LLDB mainline
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 Clldb_private::CFBasicHash::__CFBasicHash< T >
 Clldb_private::AdaptedConstIterator< C, E, A >
 Clldb_private::AdaptedIterable< C, E, A >
 Clldb_private::AddressA section + offset based address class
 Clldb_private::AddressableBitsA class which holds the metadata from a remote stub/corefile note about how many bits are used for addressing on this target
 Clldb_private::AddressData< B, T >
 Clldb_private::AddressDataArray< B, T, N >
 Clldb_private::AddressRangeA section + offset based address range class
 Clldb_private::AlarmEnables scheduling a callback function after a specified timeout
 Clldb_private::IRExecutionUnit::AllocationRecordEncapsulates a single allocation request made by the JIT
 Clldb_private::ArchSpecAn architecture specification class
 Clldb_private::ArgsA command line argument class
 Clldb_private::CommandObject::ArgumentTableEntryEntries in the main argument information table
 Clldb_private::Arm64RegisterFlagsDetectorThis class manages the storage and detection of register field information
 Clldb_private::SymbolFile::ArrayInfoThe characteristics of an array type
 Clldb_private::BatonA class designed to wrap callback batons so they can cleanup any acquired resources
 Clldb_private::CFBasicHash::__CFBasicHash< T >::Bits
 Clldb_private::BreakpointListGeneral Outline: Allows adding and removing breakpoints and find by ID and index
 Clldb_private::BreakpointLocationList"lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointLocationList.h" This class is used by Breakpoint to manage a list of breakpoint locations, each breakpoint location in the list has a unique ID, and is unique by Address as well
 Clldb_private::BreakpointOptions"lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointOptions.h" Class that manages the options on a breakpoint or breakpoint location
 Clldb_private::BroadcasterAn event broadcasting class
 Clldb_private::Broadcaster::BroadcasterImplBroadcasterImpl contains the actual Broadcaster implementation
 Clldb_private::CacheSignatureA signature for a given file on disk
 CCallDescriptorA sequence of calls that comprise some portion of a backtrace
 Clldb_private::CallEdgeRepresent a call made within a Function
 Clldb_private::CallSiteParameterRepresent the locations of a parameter at a call site, both in the caller and in the callee
 CCFCReleaser< T >
 CCFCReleaser< CFBundleRef >
 CCFCReleaser< CFDataRef >
 CCFCReleaser< CFMutableArrayRef >
 CCFCReleaser< CFMutableDictionaryRef >
 CCFCReleaser< CFMutableSetRef >
 CCFCReleaser< CFStringRef >
 Clldb_private::ClangASTImporterManages and observes all Clang AST node importing in LLDB
 Clldb_private::AppleObjCRuntimeV2::ClassInfoExtractorAbstraction to read the Objective-C class info
 Clldb_private::HighlightStyle::ColorStyleA pair of strings that should be placed around a certain token
 Clldb_private::CommandObject::CommandArgumentDataUsed to build individual command argument lists
 Clldb_private::CommunicationAn abstract communications class
 Clldb_private::UniqueCStringMap< T >::Compare
 Clldb_private::npdb::CompilandIndexItemRepresents a single compile unit
 Clldb_private::CompilerContextCompilerContext allows an array of these items to be passed to perform detailed lookups in SymbolVendor and SymbolFile functions
 Clldb_private::CompilerDeclRepresents a generic declaration such as a function declaration
 Clldb_private::CompilerDeclContextRepresents a generic declaration context in a program
 Clldb_private::CompilerTypeGeneric representation of a type in a programming language
 Clldb_private::npdb::CompileUnitIndexIndexes information about all compile units
 Clldb_private::CompletionResult::CompletionA single completion and all associated data
 Clldb_private::UnwindLLDB::ConcreteRegisterLocationAn UnwindPlan::Row::AbstractRegisterLocation, combined with the register context and memory for a specific stop point, is used to create a ConcreteRegisterLocation
 Cllvm::pdb::ConcreteSymbolEnumerator< ChildType >
 Clldb_private::ConnectionA communication connection class
 Clldb_private::ConstStringA uniqued constant string class
 Clldb_private::ConstStringTableMany cache files require string tables to store data efficiently
 CContextSwitchRecordRecord produced after parsing the raw context switch trace produce by perf_event
 Clldb_private::CppModuleConfigurationA Clang configuration when importing C++ modules
 Clldb_private::CxxModuleHandlerHandles importing decls into an ASTContext with an attached C++ module
 Clldb_private::ClangASTImporter::ASTImporterDelegate::CxxModuleScopeScope guard that attaches a CxxModuleHandler to an ASTImporterDelegate and deattaches it at the end of the scope
 Clldb_private::DataBufferA pure virtual protocol class for abstracted read only data buffers
 Clldb_private::formatters::Foundation1437::DataDescriptor< PtrType >
 Clldb_private::DataEncoderAn binary data encoding class
 Clldb_private::DataExtractorAn data extractor class
 Clldb_private::DataFileCacheThis class enables data to be cached into a directory using the llvm caching code
 Clldb_private::DeclarationA class that describes the declaration location of a lldb object
 CDecodedCharBufferDecodedCharBuffer stores the decoded contents of a single character
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< lldb_private::ConstString >DenseMapInfo implementation
 Clldb_private::DiagnosticDetailA compiler-independent representation of an lldb_private::Diagnostic
 Clldb_private::DiagnosticsDiagnostics are a collection of files to help investigate bugs and troubleshoot issues
 Clldb_private::formatters::GenericNSDictionaryMSyntheticFrontEnd< D32, D64 >::DictionaryItemDescriptor
 Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DIERefIdentifies a DWARF debug info entry within a given Module
 CInstructionLLVMC::DisassemblerScopeGrants exclusive access to the disassembler and initializes it with the given InstructionLLVMC and an optional ExecutionContext
 Clldb_private::NativeRegisterContextDBReg::DREGDebug register info for hardware breakpoints and watchpoints management
 Clldb_private::Target::DummySignalValuesAdd a signal for the target
 Clldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDebugInfoEntryDWARFDebugInfoEntry objects assume that they are living in one big vector and do pointer arithmetic on their this pointers
 Clldb_private::DWARFExpression"lldb/Expression/DWARFExpression.h" Encapsulates a DWARF location expression and interprets it
 Clldb_private::DWARFExpressionList"lldb/Expression/DWARFExpressionList.h" Encapsulates a range map from file address range to a single DWARF location expression
 CDYLDRendezvousInterface to the runtime linker
 Clldb_private::DynamicCheckerFunctionsEncapsulates dynamic check functions used by expressions
 Clldb_private::EditlineInstances of Editline provide an abstraction over libedit's EditLine facility
 Clldb_private::ElapsedTimeA class that measures elapsed time in an exception safe way
 Celf::ELFDynamicRepresents an entry in an ELF dynamic table
 Celf::ELFHeaderGeneric representation of an ELF file header
 Clldb_private::NativeProcessELF::ELFLinkMap< T >
 Celf::ELFProgramHeaderGeneric representation of an ELF program header
 Celf::ELFRelRepresents a relocation entry with an implicit addend
 Celf::ELFRelaRepresents a relocation entry with an explicit addend
 Celf::ELFSectionHeaderGeneric representation of an ELF section header
 Celf::ELFSymbolRepresents a symbol within an ELF symbol table
 Clldb_private::Alarm::EntryAlarm entry
 Clldb_private::ProgressManager::EntryEntry used for bookkeeping
 Clldb_private::UniqueCStringMap< T >::Entry
 Clldb_private::ExecutionContext"lldb/Target/ExecutionContext.h" A class that contains an execution context
 Clldb_private::ExecutionContextRefExecution context objects refer to objects in the execution of the program that is being debugged
 Clldb_private::ExecutionContextScope"lldb/Target/ExecutionContextScope.h" Inherit from this if your object can reconstruct its execution context
 Clldb_private::ExpressionEncapsulates a single expression for use in lldb
 Clldb_private::ExpressionParser"lldb/Expression/ExpressionParser.h" Encapsulates an instance of a compiler that can parse expressions
 Clldb_private::ExpressionVariableList"lldb/Expression/ExpressionVariable.h" A list of variable references
 Clldb_private::process_linux::resource_handle::FileDescriptorDeleterCustom deleter for a file descriptor
 Clldb_private::FileSpecA file utility class
 Clldb_private::FileSpecListA file collection class
 Clldb_private::FlagsA class to manage flags
 Clldb_private::TypeCategoryImpl::ForEachCallback< T >
 Cllvm::format_provider< lldb::StateType >
 Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::ConstString >
 Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::Environment >
 Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::FileSpec >Implementation of format_provider<T> for FileSpec
 Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::MemoryRegionInfo::OptionalBool >If Options is empty, prints a textual representation of the value
 Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::ObjectFile::Strata >
 Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::ObjectFile::Type >
 Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DIERef >
 Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteCommunication::PacketResult >
 Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::Status >
 Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::Timeout< Ratio >, void >
 Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::Vote >
 Cllvm::format_provider< lldb_private::WaitStatus >
 Clldb_private::FormattersContainer< ValueType >
 Clldb_private::FormattersContainer< TypeSummaryImpl >
 Clldb_private::FunctionInfoA class that contains generic function information
 Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::GDBRemoteCommunicationHistoryThe history keeps a circular buffer of GDB remote packets
 Clldb_private::GDBRemotePacketGDB remote packet as used by the GDB remote communication history
 CHexagonDYLDRendezvousInterface to the runtime linker
 Clldb_private::HighlighterAnnotates source code with color attributes
 Clldb_private::HighlighterManagerManages the available highlighters
 Clldb_private::Stream::HighlightSettingsStruct to store information for color highlighting in the stream
 Clldb_private::HighlightStyleRepresents style that the highlighter should apply to the given source code
 Clldb_private::HostA class that provides host computer information
 CHostInfoA class that provides host computer information
 Clldb_private::HTRBlockBlock structure representing a sequence of trace "units" (ie instructions)
 Clldb_private::HTRBlockMetadataMetadata associated with an HTR block See lldb/docs/htr.rst for comprehensive HTR documentation
 Clldb_private::UserID::IDMatchesUnary predicate function object that can search for a matching user ID
 Clldb_private::IHTRLayerHTR layer interface See lldb/docs/htr.rst for comprehensive HTR documentation
 Clldb_private::XcodeSDK::InfoA parsed SDK directory name
 Cx86::InstructionOpcodeAndModrmThese are the three values deciding instruction control flow kind
 CInstrumenterFinds and instruments individual LLVM IR instructions
 Clldb_private::instrumentation::InstrumenterRAII object for instrumenting LLDB API functions
 Clldb_private::process_linux::IntelPTCollectorMain class that manages intel-pt process and thread tracing
 Clldb_private::process_linux::IntelPTProcessTraceInterface to be implemented by each 'process trace' strategy (per cpu, per thread, etc)
 Clldb_private::process_linux::IntelPTSingleBufferTraceThis class wraps a single perf event collecting intel pt data in a single buffer
 Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::IntelPTThreadContinousExecutionThis struct represents a continuous execution of a thread in a cpu, delimited by a context switch in and out, and a list of Intel PT subtraces that belong to this execution
 Clldb_private::process_linux::IntelPTThreadTraceCollectionManages a list of thread traces
 Clldb_private::IOHandlerDelegateA delegate class for use with IOHandler subclasses
 CIRForTargetTransforms the IR for a function to run in the target
 CIRInterpreterAttempt to interpret the function's code if it does not require running the target
 Clldb_private::IRMemoryMapEncapsulates memory that may exist in the process but must also be available in the host process
 Clldb_private::JITLoaderListClass used by the Process to hold a list of its JITLoaders
 Clldb_private::ClangExpressionVariable::JITVarsThe following values are valid if the variable is used by JIT code
 Clldb_private::JSONUINT64Helper structure to help parse long numbers that can't be easily represented by a JSON number that is compatible with Javascript (52 bits) or that can also be represented as hex
 Clldb_private::LanguageSetA SmallBitVector that represents a set of source languages (lldb::LanguageType)
 Clldb_private::LineEntryA line table entry class
 Clldb_private::LineSequenceAn abstract base class used during symbol table creation
 Clldb_private::LineTableA line table class
 Clldb_private::LinuxPerfZeroTscConversionJLLDBTraceGetState gdb-remote packet
 Clldb_private::x86AssemblyInspectionEngine::lldb_reg_infoOne of the two initialize methods that can be called on this object; they must be called before any of the assembly inspection methods are called
 Clldb_private::Module::LookupInfoA class that encapsulates name lookup information
 CObjectFileMachO::MachOCorefileImageEntryA corefile may include metadata about all of the binaries that were present in the process when the corefile was taken
 Clldb_private::MangledA class that handles mangled names
 CDWARFASTParserClang::MemberAttributesParsed form of all attributes that are relevant for parsing type members
 Clldb_private::MemoryTagMapMemoryTagMap provides a way to give a sparse read result when reading memory tags for a range
 CMinidumpFileBuilderMinidump writer for Linux
 Clldb_private::process_linux::resource_handle::MmapDeleterCustom deleter for the pointer returned by mmap
 Clldb_private::ModuleCacheA module cache class
 Clldb_private::ModuleChildA mix in class that contains a pointer back to the module that owns the object which inherits from it
 Clldb_private::ModuleFunctionSearchOptionsOptions used by Module::FindFunctions
 Clldb_private::ModuleListA collection class for Module objects
 Clldb_private::ModuleStatsA class that represents statistics for a since lldb_private::Module
 Clldb_private::NameSearchContext"lldb/Expression/ClangASTSource.h" Container for all objects relevant to a single name lookup
 Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::DecodedThread::NanosecondsRangeA structure that represents a maximal range of trace items associated to the same non-interpolated timestamps in nanoseconds
 Clldb_private::ClangASTImporter::NewDeclListenerListener interface used by the ASTImporterDelegate to inform other code about decls that have been imported the first time
 Clldb_private::postfix::NodeThe base class for all nodes in the parsed postfix tree
 Clldb_private::Process::NotificationsA notification structure that can be used by clients to listen for changes in a process's lifetime
 Clldb_private::OptionalClangModuleIDA Clang module ID
 Clldb_private::OptionsA command line option parsing protocol class
 Clldb_private::OptionsWithRawA pair of an option list with a 'raw' string as a suffix
 Clldb_private::TraceDumper::OutputWriterInterface used to abstract away the format in which the instruction information will be dumped
 CParsedDWARFTypeAttributesParsed form of all attributes that are relevant for type reconstruction
 Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::TraceIntelPTBundleLoader::ParsedProcessHelper struct holding the objects created when parsing a process
 Clldb_private::ClangExpressionDeclMap::ParserVarsThe following values should not live beyond parsing
 Clldb_private::ClangExpressionVariable::ParserVarsThe following values should not live beyond parsing
 Clldb_private::npdb::PdbIndexPdbIndex - Lazy access to the important parts of a PDB file
 CPerfContextSwitchRecordRecord found in the perf_event context switch traces
 Clldb_private::process_linux::PerfEventThin wrapper of the perf_event_open API
 CPipeA windows-based implementation of Pipe, a class that abtracts unix style pipes
 CPlatformAppleTVSimulatorApple TV Simulator Plugin
 CPlatformAppleWatchSimulatorApple Watch Simulator Plugin
 CPlatformiOSSimulatorIPhone Simulator Plugin
 CPlatformXRSimulatorXRSimulator Plugin
 CPluginInstance< Callback >
 CPluginInstance< InstrumentationRuntimeCreateInstance >
 CPluginInstance< LanguageRuntimeCreateInstance >
 CPluginInstance< ObjectContainerCreateInstance >
 CPluginInstance< ObjectFileCreateInstance >
 CPluginInstance< RegisterTypeBuilderCreateInstance >
 CPluginInstance< REPLCreateInstance >
 CPluginInstance< ScriptedInterfaceCreateInstance >
 CPluginInstance< ScriptInterpreterCreateInstance >
 CPluginInstance< StructuredDataPluginCreateInstance >
 CPluginInstance< SymbolLocatorCreateInstance >
 CPluginInstance< TraceCreateInstanceFromBundle >
 CPluginInstance< TraceExporterCreateInstance >
 CPluginInstance< TypeSystemCreateInstance >
 CPluginInstances< Instance >
 Clldb_private::Predicate< T >A C++ wrapper class for providing threaded access to a value of type T
 Clldb_private::Predicate< bool >
 Clldb_private::Predicate< ExceptionResult >
 Clldb_private::Predicate< uint32_t >
 Clldb_private::ProcessRunLockA class used to prevent the process from starting while other threads are accessing its data, and prevent access to its data while it is running
 Clldb_private::ProgressA Progress indicator helper class
 Clldb_private::Progress::ProgressDataData belonging to this Progress event that is used for bookkeeping by ProgressManager
 Clldb_private::ProgressManagerA class used to group progress reports by category
 Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::PSBBlockThis struct represents a contiguous section of a trace that starts at a PSB and ends right before the next PSB or the end of the trace
 CPSBBlockAnomalyDetectorClass used to identify anomalies in traces, which should often indicate a fatal error in the trace
 CPSBBlockDecoderClass that decodes a raw buffer for a single PSB block using the low level libipt library
 Clldb_private::PseudoTerminalA pseudo terminal helper class
 CPtrauthInstructionInfoInformation about a pointer-authentication related instruction
 Clldb_private::process_gdb_remote::QOffsetsThe offsets used by the target when relocating the executable
 Clldb_private::Range< B, S >
 Clldb_private::Range< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t >
 Clldb_private::Range< lldb::addr_t, uint32_t >
 Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< B, S, T, N, Compare >
 Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< dw_addr_t, uint32_t, dw_offset_t >
 Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, Bookmark >
 Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, CoreFileMemoryRange >
 Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, DWARFExpression, 0, DWARFExpressionCompare >
 Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, FileRange >
 Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t >
 Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, OSOEntry >
 Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, uint32_t >
 Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, uint32_t, 0, FileRangeToIndexMapCompare >
 Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, uint32_t, dw_offset_t >
 Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< lldb::addr_t, uint32_t, std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > >
 Clldb_private::RangeDataVector< uint32_t, uint32_t, int32_t >
 Clldb_private::RangeVector< B, S, N >
 Clldb_private::RangeVector< int32_t, uint32_t, 1 >
 Clldb_private::RangeVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t >
 Clldb_private::RangeVector< lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t, 4 >
 Clldb_private::RangeVector< lldb::addr_t, size_t >
 Clldb_private::RangeVector< lldb::addr_t, uint32_t >
 Clldb_private::RangeVector< uint32_t, uint32_t >
 Clldb_private::RegisterInfoEvery register is described in detail including its name, alternate name (optional), encoding, size in bytes and the default display format
 Clldb_private::RegisterInfoInterfaceRegisterInfo interface to patch RegisterInfo structure for archs
 CRegisterNumberA class to represent register numbers, and able to convert between different register numbering schemes that may be used in a single debug session
 Clldb_private::RegisterSetRegisters are grouped into register sets
 Clldb_private::RichManglingContextUniform wrapper for access to rich mangling information from different providers
 Clldb_private::CFBasicHash::__CFBasicHash< T >::RuntimeBase
 Clldb_private::RxCUnified RISC-V C register encoding
 CSBFileSpecSet the output file path
 Clldb::SBFormatClass that represents a format string that can be used to generate descriptions of objects like frames and threads
 Clldb::SBReproducerSpecial because it bootstraps the capture and replay of SB API calls
 Clldb::SBStatisticsOptionsThis class handles the verbosity when dumping statistics
 Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::ScopedTaskTimerClass used to track the duration of long running tasks related to a single scope for reporting
 Clldb_private::SearcherGeneral Outline: Provides the callback and search depth for the SearchFilter search
 Clldb_private::SearchFilterGeneral Outline: Provides the callback and search depth for the SearchFilter search
 Clldb_private::formatters::GenericNSSetMSyntheticFrontEnd< D32, D64 >::SetItemDescriptor
 Clldb_private::CppModuleConfiguration::SetOncePathUtility class for a path that can only be set once
 Cllvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >
 Cllvm::SmallVectorImpl< clang::NamedDecl * >
 CDYLDRendezvous::SOEntryStructure representing the shared objects currently loaded into the inferior process
 CHexagonDYLDRendezvous::SOEntryStructure representing the shared objects currently loaded into the inferior process
 Clldb_private::SourceManager::SourceFileCacheSeparates the source manager from the cache of source files
 Clldb_private::SourceLanguageA type-erased pair of llvm::dwarf::SourceLanguageName and version
 Clldb_private::DiagnosticDetail::SourceLocationA source location consisting of a file name and position
 Clldb_private::SourceLocationSpec"lldb/Core/SourceLocationSpec.h" A source location specifier class
 Clldb_private::SourceModuleInformation needed to import a source-language module
 Clldb_private::StackFrameRecognizerManagerClass that provides a registry of known stack frame recognizers
 Clldb_private::StatsSuccessFailA class to count success/fail statistics
 Clldb_private::StatusAn error handling class
 Clldb_private::StoppointCallbackContextGeneral Outline: When we hit a breakpoint we need to package up whatever information is needed to evaluate breakpoint commands and conditions
 Clldb_private::StopPointSiteList< StopPointSite >
 Clldb_private::StopPointSiteList< lldb_private::BreakpointSite >
 Clldb_private::StopPointSiteList< lldb_private::WatchpointResource >
 Clldb_private::Trace::StorageWe package all the data that can change upon process stops to make sure this contract is very visible
 Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::TraceIntelPT::StorageWe package all the data that can change upon process stops to make sure this contract is very visible
 Clldb_private::StreamA stream class that can stream formatted output to a file
 Clldb_private::StringTableReaderMany cache files require string tables to store data efficiently
 Clldb_private::StructuredDataA class which can hold structured data
 Clldb_private::ClangExpressionDeclMap::StructVarsThe following values contain layout information for the materialized struct, but are not specific to a single materialization
 Clldb_private::SummaryStatistics::SummaryInvocationBasic RAII class to increment the summary count when the call is complete
 Clldb_private::SummaryStatisticsA class that represents statistics about a TypeSummaryProviders invocations
 Clldb_private::SummaryStatisticsCacheA class that wraps a std::map of SummaryStatistics objects behind a mutex
 Clldb_private::SupportFileWraps a FileSpec and an optional Checksum
 Clldb_private::SupportFileListA list of support files for a CompileUnit
 Clldb_private::SymbolContextDefines a symbol context baton that can be handed other debug core functions
 Clldb_private::SymbolContextListDefines a list of symbol context objects
 Clldb_private::SymbolContextScope"lldb/Symbol/SymbolContextScope.h" Inherit from this if your object is part of a symbol context and can reconstruct its symbol context
 Clldb_private::TraceDumper::SymbolInfoHelper struct that holds symbol, disassembly and address information of an instruction
 Clldb_private::SymbolLocationStores a function module spec, symbol name and possibly an alternate symbol name
 Clldb_private::TableValidator< I >
 Clldb_private::TableValidator< eArgTypeLastArg >
 Clldb_private::TaggedASTDecl< D >
 Clldb_private::TargetStatsA class that represents statistics for a since lldb_private::Target
 Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::TaskTimerClass used to track the duration of long running tasks for reporting
 Clldb_private::TerminalStateA RAII-friendly terminal state saving/restoring class
 Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::ThreadContinuousExecutionThis class indicates the time interval in which a thread was running continuously on a cpu core
 Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::ThreadDecoderClass that handles the decoding of a thread and caches the result
 Clldb_private::ThreadSafeDenseMap< _KeyType, _ValueType >
 Clldb_private::ThreadSafeDenseMap< void *, uint64_t >
 Clldb_private::ThreadSafeDenseSet< _ElementType, _MutexType >
 Clldb_private::ThreadSafeValue< T >
 Clldb_private::ThreadSafeValue< lldb::StateType >
 Clldb_private::TieredFormatterContainer< FormatterImpl >
 Clldb_private::TieredFormatterContainer< SyntheticChildren >
 Clldb_private::TieredFormatterContainer< TypeFilterImpl >
 Clldb_private::TieredFormatterContainer< TypeFormatImpl >
 Clldb_private::TieredFormatterContainer< TypeSummaryImpl >
 Clldb_private::TimerA timer class that simplifies common timing metrics
 Clldb_private::TraceCursorClass used for iterating over the instructions of a thread's trace, among other kinds of information
 Clldb_private::TraceDumperClass used to dump the instructions of a TraceCursor using its current state and granularity
 Clldb_private::TraceDumperOptionsClass that holds the configuration used by TraceDumper for traversing and dumping instructions
 Clldb_private::TraceGetBinaryDataRequestJLLDBTraceGetBinaryData gdb-remote packet
 Clldb_private::TraceHTRTop-level HTR class See lldb/docs/htr.rst for comprehensive HTR documentation
 Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::TraceIntelPTMultiCpuDecoderClass used to decode a multi-cpu Intel PT trace
 Clldb_private::TraceDumper::TraceItemHelper struct that holds all the information we know about a trace item
 Clldb_private::TraceStartRequestJLLDBTraceStart gdb-remote packet
 Clldb_private::TraceStopRequestJLLDBTraceStop gdb-remote packet
 Clldb_private::TraceSupportedResponseJLLDBTraceSupported gdb-remote packet
 Clldb_private::trace_intel_pt::DecodedThread::TSCRangeA structure that represents a maximal range of trace items associated to the same TSC value
 Clldb_private::TypeAndOrNameSometimes you can find the name of the type corresponding to an object, but we don't have debug information for it
 Clldb_private::TypeMatcherClass for matching type names
 Clldb_private::TypePayloadClangThe implementation of lldb::Type's m_payload field for TypeSystemClang
 Clldb_private::TypeQueryA class that contains all state required for type lookups
 Clldb_private::TypeResultsThis class tracks the state and results of a TypeQuery
 Clldb_private::CompilerType::TypeSystemSPWrapperThis is a minimal wrapper of a TypeSystem shared pointer as returned by CompilerType which conventien dyn_cast support
 Clldb_private::UniqueCStringMap< T >
 Clldb_private::UniqueCStringMap< EnumeratorInfo >
 Clldb_private::UniqueCStringMap< lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DIERef >
 Clldb_private::UniqueCStringMap< uint32_t >
 Clldb_private::UserIDA mix in class that contains a generic user ID
 Clldb_private::UserIDResolverAn abstract interface for things that know how to map numeric user/group IDs into names
 Clldb_private::UtilityFunctionScopeRAII guard that should be acquired when an utility function is called within a given process
 Clldb_private::ValueObjectConstResultImplA class wrapping common implementation details for operations in ValueObjectConstResult ( & Child ) that may need to jump from the host memory space into the target's memory space
 Clldb_private::ValueObjectListA collection of ValueObject values that
 Clldb_private::ValueObjectUpdaterA value object class that is seeded with the static variable value and it vends the user facing value object
 Clldb_private::postfix::Visitor< ResultT >A template class implementing a visitor pattern, but with a couple of twists:
 Clldb_private::WatchpointListThis class is used by Watchpoint to manage a list of watchpoints,
 Clldb_private::WatchpointOptions"lldb/Breakpoint/WatchpointOptions.h" Class that manages the options on a watchpoint
 Clldb_private::Watchpoint::WatchpointVariableContextRepresents the context of a watchpoint variable
 Clldb_private::XcodeSDKAn abstraction for Xcode-style SDKs that works like ArchSpec
 Clldb_private::ZipFileIn Android API level 23 and above, bionic dynamic linker is able to load .so file directly from APK or .zip file
 Clldb_private::ZipFileResolverIn Android API level 23 and above, bionic dynamic linker is able to load .so file directly from APK or .zip file
 CDenseMap< void *, uint64_t >
 Cless< Bookmark >
 Cless< CoreFileMemoryRange >
 Cless< dw_offset_t >
 Cless< FileRange >
 Cless< int32_t >
 Cless< lldb::addr_t >
 Cless< OSOEntry >
 Cless< std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > >
 Cless< uint32_t >
 CSmallVector< AugmentedEntry, N >
 Cunique_ptr< CallbackData >
 Cunique_ptr< CommandData >
 Cunique_ptr< WatchpointVariableContext >