/group IDs into names |
Clldb_private::platform_gdb_server::PlatformRemoteGDBServer | |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntimeV2::DynamicClassInfoExtractor::UtilityFunctionHelper | |
Clldb_private::UtilityFunctionScope | RAII guard that should be acquired when an utility function is called within a given process |
Clldb_private::UUID | |
Clldb_private::CTFEnum::Value | |
Clldb_private::Value | |
Clldb_private::NativeFile::ValueGuard | |
CValueImpl | |
Clldb_private::ValueList | |
CValueListImpl | |
CValueLocker | |
►Clldb_private::ValueObject | ValueObject: |
CValueObjectVTableChild | |
►Clldb_private::ValueObjectCast | A ValueObject that represents a given value represented as a different type |
Clldb_private::ValueObjectConstResultCast | |
►Clldb_private::ValueObjectChild | A child of another ValueObject |
Clldb_private::ValueObjectConstResultChild | |
Clldb_private::ValueObjectConstResult | A frozen ValueObject copied into host memory |
Clldb_private::ValueObjectDynamicValue | A ValueObject that represents memory at a given address, viewed as some set lldb type |
Clldb_private::ValueObjectMemory | A ValueObject that represents memory at a given address, viewed as some set lldb type |
Clldb_private::ValueObjectRecognizerSynthesizedValue | ValueObject subclass that presents the passed ValueObject as a recognized value with the specified ValueType |
Clldb_private::ValueObjectRegister | |
Clldb_private::ValueObjectRegisterSet | |
Clldb_private::ValueObjectSynthetic | A ValueObject that obtains its children from some source other than real information |
Clldb_private::ValueObjectVTable | A class that represents a virtual function table for a C++ class |
Clldb_private::ValueObjectVariable | A ValueObject that contains a root variable that may or may not have children |
Clldb_private::ValueObjectConstResultImpl | A class wrapping common implementation details for operations in ValueObjectConstResult ( & Child ) that may need to jump from the host memory space into the target's memory space |
Clldb_private::ValueObjectList | A collection of ValueObject values that |
Clldb_private::ValueObjectPrinter | |
Clldb_private::ValueObjectUpdater | A value object class that is seeded with the static variable value and it vends the user facing value object |
Clldb_private::npdb::VariableInfo | |
Clldb_private::VariableList | |
CVariablesOptionsImpl | |
►Cstd::vector | |
Clldb_private::AddressRanges | |
Clldb_private::FormatterBytecode::DataStack | |
Clldb_private::MemoryRegionInfos | |
Clldb_private::postfix::Visitor< ResultT > | A template class implementing a visitor pattern, but with a couple of twists: |
Clldb_private::VMRange | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::VPR | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_arm64::VReg | |
CRegisterInfoPOSIX_arm64::VReg | |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCTrampolineHandler::AppleObjCVTables::VTableDescriptor | |
Clldb_private::LanguageRuntime::VTableInfo | |
Clldb_private::AppleObjCTrampolineHandler::AppleObjCVTables::VTableRegion | |
Clldb_private::WaitStatus | |
Clldb_private::WatchpointAlgorithms | |
Clldb_private::NativeRegisterContextDBReg::WatchpointDetails | |
CWatchpointIDMatches | |
Clldb_private::ProcessWindows::WatchpointInfo | |
Clldb_private::WatchpointList | This class is used by Watchpoint to manage a list of watchpoints, |
Clldb_private::WatchpointOptions | "lldb/Breakpoint/WatchpointOptions.h" Class that manages the options on a watchpoint |
CWatchpointOptionsImpl | |
Clldb_private::StopInfoWatchpoint::WatchpointSentry | |
Clldb_private::Watchpoint::WatchpointVariableContext | Represents the context of a watchpoint variable |
Clldb_private::x86AssemblyInspectionEngine | |
Clldb_private::XcodeSDK | An abstraction for Xcode-style SDKs that works like ArchSpec |
Clldb_private::XMLDocument | |
Clldb_private::XMLNode | |
Clldb_private::XMMReg | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_i386::XMMReg | |
CRegisterContextDarwin_x86_64::XMMReg | |
Clldb_private::XSAVE | |
Clldb_private::XSAVE_HDR | |
Clldb_private::YMM | |
Clldb_private::YMMHReg | |
Clldb_private::YMMReg | |
Clldb_private::ZipFile | In Android API level 23 and above, bionic dynamic linker is able to load .so file directly from APK or .zip file |
Clldb_private::ZipFileResolver | In Android API level 23 and above, bionic dynamic linker is able to load .so file directly from APK or .zip file |
CCFBundleRef | |
CCFDataRef | |
CCFMutableArrayRef | |
CCFMutableDictionaryRef | |
CCFMutableSetRef | |
CCFStringRef | |
CDenseMap< void *, uint64_t > | |
CExceptionResult | |
CInstrumentationRuntimeCreateInstance | |
CLanguageRuntimeCreateInstance | |
Cless< Bookmark > | |
Cless< CoreFileMemoryRange > | |
Cless< dw_offset_t > | |
Cless< FileRange > | |
Cless< int32_t > | |
Cless< lldb::addr_t > | |
Cless< OSOEntry > | |
Cless< std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > > | |
Cless< uint32_t > | |
CObjectContainerCreateInstance | |
CObjectFileCreateInstance | |
CRegisterTypeBuilderCreateInstance | |
CREPLCreateInstance | |
CScriptedInterfaceCreateInstance | |
CScriptInterpreterCreateInstance | |
CSmallVector< AugmentedEntry, N > | |
CStructuredDataPluginCreateInstance | |
CSymbolLocatorCreateInstance | |
CTraceCreateInstanceFromBundle | |
CTraceExporterCreateInstance | |
CTypeSystemCreateInstance | |
Cunique_ptr< CallbackData > | |
Cunique_ptr< CommandData > | |
Cunique_ptr< WatchpointVariableContext > | |